#rottmnt selene
abbeyofcyn · 10 months
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Remember this design?
Yea I finally updated it during my dnd session
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diona-98 · 10 months
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Drew @abbeyofcyn rottmnt oc, selene
I love her design!
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iheartleopards · 5 months
Rottmnt as star twinkle precure
Raph as cure star🩷
Donnie as cure milky💚
Mikey as cure Soleil💛
April as cure Selene💜
Leo as cure Cosmo🩵
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idioticsky · 10 months
So this new ROTTMNT OC... Tell me more about her!!!!
What do each of the boys + April and Splints think of the lil addition? Who does she seem to favor or lean toward more? Does she have or get any Ninpo? I'm assuming she's welcomed as a Hamato to do so? HER IN THE FUTURE?????
... And what would her and Tams interacting be like you think? 👀
*cue evil laughter* which one? I have like 2 now, both of them you know but I just have never introduced to this blog-
But I assume you're talking about Danny, so let me give a little picrew and backstory (I'll find the picrew link to the first one at some point but I wanna share this first, also link to the second one)
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This little bitch right here is Danny, a trans fem witch, let me explain her-
I made Danny like a year ago then forgot about her until I started up a rp with Cherry and I've been using her for more things ever since.
Danielle (used to be called David) Gray was born 300 years ago in Italy. You might be questioning how she can live so long, we will get to it. She was then known as one of her parents two children, their sons. She was told and forced to be practically perfect because they had an image to uphold and would not let a child ruin it. Sooner or later, her older brother, Lucas Gray, ran away when she was 100, leaving her alone until she also found her escape around 50-100 years later. She had somehow found her way to the hidden cities and found a way to the one in New York.
There she changes her name, her face, everything about her that she wanted. Danny then made her way to the surface after staying in the hidden city for a long while, making friends with her roommates, Aqua, Nora and Selene. She then meets Tamsin, who she met before when she was first adjusting to New York, a friend. They reconnect and Tamsin would probably introduce her to April.
The way she meets the turtles is a bit different tho. You see, her and her roommates like to have tea days like every Friday and she wanted to get yet another tea set for the house. Need less to say, Leo ends up crashing throw the window of the little tea shop and landing in front of Danny. Instead of being horrified like any normal human, Danny is just really curious about them, she wants to know more about these turtle mutants. I think the boys would be confused by this, but after a while accept her as a new friend. She'd get along well with Splinter and April, with her being calm one on one, but still chaos with others. Danny would soon get closer with the boys and ends up hanging around Leo and Donnie the most, Donnie cuz chaos and Leo cuz she loves to annoy him. She ends up getting closer with Leo and even ends up dating him tho.
As for if she has Ninpo: yes, she has her magic so she never really uses it. She doesn't even really realize she has it until it just kinda shows up during a fight. Her Ninpo is kinda a transportation tool, it's really just like inhuman speed (because of this I think Leo gives her the nickname Zips lmao).
And for her in the future, this part goes two ways.
● Bad timeline: Danny would end up fighting on the front lines, but only for a little while. She has this thing where if she experiences too much stress or overwhelming emotions, she just has this ringing in her ears that can last years, because of the high amounts of stress in the resistance and everything, she becomes mostly deaf. She can still technically hear, but not well enough to understand people without them having to sign out what they mean to her. Her and Leo do get unofficially married during this time tho, even having two kids: Naomi and Michael (if people want I'll make a follow-up post about them and everything). She doesn't make it to the end of the apocalypse tho, she dies during a Krang attack on one of the resistance bases. The entire place blew up basically.
● Good timeline: Danny and Leo would get closer after stopping the Krang invasion. They would get married later on with a over-the-top wedding and everything. They still do have Naomi and Michael, but also another daughter named Suzu (once again, I'll make a follow-up about their kids if y'all wanna see). That timeline I haven't really though too much about tho.
Also her and Tams interactions are so funny in my head it's just like-
Danny: ya think I could fit 20 marshmallows in my mouth?
Tams: ... you're an idiot- and a coward, do 30
And about how she lives so long. Her magic keeps her alive. You see, magic in my head is basically like a life force for some, it can extend someone's life to an extent, but either how much magic Danny has in her body from connecting with her ancestors and members of her family, she's basically immortality from natural causes. Magic is kinda like blood tho, if you lose enough if it, you're gonna die, so too much spell casting or bleeding out since it it literally connected to your blood in a way, you're dead. Explaining how she can die in the bad timeline.
They're so silly I love them-
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cheetoschildren · 3 months
Here, I have gathered all of my brain children (and a few grandchildren) into one place so you can ask them/talk to them about stuff!
--If I accidentally reblog something over here, just ignore it. I'll fix it eventually.--
-Send as many asks as you like! :D
-Roleplaying is OKAY and ENCOURAGED!!!
-Asking as your OC is okay!
-Roleplaying as characters from the fandoms they're from is okay!
-Anon asks are turned off so that if you decide to be hateful, I can tell who it is. To distinguish your RP characters, if you have several, pick an emoji for each, and put it at the bottom of the ask! :D
-Please do not fight with each other :) it is stressful for me
-I don't have many reaction images of the characters themselves to use. I need to work on that and do expression practice with all of em lol. I'll substitute with other images.
-Don't harass! :D
-Rules will be added as needed~
Universes They Belong To
Mila - 2012TMNT/Tangled the Series
Diana - 2012TMNT/ROTTMNT
Abigail - ROTTMNT
Nova, Mirror Mirage - MLP
Selene, Vidette, Hunter, Charlotte, Harper - Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Egg - TDAC
Ashlyn - Dwampyverse (specifically Milo Murphy's Law)
Mei, Nix - Invader Zim Sky, Star, Venus, Holly, Saturn - TSAMS
Character Ages
Mirror Mirage - older than Nova Nova - 320+, but has the intelligence of a young adult. Selene - 23 (Married) Diana - 23 (rottmnt), 14 (2012 TMNT) Vidette - 21 (Married) Mei - between 16 and 19 depending on the storyline (Married) Star - 17 Ashlyn - 16 Venus - 15 Abigail - 14 Mila - 12 Sky - 10 Holly - 9 Egg - 9 Saturn - Technically a few months old, but has the intelligence of an adult.
(Occasionally existing kids)
Vidette's kids: -Hunter - 8 (Born first) -Charlotte - 8 (Born Second) Selene's kid: -Harper - 6 Mei's kid: -Nix - baby or toddler
🐈‍⬛ #Abigail (Rottmnt) Abby charater description
🛸 #Mei Membrane (Invader Zim) Mei character description
🐈 #Mila Hamato (TMNT2012/Tangled) Mila character description
🦢 #Diana Leery (TMNT2012/ROTTMNT) Diana character description (WIP)
🦋 #Nova Calamity (MLP G4/5) Nova character description
🪞 -Mirror Mirage (MLP G4/5) Mirror character description (WIP)
🌦️ #Cloudy Skies (Fnaf/Tsams) Sky character description
✨ -Star (Fnaf/Tsams)
🐊 -Venus (Fnaf/Tsams)
👻 #Holly/harvest moon (Tsams) Holly character description
🪐 #Saturn (Tsams) Saturn character description
💔 #Vidette (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss) Vidette character description
🐇 -Egg (TDAC) ( )
🕰️-Ashlyn Chance (Milo Murphy's Law/P&F/H&G) Ashlyn Character Description (WIP)
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the-dying-star · 2 months
|| Hell's Heros Beasts, Demons and More Glossary||
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Seraphim - the highest ranking angels, mortals would call then Gods/Goddesses. Seraphim are the most direct contact with God, they are his mouthpiece in Heaven and in communication with Hell.
Soul Bond - as the term suggests a bond between two souls that is typically very difficult to break once the bond is solidified. Werewolves are the first species to have soul bonds and can be bonded with Fae, Elves, Yokai and Healers. They will never be bonded to humans. There must always be lineage of any of the supernatural species listed. A soul bond will manifest when the mates are of age (18) with three signs; a telepathic link, a specific scent the mates carry only detected by each other and tattoo-like markings that match each other's like puzzle pieces.
Sucubus - female hellborn demons. The offspring of Jahi and Azmodian that feed on lust, pain, fear and pleasure. Full sucubi have serpentine/dragonesque tails and membranous wings. They also typically have harpy-like talon clawed feet like Jahi.
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Tal'Rasha - the bonded draheim of Donatello Hamato. The largest of the draheim thus far, a solid black female with pink eyes and violet vein-like markings on the membranes of her wings.
Thrones - similar to Overlords in Hell, these are angels that run specific sectors of Heaven and the World of Light.
True Mate - a werewolf term referring to the soul bonded mates of the species.
The Twilight Realm - Death's realm where time stands still. Mortal souls come here for sorting.
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Uthra -messenger angels. Think of them like Hermes of Greek mythos. (Hermes in this AU is an Uthra)
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Virtues - beings of pure light, typically also referred to as the Fates.
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Watchers - Archangels that venture to the mortal realm or Hell to spy. Have also been used as sort of "snipers." Targeting escapee demons.
Werewolves - beings created by The Great Luna (Selene) whose souls have been merged with wolves. These beings were created as a means to protect the wilderness from man. Were's souls thrive on a balance between Light and Darkness. They can phase specific aspects of their bodies or their entire body to their wokf forms which are three times the size of normal wolves.
Wurdalak - mortals call them vampires. Gruesome creatures of the mortal realm that feed on blood, swore enemies to the Werewolves.
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
Spear Of Selene 2.0: April swung her baseball bat,but it was stopped from hitting the kids by Leo. "April, take it easy we're trying to go help these kids because I accidentally brought then here with my sword!" Leo explained, April looked at Leo then at the kids, but after thinking about it a lot of weird shit happened with the turtles so it just seemed logical her at this point. "Sorry guys." April apologized awkwardly and the noticed Raph leaving Donnie's lab looking kinda sad. By CC ex
Damn she was about to knock these damn ducklings out XD Like holy shit, Dewey does not need another blow to the head, like he already got one from his red boi thanks XDTho why Raph be looking sad? Somebody give this huge softie a hug or something
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sophfandoms53 · 4 years
Your statement needs an ammendment because there's more context: Firstly, Frank has been open from the beginning of the show that they treat EVERY season as if it's their last, and that they honestly did not even expect to get through the entirety of season 1. Secondly, he had also mentioned, while season 3 was airing, that he was hoping for (but not expecting) a season 4, because he still has more he wants to do. The rug wasn't pulled out from under them, but it was still stolen from them.
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I understand what you’re saying anon, but my point was more so for people to stop comparing DuckTales coming to a close after 3 successful seasons/years to ROTTMNT being cut short mid-production of season 2 and losing a majority of the time they were originally given and forced to rush a lot of their ideas into their final four episodes. These two situations are not comparable.
As for DT’s viewership, it’s not really an issue of what network it’s on but when the episodes are scheduled to air. When the show was being aired on Saturday mornings both on Disney XD and Disney Channel the show averaged 300k at the lowest and 800k at the highest. The only time this show broke 1 million views was with The Spear of Selene, which aired at 8 pm on a Friday night, the most convenient time to air any show.
The show started seeing a decrease in views when Disney started airing the rest of season 2 after Whatever Happened To Della Duck as a bomb format on weekdays at 3 pm for two weeks (I believe that was the time) but even then, the May batch of those episodes still averaged between 300k and 500k. It’s the September batch of episodes where the show barely started breaking 150k in viewers, and that was when it was on Disney Channel. The show being moved back onto Disney XD for season 3, both on Saturday mornings for the first batch and Monday evenings for this previous batch we had, has been gaining the same amount of views as that last half of season 2.
I’m not saying DuckTales was treated amazingly, when it comes to its air times I know it hasn’t, I absolutely despise the bombing format and I’ve criticized Disney in the past over the shows long hiatuses and airing season 2 in a bomb format twice in a year, which as stated before is what started the decrease in the shows views. But comparing that to ROTTMNT is completely unfair because Nickelodeon did not give a single fuck about Rise’s views or critical/online reception, only the toy sales, didn’t properly promote the show on any of their several networks/accounts across their platform, and a bunch of other nonsense that poor crew was forced to endore. From the start of DT17’s run Disney has always promoted DuckTales constantly and pushed it to be in the spotlight for a mainstream audience, and it continues to do that as the show reaches its end.
Yes I am aware that the crew have more ideas they want to explore, and if given a fourth season, of course they will execute and expand those ideas. But this argument can be applied to literally every single show ever. Whether a show is cancelled or chosen to be finished, there will always be more ideas to explore and the creator will take the chance to explore those if given the opportunity. Gravity Falls concluded its story in two seasons but that hasn’t stopped Alex Hirsch from writing and exploring other ideas with those characters, whether it’s the Journal or comics with mini-side stories exploring ideas they didn’t have time to expand in the show, there are always and will always be other sources to explore ideas for a show, it doesn’t have to be another season.
I mean look at Adventure Time, its main story ended two years ago but it’s still exploring ideas through comics and streaming services to this day.
You’re also contradicting yourself by saying “they were preparing for season three to be the last because they expect every season to be the last.” But then went “the season 3 finale may or not may be finished, but if it already is, it’s possible it wasn’t finished with this mindset.” You can’t go into the start of a season preparing it to be the last, get to the production of those final episodes and not still be in the mindset of “oh yeah this is probably our final season, we haven’t heard anything from Disney so let’s conclude things properly.” That doesn’t make sense.
And this is proven to not be the case anyway as Frank posted this onto his Twitter today:
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The crew had had a meeting about how they wanted the show to end, because THEY WERE TOLD season 3 was the last, meaning the finale we are getting next year was written to be a proper series finale.
They were given a heads up and created a solid ending for the show.
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
The purple one and the red one walked to the blue one,and the orange one talked to the suck kids, "Allow me to introduce ourselves I'm Mikey,the blue one is Leo,the purple one is Donnie and the red one is Raph." Mikey explained"Yeah and it's my fault that you guys are here." Leo said, "You see,I have this huge odachi sword, as you can see,that can open portals for me to go through but it turns out it can also open portals to bring people and things here!" Leo explained nervously. By ComputerCand
I think I just got the part NOW which wow, wow Tumblr. Assuming you didn’t resend it that isBut huh, interesting. I thought it’d be because of Donnie’s inventions but nope, it was Leo’s shit that brought their asses here.
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
Spear Of Selene 2.0: Huey and Donnie were busy working on whatever it was Donnie was trying to invent, when suddenly Mikey entered the lab. "Hey D,do you and the kid want some pizza?" Asked Mikey, "U-uh uh sure Mikey some pizza sounds great! How about you kid, you want some?" Huey nodded his head in response he was processing something in his head. "Great I'll go grab you some!" Mikey said leaving the lab while Donnie wiped some swear of his head, "What was that?" Asked Huey. By ComputerCandy
Well, at least they’re gonna have some food to eat, ha.Though for the line “Huey nodded his head in response he was processing something in his head” I’d suggest having something like “as” or “while” for something like that, like “Huey nodded his head in response as he was processing something in his head” instead, since it sounds nicer in my opinion.That’s my word of writing advice for now, or for today at least ha.
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
Spear Of Selene 2.0: "N-no." Dewey replied before rushing to Huey and started kicking him, "Huey,Huey how the fuck did we get here Huey?!" Dewey asked still kicking his boyfriend to his irritation. "Dewford I swear to god if you don't stop kicking me right now I will cut your whole leg off!" Huey yelled waking up Louie and Webby, they eventually got up as well to get a better look of their situation and before them saw four tall turtles with ninja weapons and judging by height teenagers. By CC
Damn Dewey, just kicking his boyfriend to wake his ass up- boi you could’ve just shook him up XD That’s what I would’ve done. And Huey, no don’t cut off his fucking leg, there’s a damn reason why he’s kicking you like if it wasn’t important he probably wouldn’t do that shit to wake you up you precious asshole XD
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
Spear Of Selene 2.0:For a few minutes,although it seemed like longer,Donnie and Mikey didn't say anything they were more focused on enjoying each other's comforting embrace and company in general. Mikey was just enjoying the warmth and comfort of his older and talked brother's embrace and Donnie was enjoying knowing his baby brother was safe and it was nice having a small body in his arms. Eventually with Mikey still in his arms,Donnie spoke, "Right,we need to talk." By ComputerCandy
Goood they’re gonna talk about that shit and maybe a- Oh shit, couple of notepad papers fell off XDD Not now notepad, I’m tryna comment and shit and you gon’ do that, like fuck you notepad XD But anyways, sorry about that random ass shit XD Tbh this is just really fuckin’ nice man
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
Spear Of Selene 2.0:Mikey had finished handing out the pizza to everyone and decided to sit down next to Dewey. "Hi! What's wrong with you?" Asked Mikey, "My boyfriend found out I was trying to kill myself." Said Dewey quietly, "You're suicidal and gay too?!" Mikey exclaimed, Dewey nodded and turned around to face Mikey with a serious expression, he was going to have a long and depth conversation with him about this. By ComputerCandy
Damn, poor Mikey being depressed af as well. Everybody needs a hug man
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
Spear Of Selene 2.0: "Did you bring the supplies April?" Asked Mikey, April handed Mikey a bag of groceries. "Thanks April!" Yelled Mikey happily before rushing back into the kitchen, "So what kind of animal are you?" Asked Dewey, "I'm not an animal, I'm a human! Now what are you doing here and how do you know about my friends?!" April yelled wielding a baseball bat. By ComputerCandy
Holy shit April, chill your ass out XD Put the god damn bat down, nobody’s getting hurt here
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
Spear Of Selene 2.0: Everyone was now at the lair, Leo, Raph and Donnie were discussing the situation in Donnie's lab and Mikey was in the kitchen cooking and waiting for someone named April O'Neil. "So, what do you think April O'Neil is?" Webby coming into the living room to sit on the couch, "A mutant." Replied Louie, "Yeah I figured that out, but I mean what animal?" The kids went into thought when suddenly they heard, "Hey guys, I'm here!" By ComputerCandy
They think April’s a mutant X’DD Well I mean, I don’t blame them really, I don’t think there’s even humans in the DT17 universe so that might be a completely new species for them and everything
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sunsetcarnation264 · 6 years
Spear Of Selene 2.0: "How long have you guys been stuck here for?" Asked Webby, " What are you talking about? We live here! " replied a turtle wearing an orange mask and lightning bolts on his shell. Everyone was so confused as to what was going on, until a turtle wearing a blue mask spoke, "Whoa! I didn't even know it could do that!" By ComputerCandy
Wait a minute, did Donnie make a machine or something and that’s why they’re there in New York somehow? Because I have a feeling it’s because of that XD
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