#rottmnt Jase
rosesofenvy · 9 months
Over The Years: Kendra
A new collab with @xinrouska! This AU goes hand and hand with the @villainleoau but tells the story of Kendra along the way
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xinrouska · 1 year
Kendra and Jase sketchdump !!
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I think I've decided that Kendra is a Karambit user! The weapon is of Indonesian (and generally Southeast Asian) origin but if anyone knows more let me knoww.
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im in the middle of fleshing out their history~
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nardos-primetime · 4 months
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>Click for higher quality
Donnie and his gay crush I mean enemy I mean enemy I mean enemy I mean enemy I meant enemy I mean enemy—
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the2purpleidiots · 2 months
Donnie, after realizing he has feelings for Jason: 🎶Conceal, don't feel- Holy Fucking Shiiiiiit🎶
Jason, after realizing he has feelings for Donnie: -and so then I did what I thought he would have liked me to do, and so I didn't say anything, and we just kept brainstorming upgrades for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. SO WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?
Some Guy working the night shift just trying to get Jason's order: Sir, this is a McDonalds
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felsicveins · 2 years
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For all the jasonnie enjoyers out there 🫡 @sibillascribbles08
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pigeonsgrame2 · 2 months
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I haven’t posted my sketches in forever and I need to. Have a bunch of Jason’s, a Leo, and my Sona
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jasonnie kisses wip <333 /nsx theyre so cute i care themb....
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nimble-stuff · 2 years
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X. FORCED TO BEG || Donnie - Blue Raspberry, Part I Donnie gets kidnapped by the Purple Dragons. And this time, Kendra isn’t playing around.
Also on AO3
Request a Prompt here!
CWs: - A character is creepy and flirtatious towards another character. The advances are clearly unwanted. Both characters are teenagers. It does not escalate beyond touching and implicit threats. Please take care of yourself if this subject matter makes you uncomfortable!
Well, so far it was the most comfortable kidnapping Donnie had ever been through.
He was something of an expert on the matter, considering that Meat Sweats had once tried to cook him over a fire. At least the Purple Dragons were decent enough to give him a plush armchair to sit in and hadn’t bothered tying him up. Not being tied up would’ve been something Donnie would take advantage of, if it wasn’t for a Gatling gun mounted on the ceiling and programmed to shoot him if he tried to stand. Donnie watched it hissed and whir, plotting out the specs based on noise and visual observation alone. Impressive. As much as he love-hated the Purple Dragons, he admitted to the sound design of the gun.  If only his brothers would let him have one once in a while.
Of course, there was a downside to the kidnapping, because kidnappings generally had those. That downside came in the form of Kendra, getting all up in his face while Jase or Jeremy shone a flashlight in his face and filmed.
“Say it,” Kendra demanded. “C’mon, O’Ryan, I don’t have all night.”
“Okay, if you were really that busy, you wouldn’t have bothered grabbing me in the first place,” said Donnie. “Also, the answer is still no and the answer will continue to be ‘no’ until it gets through your head.”
Jase lowered the phone, sharing a tense look with Jeremy. “Maybe we could try something a little more persuasive?”
“Nobody asked for your opinion, Jase,” Kendra snapped. She put her hands on her hips. “Why are you making this difficult? You want me to look like an ass?”
“Oh, Kendra, Kendra, Kendra,” said Donnie. “You didn’t need to ask my help to do that.”
“I’m not shitting around this time, Donnie!”
“Well, if you were, I’d be slightly concerned for your health.”
“Do you want to leave here alive? Just do what I ask, it’s not even that hard.”
“I’m not asking my brothers to come save me.”
“Why not?! Don’t you want a rescue?”
“I’d never hear the end of it! Leo will gloat for ages, and Raph will get that ‘I-told-you-to-be-more-careful’ stare. Do you have an older sibling, Kendra? I don’t want to get the older sibling stare, Kendra!”
“This isn’t about you. Jase, camera!…No, Jase, you idiot! Like this!”
Kendra seized Jase by the wrist and yanked him forward until the camera was right in Donnie’s face.
“Tell them,” Kendra ordered.
“Okay, okay,” Donnie took a deep breath. “Guys…there’s something I want you to know…Remember that time when we were kids and we tried to sneak out to see Jupiter Jim and the Zombie Space Vampires: Uncut Edition in theatres, but Dad somehow found us out and we could never figure out how he knew? Well, Mikey was the snitch. I told him if we saw the movie, we’d all become Zombie Space Vampires, so he tattled to Dad.”
Donnie laughed.
The cycle repeated. Kendra came in with her phone and film him. Donnie resisted. The Purple Dragons left for a while, but they always came back. The quiet moments in between sessions felt dreadfully long and boring, so Donnie busied himself staring down the gun and formulating an escape plan. When that got boring, he moved onto potential upgrades for the Battle Shell. Rocket launchers. He’d really been meaning to develop Raph-unapproved rocket launchers. He mapped out the schematics in his head for later use, perfect and symmetrical and controllable.
It couldn’t tell if it was the second or third day when Kendra returned in a murderous rampage, a storm cloud threatening to obliterate Donnie under teenage-angst-fuelled hurricane-force winds. Jase and Jeremy wisely kept their distance, silent but obedient.
“My brothers giving you trouble, are they?” Donnie grinned.
“They DESTROYED my term project!” Kendra screamed, slamming her fist on the wall. “I’ve been working on that mech for three months!”
“Ho hum, what a tragedy.”
“Not another word out of you, Donnie! I don’t want to hear anything until you beg your brothers to come get you at the Tech-No-Logic computer repair shop on 5th.” She switched on her phone and waved it over his head. “Say it!”
“If you’re so determined to lure them into a trap, why don’t you say it?”
“Because you have no other way out of this. Because I want to see the great Donatello beg for help. Because I want you to live with the knowledge that you’re luring your stupid brothers to their doom. Now say it.”
“Barf. You’re so dramatic.”
Kendra actually shook with rage, and a darkness settled over her eyes. She turned the camera on herself, angling it to ensure Donnie was in the shot.
“Well, turtles, you heard it here first,” said Kendra. “Since Donnie is too stubborn to let you come save him, I’ll just let you keep running around fighting our tech. Who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and hit the right place. In the meantime…he doesn’t eat, drink, or sleep until he cooperates.”
“Looking at you kills my appetite, anyway.”
“Tick tock, turtles! Get moving before you’re rescuing a skeleton instead of a brother.”
Donnie made a show of trying to bite her hand when her hand passed a little too close to him, however she flitted it out of the way with a smug smile.
“Let’s see how cocky you are later.”
The average human could survive three days without water. The statistics on mutant turtles was murkier. Theoretically, survival without food was possible for months, yet in practice he and his brothers experienced human-typical side effects of short-term starvation when they went without. One time, Donnie went three days without eating—an honest accident due to overworking—but he chugged Gatorade that whole time, Raph gave him a hell of a lecture after he passed out, and he never did it again. No sooner had Kendra made her little declaration than Jase and Jeremy stopped handing him dry energy bars and grape soda. He never thought he’d miss the taste of crappy grape soda.
Kendra never left him alone after that, just to make sure he didn’t sleep either. Whenever he tried to doze off in the criminally comfortable chair, one of the Purple Dragons would smack him or scream in his ear. Donnie knew there were three or four days before he started hallucinating, which was great, because at about that time he’d die of thirst. Convenient timing. At least it saved him the trouble of trying to discern fiction from reality.
“Why aren’t you telling your brothers where you are?” Jase asked. He and Jeremy were guarding him while Kendra was off doing Kendra-related things, which probably either involved sacrificing to the Devil or tormenting his brothers. Maybe both. “Kendra told you where we are. You could get rescued really fast.”
“This is the longest vacation I’ve gotten from my dumb-dumb brothers in a while,” said Donnie. “I’m okay with this arrangement except for the starvation, dehydration, and sleep deprivation.”
Jeremy made a long show of drinking his soda.
“Oh, that’s real mature.”
“I don’t think Kendra’s kidding around this time, Donnie,” said Jase. “I think you should just do what she asks.”
“Look, I know you make a career out of being a Yes-Man, but I have actual employment opportunities in the future, despite this whole situation.” He gestured to his whole…him. “You, in the meantime, can look forward to a life of working twenty-four-hour tech support, telling angry old ladies that technology needs to be plugged in to work.”
Donnie was so busy laughing that he didn’t see Jeremy’s fist swing in for the hit until it made eye contact with his face. He yelped and nearly flew off the chair, vision erupting in white stars. The gattling gun overhead clicked in anticipation, but he caught his balance in time.
“Jeremy, what’d you do that for?!” Jase asked.
“Only Kendra gets to bully you,” said Jeremy. “Besides, she said we could hit him if we had to and I’m bored.”
“You really didn’t have to do that.”
“We got robot fighting this weekend and I’m not missing that just cuz Jerkatello here’s being stubborn.“
“I mean…I guess…”
Donnie touched his tender eye. He was sure it was black underneath the mask and it hurt to open too much. Jeremy hadn’t held back.
He must’ve been still and quiet for a while, because Jeremy jostled his shoulder and smacked the back of his head.
“Don’t fall asleep,” Jeremy ordered him.
“Hard to sleep with you two clowns around,” said Donnie.
“You ready to do what Kendra wants yet?”
“Are you ready to develop sentience yet or do you prefer to be a robot who just follows his programming?”
“Fine, be that way. Kendra’s just gonna make your life difficult.”
Donnie rolled his eyes and ignored the gnawing in his stomach.
When his hands began to tremble, he gripped tight to the armrests to still them before the Purple Dragons came in the room. How long had he been here? Three days? Four? At least one without food, water, and sleep: the necessities of life. He was out of his mind with thirst, throat parched and dry, the saliva evaporating just as fast as it formed to stave off the instinctive need for moisture. Despite his resolve to not give into Kendra, his body leaned hard into the threat and the room felt horribly cold, twinging through his body in painful waves that made him shiver all over. Before, there was no fear, only stubbornness. Now, he couldn’t tell if the fear he felt was from his body giving in or a genuine reaction to the deprivation.
An air horn ripped through the still air every time his eyes closed, thwarting any attempts to sleep it off. Even when the Purple Dragons left him alone in the partial darkness, he sensed they watched through unseen cameras. Maybe there was even one mounted on the Gatling gun, which whirred and stared at him, like ominous whispers sprouting from the dark. Whispers that said, he wasn’t getting out of this. Kendra wasn’t kidding around. Donnie glared back at it for as long as he was able, but it was getting increasingly harder to keep his eyes open, and his head pounded with a combination of growing anxiety and his body giving up on him.
Donnie wondered what his brothers were doing. They’d all been kidnapped before. Afterwards, there were always jokes and banter and everything moved on like normal, a kind of familiar danger they grew accustomed to. Yet one of them had never been missing for this long. Raph was forever careful to control his anger, but Donnie pictured him giving into it, maybe getting a little rougher with the criminals that passed their way. Leo would hyper-fixate on the goal of saving Donnie, not taking breaks, not eating. Mikey would be have knee-jerk emotional response, tossing and turning with nightmares, a little weepier than normal. April would be goal-orientated like Leo and bottle up any worry behind a swing of her bat. Normally, Splinter was very much a hands-off parent, but once he realized Donnie had been gone for so long, he’d get up off the chair and join the search, too, which was the most worrying reaction of all.
Maybe Kendra really wasn’t kidding around this time, maybe Jase had a point. Nevertheless, Donnie was stubborn and he refused to give her the satisfaction of victory. His family would track him down. The Purple Dragons were smart yet careless, and it was a matter of him holding out long enough for them to find him. Plus, Jase was the weakest of the bunch, and Donnie was sure that if he could get him alone, maybe throw a few threats his way, he would crumble under the pressure. He just had to get to him. Somehow.
Kendra, Jase, and Jeremy finally waltzed in after a long time alone. Jase sported a fresh black eye. He was still in one piece, so it mustn’t have been one of his brothers that did the damage. Kendra seemed like a more likely candidate. Either way, Jase was quick to avoid Donnie’s glare.
“Oh, joy and rapture, you came back,” Donnie drawled.
“Just checking in on our favourite prisoner,” said Kendra.
“Well, as you can see, I’m still here. Could you at least put a TV in here so I have something to stare at aside from the wall?”
“Forget it, Donnie, you’re not in a position to make demands. Jase, camera! Jeremy, flashlight!”
Jase held up his phone with the camera. Jeremy turned up a bright flashlight and pointed it at Donnie’s face, making him squint. Kendra became a blurred, black outline that hovered in front of him.
“Tell your brothers to come save you,” Kendra demanded.
“Yes, please, save me from this poorly executed torture,” Donnie drawled, rolling his eyes. “Listening to Leo try to read is more torturous than this.”
“Like you mean it, asshole!”
“You know, I think this would be easier if you gave me a script so I could practice my lines. Do you have any cue cards?”
Kendra backhanded him, her sharp fingernails clawing into his cheek.
“Say it!” she shouted.
“Got nothing to say.”
“What exactly are you gaining from not cooperating? Say where you are so your brothers can come save you.”
“They’d know it was a trap.”
“Fucking duh it’s a trap! Just not one they would escape.” Kendra sat on the armrest, picking his skin cells out from under her nails. “Little Donnie cares a lot more than he’s letting on. He knows his brothers are too stupid to escape any trap we set for them, so he’s sparing them from the trouble by not sharing with the class. You really think your brothers are that incompetent. It’s kind of pathetic.”
“So, what I’m getting from this is…I’m not getting any cue cards.”
Kendra let out a heavy sigh, drawn out for effect. She grabbed Jase’s wrist and aimed the camera at herself. “Well, you heard it here, boys. Donnie thinks you’re too stupid to come save him. If he starves to death, it’s his own fault.”
“I’ll die of thirst before then,” Donnie pointed out.
“You’ll never find him in time if he doesn’t give up the info. Do feel free to keep looking if you want though. The Purple Dragons have lots of tech to spare. Kendra out.”
She pat Donnie’s cut cheek.
“You’ll give it up soon,” said Kendra. “I’m asking for so little from you.”
“Well, I’m more motivated by not giving you what you want, but sound off, I guess.”
Her lip curled in a wicked scowl. Her lipstick was stark and bright in the dim lighting, or maybe Donnie’s vision was just fading a little.
Donnie’s chest hurt.
The pain started right in the middle and radiated outward. His fingers felt numb and clumsy. Despite wanting to move, he lacked the energy stretch out his limbs, and his knees ached from sitting for so long. Donnie tried sitting in every way imaginable: upside down, across the armrests, curled up with his feet on the seat, and nothing was comfortable anymore. No matter where he sat, nothing eased the unsettling discomfort running laps up and down his nervous system.
He started wondering where his brothers were, how long they would take to get there. They had to know by now, right? There were only so many places in New York the Purple Dragons could reliably hide him and they weren’t that smart.
At least…they weren’t that smart compared to him. He hated admitting Kendra was right about something. Donnie could outsmart the Purple Dragons. The Purple Dragons could outsmart his brothers with terrifying ease.
The door swung open again and Kendra, Jase, and Jeremy were back. Jase now had two black eyes.
“What now?” Donnie asked.
“No more smart remarks?” Kendra asked.
Donnie refused to look at her, one leg folded over the other. She wasn’t worth his time.
“Ugh, c’mon, stop messing around. I’m asking you to do something so simple and you can’t even do that?”
He let the silence speak for him. It screamed at Kendra where he didn’t.
Kendra was silent for a long while, thumbing her chin in a way that he knew meant she was considering her options.
“Jase, Jeremy—lights, camera, action,” Kendra said.
Both Jeremy and Jase got into position, an automatic response. At least Jeremy had the decency not to shine the flashlight into his retinas.
Kendra slammed her hands on both the armrests, pinning Donnie in place. He flattened his body as much as he could into the armchair.
“Alright, enough games,” said Kendra. “Do what I want or I’ll kill your brothers. I won’t even need a trap to do it.”
“I can see right through you, Kendra,” said Donnie. “You’re pissed because my brothers have destroyed so much of your tech already. Maybe you can fool Tweedledum and Tweedledee over there, but my IQ is much more impressive than all of yours, you try hard.”
Kendra backhanded him again, deepening the cut already there. Donnie remained stoic.
“Give it up!” Kendra yelled.
“Or what?” He asked coolly. “You’re the one backed into a corner, not me.”
Kendra’s face turned dark. It was an evil, horrible look that made Donnie’s skin feel like it was moving over his muscles.
Her seized him by the legs. His body wrenched forward, lying flat on the seat. Donnie couldn’t suppress the surprised gasp, the one that made Kendra’s grimace morph into a satisfied smirk. Kendra loomed over, far too close, encroaching on his space, arms reaching over his body to sink into the back of the chair above him. The long, uninterrupted line of her body overtook his vision.
She smiled. “Or. Else.”
Donnie’s heart thudded hard in his chest. He didn’t know what that meant, but he didn’t like the way she looked, like a monster possessed her.
Or maybe this was the real Kendra he was seeing for the first time. Beyond the bullying, beyond the smug assholery, she was actually just cruel. Things he’d attributed to her just being a temperamental teenager were recoloured and re-contextualized in an instant. Kendra was so close that the ends of her hair tickled his flesh and he could smell her scented lipstick blowing on his face. Blue raspberry.
“Think about it, Donnie. That’s all I ask.”
Kendra pulled away, slow and languid. She looked right into the phone Jase held with shaking hands.
“Keep trying, boys. Your efforts to find him are pretty amusing.”
Kendra swept her hair over her shoulder, gave Donnie a haughty look full of meaning, and left the room with her two cronies trailing behind her. Donnie didn’t dare to move until she was finally gone and he scooted as far up as he could on the chair, setting his feet on the seat to protect himself as much as possible.
Donnie was halfway to insane. Everything was closed in, there was no light, he was in a dark void and he wouldn’t escape. Kendra was serious. She was really going to let him die of thirst, to twist his fingers and ruin his mind. All because she wanted the satisfaction. Her motives made no sense, they were driven by emotion, even if she hid behind her cold facade. Donnie was beginning to think she really was a psychopath.
Despite his best efforts, Donnie thought about it. It was all he thought about because the only other thing he could think about was the insanity of his thirst and hunger and the desperate need to lie down and shut his eyes for a while. He felt strung out and stretched thin, moulded like dough Mikey was pounding into submission. Crazy. He was going crazy. He would be a blubbering mess in the moments before he was dead. And Kendra would watch it all, smirking. She would win, in the end. The more time passed the more he realized his brothers weren’t going to get here in time. They’d find a body by then. Did he want to put them through that? All because he was too stubborn? Would she livestream it? Send them a video with cheesy effects and music overtop? Turn his death into a joke?
But if he gave up the location, then they’d fall into the death trap the Purple Dragons had planned, all because he cracked and gave in.
Donnie held his face in his hands. It was so cold in the room.
The door opened again and he tried to settle into a neutral position, arms folded definitely to look defiant and definitely not to keep warm.
Kendra was a lot calmer than she had when she left, eye half-lidded and calm. She gave him a condescending smirk as she ran her hands along the back of the chair. Then down the armrests. Then his knee where she just held with the slightest bit of pressure.
“Well, Donnie, gotta admit,” Kendra perched on top of the armrest. “You might actually be just as smart as you say you are. You got me.”
Donnie didn’t answer. Her hand travelled to rest on her shoulder, squeezing just enough.
“Uh, Kendra—” Jase said in a shaking voice.
“Shut up, Jase! Nobody cares what you think.” She smiled sweetly at Donnie. “You’d really much rather that they watch you die on camera, wasting away. You’re just that selfish.”
Her hand raised again to stroke his head. Donnie leaned away from her touch.
“What’s wrong? Never been touched by a girl before? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when you look like that. I don’t know how people at school didn’t run away in terror when you waltzed right in there…You know, I could sell you on the dark web for big bucks. Ship you off to another country, make millions, and you’d be out of my hair on top of it all.”
She leaned down and whispered into his ear.
“Or I could just keep you here and watch you squirm.”
Donnie refused to look at her.
“Jase, camera.”
Kendra snapped her fingers and the phone was in his face again.
“Go on,” Kendra ordered him.
Donnie stayed quiet for as long as his willpower allowed him, but he was feeling so many things at once, and Kendra was…touching his shoulders. She wasn’t holding hard. That almost made it worse, that she was capable of gentleness.
This time, Kendra waited. It felt like they waited endlessly, forever, an eternity, until Donnie dredged up his voice from the pit of his stomach.
He took a breath. “We’re at the—”
“No, Donnie,” Kendra cooed. “Beg for help.”
“I thought you just wanted—”
“I want to see you beg. Do it properly or it doesn’t count.”
The silence continued. Kendra’s pointer finger ran up and down the back of his neck. The sensation travelled through his whole spinal cord. Whisper-quiet, he said, “Please…”
“Go on.”
“Please come help me.”
“Who are you talking to? I just can’t seem to tell…”
“Raph, Leo, Mikey—please come help me.”
“Not good enough.”
“I’m trying!”
“Try harder, act like you mean it.”
“I don’t even know how you want me to say it!”
“I want you to beg, Donnie! I don’t want you to act like you’re reciting a damn script, I want you to plead for your brothers to come save your pathetic, ugly hide!”
“You can’t just dictate tone like that—”
“No, but you wanna bet I know how to force it?”
Her hand touched his thigh.
It triggered something. A confused panic Donnie didn’t know he was capable of enough, slicing through the levelled calm and control he’d tried to drown himself in ever since the Purple Dragons had picked him up.
"Okay!” Donnie blurted out. “Okay, okay! I’m sorry, I’m sorry—I can do it.”
“Then try again.”
“Guys, please come get me. Please. We’re at the Tech-No-Logic computer repair shop on 5th, please come get me. I don’t…I don’t want to be here anymore, I don’t want—please, I know it’s a trap, but please, I can’t—I don’t want to be here. Please come get me.”
Kendra smirked and caressed his head. “There. Was that so hard, Donnie?”
She sliced a finger across her throat and the camera lowered. The light was out of his face.
Kendra laughed and stretched. “Wow…you really haven’t been touched by a girl before! It wasn’t like I was gonna do anything to you, dumbass, but I guess I can’t argue with results.”
She grimaced and retracted her hand. He felt like it had burnt an imprint into his skin he couldn’t wash off.
“Ew, now I gotta wash this hand,” she said. “I hope you’re not contagious.”
Donnie curled up his legs on the chair and turned away from her.
“Don’t pout. You did good. Jeremy, go get him something to eat and drink, can’t have him dying before his brothers get here. Jase, send that video and get our defences ready for our guests while I drown my hand in a few litres of hand sanitizer.”
Jeremy exited with a bemused, ugly smirk on his face, while Jase avoided looking at Donnie and left at a speed-walking pace. When they were gone, Kendra stroked Donnie’s head, and despite trying to turn as far as possible away from her, there was no escape.
“I told you that you wouldn’t be cocky for long,” said Kendra. “I’m gonna enjoy rewatching that for years to come. Now just sit tight, and if you play nice, I’ll livestream your brothers’ gruesome deaths to you.”
She laughed wickedly and blew him a kiss with her exit. Donnie settled himself as deep into the chair as he could, listening to his raspy breathing in the silence. And if he cried a little, no one had to know except him and the armchair.
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the-lavender-clown · 7 months
Everyone, I’d like to introduce you to Emi!!
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I’ve been seeing some funny age gap siblings on TikTok and thought “you know what, let’s do that too the dragons!” because it sounded funny 🤣
Emi is born after season two of Rise but I haven’t decided if it’ll be before or after the movie, tho I am leaning more towards after
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sibillascribbles08 · 8 months
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Happy Lunar New Year! It's year of the dragon so ummmm well I'm predictable.
Something I kind of wanted to draw for ages, after listening to this song no less, but despite all my roughs I couldn't find a composition I was happy with.
But with year of the dragon approaching I decided to give it another try and ended up with this!
And despite the song that inspired it, I think this song is actually much more fitting hehe
I recommend you zoom in for details but there's a couple of close up shots under the cut as well !
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mossscribble · 4 months
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rosesofenvy · 6 months
Over The Years: Kendra
Burn It Down: Chapter 4 now posted!
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Collab with @xinrouska
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there-wolf · 1 month
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So, this is for @sibillascribbles08 Jasonnie week that I'm SO late for. But school started, so yea. While at first I thought to do some kind of meet-cute or something like that, I did it with my new Red Notice AU (the movie with Ryan Reynolds, Gal Galgadot and the Rock)!!
Fun fact: The first draft looks SO bad and the dragon and horse (knight) were cutouts!
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milolunde · 2 years
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miicycle · 2 years
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i have more okay i have more, im just really tired and i wanna share this okay theres MORE okay
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felsicveins · 1 year
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Thank you @sibillascribbles08 for this 🫡
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