#rowella chynoweth
ethereal-maia · 4 months
AA TYSM!!! I recently had a resurgence of love for Rowella Chynoweth, and now I’m slowly changing my blog/intro post to match that pic of her lol
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upstartpoodle · 5 years
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Rowella’s cloak in 4x02
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cesaray · 5 years
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letterfromtrenwith · 5 years
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Poldark Family Trees
The Chynoweths (x)
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oetravia · 5 years
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Little Rowella with her thin nose and narrow eyes and fluttering underlip had been inscrutable from the day she was born. 
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lochiels · 6 years
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«You are a vile, acquisitive harlot. And I cannot think how I came to be ensnared by you.»
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carolightpenvenys · 6 years
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Chapter 4: sister act
Caroline 6.26am
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Verity 6:27
girl this better be good you woke me up
caroline cmon
the suspense is killing me
Caroline 6:30
you know i said we were on a boy cleanse
Verity 6:31
tell me
is this gonna make me feel better abt getting back together with andrew
Caroline 6:33
verity! i thought we agreed that until he put a ring on it we were saying no!!!!
but possibly yes
Verity 6:35
i’m weak ok
what’s the tea
Caroline 6:37
Verity 6:37
Caroline 6:38
Verity 6:39
Caroline 6:40
i slept with the hot doctor on my case and i am like 90% sure i am in love with him
Verity 6:41
oh girl
tell me everything
“Oh my God, is he still there?” Were Verity’s first words when she answered the phone.
Caroline sighed, “Sadly not. We’re doing this very sexy thing where we fucked out our emotions and now we are supposed to be professional. He left last night.”
“Oh Caroline.” Verity sighed. “What have you done?”
“I don’t even know? Like I was the one who suggested it?”
“I kind of told him that I liked him a lot but I thought he was getting weirded out so I just went haha let’s fuck? And he went for it. How am I going to go to work on Monday Verity?” Caroline sighed. “Actually I’m glad he’s not here, Horace climbed in my bed and even he is recoiling at my awful morning breath.”
Verity laughed audibly. “I’m so sad I literally live 1000 miles away. I want to meet this guy!”
“Yeah why did you move to Lisbon? I miss you. I need you to see if you think he’s as hot as I think he is.”
“You know it’s quite encouraging.” Verity remarked. “Normally after you sleep with a guy, you question how you were even attracted to him in the first place.”
“Ugh, why do I have to have feelings Verity?” Caroline whinged, cuddling Horace closer. “I’ve decided the only man I’m allowing into my life now is Horace. That’s it. That’s the rules.” She climbed out of bed, almost dropping her iPhone in the process.
“I mean, we all saw how you lasted with your no men rule.”
“Stop it!” Caroline made a beeline for the kettle, ready to make a (good) cup of (proper) tea, unlike that milky shit Dwight lovingly makes her every morning. “I never catch feelings, what’s wrong with me?”
“Honestly who even is she anymore? Colour me shoo-”
“Verity! Emergency!” Caroline picked up some of her own stationary with ‘For Caroline’ scrawled on the front.
“What?” Verity called back but Caroline had already put the phone down, ripping open the envelope keenly.
Dear Caroline,
Just to let you know, I know very little about women (who aren’t patients) but I know enough to know you’re a fantastic one.
Thank you for a wonderful night,
Dwight x
“Verity my fanny is fluttering intensely.” Caroline picked the phone back up.
“How am I supposed to work with him when he keeps giving me all these… love kernels?”
“You’ve got to stay strong.” Verity was using her motivational mum voice. “Resolute.”
“He left me his number, I’m going to text him, ask what time he’s coming in on Monday.”
“Caroline I really don’t think that’s a-”
“Goodbye Verity!” Caroline slammed down her phone before realizing that could break the screen and also that she needed it immediately to text Dwight. Her hands were shaking a little and she was shocked at the pure effect he had on her. She didn’t feel like she’d ever felt like this about a man before, despite the overwhelming amount of men (and women) interested in her.
“Oh fuck.” She put an earl grey tea bag in her mug, something she’d become accustomed to since meeting Dwight. “I’m a white man’s whore.” Horace was whining at her feet and she opened her double doors to let him out, contemplating how she’d been so involved in solving this damn case, she’d put herself second again. Which she swore she’d never do.
Maybe sleeping with Dwight was a mistake. Maybe she should make him less involved in the case.
But you see, he had this way of connecting with witnesses, asking the right questions that made Caroline feel more secure, even as an experienced detective.
Plus, she sighed, there was definitely something there. Why on earth did he have to be her colleague?
“Oh Horace,” she spooned his food into his bowl where he had returned from the garden. “I’ve fucked up.”
Horace simply snaffled his food in reply and she stared at him fondly. Living in a ground floor apartment meant she had a beautiful little patio and she could watch Horace all day at the weekend, unless the case was really desperate. But she’d bought her files home and was ready to read up on her next witness, Rowella Chynoweth.  
Why on earth hadn’t she called on the sister of the deceased earlier? Apparently she lived in the next town over but witness statements showed they had not spoken since Morwenna’s marriage to Osborne Whitworth. This seemed unlikely due to the close proximity of the sisters. Character references also seemed to prove she couldn’t hold a job down, with one employer calling her a ‘pathological liar.’
As much as she admired Dwight, she knew she’d have to do this one alone.
CP: Just to reassure you, this is a chat more than an interview, legal counsel probably is not required unless you insist on it.
RC: Well, when I need it I have the best that money can buy.
CP: Really? I have a warrant to your bank statements that seem to suggest otherwise.
RC: I have my means.
CP: Are you referring to the £1,000 given to you each month by an Osborne Whitworth?
RC: Yes, they regret they could not see me often so they sent me some compensatory money.
CP: That’s odd. Unusual for a family. Did Mowenna know about this money?
RC: Yes.
CP: I will make note of this. What was your relationship like with your sister and her husband?
RC: My sister and I drifted apart after her marriage. I always thought her jealous of me because she chose to be married and regretted it after.
CP: Some witnesses have reported that your sister was unhappy in her marriage, does this surprise you?
RC: Honestly? She was miserable all the time about one thing or another I wouldn’t take that too seriously.
CP: Did you ever notice any abnormalities in her marriage to the Reverend Whitworth?
RC: As I say, I distanced myself after the marriage.
CP: Yes, could we go through that again? You have ‘distanced’ yourself by living just one town over but they miss you so much, they send you compensatory money?
RC: Yes, I wouldn’t change a word you said. Let the record show that. Anything else?
CP: Yes one more thing, where were you the afternoon and evening of the murder?
RC: With my boyfriend, a man named Arthur Sawley.
CP: That’s all for now, Rowella, don’t skip town.
Caroline swung open her office door, ready to collapse into her comfortable chair when-
“You look absolutely exhausted and it’s only 10am.”
Dwight was sat in the chair opposite her desk, smiling, as if he had been there for quite a while and honestly? It had Caroline shook up.
“Oh yeah sorry,” Caroline forced out a smile through her shock. “I just had a really difficult witness.”
“Oh really? I didn’t know you had one coming in today.” Dwight countered as Caroline made herself comfortable in her chair. Honestly even retaining eye contact with him was a lot right now.
“Yeah Rowella Chynoweth. She’s a liar, I sense it in my gut. And from several sturdy character references.” Caroline scribbled furiously on her interview notes. “There’s this £1000 I just cannot justify.” She explained to him about the monthly payments and Dwight furrowed his brow.
“Maybe he’s paying her off for something?”
“But she said Morwenna knew about the payments?” Caroline could not connect the dots.
“But she’s a liar.” Dwight shrugged. “By the way, your hair looks nice today.”
Caroline blushed. She’d worn her hair down for the first time in ages and she wasn’t wearing a pantsuit for the first time in ages because she’d decided it was a new week and time for a new Caroline. “Thank you.” She’d always been excellent at taking compliments. How well she had been schooled. “I need a fucking clue, none of this is slotting together.” She’d been biting her biro for the last five minutes. “When will people stop lying?”
“She seems like the number one suspect at the moment.” Dwight suggested. “I’m sad I didn’t get to interview her sociopathic self.”
“Oh you missed nothing- I knew what I had to do and at least I’ve got some frankly lazy cover stories to work with.”
“Hey Caroline.” She was startled by the receptionist knocking on the door. “This just came for you.”
She passed a brown envelope with a printed label saying DET. CAROLINE PENVENEN
“Ooh I hope it’s my payslip.” Caroline smiled. “I’m broke as hell this month.” Dwight didn’t need to know that with her inheritance she’d never have to work a day in her life because it wasn’t important.
“It looks lowkey suspicious.” Dwight winced slightly.
“The new receptionist is very new so I will just have to see what amateur hour she’s produced here.” Caroline broke the seal with her letter opener she’d used only once before.
Inside were two sheets of paper almost stuck together and Caroline gasped when she saw what it was. “Oh my God Dwight.” She said under her breath, “You’re not going to believe this.”
For inside the envelope were two… indecent pictures of Rowella Chynoweth and the Reverend Osborne Whitworth.
“Oh my god.” Dwight gasped. “First of all, I’m never going to unsee that, put it away. Second of all, that’s probably what the money was for.”
“Morwenna couldn’t have possibly known about that money.” Caroline shook her head. “But I think we just found some motive.”
“Next question,” Dwight added, “Who sent this?”
“I will run the envelope to evidence for prints but I doubt there will be anything. Whoever is giving me these clearly wants to remain anonymous.” Caroline sighed. “FUCK.”
“You know, you should start a swear jar,” Dwight reclined his seat. “You’d make so much money.”
“When I was younger, swearing was bad manners. My uncle always said ‘no man will ever love you if you have a foul mouth’ and I just thought… well fuck.”
“That’s actually not true.” Dwight replied. “If anything it makes you more intellectual, shows you have a stronger grasp on the English language.”
Caroline blushed again. “Dwight, stop.” She shook her head. “Next thing I’ll have myself thinking you believe in me.”
To that, Dwight just smiled enigmatically. “What’s the harm in me believing you can solve this case?”
Hi yeah, the problem is I’m trying to delete my feelings for you but every time we are in the same room it intensifies times 100.
“Nothing. I’m a brilliant detective.” Caroline smirked. “And you’re a subpar doctor.”
“Stop it.” Dwight laughed. “I didn’t spend seven years at university to be called subpar!”
“Ok,” Caroline conceded, trying to tone down how extra she was being because she felt as if she was embarrassing herself. “I’ll confess, you’re a pretty great doctor. To dead people. I guess.”
“Wow.” Dwight was happy she’d finally cracked. “That’s going to be the opening statement on the cover letter for my next job.”
“What?” Caroline furrowed her eyebrows. “You’re leaving the morgue?”
“Yeah, I’ve done my time. I want to be a GP, it’s a bit more my scene. I’m going to have to go back to school for a bit first, but yeah, I plan to leave for Cambridge as soon as this case is over.”
Caroline’s heart was stamped on. Is this why he wanted to solve the case as soon as possible? Why the change? Did he not want to work with her anymore?
“Caroline,” Dwight attempted to regain her eye contact. “You literally look as if you’ve seen a ghost, are you ok?”
“This isn’t about… what happened between us is it?” Caroline could barely get the words out, she felt as if her mouth was made of cotton. How had she caught feelings so fast?
“No.” Dwight was quick to respond, holding his hand out over the table. “You are quite an incredible woman Caroline but not so much so you make me want to change practice.”
Caroline tentatively put her hand out back. “You see, things like this hurt me Dwight.”
“Things like what?”
“I don’t know whether it’s because you’re my colleague, or whether you’re a professional but, I just never feel like you’re completely in my reach.” Caroline said in a voice barely more than a whisper.
“Caroline,” Dwight replied almost instantly. “Do you want me to be in reach?”
Desperately, Caroline thought to herself.
“Until you go to Cambridge.”  Caroline kept her voice calm. “I think we should keep doing… what we do. I don’t think I’m ready to let go yet. Are you?”
Dwight sighed, carding a hand through his hair. “I wish I could say I was but, we are going to have to keep it secret.”
“The best kept secret.”
“How did this get so complicated?” Dwight was confused. “If this were any other circumstance I would be dating the hell out of you right now.”
Is what you wanted him to say.
What he actually said was, “Thank you Caroline. I’ve got another body in the morgue, see you tonight?”
“Yeah,” Caroline breathed out gently, blushing at the thought. “See you tonight Doctor Enys.”
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Esme Coy as Rowella Chynoweth
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moviestorian · 7 years
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Poldark Minor Characters Appreciation 2 Weeks:
Day 2: Favourite Female Characters (2/3) - Rowella Chynoweth
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wichrylosu · 7 years
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Heida Reed (Elizabeth), Aidan Turner (Ross Poldark), Esme Coy (Rowella Chynoweth), Harry Marcus (Geoffrey Charles), Ellise Chappell (Morwenna Chynoweth), Ciara Charteris (Emma Tregirls), Eleanor Tomlinson (Demelza), Beatie Edney (Prudie), Tom York (Sam Carne) i Harry Richardson (Drake Carne) na planie trzeciego sezonu serialu Poldark
Zdjęcia: Heida Reed, Ellise Chappell, Ciara Charteris, Julie Fox
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upstartpoodle · 6 years
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Poldark costumes by episode: 4x03
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cesaray · 5 years
i can’t tell if rowella is kinky af or plotting something or both 
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letterfromtrenwith · 6 years
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Poldark Costume Appreciation
Costumes on a minor character
Rowella’s floral dresses
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oetravia · 6 years
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“I wish he had advised six centuries.”
Morwenna Chynoweth in every episode: 3x08
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Joan / Elizabeth / Morwenna / Rowella.
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chynoweths · 7 years
rowella’s way of living life is very high risk, high reward
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