#rowena was me the first ep when i side eyed jack
amaranthhiding · 2 years
Samwena Fanfic Preview
I’m still shocked that AO3 only has 501 Sam/Rowena fics at the time I’m writing this... and that’s including those that only have background Samwena. So I’m sharing a sneak peek of the first ~2000 words of my Sam/Rowena story with other Samwena enthusiasts. Maybe the preview can bring some excitement to someone out there—and some peace to me because today seems to be one of those days where my anxiety is spiking. Please be kind, I’m just a little bit terrified of hitting the “Post” button for this. Pairings: Sam/Rowena, Sam&Rowena friendship No secondary pairing. Other SPN characters’ involvement will be minimal, so far only a phone call with Dean. Rating: so far undecided (but the 2000 word excerpt here is teen-rated) Words: so far 17,500, but it’s far from finished. This story is not posted to AO3 yet. Tags: post-ep 13x19 “Funeralia”, Magic, Curses, Witches, Action & Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sam POV, Rowena POV
Written for the prompt “Fool’s Gold” of the SPN RarePairTober, which I’m hopelessly late for. Story of my life.
Summary: Rowena shows up at the bunker after she has been targeted by a custom-made, lethal curse with the sole goal of destroying her. Under the shadow of this ticking timer of doom, she and Sam are left with a handful of days to prevent a slow, painful death. The search for a cure sees them on a last-minute flight to Central America.
A Metal Pursued by the Witless
Sneak Peek of the first 2000 words of Chapter 1
Sam sighed, feeling exhausted beyond the stinging in his eyes from too many hours of staring at the computer screen. All of it felt so… pointless when every lead they had on Gabriel turned out to be nothing but a dead end. Not even Rowena had been able to find the archangel, and Dean and Cas were on their way back from the latest road to nowhere, which left Sam alone in the company of his laptop and his own misery. He usually embraced the quiet, but right now it was far too loud.
It was impossible to focus when his thoughts kept spiraling back to all sorts of nightmares that their mom and Jack might be going through in that exact second. They were out there, fighting a war in a doomed universe, and there was nothing Sam could do about it. Nothing other than dig through that corner of the internet for anything angelic, with more alien sightings and 'My dog is the reincarnation of Elvis' posts than his sanity could handle right now.
Frustrated, he slid his laptop closed and pushed it away from himself to the other end of the table. He rubbed two fingers over the bridge of his nose in a futile attempt of releasing some tension. The cold wind outside howled along the bunker's outer wall and Sam breathed out a bitter chuckle at the thought that this was the perfect soundtrack to his life. All of this was on him. He'd made the call to return Gabriel's grace, naive enough to believe the archangel would side with them in return. As if Sam's willingness to trust in the good in people hadn't screwed them over enough times already. He—
Someone hammered against the bunker's door with all the urgency of another Apocalypse.
Sam got to his feet and climbed up the stairs with a frown, considering and discarding several possibilities of who he'd find on the other side of that thick layer of metal. Dean wouldn't forget the key, and there was no way Cas would ever knock like this. For an insane moment, Sam conjured the mental image of their mom and Jack being back home, just like that, no questions asked.
When the old hinges finally shrieked open in a gust of dried leaves, what greeted Sam was the sight of windswept red.
"Rowena?" he asked, not even trying to hide his surprise. "I, uh, I didn't expect you so soon after—"
Something on her face let the tiny smile die on his lips before it ever had a chance to exist.
No wisecrack, no flirtation. Not even an insult. This couldn't be good, Sam thought as he took in the wide-eyed look the witch directed his way. She seemed impossibly small wrapped in that long coat, another icy gust of wind pulling at her hair.
After a hurried glance back over her shoulder, she inhaled in the way one did before making grave statements. Sam waited patiently for whatever this was. Then she suddenly seemed to think better of it and simply shoved her way past him into the bunker.
"Sure, come on in," Sam commented sarcastically, lifting one of his hands with a palm upwards that said, 'Not like people in this bunker usually care what I think either.'
He could pinpoint the exact moment she seemed to come to a decision at the bottom of the stairs, squaring her shoulders before turning to look back up at him.
"Samuel," she said and attempted a smile that was nothing but a pale shadow of her usual air of grandiosity. "You see, there I was, enjoying a vanilla foam bath, when I thought to myself… I thought a seasoned witch like yours truly, with such considerable power…"
Her eyes lingered on the still open bunker door and Sam could swear he saw a flash of fear in them that Rowena masked quickly with another bright smile.
Sam narrowed his eyes, allowing the door to fall closed while noting the way Rowena's shoulders sank down in relief as soon as it sealed shut with a bang.
"I thought it was an affront that someone like me," she continued, undeterred. "...would be done in by a wee tracking spell!"
Fine, he'd play. By now Sam was absolutely sure that what she wasn't saying held the real information, so it took him a moment to process what had been said.
"Wait a second," he asked carefully, still not quite sure what to make of any of this. "Does that mean there's still hope to—to track Gabriel? You want to… try again?"
"There's no harm in trying, aye?" she asked, seemingly having recovered from whatever it was she wasn't telling him because the smile reached her eyes again.
"Uh, I mean, sure. And I appreciate you came all this way out here to try again, I do. But…" Sam frowned. "Didn't you say on the phone that Gabriel was too low on grace to give a blip on your radar? Especially without any belonging of his to lock onto?"
"Och, today's a new day! New chances, and all that."
Sam followed Rowena to the map table where she deposited her purse on one of the chairs. He watched as she dug out a crystal ball to place on the table. Only when she started hovering her hands over the glass sphere did Sam notice that she still hadn't taken off her coat or even the long black silken gloves concealing her hands and forearms.
"Ostende mihi illum quem quaero,"¹ Rowena chanted, the Latin easily flowing off her tongue in a way that Sam admired. He still felt awkward sometimes when he needed to pronounce the dead language instead of just reading it silently on a page, unsure if he truly got it right.
The glass ball remained dark.
Sam threw a surprised look Rowena's way, seeing her mutter something under her breath. For a reason he couldn't figure out, she removed only one of her gloves, returning the now uncovered hand to the glass sphere. Then her gloved hand shot out to grasp Sam's, leading it to the opposite side of the crystal ball.
"You've met Gabriel before, I haven't," she stated simply, holding his gaze as she repeated the incantation.
Sam felt a tingling sensation on his palm and the glass sphere flared to life, throwing a purple glow over the map table's North American continent. Rowena hissed suddenly as if in pain and Sam saw her pull the gloved hand back to her body. The purple glow began to flicker and fade.
"Focus, Samuel," Rowena admonished without averting her gaze from the crystal ball, and Sam cleared his throat hastily. He concentrated on the memory of Gabriel on the upper floor of the bunker, eyes glowing and the shadows of wings spread behind him.
The glow inside the glass sphere shifted from purple to blue, but then it died as abruptly as the hope he'd allowed himself to feel for a short moment.
"I'm sorry, Sam. I think your archangel," Rowena said in genuine regret, placing the crystal ball back into her purse, "doesn't want to be found."
"Yeah, that—he, um, he kind of left in a hurry," Sam explained, a miserable smile tugging at one corner of his mouth in the memory of his misjudgment.
Rowena glanced up at the bunker's exit door, then closed her eyes with a quiet sigh while fumbling with the loose glove between her fingers.
Sam decided the time for some truth had come.
"What's with the, um, the gloves?" he asked and saw the hesitation on Rowena's face before the smile that didn't reach her eyes returned.
"Only the finest silk. Imported, of course."
Sam huffed out a breath with an annoyed sidewards glance, pressing his lips together. Of course it wouldn't be that easy.
"That's—that's not what I meant. But I think you know that." He looked directly into her face, waiting until she finally met his eyes again. "Rowena," he implored softly. "Tell me what's going on?"
She hesitated again, longer this time, before averting her gaze to the table.
"Nothing," she replied in a not very subtle attempt of deflection. "Just that failing a simple tracking spell isn't the best for a witch's reputation."
"Rowena, I thought we'd moved past this," Sam said quietly, surprised at himself that he felt actual hurt over her refusal to tell him the truth. "After everything, do you really trust me so little?"
"You're the only one I trust," she objected instantly, followed by a look of utter shock at her own words.
Sam swallowed through the silence, touched by the visible truthfulness of the admission.
A chuckle suddenly burst out of her. "I must be mad, saying this to the one who's going to kill me. Out of all the people in the world."
His stomach sank at the reminder of that prophecy, the phantom touch of his pistol's trigger still burning on his fingers.
"For what it's worth," he said, clearing his throat another time to get rid of the taste of guilt. "I do not want to kill you. Never have, actually."
The genuine smile playing around Rowena's mouth just confirmed how truly deranged his life was for this to count as a compliment.
He reached for her gloved hand, slowly enough for her to pull away if she wanted. She let him.
"Do you want to know what I felt when you stopped that bullet?" he asked, and Rowena inclined her head in silent question.
"Relief," he stressed, and peeled the glove off her arm. The sight of what he found let the fabric slip from his fingers and sink to the ground. Where before there had been dark silk, he now saw dark-gray skin, dried out like something that had withered a while ago.
"Wh—what…," Sam stammered, unthinking.
"I had nowhere else to go," Rowena stated, the slightest shiver in her voice.
"What happened?"
"This bunker is the safest place I know," she continued, as if that had anything to do with his question.
"Rowena, who did this to you? Was it Lu—"
"Time," she said before he had a chance to finish pronouncing that name, and her smile was at odds with the terrified expression in her eyes. "It seems my past has finally caught up with me."
For the second time within a few minutes, Sam felt his stomach lurch.
"What, how—wait a second, why is this happening now? Your hands were fine two days ago!"
"It appears that the unrest in Hell set free an old enemy of mine. Olivette," she spit out the name with audible disdain. "Calls herself 'High Priestess'. She not only reassembled what's left of the Grand Coven, she somehow found enough fresh blood to bring it back to power. Not quite what it used to be, but enough to—"
Rowena cut herself off, swallowing as she picked up the fallen glove and put it back in place over her arm. She still seemed to be able to move the affected hand, though it looked far less dextrous than her other one.
"They—they ambushed me," she continued in a faraway voice, her gaze glued to her hand. "Those cowards didn't dare to face me in an open fight because they knew I'm the most powerful of them all. So they lay in wait with a curse on the doorstep of my hotel room. Ever since I passed the room's threshold, my body is no longer responding to life magic. And they're still there, cutting me off from all my belongings but the few things I've left in my handbag. I barely got away."
"Rowena, why didn't you say so right away? You can—you can stay here. We got supplies, whatever you need to break this curse."
"Curses are intricate magic. Only their creator knows the balance between the curse and the cure woven into its very fabric. Sam…," she said, and the gravity of the situation started to dawn on him when wetness rose in Rowena's eyes. "Unraveling this, it might take years. It's—it's time I don't have."
"How long do we have to fix this?"
"Judging by the current rate of progression..." She swallowed, then breathed out, "mere days." ¹: Show me whom I want.
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avalonsilver · 6 years
Supernatural questions
SPN Questions Game!
I was tagged by @lovedsammy
Thank you! I appreciate it. Sorry this took so long. It was fun answering the questions though. :-)
1. When did you start watching Supernatural? The night the show first premiered on Sept. 13, 2005 (according to Google). I knew Jensen and Jared from other shows (more recently at that time, Jensen's recurring role on Smallville and then Jared on Gilmore Girls) and was curious. Sci-fi/fantasy is a fav genre for me, so Supernatural seemed right up my alley (the horror/gory aspects sometimes was a little much for me, but the character dynamics keep me watching). I watched the show regularly for the first five seasons. What got me to fall in love with the show was a small scene in the first episode.  (rest under the cut)
That was when Dean answers Sam's belief about Dean doing this alone [find their Dad] with a "Yeah, well, I don't want to." The way this line was delivered by Jensen... it just showed a vulnerability in Dean. It showed what sort of character Dean was -- that he needed, wanted his brother by his side. That moment left me wanting to learn more about Sam and Dean, and I cared about their journey in each episode. After the Season 5 finale, I stopped watching the show regularly. I watched the first few eps of Season 6 I believe, but they failed to hold my interest. Not enough Cas I guess (I loved him in Seasons 4 and 5 and his character development in those two seasons). I randomly watched a few Season 7 episodes when they aired (the one with Charisma Carpenter & James Marsters (7x05) and the Eliot Ness episode (7x12)). I was wondering where Cas was at as I didn't really know then what had happened to him. Finally, about five years later, when Season 13 was airing, I fell back into watching the show. I saw War of the Worlds 13x07 live without much of an idea of what had gone on in the show in the last few years. So I had no idea that Sam and Dean now called this bunker their home. It was certainly an experience watching that episode being pretty confused about things. The mid-season finale/"The Bad Place" really peaked my interest that I should catch up with this show again. Jack got me curious. I ended up watching the Season 13 finale live. 
Over the summer, I binge-watched the seasons I missed post-Season 5. I watched the episodes I missed in Season 13 first. Then I went through Seasons 6, 9, 10 and 11 (still working on Season 12- finished through 12x08). With Seasons 7 & 8, I mainly watched the episodes where Cas appeared (with S7, that made the season go fast for me since he was only in five episodes... I did see 7x03 though because of Colin Ford. He is my favorite version of "young Sam"... and catching up with the show, it was a nice surprise that he returned in Season 7). I am planning to see those S7 & 8 episodes I skipped over-- feel kind of bad for not watching those seasons completely.
2. Who is your favorite in TFW? Castiel -- I looked forward to his scenes back in Seasons 4 and 5. His journey since then has been interesting to watch. While his development in Season 6 was hard to see unfold, I see it as the unfortunate fallout from averting the apocalypse. It was a win that TFW stopped the apocalypse particularly through Sam's sacrifice. But sadly, Cas's desire to prevent Apocalypse Take 2 from happening caused him to go to dark places -- leaving TFW fractured. I think his experience as a human was one of the best things that happened to him-- it really helped him be more compassionate and understanding-- or just really bring out what Cas already had inside him. I still prefer him to be an angel though (I have a weakness for "superpowers"...like the glowy eyes/healing...). But I appreciate that Cas did experience being human and learned something valuable from that.
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW? Dean, although it's hard to choose a least favorite. Each one has their good and bad traits. Dean's harsh treatment of Jack in Season 13 is not something I can brush aside completely. So that's why Dean comes to mind. Dean has gotten better with Jack, true, but his early S13 handling of Jack while Sam pleaded with Dean to give Jack a chance is still hard to forget.
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs. (I think most everyone has done these questions, so below are just the Supernatural blogs I like checking out) Let’s see… I tag: @hallowedbecastiel, @lovedsammy @flightoftheseraph​, @soluscheese, @castielisourhero, @sastiel-daily, @canonspngifs
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)? Bobby Singer, although I guess he can be considered an honorary member of TFW. I have not seen the episode where he dies (7x10), but I plan to and I know it'll leave me teary-eyed I'm sure. But seeing the episodes where he returns in some capacity (10x17 "Inside Man" -- so much love for that episode, and 11x16 "Safe House") got me really emotional. That letter to Sam in 10x17, and Dean figuring he and Bobby were there at the same time in that house thanks to some time-wimey explanation... it just made me wish Bobby was still alive. He was really like a father to Sam and Dean and it'll certainly be hard to watch those early seasons with Bobby -- knowing now that he's gone. At least he's in Heaven. I want to add Jack too-- even if he is a part of TFW, but technically it's TFW 2.0 for him, so he does sort of count I guess (I'm reaching here, I know, but couldn't resist). Mostly because his character got me curious and led me to watching all of Season 13 and motivating me to finally catch up with the seasons I've missed of the show. Seeing all the crap that Sam had been through with Lucifer post-Season 5 made his willingness to help Jack, Lucifer's son, all the more compelling.
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural? As far as a female character who's currently still alive, Rowena is pretty awesome -- some of her outfits have been gorgeous. And there's the 13x19 scene on the phone where she flirts with Cas --"oh is the handsome angel there with you? Hello, Tweetie Pie." was amusing in how it left Cas a little flustered and off-footed in his response. Considering back at the end of Season 10, Rowena cursed him with that "attack dog" spell causing Cas some considerable misery... it's just so like the show for the pair of them to be sort of chill with one another now. Cas still doesn't quite know how to take flirtations-- it's endearing. Also, due to my summer rewatch, I really enjoyed Meg 2.0's character. I loved her dynamic with Cas and was sad when she died. I love that she saw Cas as "her unicorn." Rachel Miner did a great job with the character of Meg. I'll never forget that moment in 6x10 when Meg made out with Cas.
7. John or Mary? Mary (I haven't seen all of Season 12 and did hear her storyline had its issues, but from what I know about her, I prefer her to John). Watching the 300th episode caused me to warm up to John again. I'm glad Sam and Dean got some closure with him. I think I blame the background music sometimes used during the John moments... it got me all nostalgic and emotional. I enjoyed Mary in Season 13 and being protective of Jack -- to where she decided to stay with him even if it meant needing to leave the camp because AU! Bobby was suspicious of Jack's half-angel status. So I'll stick with Mary on this one.
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack? Sam: I thought he was a compelling character. He was like the "regular guy" character at the beginning helping to introduce the audience into the strange world of hunting the supernatural his family was a part of. I took a television course back in college, so this kind of stuff was discussed, bear with me. lol ... as the show went on, it was ironic that he was the one with psychic powers, the demon blood and was the "true vessel" for Lucifer. After playing catch up with the show post-Season 5, I feel so bad for the crap Sam has gone through particularly with Lucifer. It has been a long time for me, so I can't exactly remember my first impression of Sam. After seeing Jared on Gilmore Girls, I think I just automatically decided to find any character he played likable since I generally liked his character on Gilmore Girls. It was sad how badly Sam wanted to live a normal/safe life with Jess in the pilot but that wasn't in the cards for him.
Dean: I found his "devil may care" attitude kind of cool, but as brought up earlier, I liked that he cares about family. That he came to get Sam because he needed him by his side to search for their Dad. Even despite the big fight that was close to John disowning Sam, Dean wanted to make the effort to mend bridges. Dean took the chance that Sam would still care about their Dad's well-being despite the big fight. Or maybe Dean knew that deep down, Sam would agree to help -- as after all, Dean practically raised him so he obviously knew Sam pretty well (even if he didn't quite understand Sam's strong desire to head to university and try for an "normal apple pie life.")
Cas: He was a big part why I was excited for Seasons 4 and 5 when they were airing. Although in retrospect, he didn't really have a lot of scenes in S4 &5. I just ended up being grateful for what we did get back then. I liked how though seemed alien in his first appearance and interaction with Dean, there were hints that Cas did care and wasn't a cold, unfeeling angel. Like I couldn't quite hate him completely for burning out Pamela's eyes even though I wanted to initially. Cas just seemed a little regretful about that, so I could see sparks of opportunity for character growth. I need to rewatch the scene again, but I vaguely recall Cas looked sad/regretful about Pamela's fate. And when he told Dean, "You don't think you deserve to be saved,"-- the way the line was delivered got me even more curious about Cas. Then his end of episode appearance in 4x02 freaked me out a bit because he was intense there. But honestly, during most of that 4x02 scene, I was bothered by his lips being dry/cracked... why I still remember this after all these years, IDEK. Still wish someone had given him some chapstick or something then. lol 
Jack: The first episode I saw him in was the mid-season 13 finale. I was interested in Jack and learning more about him... I'm sure it would have been better if I'd seen those earlier Season 13 episodes to understand Jack better. I really enjoyed how everything went down in 13x09 and how climactic it ended up being. The last shot of Jack in "Apocalypse World" with him looking up at Mary in a cage was a well-done shot. After seeing 13x01, I liked Jack's curiosity about the world and his love of nougat. He seemed like a sweet and caring person and eager to please.
9. What’s your favorite season? Season 1. It was when I first started watching and was just a pretty solid season overall. The cliffhanger was evil, but hell, that really got me on the board to continue with this show. Plus, the memorable lines --"driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole", "hope your apple pie was freakin' worth it!" and I loved the moment of Dean bringing peanut M&Ms as one of his provisions in 1x02 "Wendigo" (and they did prove useful in the end in tracking him down). It's tempting to say a season with Cas too because I like his character. With Cas, probably Season 10 since I enjoyed his interactions with Claire. Also, I love 10x17 so much (just made me miss Bobby and that end montage is an automatic rewatch for me). Although Season 4 was good too with Castiel's introduction. I like how his character developed to the point where he was prepared to fight off archangels to stop the apocalypse. Even if this defied the other angels wanting the apocalypse to come to fruition. Honorary mention to Season 13 mostly for the journey of Sam and Jack's father-son bond. I always love seeing tributes to that bond and the support Jack received from Sam.
10. What’s your least favorite season? Season 7, but then again I haven't seen the entire season yet. From what I saw of the Leviathans, I didn't like them as villains. But Leviathan!Cas was pretty awesome-- he definitely freaked me out for the brief time the Leviathan took him over. Just a shame that the Leviathan after that were just kind of meh... For a season I saw entirely, I'd have to say Season 6. Though Castiel had some great moments in this season (6x20 of course being a highlight), it hurt to see Cas turn against Sam and Dean. Yes, Cas was doing all that to stop Apocalypse 2.0, but I hated that he resorted to breaking Sam's wall (leaving Sam a mess into Season 7). Also, the first half of the season with soulless!Sam was weird to watch... since Sam wasn't himself and knowing that was sad. I enjoyed the episode 6x11 where Dean made a deal with Death to get Sam's soul out of the cage. So yeah, I liked some parts of Season 6, but overall, it's not easy to rewatch knowing this is the unfortunate fallout of averting the apocalypse in Season 5. Back in the day-- for just Seasons 1 through 5, I'd say Season 3...the season had its moments, but it just ranked lowest for me in terms of the first five seasons. Although S3 gets points for one cliffhanger of an ending.
11. Opinions on Destiel? I used to be big on Destiel, or just Dean and Cas's friendship/strong bond in Seasons 4 and 5. Maybe my enthusiasm for them just faded away over time... after catching up with the show recently, my perspective has changed. I can't completely get over Dean's treatment of Cas at the end of Season 7 after he'd taken on Sam's hell trauma leaving him broken and not mentally stable. Dean yelling at Cas more than once was frustrating to see during this time. I just can't get into Dean x Cas as much as before... though Cas sticking around and still being Dean's friend, helping him and Sam out, does speak a lot to Cas's ability to forgive... not to stay angry with Dean after some of the things Dean has said to him and put him through (such as kicking him out of the bunker in 9x03 without any offer of assistance so Cas wouldn't continue to be homeless... I can understand why a lot of people didn't like 9x03).
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits? No. t's nice that Dean can have a solid, meaningful friendship with someone who isn't Sam... so it's good that he has Castiel. But the moments where it seems like it's leading to something more than friendship for Destiel... I think it just shows the strength of their friendship.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14? Seasons 8-14 -- mostly because I liked Cas's character development in the later seasons. That he's more compassionate, maybe more human -- his short time as a human influencing him in a good way for the most part. Even if his angelic powers were diminished in the later seasons. 
I miss his teleporting (I had grown used to the "rustle of wings" sound effect in Seasons 4 and 5), and to learn he'd lost that ability for a few years already by the time of Season 13 -- that was sad to know. Despite that loss, I like that Cas has become more expressive -- like in the 14x12 scene where he's discussing "Rowena's remarkable command of profanity" on the phone to Sam -- The line delivery and his facial expression was on point there.
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)? Crowley. He had some great moments on the show, and it was great to see his journey on the show. From full-on antagonist to sort of being on Team Winchester. I don't like that he killed Meg 2.0 (I miss her :(), but he was a compelling character and it's sad that he's not on the show anymore.
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line? Yes!
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas) Sam. They all have gone through their share of trauma, so it's not easy to just choose one. But Sam has been tortured by Lucifer himself, and still suffers PTSD from that every time he has to deal with Lucifer.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode? 1x12 - "Faith"  -- I have a fondness for some Season 1 episodes. Asylum was another fav for me along with Home and Something Wicked. At the time that “Faith” aired, I was big on hurt!Dean, and this episode delivered. I loved how determined Sam was to save his brother. This was still back when some great classic rock songs were used. The "Don't Fear the Reaper" song playing while Sam and Dean carried out their plan to stop the reaper was pretty epic. And looking back, boy, do I miss those days when iconic songs like that were used on the show. 18. Do you like case episodes? Yes -- I like seeing how the mystery unravels, and finding out who the culprit is in the end.
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW? Sam. Mostly due to his love/appreciation of research. I like to research too and learn new things. Also, he's the younger sibling, which is the same for me. I can relate to his frustration with his dad -- though it was for different reasons, I've felt similarly-- just different personalities and perspectives clashing, I would say.
20. Why do you like Supernatural? I like Supernatural because of the brotherly bond between Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean was what first drew me to the show and I still enjoy seeing the twists and turns they go through -- and I appreciate the moments that strengthen their bond and get emotional and heartbroken when they're divided. At the end of the day, I feel Sam and Dean are the heart and the soul of the show -- my hope for the end of the series is that the brothers' bond is as strong as ever. I would be so sad if they end the show with Sam and Dean at odds with each other-- I have faith the writers wouldn't do this -- it would be hard to watch (like back in 4x21 where they fight each other and go their separate ways... it was painfully heartbreaking to see).   Also, I love Team Free Will -- it's nice that Sam and Dean have Cas now as a long-time friend and confidante. I like Jack and the more recent Team Free Will 2.0 that formed to include him. Though the original Team Free Will is more iconic, I guess, for me since it formed as the apocalypse approached in Season 5. And the name really had a meaning: that Sam, Dean and Cas weren't going to fold and follow what the higher up angels wanted... that their free will mattered more than following their long foretold destinies.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be? I'm torn between bringing Bobby back or Meg 2.0. I'd kill off Lucifer (if he is really woken up in the Empty -- he needs to be put down again. :\). I'd like Kevin Tran to come back. I would be okay with killing off AU! Bobby if we can get the old Bobby back. And Meg 2.0 being brought back would be great-- I miss her interactions with Cas.
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