Hello, I am alive and rewatching Dirk Gently with new friends (had to introduce them to the show). We’re on S2E3 and I keep having those tiny little thoughts about the big something.
Here’s  some of them:
- Todd and Amanda work like a battery. One’s the negative pole and the other one the positive. Input and output of energy. Redirecting it and transforming it.
- Holistics exist on both sides, the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’. “Whatever this thing is, it doesn’t pick sides.” They might even be the main force that move things in the universe, the most important gearwheels as one might say. I believe that for every Dirk solving cases, there’s a Dirk causing cases. For every Bart ‘cleansing’ the path that the holistics will have to take to ensure their safety (without knowing it) there’s a Mr. Priest trying to kill them.
- Friedkin’s new job in the fabric of reality is to lead the holistics to where they need to go. They, as Priest phrased it, are his weapons and he’s the one who has to pull the trigger. Friedkin now sees everything, he somewhat knows how things work. He’s got to keep the balance between everything and the holistics are his weapons to do so. Friedkin is neither good nor bad, he’s everything and nothing. Just like he did with Ken he leads the holistics to where they need to go, where they need to take their shot. He tries his best but the universe works in mysterious ways and he doesn’t always understand it. Ken asked to leave the car, so Friedkin let him out of the car but left him inside the cell. A misunderstanding. But he still provided Ken with the things he needed to follow his path. (Might rewatch the scene later and unpack it more organized).
- Season 3 would’ve been sci-fi, the main focus on magic car fixing robots. Too many mentions of car fixing stuff and way too many cars in S2 for it to be a coincidence. I’m thinking that maybe there was an UFO with robots and it landed in a lake. Robots can’t get into the water, can’t fix the UFO so instead they fix cars. Smart and lethal children got a hold of the robots and use it to help their family who owns a car repair shop thingy. The UFO or the code name for the mission may be Atlantis and the UFO is “The lost city of gold”. Far fletched, I know. It’s just an idea.
- Season 3 would have ended with Bart going to space in the UFO, together with the kids. “The only constant is me and gravity.” - Not anymore. She doesn’t want to kill people anymore - not possible in space. Oh, and Todd would die. Not a permanent thing though. It’s the Mexican Funeral after all. Season 4 would have been within the supernatural/paranormal genre and we already had mentions of ghost Estevez. I don’t know if the story would be about getting Todd back/ghost Todd/resurrecting him or something (maybe he’s in Valhalla?) or if his death is even part of the plot, not just a clue for what’s about to happen. The thing I’m remotely sure about is: After reuniting with Dirk during the magic car fixing robot case, Assistent would take Todd’s place - because Todd isn’t there anymore, reason unclear.
- Ken maybe tries to build a gigantic unlimited energy device, with the holistics as the gearwheels/power source. I’m not sure if it’s a literal machine (for which he might need the help of genius children?) or just a description for his network of unlimited power sources, aka the holistics, which he can control, send out, call back and thus cause an imbalance.
- And of course Amanda as the leader of the holistics. I love how season 1 already it, the way the Rowdy3 instinctively followed Amanda around in their van.
(- What if in S4 Dirk explored the Death of his own parents?)
That’s it so far. I’ll keep you updated during the last episodes of the rewatch.
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juliaaugust · 5 years
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protecticarus · 6 years
Prompt: Amanda keeps her witchakoocoo powers when she gets back to the real world.
this took a more negative turn than I thought it would? I’m not sure how I feel about it?
a character in this is an asshole, so there’s some rude (ableist/racist) comments but the point of them here is that there are assholes out there & this dude’s one of them & the rowdies are good.
The Rowdy 3 van’s doors flew open and everyone filed out. The boys yelled out random exclamations of their feelings or observations of the gas station. The Beast smiled brightly and hopped behind them into the gas station and straight to the candy isle. She was really into candy.Amanda walked behind everyone else, softly laughing at the display of her family causing everyone to turn their heads towards them as they walked in. A mother steered her little girl away from Vogel who was enthusiastically waving at her. A teenage boy seemed to be filming them on his phone. The cashier looked tired.The Rowdies had no intention of causing trouble - they were simply there for gas and snacks for Amanda and Beast. Still, they could rarely go into a public place without causing at least a little commotion.“Jesus fucking Christ, these people shouldn’t be allowed in public.” A voice caught Amanda’s attention.A young man, in his twenties, rolled his eyes and mumbled something more under his breath.Amanda furrowed her brows. Sure, the Rowdies acted… Quite different than most people in public, but they weren’t hurting anyone? Vogel was trying on different hair accessories. The Beast was piling a mountain of candy on the counter. Martin patiently waited for Beast to finish so he could pay. Cross and Riggs had found water pistols and were pretending to shoot each other with them. Why was this man so annoyed?Amanda moved closer to the man to examine him. He was tall and lanky. He had a mustache Amanda could only describe as ridiculous. And he was wearing a ‘make America great again’ cap. “What the hell is wrong with that woman? Shouldn’t she be in an institution somewhere instead of holding up the line for everyone here.” The man sighed at the old lady after him in line, who didn’t seem to have much problem with the Rowdies’ presence.“What you say?” Gripps said, having heard the man’s comment.The man turned towards Gripps and Cross. “I’m just saying, she obviously can’t function like a normal person. It’s pretty inconvenient for the rest of society, isn’t it?” He said.Gripps and Cross simultaneously pressed their hands into fists in anger.“Your face is inconvenient for me.” Gripps remarked.“Gripps.” Martin warned from the counter.“What did you just say to me?” The young man asked in a threatening voice.“I said: your dumb face is inconvenient for me.” Gripps repeated himself, followed by a supportive ‘yeah!’ from Cross.“Whatever. Why don’t you go back to Africa or something.” The man replied and looked Gripps up and down.At that, Martin wasn’t feeling patient either.“I would be careful with ya tongue if I were you. Or it might get cut off.” Martin threatened.“Are you threatening me?” The man raised his voice. “You can’t threaten me!”“Watch me.” Martin replied.“I’m gonna call the cops on you!” The man whined.“We ain’t afraid of no cops.” Cross laughed.“We eat cops for breakfast!” Vogel screamed from across the shop.“You all shouldn’t be allowed in public. Fucking terrorists.” The man mumbled and started typing on his phone.Martin looked like he was about to explode. Amanda decided that enough was enough.The man was now standing next to the freezers, leaning on one of them and lifting the phone to his ear. Amanda smiled as an idea came to her.She walked next to the man and put her hand on the freezer doors. She closed her eyes and focused as hard as she could.She had been practicing controlling the powers she had acquired in Wendimoor everyday. Slowly she had managed to create bigger and bigger reactions.The man’s frantic voice was telling the police about a group of foreigners terrorizing him at a gas station. Then, a surge of electricity from the freezer zapped the man. He screamed in shock and dropped his phone. As soon as the shock let up, he leaped away from the freezer in panic.Martin grinned at Amanda and Gripps gave her a thumbs up. Amanda winked.“Look! The dumbface pissed his pants!” Vogel screamed, followed by wild laughter.“What did you do!” The man screamed. “That woman tried to kill me!”Amanda laughed and ushered the rest of the Rowdies out of the gas station and back into the van. The boys were laughing loudly the whole time and screaming insults at the man who looked like he was about to cry. Beast seemed to not have paid attention to the interaction in the gas station.“You’re like superhero now!” Vogel screamed at Amanda.“I am not a superhero.” Amanda replied.“Drummer’s a vigilante.” Martin commented as he drove the van out of the parking lot.Amanda grinned. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fucking Batman. Except less whiny.” She said.“Hell yeah!” Gripps exclaimed.Amanda’s phone rang and she picked it up while still grinning.“Hey Bro! Guess what? I just zapped a racist with my magic.”
if you have any ideas for fics, please send me prompts! I’d be happy to write them. my inbox is open! xx
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sapphicsidonia · 7 years
Okay so I feel like we can all agree that Farson Dengdamoor is the boy? If the witchakookoo has those green eyes and Mona does sometimes I think that means that when Mona has green eyes that is the witch talking and she wants to find the boy and reasonably no one from Wendimoor would know about Arnold and the witch would only know about Farson so he is the boy? I mean reasonably there is no reason for Arnold to be the boy if he doesn't know who Mona Wilder is because if the witch uses Mona as eyes sometimes I feel like that means that she knows everything Mona knows and that's why I Dirk Gently is the key to it all so you know
Idk this is all speech to text so I dont feel like it makes sense.
Also if the powers that Amanda has in Wendimoor are her pararibulitis attacks and Arnold created Wendimoor does that mean that she can only utilize and manipulate her attacks if she's there? And will she be able to do it still once she gets to the normal world? Because no one in the quote-unquote normal world can see her pararibulitis attacks but everyone in Wendimoor can so does that mean as long as Wendimoor exists she can manipulate them and do it in the real world and if that is the case and Wendimoor has to be destroyed or something I can't remember what they said in the episode does that mean that once it is destroyed Amanda won't be able to mess with her attacks anymore?
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@witchakookoo​ said, “ i want my life back. ”  
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      A long few minutes passed as Casey attempted to rein himself in, because the last thing he needed to do was to blow up, and have possibly both Chuck and Sarah pissed off at him. But goddammit - not after the last few weeks. After having to say goodbye - possibly for the last time - to Ilsa, several gunfights that had ended with a bullet in his leg that was just healed up enough for him to move around, and the seemingly endless stream of inane bullshit that he had to keep dealing with to maintain his goddamn cover... 
      “You think you’re the only one? Huh, Bartowski?” he snapped, slamming a hand down on the table. “You think you’re the only goddamn person on this team that’s sacrificed shit? You think me, and Walker, you think we don’t have parts of our lives we want back? You think we were raised to live and breathe this damn mission? Sorry you want your life back, Bartowski, but you’ve been dragged into this bullshit the same as us and now you’re stuck like us, and shit is never gonna be the same again, so you better get used to it.”
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broona · 7 years
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My exams start this week but I just felt like spending a few hours drawing Amanda Brotzman instead of studying. 
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elijahwoodnot · 7 years
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“I’m a freakin’ Witchakookoo!”
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thesmallestonewasme · 7 years
Me: Amanda Brotzman is a lesbian.
Also me: Amanda and Martin are in love.
Me:...sooo Martin’s a lesbian?
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setmeatopthepyre · 7 years
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Look I'm my own ~* a e s t h e t i c s *~ now
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oddness101 · 4 years
dirk: this is farah! she’s the most competent person i know, and i hired her to protect and help me because of her strength and kindness!
martin: this is amanda. she’s going to be a witchakookoo. you can’t stop her
ken: this is bart she has rabies
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barkilphedros-hat · 3 years
Tagged by @lapis-lazuliie and thought it fun! 🥰
Pick 5 tv shows:
1• Inside No 9
2• The Terror
3• The Dark Crystal - Age of Resistance
4• Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
5• The League of Gentlemen
The answer the following questions:
Who is your favourite character in 2? : James Fitzjames, without a doubt. I was DEVASTATED when I realised what he was asking Crozier to do in episode 9 😭😭
Who is your least favourite character in 1?: Connie from Empty Orchestra can go bite it tbh, can’t stand a bully 😤
What is your favourite episode of 4?: Probably the pilot episode Horizons, because it set up both the concept and the mystery so well!
What is your favourite season of 5?: Gonna have to say series 2, mainly because I love the homage to Frankenstein throughout the finale 😅
Favourite couple in 3?: Okay so they aren’t really a couple couple, but the friendship between Hup and Deet owns my WHOLE heart. I relate to Hup because I too would start a bar fight because people were mean to Deet (beloved)
Favourite season of 2?: Alas it was a mini series so I would have to say that single one. (I haven’t seen Terror : Infamy yet...)
How long have you watched 1?: Only a few months, not counting the half episode I saw a year ago 😅
How did you become interested in 3?: I loved the original movie so much so was both excited and terrified for the possibility of a prequel. I was worried they were going to make it a big CGI fest until I saw the trailer, said “oh that’s a PUPPET-” and proceeded to cry on the bus. It honestly means so much to me 😭 I loved it so much I went and got a tattoo of Deet 😍😍
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Favourite couple in 2?: I’m Fitzier trash and will not apologise.
Favourite episode of 1?: Too many to choose from! That’s the curse of anthology shows 😂 but if I had to pick one, probably Simon Says
Favourite episode of 5?: Again, it’s a toughie! But probably the series 2 finale Royston Vasey and the Monster from Hell.
Which do you prefer? 1, 2 or 5?: Oh that’s CRUEL. I’m gonna say 1 and continue to feel bad for the rest of the day 😭
Pair two people from 1 that would make a strange but weirdly okay couple?: Tabitha from The Harrowing and Maurice from Private View. They can go around being art snobs together and I love that for them.
Overall which has the better storyline? 3 or 5?: Gonna have to say 3 here. I’m sorry but sometimes I love a classic Good vs Evil fantasy 😅
Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?: 2. Dirk Gently didn’t really ~have~ a theme but The Terror’s theme is so atmospheric.
Which show have you seen more of? 1 or 3?: 1, simply by virtue of there being more episodes and the rewatch value is crazy 😂
If you could be anyone from 4, who would it be? Amanda was honestly so cool in the second season. I wanna be a witchakookoo with the Rowdy Psychic Vampire Boys 😂
I tag: @zombiebrainsoup @floragraysteel and @certusbiscuit if you wanna do it!! 🧡🧡
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drjohndisco · 4 years
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What happens when a queer detective, his assist-friend and an ex-bodyguard (as well as a witchakookoo, and a person who can walk through dreams) get distracted by a butterfly and some strange lights whie trying to take a group photo? This (apparently).
Sketch under the cut!
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juliaaugust · 6 years
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Best girl <3
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protecticarus · 4 years
straight friend groups: *blonde girl* *chad* *the funny one* *kyle* *brunette girl* *frat boy*
gay friend groups: *holistic detective* *former lead singer of a band* *punk witchakookoo* *one woman army* *energy vampire x4*
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imagesbyele · 4 years
just started working a couple of hours ago on a commissioned theme for @witchakookoo​, following her ‘80s, neon, cabs, I love Adam Baldwin instructions
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it turns out that I LOVE it and it’s also not as scary as I thought to make themes on commissions if I can just talk to the other person and we can yell about what looks good 
I added the commission form for themes too, and as soon as this is done I’ll be happy to take more -but it may take me a week or two, depending on my health <3
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ninalav · 5 years
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