#rowdies would def rough up racists
protecticarus · 6 years
Prompt: Amanda keeps her witchakoocoo powers when she gets back to the real world.
this took a more negative turn than I thought it would? I’m not sure how I feel about it?
a character in this is an asshole, so there’s some rude (ableist/racist) comments but the point of them here is that there are assholes out there & this dude’s one of them & the rowdies are good.
The Rowdy 3 van’s doors flew open and everyone filed out. The boys yelled out random exclamations of their feelings or observations of the gas station. The Beast smiled brightly and hopped behind them into the gas station and straight to the candy isle. She was really into candy.Amanda walked behind everyone else, softly laughing at the display of her family causing everyone to turn their heads towards them as they walked in. A mother steered her little girl away from Vogel who was enthusiastically waving at her. A teenage boy seemed to be filming them on his phone. The cashier looked tired.The Rowdies had no intention of causing trouble - they were simply there for gas and snacks for Amanda and Beast. Still, they could rarely go into a public place without causing at least a little commotion.“Jesus fucking Christ, these people shouldn’t be allowed in public.” A voice caught Amanda’s attention.A young man, in his twenties, rolled his eyes and mumbled something more under his breath.Amanda furrowed her brows. Sure, the Rowdies acted… Quite different than most people in public, but they weren’t hurting anyone? Vogel was trying on different hair accessories. The Beast was piling a mountain of candy on the counter. Martin patiently waited for Beast to finish so he could pay. Cross and Riggs had found water pistols and were pretending to shoot each other with them. Why was this man so annoyed?Amanda moved closer to the man to examine him. He was tall and lanky. He had a mustache Amanda could only describe as ridiculous. And he was wearing a ‘make America great again’ cap. “What the hell is wrong with that woman? Shouldn’t she be in an institution somewhere instead of holding up the line for everyone here.” The man sighed at the old lady after him in line, who didn’t seem to have much problem with the Rowdies’ presence.“What you say?” Gripps said, having heard the man’s comment.The man turned towards Gripps and Cross. “I’m just saying, she obviously can’t function like a normal person. It’s pretty inconvenient for the rest of society, isn’t it?” He said.Gripps and Cross simultaneously pressed their hands into fists in anger.“Your face is inconvenient for me.” Gripps remarked.“Gripps.” Martin warned from the counter.“What did you just say to me?” The young man asked in a threatening voice.“I said: your dumb face is inconvenient for me.” Gripps repeated himself, followed by a supportive ‘yeah!’ from Cross.“Whatever. Why don’t you go back to Africa or something.” The man replied and looked Gripps up and down.At that, Martin wasn’t feeling patient either.“I would be careful with ya tongue if I were you. Or it might get cut off.” Martin threatened.“Are you threatening me?” The man raised his voice. “You can’t threaten me!”“Watch me.” Martin replied.“I’m gonna call the cops on you!” The man whined.“We ain’t afraid of no cops.” Cross laughed.“We eat cops for breakfast!” Vogel screamed from across the shop.“You all shouldn’t be allowed in public. Fucking terrorists.” The man mumbled and started typing on his phone.Martin looked like he was about to explode. Amanda decided that enough was enough.The man was now standing next to the freezers, leaning on one of them and lifting the phone to his ear. Amanda smiled as an idea came to her.She walked next to the man and put her hand on the freezer doors. She closed her eyes and focused as hard as she could.She had been practicing controlling the powers she had acquired in Wendimoor everyday. Slowly she had managed to create bigger and bigger reactions.The man’s frantic voice was telling the police about a group of foreigners terrorizing him at a gas station. Then, a surge of electricity from the freezer zapped the man. He screamed in shock and dropped his phone. As soon as the shock let up, he leaped away from the freezer in panic.Martin grinned at Amanda and Gripps gave her a thumbs up. Amanda winked.“Look! The dumbface pissed his pants!” Vogel screamed, followed by wild laughter.“What did you do!” The man screamed. “That woman tried to kill me!”Amanda laughed and ushered the rest of the Rowdies out of the gas station and back into the van. The boys were laughing loudly the whole time and screaming insults at the man who looked like he was about to cry. Beast seemed to not have paid attention to the interaction in the gas station.“You’re like superhero now!” Vogel screamed at Amanda.“I am not a superhero.” Amanda replied.“Drummer’s a vigilante.” Martin commented as he drove the van out of the parking lot.Amanda grinned. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fucking Batman. Except less whiny.” She said.“Hell yeah!” Gripps exclaimed.Amanda’s phone rang and she picked it up while still grinning.“Hey Bro! Guess what? I just zapped a racist with my magic.”
if you have any ideas for fics, please send me prompts! I’d be happy to write them. my inbox is open! xx
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