#rowena althorp
nothwell · 6 months
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Got some fun things coming up on the Patreon...
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nothwell · 10 days
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A transmasc reimagining of Little Women begins on Patre♡n! Wherein we explore the queer themes in the character of Jo March and the biography of Louisa May “Lu” Alcott.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chapter will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Theo. (transmasc historical mm romance)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm) ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm) ♡ The Sebastian Nothwell Contemporary Expanded Universe (mmm+)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 5 months
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A thrilling new story begins on Patre♡n! Welcome to Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance.
“There’s the old hulk now, my lad! What d’you think o’ her?”
At his captain’s bidding, Octavio Peixinho peered out the coach window at the mansion appearing through the trees at a bend in the long winding road. Sitting as he did with his back to the horses, he had to lean forward quite a ways to catch sight of it.
The sight proved worth catching. Ferndale Priory loomed over the landscape like a palace. Bigger, certainly, than the bark Octavio and his captain had left behind in New Bedford. Captain Ferndale had told him how the house stood on the ancient ruin of a monastery, and Octavio could see some hints of it in the style of the house now—the pointed arch of the tall and narrow windows, the notched rim of the roof and towers, and the spires springing up like whale-spouts from every corner. One of the spires, however, had broken off, and this, combined with the patches of crumbling stone, the empty shadows lurking behind most of the windows, and the sunken-in look of the roof over the eastern flank, marred the magnificence of its immense size.
Octavio turned back to his captain. “Seems hardly seaworthy.”
Captain Ferndale gave a hearty laugh. He’d seen some fifty-odd years of life—and most of them at sea—yet he wore his wisdom well, with a handsome smile showing through his close-trimmed beard. “I’d say ‘thar she blows,’ but the chimneys ain’t lit. Daresay my nevvy can’t afford to, with what debts my brother left him.”
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You’ll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works… ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas – John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job – Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 – Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 4 months
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Chapter Five of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein Malory endures a miserable dinner party.
Malory had gone from a landscape devoid of any hope of companionship to encountering two strikingly handsome fellows in the span of a single day. To say his head spun hardly did his whirling thoughts justice.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 2 months
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Chapter Twelve of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein the baronet attends a ball.
“I know some of these old fish,” said Uncle Jack. “But the young minnows have me at a loss. Who’re those pale little slips yonder?”
Malory gave thanks that his uncle merely jerked his chin at the family in question rather than pointing with hand or hook. “The Throckmortons. You might remember their late father.”
“Ah, yes—a broth of a boy!”
As his uncle did not see fit to explain that remark, Malory continued as if he hadn’t heard it.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 3 months
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Chapter Seven of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein the baronet and the bo’sun go hunting.
Wolves were driven out of Britain almost a century hence. Certainly no wolf had been seen within the bounds of Ferndale Priory in Malory’s lifetime. Therefore the beast standing before him could not possibly be a wolf. It must be a wolf-hound, of Irish or Scottish make, though the long and crooked muzzle didn’t resemble any wolf-hound Malory had ever known. Nor did the glinting yellow eyes.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 5 months
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Chapter Two of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n!
The dark eyes swept over Malory’s frame, casting lingering glances like caresses on his collar, throat, and mouth, before the beatific smile returned to those handsome lips as they murmured, “Perhaps we may find some more amicable means of settling accounts.”
Malory opened his mouth. No words emerged. His mind had filled with notions he dared not speak. Notions which the stranger surely hadn’t intended. He shut his jaw, swallowed hard, and tried again. “I shall return on the morrow. If I find you here then…”
He had intended for the words to sound like a threat. But as the dark eyes before him lit up with intrigue, he realized they had emerged more in the shape of a promise.
“Return whenever you like,” Talfryn replied. “The hour matters not—I keep rather odd hours myself. You shall find me just as ready after nightfall as in the broad light of day. If not moreso.”
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 3 months
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Chapter Nine of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein the baronet and the bo’sun confess and consummate.
“Do you regret it?”
Malory caught his apology on his tongue. Of course he regretted any discomfort or embarrassment he’d caused. Yet the bo’sun did not appear discomforted or embarrassed. A gleam of intrigue lit up those dark and compelling eyes, and the ghost of a smile played at the corners of those full lips which Malory wished to kiss again. The memory of last night, the taste of wine and salt and the intoxicating scent of another man’s musk, threatened to overwhelm him even now.
“Do you regret it?” Malory echoed at last.
The bo’sun gave him a considering look. “I only regret you were not sober.”
Malory didn’t dare to hope he’d heard him correctly. Yet he heard himself reply, “I’m sober now.”
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You’ll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works… ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas – John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job – Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 – Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
4 notes · View notes
nothwell · 3 months
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Chapter Eight of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein the baronet and the bo’sun drink deep.
“I think,” Octavio murmured against the baronet’s lips, “you ought to go to bed, sir.”
The gleam in Sir Malory’s eyes as he pulled back told Octavio he hadn’t spoken plain enough.
“Alone, sir,” Octavio added.
The spark of delight faded and the baronet’s eager smile fell as, slowly yet surely, he realised the meaning behind Octavio’s words. Octavio kept his own face blank even as Sir Malory searched it in desperation. Then the baronet licked his lips and swallowed hard. His chair scraped against the floorboards as he stood.
“Right,” said Sir Malory, no longer looking at Octavio but at anywhere else in the dark corners of the study. His hands flexed at his sides before settling to fiddle with his cuff-links. “Yes. Well.”
Octavio remained seated and silent as a stone.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 17 days
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A thought experiment that frankly got out of hand is up on Patre♡n! Daring to answer the question no one asked - what would the casts of Mr Warren's Profession, Hold Fast, and Fiorenzo get up to in a modern setting?
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chapter will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ The Sebastian Nothwell Contemporary Expanded Universe
Completed works… ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm) ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 1 month
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Chapter Sixteen of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein a vampire attacks!
A shriek rent the air.
“Frederica?” Malory cried, bewildered.
Octavio was already bolting toward the scream.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 2 months
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Chapter Fourteen of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein the baronet, the bo’sun, and the vampire meet in the monastery ruin.
Malory glanced between them, looking as though he’d forgotten how to breathe and didn’t particularly mind it.
Octavio slipped a hand behind the nape of his neck and kissed the breath back into him.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You’ll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works… ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas – John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job – Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 – Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 2 months
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Chapter Eleven of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein the baronet gets (almost) everything his bloody heart desires.
“You remarked on the thoroughness of my education.” Sir Malory hesitated. “I must tell you it has never yet extended thus far.”
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You’ll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works… ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas – John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job – Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 – Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 3 months
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Chapter Ten of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein the baronet has a visitor in the night.
The lonely sleep of a bachelor baronet bereft of bosom companionship did not come easily to Malory. Even more than a year later. Many a night he spent staring up into the darkness waiting for unpleasant dreams to claim him.
As such, on this particular night, the slight scratching sound at his window proved more than enough to rouse him.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 4 months
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Chapter Six of Vampires Vampires Vampires, a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n! Wherein Malory and Talfryn enjoy a tryst in the monastery ruins.
“Do you consider my debt repaid, sir?”
Malory hesitated. By his own reckoning, Talfryn had more than repaid him. Yet, if Malory admitted as much, Talfryn might well pack up and leave the ruined monastery forever.
Talfryn smiled. “Unless you’d prefer I remain.”
Malory swallowed hard. “Perhaps we might come to some arrangement.”
Talfryn grinned. A beautiful grin. One in which Malory couldn’t help noticing peculiar pointed eye-teeth that leant a feral aspect to the whole.
Yet the sight did not deter him from twining his fingers through those dark curls as Talfryn devoured him in another kiss.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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nothwell · 4 months
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Chapter Three of Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance, is up on Patre♡n!
A book lay open on the counter by the stove.
“There’s a chapter on receipts for captains of ships, though I daresay my uncle has had his fill of seaworthy fare.”
Octavio privately agreed.
“And another,” Miss Ferndale continued, “called, ‘Read this Chapter, and you will find how expensive a French Cook’s Sauce is.’ Which, if my father had seen it, would put us all in a very different position from the one in which you find us at present, Mr Bo’sun.”
Octavio suppressed a smile. “Just bo’sun, ma’am.”
“As you will.” She glanced about the kitchen. “You would not object to peeling potatoes, bo’sun?”
“Easier’n peelin’ a whale,” Octavio replied.
Miss Ferndale paused in the midst of handing him a knife. “Do you peel whales?”
“Aye,” said Octavio, accepting the knife and approaching the potatoes Abigail set out on the table. “More like an orange than a potato, now that I think on it. But peeled, all right. To strip the blubber off and melt it down into oil,” he added in response to the women’s bewildered looks.
“The peel is more valued than the fruit, then,” said Miss Ferndale, turning to her receipt-book. “Though I suppose it wouldn’t do to candy it.”
Octavio chuckled. He glimpsed the ghost of a smile flickering at the corner of Miss Ferndale’s mouth in reply.
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You'll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works... ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas - John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job - Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 - Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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