#rowan and rowen have to put up with his multiple personalities
nicos-oc-hell · 10 months
Day 10/10 of Dimitri angst except I can’t count and thought turkey day was his birthday but it’s actually today
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Information on the people seen above are under the line, who you think is Skylar is not Skylar. Also Khanna twins supremacy
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aavanireads · 2 years
The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires #1)
- by aakanksha and shivani
The book revolves around Rowan who is the Director of a Disney-like amusement park called Dreamland and Zahra is an employee of Dreamland. Rowan’s grandfather has died and left behind a huge estate, Now for Rowan to get a part of it (which is equivalent to some 12 billion dollars, which is obviously such a small amount) he has to do some magic work in the dreamland and that is where Zahra pops in. Every employee is asked to put in ideas and hers is the best so she is promoted to a Creator team, they propose new ideas to Rowan to try and improve the park. They start off as two people who don’t see eye to eye on everything (not exactly enemies) but then they also have their moments and at the end they get their HEA.
I was so excited to read this book after being suggested multiple times. And my experience actually reading it started out well. Was it too corny from the get-go? Yes. Did I still enjoy it? Also, yes. I liked the tension building between Rowan and Zahra along with their bickering. There were too many cringy scenes and dialogues, especially on Zahra's part but I let it slide because she (and her love for Pride and Prejudice and bodice ripper books) was slowly growing on me. AND THE DIVERSITY (she even added a Hindu mandap! my Indian self was so happy to read it).
The book started off good and by started I mean the first two chapters only.
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But then it went downhill, The plot was INSTA lust, INSTA attraction, INSTA everything. Like his dick twitched in the second chapter, she was panting by chapter 3, they kissed by chapter 9 all while grinding against each other. I didn’t even know them as a person yet I knew all the desire they had for each other. I couldn’t feel anything for them, I couldn’t even feel the chemistry, like CHILL we are only few chapters in and you’re already devouring each other? 
They didn't do anything romantic until midway. Where’s the buildup? Where’s the chemistry? Why couldn't it have been a semi slow-burn instead of this insta-lust and then nothing for over 40% of the book??
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Also, things were super repetitive and boring. Rowen lying, again and again, Zahra getting mad at him, Rowan asking for forgiveness, and Zahra forgiving him after some grovelling on his part. The entire plot was built on cliché and it made me cringe so hard
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Zahra was so annoying.How can she talk back to her boss? Especially when he gave her a promotion even after she was anything but professional? Her sunshine barbie persona reminded me of why I don't like summer. She would make the dumbest joke and would laugh like her jaw will drop on the floor any second. The cringe side characters like Claire—she's the bubbly gay best friend with no individual traits. OF COURSE. And the ever so jolly parents of Zahra, Rowan's cold father who turns into a good guy by the end out of nowhere, after being portrayed as an evil conspirator???
And then there is Rowan. He's portrayed to be this cold-hearted anti-hero in the beginning but it's all just a smokescreen. I hate when a character doesn't live up to their expectations and turns into a softie. Whatever chemistry Zahra had with Rowen at the beginning drowned in the gutter halfway through the book and I had to finish it just for the sake of it. And him taking Zahra on fancy dates and going out of his way to do things for her and then denying his feelings to her and making her feel unwanted??? That was a dick move, and there wasn’t enough groveling afterwards. He was forgiven too easily. Needless to say, the smut was NOT GOOD. I had so much hope for at least the smut (given Rowan's advertisement for needing a measuring tape for obvious reasons). I've never skimmed through smut before but this book made me. It just wasn't spicy, it didn't make me feel things. And the whole impromptu NYC trip made me internally scream—the private jet, the skyscraper, the sugar daddy vibes—screamed a knock off version of Fifty Shades of Grey, albeit the BDSM. ALL I ASK FOR IS SOME GOOD SMUT AND SWOON-WORTHY CHEMISTRY. IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
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The author wanted to make some breakthrough with the last few chapters and the board's meeting but all I felt was underwhelmed. And when Zahra gave that wannabe badass speech to Rowan's father and flipped him off I lost my shit. Girl what?
Final rating : 2/5
I'm sorry if you liked this book and had to go through my review, but it's how I feel. It had potential to be mind-blowing, especially with the diversity but it ended up not being.
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