#rp: your misery in life
saxhamsurvivor · 1 year
your misery in life (is your ecstasy in death)
@saxhamsurvivor asked:
"Hold still..."
@hearthandhomeward | Titus Glauca answered:
For a while, he'd assumed he was dead, all things considered. For a while, he'd even been happy about it. No more conflict, no more divide-- no more fighting for one side and betraying the other. No more expectations, no future, no past, no honor, no pride. For a while, he is dead. And then he isn't, pulled back screaming to the waking world and the sun high, unyielding, unforgiving, overhead, as Arra yanks the blade from his chest and smashes a cure flask right in the worst of it. Drautos swears, violently, hands half-armored and digging into the rubble of what was once the First Bank of Insomnia, as the curative does its impersonal work-- what he wants to do is grab Axis Arra by the throat and break his neck for inflicting this on him. He was dead, gods-dammit, and he'd actually liked it. It is the longest series of moments in his life, longer than the eternal battle with Ulric, longer than every tedious moment spent in company of a king he loathed. Arra looks like he should be dead, too, haggard and wan, when Titus finally regains sense enough to push past the frigid fingers yanking bone and muscle and organ tissue back together to look at him. "--Thanks," and there is grudging gratitude there, because being alive means he can still finish what he started. "The others with you?" Furia, Bellum, other people he'd set up like ducks in a shooting gallery, pawns on a chessboard. His people, like Crowe, never intended to survive the Fall.
Axis watches his one-time captain with the implacability of a coeurl on the hunt. He can see the murder there, in ice-blue eyes, and ignores it as he does the begrudging thanks. He didn't revive Titus Drautos to save him, after all.
"I sent them on ahead," Axis tells him, flat and cold. "We need gear, clothes, a ride."
He should have cut Drautos' throat the moment he saw him breathing, but the peace on the older man's face had enraged him.
He still doesn't know if he intends to leave him here or lead him out, or pretend to follow like he used to. He thinks Drautos knows Axis will never be loyal to him again.
The kids are safe, and the man in Glauca's armour doesn't know where. It's enough for now.
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barbwillbrb · 24 days
Snippet Sunday!
Thank yee @ladyofcrowsandcoffee for the tag! I finally got snippets to share for once thanks to the monstrosity of an RP @faerunsbest and I got going on.
I wanna show various aspects of Mortimer's persona, so here are five snippets showing different sides of him.
Combat Mortimer:
It was too strange, too surreal; faint memories flickered past his troubled mind, the ghost of his past life haunting him. Walking in his childhood footsteps, Mortimer worked his way through the house that was his personal hell, finding his way to the uppermost floors. His senses on high alert, he reached out with his magic, searching for any signs of life, but ultimately seeking one soul in particular– sure enough, Mortimer could feel him, a dark, angry force above him, in the office. Some things never change. 
While most of his father’s forces seemed to convene on the bottom-most levels– the man always, always hated being interrupted during his work, a lesson Mortimer learned all too well as a child, earning the scar on his wrist– a few lingered upstairs, holding fast to their positions as carnage echoed up the stairwells. The distraction proved fruitful; they never heard Mortimer approach, nor had the time to react when the wizard flooded their lungs, water blooming in their chests– the guards dropped dead, drowning where they stood, liquid tinged with red dribbling from their lips.
Hysterical/Sad Mort:
It wasn’t like Mortimer didn’t try, wasn’t like he didn’t want to– the gods themselves knew how much he wanted the man back. 
Fear, however, was an insidious, ugly thing– especially fear wrought from deep-routed traumas and broken memories. 
Mortimer knew damned well it wasn’t Sybyll that hurt him– not really, no. Sybyll wasn’t to blame for any of this. Unfortunately, the harm that befell Mortimer unlocked parts of his mind he kept buried for his own survival: all the very worst moments of his wretched life– the darkest, most vile recollections from his time with the cult, his time imprisoned. He couldn’t sleep without being taken to a dark, awful, choking pit. Nightmares weren’t nightmares when you knew them to be true, their marks buried deep in your skin. 
On the nights he could sleep, he woke in a cold, panicked sweat; Mortimer had taken to relying on potions to maintain any sort of rest. 
Mortimer didn’t just lose Sybyll; he was losing his damned mind, his peace, his sense of self.
More Sad Mort because making him miserable is fun, and he had to break in order to get better. Also, he swears!
It seemed fate would not bring Mortimer a moment’s peace, regardless of his misery. A knock came from the door, followed by Lennox’s voice; of course the wizard forgot something. Mortimer was half tempted to dismiss the werewolf’s concerns, simply wave away the questions or just refuse to open the door… if he didn’t know for a fact that Lennox would simply break it down to figure out what was wrong.
Besides, Mortimer didn’t want him to think something was wrong with the chair, not after everything Lennox had done for him. Gods– all this work to fix himself, and Mortimer was still a mess. Broken… incomplete. Without Sybyll, that’s exactly what he felt like, a puzzle without all the pieces. 
And Mortimer lost him. 
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck,” Mortimer swore under his breath, wiping his eyes with his sleeves, his hands balled into fists in his frustration. He did his best to dry his face, pinching at his cheeks, and looked over the mess that was his desk. Hurriedly, he stowed the bottle and glass away, shutting the cupboard drawer. If he delayed any longer, Lennox would surely knock the door off its hinges. “Coming, coming,” he muttered, hating how hoarse his voice sounded; he should have brought water with him. Then again, his plan was to get shitfaced and forget about everything, wasn’t it? Thank Lathander that he only had the one so far. 
Mortimer being a disastrous romantic
It wasn’t that he had nothing to say– quite the opposite; the words came quite freely in regards to his feelings. The difficulty was trying to narrow down the torrent of emotions he felt for Sybyll into something that didn’t come off as the barely coherent, lovestruck ramblings of a madman– or led to him practically begging forgiveness for his stupidity. Although, if Mortimer was honest with himself, the shortest note he scribbled was probably the most accurate: “I am sorry, I am a fucking idiot, and I love you. Please tell me it’s not too late?”
A groan left him and he threw his head in his hands. At least Pinky was not trying to kill the goldish, or Mortimer very well might have lost his mind. Nothing was coming out right. Mortimer looked at the drawer of unsent letters, all pulled from his heart. Each one was a silly mess of fluff, pining, begging– unedited and raw. Why didn’t he send them before? Pride? Worry that it would be too much?
Each letter was nothing but honest. Mortimer needed to be honest– and damn-it-all, he didn’t give a shit anymore about his pride. 
Sybyll thought he was alone. Mortimer was determined to prove he never left his heart. 
He gathered all the letters and placed them in a box, surprised at the weight– he might as well have written a novel– tying it closed with red thread. Whatever Mortimer wanted to say, he would say it in the moment, and if Sybyll needed proof about his feelings– well, here it was, wrapped in a bow.
... aaaaaaand spicy time Mortimer
The vampire yanked his robe's collar free, fangs dragging lightly along his throat; Mortimer hissed in delight, feeling his lover trace an intoxicating path against his skin. The wizard wanted to be patient, to take this slow– but when Sybyll lay back, erection firm against his stomach, looking up at Mortimer with a pleading pout on his pretty red lips– he couldn’t hold back. “By Gods, I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you so much– and I’ll fucking prove it,” Mortimer growled, removing his fingers, snapping into life a mage hand that quickly took on a more appropriate form. 
Working quick but gentle, Mortimer wrapped an arm around the smaller man, flipping their positions in an instant so Sybyll straddled his lap. His hands went to the man's waist, holding him in place as the ghostly cock slid between Mortimer’s legs, beneath his lover’s waiting entrance. Eyes dark with barely contained lust, he pulled the ribbon free from Sybyll’s neck with his teeth, kissing his way up to the vampire's jaw, then lips. Mortimer guided Sybyll down onto the cock, gripping his hips tight. “I’ve longed to do this for months,” he murmured, beginning to move Sybyll, his hold firm.
No pressure tag time: @lemonsrosesandlavender @faerunsbest @kimberbohwrites @commander-krios @savriea
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Stalking Jack the ripper book quote rp meme
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book series by Kerri Maniscalco - feel free to change or edit change pronouns for rp purposes
“Roses have both petals and thorns, my dark flower. You needn’t believe something weak because it appears delicate. Show the world your bravery.”
“I think you’ve broken one of my ribs. Was that really necessary? Next time you tackle me, be sure it’s in one of our bedchambers.”
“Everyone deserved to live freely and in honor of themselves. A basic right should not be a luxury.”
“She’s the muscle. I’m clearly the charm.”
“Curiosity was a disease that plagued me, and I'd yet to find a cure.”
“Hearts were beautifully fierce yet fragile things.”
“One fact was slowly taking shape: I was in jeopardy of admiring him against my better judgment.”
“If you can dream without limits, you can soar to great heights. Let the magic of your imagination set you free.”
“No matter how much death and horror existed, there were still things of beauty left to find.”
“You’re both so intelligent in matters involving the mind, but the heart? It’s as if beings from other galaxies are puzzling out fried potatoes.”
“Sometimes you need to stand out in order to blend in.”
“Life was beautiful even during the darkest hours.”
“Mistakes were a learning experience, not the end of the universe.”
“Monsters were supposed to be scary and ugly. They weren't supposed to hide behind friendly smiles and well-trimmed hair.”
“What is a man's soul made of that a woman's is not?”
“Diamonds were everything I hoped to be; beautiful, yet containing unimaginable strength.”
“The world is neither kind nor is it cruel. It simply exists. We have the ability to view it however we choose.”
“Our hearts are curious things. So sentimental and easily misguided. Pull the right strings or snap the correct cords, and poof!”
“Most stories are too good to be true. That's what makes them enchanting.”
“Magic is science. It’s simply a fancier term for showing people the impossible is attainable.”
“Let's play act a murder,”
“I’d like to see you carry on with a corset digging its bones into your rib cage, and manage a skirt still covering most of your breeches and whipping around your thighs in this wind.”
“Always foster and grow that unquenchable curiosity of yours."
“Perhaps you should comment on the excellent cut of my suit. I look rather handsome today as well. Don’t you think?”
“Pretend I am as capable as a man? Please, sir, do not value me so little!”
“Passion and annoyance were fire, and fire was alive and crackling with power.”
“I wondered how I could appear so whole and serene on the outside when inside I was thrashing with turbulence.”
“Do not turn your back on a love that could jump the barrier between life and death.”
How exceptionally wonderful for him. I wished them both a lifetime of misery with ill-mannered children. I swallowed my annoyance down and plastered on a smile. “
“Pretending a monster wasn't there didn't make it go away. It only made one vulnerable to its attack.”
“Let’s have some wine and dance inappropriately. You’ve already dressed the part for me—let’s take advantage.”
“For there are no limits to the stars; their numbers are infinite. Which is precisely why I measure my love for you by them. An amount too boundless to count.”
“Love strangles intelligence, even in the best of us.”
“Humans were the true monsters and villains, more real than any novel or fantasy could invent.”
“Monsters were in the eye of the beholder. And no one wanted to discover their hero was the true villain of the story.”
“I refuse to believe you've misinterpreted my affections. I am wholly in love with you. And it is permanent.”
“Monsters are only as real as the stories that grant them life. And they only live for as long as we tell those tales.”
“You are yours to give.”
“I’ve already fallen hard. Perhaps you should have warned me sooner.”
Most people ignore what’s right before their eyes. They believe they see, but oftentimes only view what they want
“Those who deserve respect are given it freely. If one must demand such a thing, he'll never truly command it.”
“There’s nothing better than a little danger dashed with some romance.”
“Fear is a hungry beast. The more you feed it, the more it grows.”
“I love you... More than all the stars in the universe. In this life and ever after. I love you.”
“Wield your assets like a blade. No man has invented a corset for our brains. Let them think they rule the world. It’s a queen who sits on that throne. Never forget that.”
“The dead speak to those who listen. Be quieter than even them.”
“Some ghosts should remain good and buried,”
“Seeing the truth was never easy, especially when it revealed those closest to us could be monsters hidden in plain sight.”
“People were always providing in death what they would not do in life, it seemed.”
“Someone screamed; perhaps it was me. Though it would have made me happier if it were him.”
“Death was not prejudiced by mortal things such as station or gender. It came for kings and queens and prostitutes alike, often leaving the living with regrets.”
So there will be no children or any beautiful paradise in our future. Most of the time I cannot even tolerate his presence. His arrogance is… I don’t know. Annoying.”
Your association with me is growing more beneficial by the hour. Your intelligence is quite… attractive,”
“Sit here and I’ll rock you gently until you or I or both fall asleep.”
“Why don’t you talk to me about what’s really troubling you? What emotional dilemma needs sorting out?”
No man has invented a corset for our brains. Let them think they rule the world. It’s a queen who sits on that throne. Never forget that. There’s no reason you can’t wear a simple frock to work, then don the finest gown and dance the night away. But only if it pleases you.”
“I needed no man to empower me. I had my father to thank for that much; his absence in most everyday things had prepared me well enough to stand on my own.”
“Whenever I scared him, he turned into some foreign person. One who was both frightening and frightened at once.”
“One needn’t be strong in only physical matters—a strong mind and will were fierce to behold as well. “
“Most people ignore what's right before their eyes. They believe they see, but oftentimes only view what they want.”
“If you wish to go, I’ll never make you stay. I might not do and say the proper thing all the time, but I do know that I love you enough to set you free.”
“We women could be called creatures, if only the men who said such careless words accepted our claws were fearsome things when we decided to scratch.”
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bucky-boychik-barnes · 7 months
Sending hugs always!
3. Biggest self-insert OC?
4. What kind of music do your OCs listen to?
5. What are some of your OCs biggest fears?
6. Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
7. What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
8. Do you have any OC family trees?
9. Favourite OC?
Please and thank you!
3. Biggest self-insert OC?
Sarah started out as a self-insert OC in a Xavier's School RP on the Ctrl+Alt+Del forums, in the eaaaarly 2010s. Since then, she's absolutely developed to be her own character, but she's sort of the person I would like to be now, regarding her chosen family, love of cooking/baking, and being creative. Meanwhile Oz has all of the money I wish I had and more, and Angie is as confident and cool as I want to be.
4. What kind of music do your OCs listen to?
I definitely can't list them all, just because I have so many OCs, so I will focus on my favorites for the rest of the questions, haha. Sarah loves artists like BABYMETAL and Paramore, her older sister Angie has a giant range of likes from Halestorm to Gary Allan, Oz is a big Britney Spears and general pop music/Top 40 fan.
5. What are some of your OCs biggest fears?
Oz hates all bugs, snakes, and lizards - it gets a tiny bit better when Doyle starts showing an interest in herpetology, but not much. Sarah has had to go to therapy to stop being anxious anytime she starts to get hungry, but she still carries snacks with her everywhere. Neither of them are a fan of men being loud and aggressive. Most of Angie's fears involve Sarah getting hurt in any way, shape, or form. (He is not okay when she goes through her one pregnancy - especially when he finds out about pregnancy psychosis.)
6. Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
Angie's wife, Rayne, and one of Oz's relationships, Andy, don't get written about enough. I really hope to change it someday.
7. What are your favorite relationships between your OCs? (Romantic or platonic!)
I love Oz and Calum's relationship, and how they are basically childhood sweethearts. They also have a third partner later in their life--a sweet, scholarly astrology nerd named Jakob that I haven't posted anything about on AO3, but have plenty of old WIPs with him. I also love that Oz has so much love in his life - not just from his family and partners, but he has so many friends. He considers Nic, Andy's wife, to be his platonic partner as well as best friend - they are married in a Bridgerton AU to save both of them from a life of misery.
8. Do you have any OC family trees?
Most of my OCs have fleshed out parents and siblings, though there are a few only children. Sarah and Angie are siblings, with Sarah four years younger. Oz has a sister that is two years younger than he is. There is a Gravity Falls AU that I like to think about, but idk if I will ever write, where Angie and Jakob are twins/stand-ins for Stan and Ford, and Sarah's grandkids are stand-ins for Dipper and Mabel.
9. Favorite OC?
Angie. He's such an asshole and has done and gone through so much, but he also made the decision to be better, and worked so hard to do it. He earned the relationships he has with his wife and Sarah, (they lost touch for a few years, Angie was in a bad place and acted like a dick to drive Sarah away 'for her own good') and beat his own mental health and cancer, and has a life he never thought he would have. (He always thought he would be a Very Unimportant Member of the 27 Club.)
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lucifersresources · 11 months
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pale waves // unwanted rp lyrics meme.
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!  
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you called it love but it never had that feeling.
you ripped out my heart.
do you feel happier yet?
do you say some things you regret?
i'm feeling better alone.
you messed me up.
can't take those stabs in the back.
i'm in over my head.
i'm so over you.
all your lies, they just caught up with you.
i'll forgive but i won't forget.
we all make mistakes but yours, i just can't shake.
you're so good at making me feel like nothing.
you're so good at making me feel unwanted.
my distorted view on us is starting to get too much.
you don't love anybody.
your silence fills the air.
why did you keep me hanging on?
i'd never fit your perfect life.
i'm nothing but a goodbye.
the hard way.
i could tell you were good at hiding your pain.
i saw your heartache.
i stayed away.
i didn't protect you.
i just assumed that you were okay.
i learnt the hard way.
you left us too soon.
they took all your power.
it's haunting me.
why does someone have to lose?
jealousy is haunting me.
so bad at biting my tongue.
wish you were mine.
don't mention any other name that doesn't sound like mine.
i'll never be replaced.
i satisfy.
i won't pretend and i won't apologise.
i gotta have you to myself.
why would i want anybody else?
you think i care at all?
you know you infect my soul.
i can't change your past.
i've heard a lot of things, you and your reputation.
it's the furthest thing from love.
go to hell.
i'd rather spend my entire lifetime alone.
you'd be an ultimate waste of time.
i feel your desperation.
will somebody put me out of my misery.
you've already come undone.
you're underneath my skin.
show me what i've been missing all of this time.
i just can't get enough.
you're the one drug that i don't want to get clean from.
is it too soon to say that i'm falling?
i can't get off of you.
i'm hooked.
i don't really care if it's my fault.
without you.
it's no fun to stay the same.
you get hurt, then you learn.
feels like a piece of me is missing.
i don't know how i'm supposed to feel.
you're not here anymore.
i'll learn to carry on without you.
all i have is these memories to get me through the night.
i fought my best but never won.
i tried to make you stay.
was there something i didn't say?
i survived somehow.
only problem.
you can call me naïve for hoping you would fix me.
i'm foolish to believe you could pick up the pieces.
there's nothing left.
maybe you're the only problem.
it's time to let you go.
i can't help but to think of you now.
every bad thing i would do, it was always with you.
the problem wasn't me, it was you.
you're so vain.
i'm gonna bring you down.
i've tried my best to bite my tongue.
i've listened to your shit for far too long.
you'll get what you deserve.
if you could, you'd go and marry yourself.
you're so vain.
when you open up your narcissistic mouth, all you do is let me down.
you think you're always right.
you think that you're perfect.
putting up with you was never ever worth it.
you're blinded by your own vanity.
reasons to live.
i'm gonna stay this way.
i hit rock bottom.
you picked me up when i was down on the floor.
you showed me how to love myself a little more.
how am i supposed to breathe when i feel this fucking weak?
you are the medicine to get me by.
you are the therapy to ease my mind.
you catch me every time.
i don't think i'm going anywhere.
i'm too numb to even care at all.
happiness is something i can't find.
there's gotta be something more than this.
i can't even run away.
act my age.
when did everything start falling apart?
where did all the time go?
thought those times would last forever.
better get my shit together now.
wish you were still around.
memories fade.
guess i'd better act my age.
nothing's making sense.
they say that youth is wasted on the young.
so sick (of missing you).
i'm so sick of missing you.
i don't know how we lost control.
you gave up on us.
without water, the flowers don't grow.
you didn't even notice me.
didn't know that you could be so fucking cruel to me.
it's not surprise that you just don't care.
you were never mine.
i tell myself that i'm getting better without you.
loving you is something that i don't wanna do.
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goodbyenorthernlights · 8 months
I'm curious to know if you've pulled some of Rezo's vibes into your characterisation of Saejid or did you perhaps already intend to draw some inspo from him when coming up with Saejid's premise. :3
Not at all, honestly! I didn't even know Rezo existed when I was developing Saejid- I was vaguely aware of Slayers as an anime I had tried watching as a teenager and only seen the first episode of before going "Ehhh this isn't my thing."
Saejid was originally based on a character I came up with as a teenager for a Gaia Online RP where the antagonists were themed around the idea of childhood fears- the monster under the closet, that sort of thing- and proto!Saejid (his name has been lost to the sands of time/my memory, alas) was meant to be the anthropomorphic personification of Iatrophobia (the fear of doctors) because finding doctors scary struck me as something kids do a lot. So I had this concept of a sadistic doctor archetype already just lying around.
(Proto!Saejid also was based off of a random drawing I'd found online, probably via searching something like "anime doctor" on photobucket and using what I found as a FC, because that was what you did on Gaia Online. Art theft was unfortunately widespread and not recognized as theft. This is actually one of the reasons I eventually stopped using the website for RP entirely tbh, once I learned more about art theft and why it's a problem I wasn't able to strike a comfortable balance between "most RPs expect you to provide a picture of your character" and. Not committing art theft about it. Anyway, tangent!
And proto!Saejid's FC wasn't of Rezo btw, it was... Some white haired anime dude in a labcoat with a :| expression that I think came from a yaoi manga originally.)
Anywho I had this concept lying around and I remember we wound up discussing the concept of Dragonsbayne as a farming sim with the characters as marriage candidates, because I was playing a lot of Rune Factory 4, and for a protag I made up this gender-neutral design I called Luka...
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don't ask me how the pattern on their scarf works And Luka I had the concept that it would turn out they would be an amnesiac homunculus, and so I figured I'd make up a character who would have been Luka's creator.
I remembered this vague concept I had still floating in my brain and, never one to turn down the opportunity to draw a bishonen, wound up designing Saejid.
I didn't get into Slayers, and Rezo, until late 2021- digging thru my files, it looks like Saejid's original concept art was drawn sometime in February 2020.
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isn't the ms paint glorious
Anyway, Rezo and Saejid do have some noticeable similarities- both of them are "mad scientist" archetypes with kind of a "usually cool-headed intellectual" thing going on, and both of them are very manipulative characters. And also they're both anime pretty boys. So it's likely that there's going to be some more overlap in characterization when I write either of them.
That said they are actually still very different characters in my head! I think the key is in their storylines/motivations. Saejid is a character who starts out in a very good and secure place for him, personally, where he has power over other people and everything he needs and wants. When his world starts changing and the fae community starts opening up to other people, he panics and schemes and conspires to keep his position from potentially changing- even though his behaviour ultimately puts him in a worse place than he'd have probably wound up if he'd just gone with the flow.
Basically he's like a billionaire who's mad that he might have to start paying more taxes and giving his employees health insurance.
Rezo on the other hand... My personal take is admittedly controversial in the fandom but I see him as someone who has spent his entire life struggling in the literal and metaphorical dark under the manipulations of an outside force, fruitlessly pursuing something he thinks will release him from his own misery. He's someone stuck in a genuinely bad situation and trying ruthlessly to get out of it.
If I had to compare Saejid to a Slayers character... Rezo would be in there in terms of demeanor and methodology, but so would Halcyform and a touch of Hellmaster. But in terms of motivation Saejid's, I think, actually closer to being the Supreme Elder from Slayers TRY. He wants to keep a "safe" status quo and doesn't care who suffers because of it, as long as they aren't someone he sees as "his people." (And by the end maybe not even that.)
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meme-queen-pumpkin · 6 months
RP STARTERS: Lyrics from 'emo' songs part 1
A compilation of lyrics from songs that are often considered emo or by bands labelled emo by others
"For the fallen ones locked away in permanent slumber"
"This is the beat of my heart"
"These words are knives and often leave scars"
"If you love me let me go"
"Don't try to sleep through the end of the world"
"Truth be told..I never was yours."
"I won't give up without a fight"
"Led away by imperfect imposters"
"Show me how to lie"
"Turning all against one is an art that's hard to teach"
"You're gonna go far kid"
"Hit 'em right between the eyes"
"See them running for their lives"
"It's a scene about me"
"There's something in your way and now someone is gonna pay"
"No one even knew it was really only you"
"Show the light of day"
"Trust decieved"
"When you walk away, nothing more to say"
"I never had a chance"
"I'm in the business of misery"
"Lets take it from the top"
"He was the only one for me"
"She's got it out for me but I where the biggest smile"
"It was never my intention to brag, to steal it all away from you now"
"But, it just feels so good"
"Second chances never matter, people never change"
"It's easy if you do it right"
"I refuse"
"I got what I wanted now"
"Just watch my wildest dreams come true, not one of them involving you"
"Gravity don't mean too much to me"
"I'm who I got to be"
"These pigs are after me"
"Run away"
"We could run away from here"
"I sure don't like the company..."
"Stop your preaching right there 'cause I really don't care"
"And I'll do it again."
"I'm not much a poet but a criminal"
"Love it or leave it"
"You can't understand"
"What's life like bleeding on the floor?"
"I wouldn't front the scene if you paid me"
"You'll never make me leave"
"Give me a reason to believe"
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darkrpfinders · 2 months
Hi, I'm Cee (26) and I'm looking for a long term 1x1 rp partner! I have a specific plot idea in mind that I've been really wanting to do, so I'd love to find a steady partner for it! 🐈‍⬛️
The main plot I've wanted to do is royalty omegaverse. Your character has taken over my char's kingdom in war, and claimed the prince as a war prize. He is, however, a rather pitiful and very traumatised man. This plot can also work with your char being a prince. I'm open to swapping details around, as long as the "my char is a war prize" jist stays.
My idea with this story would be more of a romance story, hurt and comfort, that sort of thing. I'd also love political drama, troubles within your character's kingdom - or anything with a lot of drama, angst, and high stress emotions, really. I'd especially love if this was set in omegaverse reversal, where alphas are lower class and omegas are upper class. I've been wanting to play with that dynamic.
The oc I plan to use is an alpha catboy. I'd love if your char was also a catboy. Anyway, he has a defined personality, appearance, and backstory that I will ramble to you about in DMs. I also have a lot of side characters from his past that can be relevant.
I mostly play domtop, with occasional subtop. I don't like pure smut rps, but I don't want to only fade to black - please be ok with writing scenes sometimes.
MUST HAVE: MxM, shipping, at least a bit of fantasy, dead dove themes, semi-lit to lit length, 3rd person, daily replies
LIKES: multiple threads, modern fantasy, humanoid creatures, magic and wizards, slice of life with lots of drama, angst, hurt/comfort, texting rp on the side for when we're low energy 👀
WON'T DO: incest or 🍪 (not even in backstory please), animal/child torture, FxF, space setting, robots, IRL faceclaims
Note that if something isn't listed as a "won't do", I'm open to discussion! I probably just don't have a strong feeling about it.
PLEASE BE OK WITH: suicide/self-harm (usually just idealisation and desire; sometimes failed attempts), depression and self loathing, sexual assault (usually between npc and my char, and usually nothing on screen), and gore and graphic depictions of injury or misery.
Additionally, this rp will require you to be into things like worldbuilding, playing npcs, and being willing to toss in villain characters. I can and will do all of this too, but you also have to put this stuff in.
In a partner, I'm looking for someone who can do daily replies (and tell me if things will slow down!). I also prefer a lot of ooc communication and chatter! I like to hang out and talk about the rp, our characters, or even just things I'm up to. I also love coming up with AUs and side stories and the like, and would love if you were open to listening to my ideas or even sharing your own.
Please do not interact if you ghost. If you want to drop, I want you to at least send a goodbye before you leave so I know it happened.
Thank you for reading, and please react to this post or dm me if you would like to rp together!
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spaceferren-comics · 5 months
heyyyyyy i have many questions about your project because it’s awesome 😎
what IS Typhon? how did he come to be?
how did everyone meet?
who is considered the most powerful of all the characters?
love these characters so much i’ll consume y’all’s art
Tysm!! For Typhon, since he’s got so many different alternate versions (Typhon Valac aka Horror Typhon, Snatched/Main Universe Typhon, Mooties Typhon, etc) Im gonna assume you’re referring to Typhon Valac since that’s who ya made fanart of! :33 I’ll have his long ass story down below cuz even the basic synopsis is long lmfao
Irl we all met over roblox rp servers LMFAO, but in universe we met mostly through various comical means
Of all our OCs the most powerful is like Toy-Maker, who’s basically an unknowable force of unbridled chaos. He’s sorta like if you mixed Bill Cipher, Jevil, Dimention, Klefka, Marx etc. into one horrific mix lmfao
(Long story ahead for Typhon Valac, prepare thyselves)
Typhon Valac
Horror Typhon (also known as 'Typhon V' for 'Typhon Valac') is a humanoid yet monstrous wendigo-esque rabbit creature. This demonic beast appears very much like a skinny, starved, yet muscular ghoul- with torn and tethered rotting skin that loosely clings to the muscular frame of the creature. However, he strangely wears a pair of almost cartoonish white gloves, not much different from say Mickey Mouse or the likes, likely tied to his past as a Disney Employee/Animator.
Typhon V is the twisted spirit of Cecil Cuminotto, an Italian immigrant who worked as an animator at Walt Disney studios in the mid 1980s (during most of Disneys layoffs, and while the company was in a massive slump). in Burbank, California. Cecils' life could best be described by two words: Constant Work. Indeed Cecil worked day and night, doing above and beyond what should have been necessary- always under the threat of fire from the uptight and rigorous company. However it was his passion, so for the most part, he didn't mind- and in his spare time, he even liked to make sketches and rough animations of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (though he hid this from the company, as he didn't belong to Disney at the time) to entertain himself or his fiancé.
This would all change tragically however as come 1984, said fiancé, Katherine Gell, who died tragically in a horrific car accident with a young and inebriated Nicholas Martin- tragically, on the day of their honeymoon no less. Distraught at his loss, Cecil asked for a few months off to process his grief- and was denied, and was thus not even allowed to attend his own SO's funeral. This sent Cecil into a massive downward spiral of depression in and out of the workplace, his own mental instability making him begin to see her everywhere he looked- like a phantom haunting him. His guilt ate him alive- and in a desperate bid to reprieve himself, he reached out to friends and family alike- neither able to help him.
Distraught and mentally ill, Cecil did everything he could to make the constant pain and misery end- such as drowning himself in a waterfall of drugs and alcohol. Noticing his changed demeanor at work, he was investigated- and dozens of anti-depressants and liquor bottles were found hidden in his desk. Immediately fired, the now purposeless addict only continued his spiral by subjecting himself to more and more dangerous concoctions of drugs, alcohol, and anything that could make him simply stop thinking anymore. After taking a particularly lethal (and large) dose of Heroin, Ecstasy, and Hard Vodka, Cecil died alone and painfully in a dark alleyway, forgotten and left to rot. His intense rage, guilt, pain, and overall suffering made his spirit linger- refusing to move on, and thus: a voice called out to him.
A sultry and booming voice, one compiled of millions of collective voices, actually. An entity that simply called itself 'The Darkness' reached out to the distraught spirit- offering Cecil power, resolve, and the ability to get revenge against everyone who made his life so miserable. Unsure at first, the all-powerful eldritch god promised Cecil everlasting splendors, and that getting revenge/inflicting suffering on everyone who ever wronged him would bring him peace. And with peace, maybe, just maybe, a chance to see his fiancé. Cecil leapt at the chance, agreeing to bring forth as much pain and misery as humanly possible into the world of the living.
And thus Typhon V was born, his spirit possessing his still rotting corpse- and his darkness tainting and corrupting the already rotting body into something no longer human. Now having a rabbit-skull-like face to cover his own rotting face below it, long and gangly ears, and generally disproportionate features for a human. Ironically, he got to keep the gloves he once drew nonstop- now forever a piece of him and his attire.
Typhon V is no longer Cecil- even if he may have remnants of who he once was. Only hate and a desire to bring forth suffering upon his victims remain. Like a Shakespearean, he was reborn from the tortured soul of Cecil, a tragic figure whose life was marred by despair and addiction. Typhon V's genesis was thus marked by a harrowing demise—a consequence of the vices and suffering that ultimately consumed him. Bound by his insatiable thirst for retribution against the people he views failed him, he emerged from the depths of the beyond, like a plague soon to be unleashed, twisted, and malformed. He first targeted his family, slowly but surely picking off all the Cuminottos, often the cause of death being deduced as a 'Suicide'. However, even after their demise came no salvation- as Typhon kept them in a personal hellscape of his own design- a horrific personal little world where the souls of his victims reside. This black-and-white world, not too different from an old-school Disney cartoon, is where the demon regularly plays Cat and Mouse with unfortunate victims' souls who've been caught.
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novelroyalty · 3 months
Hey I wrote this for an rp and like...I wanted to share
Once upon a time, there was a ghost with a choice. She was unaware of her choice as she walked her path, that mixture of life and death. Instead, she focused on the flowers and what would greet her at the end of the path. Why would she ever think further than what lay in front of her? 
The ghost full of misery, walked along that path, thinking about what she would do when she returned home. She would see her friends, her father, her darling DJ. They all waited for her and the sweets she had fetched for them at the end of the path. It was wonderful to have something to live for once again. The thought of them made her smile and walk along with more of a pep in her step. 
But her joy would attract attention. Unwanted attention. 
The wolf, hungry and yearning, prowled in the shadows of the path. The ghost never paid the wolf any mind. She didn’t even notice its presence, thinking about lighter things. As she skipped along, the wolf stepped out in front of the ghost. “Hello, little ghost…what brings you to the forest?” 
She smiled brightly at the wolf, full of the hope she had before the tragedy of life had caught up to her. “I’m to bring these sweets to my friends! At the end of the path. Do you have a name, Mr. Wolf?” 
His laugh was darker than the woods. “You landed right on it. What is your name little ghost?” 
She stopped for a moment, trying to remember. What was her name? What did her friends call out when they wished for her attention? The wolf watched her face, watched her try to remember. It made him hungrier. “I’m Red. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Wolf.” 
“Nice to meet you as well, Little Red. Did you know it’s going to rain soon?” 
Confused, she looked towards the sky. The clouds were gray and covered the beautiful sky that had been there a few minutes before. “Oh no, the cakes will get soggy if it begins to rain. I must hurry along then and hope that I get home before it begins.”
The wolf nodded at the ghost as it provided a solution. “Well, I can suggest another way. You can avoid the rain and maybe collect some flowers on the way.” 
She shook her head. “I am to stay on the path. Mother said I must.” 
The wolf knew how to smile at the ghost, how to smile in a way that would soothe her. Pointy teeth didn’t scare the ghost girl anymore, but that’s the consequence when all of your life’s romance was given to you by vampires. “Well, it’ll keep the cakes from getting wet without you having to run. You never liked to run anyway.” 
Little Red’s knee began to pulse with pain in a way that hadn’t in so long. Not since she died. Not since…what was his name? Who ha-
The wolf began to speak, to rip her away from her spiraling thoughts. “So, may I show you down the better path?” 
As her knee pained her, she nodded. “Yes please, Mr. Wolf. Would you like a scone for your help?” 
It shook its head. “Not today Little Red. I am to eat a very big meal soon. Go down the path Little Red.” 
She smiled brightly. “Thank you so much, Mr. Wolf! I appreciate you.” 
It nodded and started to walk down the girl’s original path. The ghost walked down the new, better path instead. 
As she walked down the path, she found a meadow of flowers. She walked over and knelt in the grass. Her friends would love some flowers, maybe a bouquet for..what was his name? He was important to her…but what was his name? He had black hair. No, gray? She couldn’t picture him. Who was she thinking of? 
While Little Red sat in the gathering of flowers, she started to forget. The white light shined on her, calling her. Why was she there? Why didn’t she just let go? The ghost became more translucent, dying. This was her path. 
Let go. 
Let. Go. 
She heard her name whispered in the wind, swishing around the trees and moving the flowers. Eleanor. Her name was Eleanor. What was she doing there? What was she doing kneeling in the dirt? She was…she couldn’t recall what she had been doing. 
But she knew she needed to return to her friends. So, she went down the original path, the correct one. 
The ghost girl returned to the main path, running as fast as she could. She would see her sunshine. She would see her best friend. They deserved the cakes over the flowers anyway. 
The girl got to the house at the end of the path, her home. The house she grew up in stood in front of her. It was no longer boarded up, it was in a delightful state instead. Little Red knocked on the door she had known all her life. From the inside, she heard a voice not quite like her mother’s but it was close enough for the ghost. “Come in Little Red.” 
She walked in, holding her basket close to her. “Vy? Hello? Where is everyone?” 
“I’m in my bed Red, come on in.”
Little Red walked towards the voice of her parent. In the bed laid a shifting figure. Every time she looked at a different part of her parent, it changed. Male. Female. Non-binary. Her real mother. El. Her real dad. Toland. DJ. Maddie. Weyland. She couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but she knew it was wrong. The whole feeling just felt off.
“Oh um…what bright eyes you have.”
“The better to see you with my dear.” 
“What big scars you have.” 
“The easier to tell you who to hate my dear.”
“What big teeth you have…” 
“The easier to tempt you with my dear.”
Little Red took a step back, hitting the wall with her back. She was terrified. She was going to die again. She couldn’t die again. Not fucking again. “You cannot escape death Little Red. It is your time. Come back to us.” 
It moved closer to her, moving like a marionette being controlled by some evil presence, like an author who yearned to traumatize. 
She had to be saved. She had to survive. The ghost girl was not the type to save herself, especially not at that moment. She had nowhere to run, no way to bargain for her life. Little Red was going to die and be ripped away from her first chance of happiness. 
She was not going to be saved that day. 
It was too close to her. She shut her eyes tight, she didn’t want to watch whatever it would do to her. She was afraid to feel the pain. But, nothing happened. Ella heard a dark and deep growl and a static version of a scream. Then she felt something soft against her leg, fur. 
“Little Red. You have hurt but, you are young. You will learn how to be peaceful. You deserve to live. Death has declared it. Do not make me change my mind.” 
The End. 
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errornameredacted · 11 months
through thick and thin, i'll be here
note: this isn't about the actual life series, just a rp server based on them (the one I've been insane about for the last 2 months)
Bdubs had grown used to the shadows that curled and twisted, stretched out as if they are just short of reaching something most desirable. He'd seen them many a night, watching them warp and disfigure with the setting sun. Like the sun that ever so slowly dropped right now. Bdubs was sat on a little patch of grass, one of the very few not covered in flowers or weeds, head rolled back to embrace the golden glow. It was just reaching twilight. It wasn't very often he gave himself a break like this, so he made sure to soak up the moment. The way the clouds drifted through the air, the way the leaves danced with the light breeze. His hand dug into the ground, but no dirt was lifted. Ah. Bdubs had forgotten he was a ghost.
The last few days had been...quite the ride. It was another on of the games, with the watchers monitoring their every move. But this one was different. Not everyone felt that pull, that need, that bloodlust. Only some had that little voice that told them to burn the world to the ground. They were given the name "The Hands," and they had one mission: leave no one alive. And there was only one other difference, but it would change everything for everyone, Hand or not. There was no second chances, or third chances , or any for that matter. One life, that's it. And, of course, Bdubs lost it. Skizz had somehow made his way into the Crastle, and it was like killing a fish in a barrel. He'd tried to defend himself, but there was no point. A 6'1 behemoth of a man versus a 5'4 stick isn't a fight up for debate.
Which is why he's sitting here now, the light passing through his semi-transparent body, most notably the ebbing gash ripped through his gut. Void only knows why it hasn't closed yet, though it's probably a dead thing. But a positive (depending whether your a glass half full kinda guy) is that things like food, water and, most obviously, sleep. He didn't do anything incredible during the night, just watched the mobs stumble around brainlessly. And watched over Cleo, of course.
Once everyone was gone, when the town lost its final stand, only Cleo was left. She never could die, so they left her to rot. Only the ghosts could stay with her, but they all went their own ways. Bdubs didn't have anything against that, they had all been through absolute hell, but he just couldn't leave Cleo. He had nowhere else to go anyways. So, he just, kind of, stayed. He stayed by her side, desperately trying to play a part, even though the credits have already rolled.
Cleo was alone. Well, mostly, but we don't talk about Skizz (no no no no), and Bdubs and Sausage stayed with her. She was nothing but a shell of the person she was. No more cocky remarks, no more piercing laughter, just hatred and fire. The flower valley was the first to burn, the memorials of the fallen lost in the blaze. Next it was the crumbled remains of Dogwarts, then Monopoly Mountain, and the simple but Shelby and Katherine lived in, and the Plainer's house. Last of all was the Crastle, tore down and built back up, Bdubs could only watch as it fell once again.
There was nothing left for Cleo then, so she left it behind. All over the world, she wander hoping for a way to end her misery, but the two ghosts still followed her. Now, Bdubs can't speak for Sausage, but for him, staying with Cleo was a easy choice. He had made a promise to her, they're still a team, and that means no abandoning the other. Despite only talking twice since coming back to this hellhole, despite her tearing down the one thing that distracted Bdubs from the chaos outside, despite everything, he stayed.
Cause they're still a team, right?
soooooo i did a thing m'lao. I wrote this in like, 2 hours in the car and. honestly, im happy with it. planning a sequel now, it's probably exactly what you think it'll be.
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[Back where it all started..]
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After God knows how many years, I finally decided to make this blog return from the dead with the hope to be active in here. With that, I also reopened the "Ask & Roleplay Box", so ya'll are free to send questions and RP requests. Still, I'd like to point out a few rules which I'd be really grateful if you followed them, so there won't be any misunderstandings + we're all gonna have fun 👌🏻
[So let's get started, shall we?]
If you want to write something that's only related to roleplaying, please write "[RP] (to Giovanni / Ghetsis / Giovanni & Ghetsis)" in every request you're sending me, so I'll know that it's meant for roleplay purposes only. If you want to ask a question on the other hand, please write "[Ask] (to Giovanni / Ghetsis / Giovanni & Ghetsis)
OCs are allowed of course, same goes for already existing / canonical characters. It'd be still great to tell me your OCs name in the request, so I'll know how to call them + use the correct pronouns, etc.
I can imagine that I might perhaps get RP requests from many other people, so "Ongoing roleplays" can and most likely will be delayed in time. I don't want anybody to feel ignored or left out, so please be tolerant and respectful towards others & keep in mind that I want to give every single one of you the same amount of attention.
I only do the roleplay thing on this blog & ONLY via the ask option. I never use the direct messages here on Tumblr, so I'm just letting you know that I'm not available here for private RPs, especially not via DMs.
I'll reply the way I wish to reply and also the way how I imagine Giovanni & Ghetsis to act. I'm well aware that probably everyone of us has their own imagination of these two, so please keep in mind that I'm portraying them in my own way & the way I enjoy roleplaying as them. (Scroll down to find a list of how I imagine Giovanni & Ghetsis to act, including a few headcanons). If you may eventually not like my way of portraying them, then you're of course free to feel that way but PLEASE DO NOT use the roleplay / ask option for hate! Also PLEASE DON'T hate on other users who might enjoy this & interact with this blog! 🙏🏻
⚠️ We all know the rules & guidelines here on Tumblr. So please follow them. I DO NOT interact with people who use topics like: Racism, pedophilia, homophobia, transphobia, misogynistic or mysandric stuff, body-shaming, sexual content etc. ⚠️
I apologize if my English grammar is whack sometimes because it's not my first language 🙈
[That's all for the rules. The following are some notes about my version of Gio & Dennis Ghetsis, including their personalities and some headcanons]
Dude has class. Not only a successful and feared crime lord but also a swaggelicious Italian gentleman. Don't mistake his polite attitude for kindness, tho.
This man has a lot of patience. Like damn.. Not surprised because he hangs out with Ghetsis after all but even someone like Gio has his limits. He's not easy to anger or to annoy because he mostly either plays things down or straight forward ignores stuff that gets on his nerves but breh, Italian ranting intensifies once he snaps.
If you want to trigger him, just remind him of how often he got his butt kicked by random 10 year olds and I'm sure he'll want to see you dead sooner or later :)
Quite sarcastic & has a dry sense of humor. Definitely laughs at your misery when you struggle with the Silph Co. warp tiles in Saffron City.
Enjoys smoking cigars. Perhaps not that kind of a heavy-a$$ chainsmoker like my OC (Some of you might remember her lol) but whenever he's relaxing, he clearly does so with a cigar & a nice glass of scotch.
Biggest workaholic in history. It's 2am and you want him to go to sleep? No. He's still busy with whatever the hell he's doing (probably doing the casual evil stuff because "Mimimi, I'm SO evil, brb gotta think about more crimes to commit")
Can probably shoot someone who's hiding behind a random tree with his eyes closed because ✨ mafia boss ✨
Smug, charming bastard. He's Italian, so I'm not surprised about his intriguing vibes, lol. He can be quite flirty if he wants to be.
[LITTLE NOTE HERE: I don't mind if the asks or RPs might get a little "flirty" but PLEASE NOT DIRTY! Sure, we all may or may not have a dirty mind here and there but NO +18 & NSFW CONTENT in here 🙏🏻 I don't have a problem with some innuendos or whatever but we know Tumblr's rules: NO PORN. PERIOD.]
Just talk about a complete disaster.. I believe we all know that this guy has issues. He's clearly the one who's just here because Giovanni convinced him, yet he hates everyone & everything, including his life after the events of BW2.
Cold, f*cker.. Like srsly. If you manage that he acknowledges your presence (and heaven behold if he even ends up being sorta nice to you) then you must have Arceus' blessings, because usually he only has two moods: He either treats people as if they're dead or he makes sure they ARE dead. Especially when you push his buttons.
His ego is bigger than Celesteela or other huge-a$$ Pokémon. You want a selfish, egotistical, self-centered, manipulative, arrogant & overconfident megalomaniac who believes he has no flaws at all? He's your man then.
Grumpy & easily annoyed by literally EVERYTHING. He thankfully has calmed down a lot (more or less) because Gio forced him to have anger management classes but he's still like a ticking time bomb. He may be chill but the next second he can also try to randomly strangle you for breathing in his presence.
"I HAVE NO SON!!!¡¡11"
Also sarcastic as hell & laughs at anyone who died to his (hacked) Hydreigon. Probably also that type of guy who trips people in the hallway just for fun.
Can also be surprisingly charming and intriguing but I swear to everything that's dear to me DON'T fall for it.. He knows what to say to make people believe or trust him. If he says that he cares, there's rather a 99,9% chance that he actually doesn't.
"I'm a heartless, evil wretch!" (He isn't wrong, tho lol) Totally a Tsun at some point as well
Dennis. Just DENNIS.. 🙃
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Why this still annoying to set up?
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Yes, yes it’s your truly, MIGHTY ZIM!! speak to you.
Some of you might notice our sudden disappearance in last month or two.
Dib-mine got too busy to give you lots the update he promise after we finish with the job because he is an idiot. And Zim have no interest to play with this “blog”, Zim have more important matters to deal with.
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But Zim going to give you an announcement, so pay attention.
As the moment of star rises on the planet we are living, its will be Dib-mine’s Misery Day.
Or what your earthmonkey called “Birthday”, and that rat doesn’t know it today because he don’t give a damn.
But Zim do.
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Yeah sure.
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I've been ready for a few hours since you woke me up with your text. Unless you wanna monologue more.
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It will be something alright.
So what this have to do with this blog?
Simple, for the next few days, we will be back on Tumblr.
Which mean you can send many ask as you want!! BUT THIS WILL BE A LIMITED TIME!!!
Before we go back to work again, it’s up for Dib-mine to post the actual update he want. It’s not Zim’s business.
That is just asking weird anons but oh well..
Zim can deal with that, when Dib-mine is on that thing, Zim always been the moderator.
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Not going to make the same mistake like months ago.
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And so, that’s the announcement!!
See you all in a bit with hilarious Dib torture fun!! JULY 16!!
((Ooc there :D
Welcome our guest star (well, family) of the announcement, @explosions-and-chill
TLDR: for about a week starting tomorrow, July 16, it will be an ask event for Seeker’s Birthday!!!
Why the whole week since it’s only 1 day?
Because it’s been known to the multiverse rp discord of how stupidly fucking slow Universe 10 (where the hunters are living) are. One day for them might be a week for other universe. So that be more accurate
I might not be as fast as I use to because life and health been kicking me but I’ll try my best. This is for Seeker, no not really I just want Zim to have fun, I wanna try, but still not sure when I can fully comeback committed on the blog. So at least this is something I can do and actually can complete it :,D
Hope y’all as excited as I do, see you tomorrow :]))
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illithiddreams · 7 months
Muse List
OC'S (Fandomless) @wackyinflatablearmtubeman - Small Sign spinner who is just trying his best to hold down a job despite having horrible luck doing so.
@somanydumbwaystodie - Airheaded idiot cop who is cursed to die in horrible ways and can never find peace.
@brain-over-brawn - Tiny Alien Brain who is trying to disguise as a human to study them and learn how to take over the world with his boss.
@running-on-co2 - Once turned science experiment now the worlds greatest robotic assassin.
@chalk-it-up-to-fate - Well known Artist who traps people in a fake world of his own creation due to envy of the people in the human / real world.
@absorbing-misfortune - Evil demonic entity that feeds off of misfortune and misery and his cousin that feeds off of love and attention as well as other random ocs. (Semi)
@heartbrokenwhispers - Yandere muse blog for a man trying to find love but who keeps having horrible luck doing so.
@the-monster-of-scotland - NESSIE!
@run-run-as-fast-as-u-can - Smol tiny baker trying his best with a cursed magic oven that can make baked goods come to life.
@bee-my-queen - Bumblebee OC that made a human appearance hive to go out and try to date and find a new queen.
@the-king-of-villains - King of all villains who learned to steal powers from other villains to become stronger
@bright-and-clever-no-matter-watt - OC blog for the smartest inventor ever.
@bloodline-rewritten - intravenous System OC Muse
@klaus-the-hessian - Dullahan muse
@all-the-kings-horses-and-men - Soldier that was sent 200 years in the future due to being in a coma after getting injured.
@wooden-lies- Pinocchio Au / OC blog
@who-can-take-the-sunrise - Literal Chocolatier
@dont-trust-a-thing - Alien shapeshifter :D (Semi)
@the-first-murderer - Cain aka the first murderer
@culex-headquarters - Group of assassins that track people Via blood.
@within-a-sea-of-stars - Sea Star OC
@swimming-in-arrows-of-love - Q (Cupid)
@only-hanging-on-by-a-thread - Worm on a string OC
@its-not-always-black-and-white - Fandomless OC
@stuck-in-a-sticky-situation - Demon Oc blog
@castle-of-glass - Prince Rupert Drop
Soulslike Muses: @the-dukes-archives - Dark souls Rp blog for Seath the scaleless and other muses from that fandom.
@ceaseless-chaos - Prince of Chaos who is cursed to be in pain all his life and only find comfort in his own siblings corpse that he thinks still watches him.
@rise-up-like-glitter-and-gold- Elden Ring Multi Muse blog for my tarnished and my OC Rune.
@deathisjustthebeginning - Elden Ring OC for a man who was once human now cursed to spread death after he tried to cheat it and became a horrible disfigured monster in the process now having to hide behind a fake human mask of his own design.
@pastor-of-vows - Miriel from Elden Ring
@legend-of-the-iron-fist - Pot husband 8D
@naturalbornofthevoid - Fallen Star bug baby
Movie Muses: @king-vortigern-pendragon - Legend Of The Sword Rp blog for Vortigern Pendragon
@in-heaven-everything-is-fine - Eraserhead baby Au blog from the movie Eraserhead.
@you-reap-what-you-sow - Harold blog from Scary Stories to tell in the Dark series.
@the-galaxy-is-on-orions-belt - Small Alien Prince tasked with keeping the world safe from destruction.
@squirming-evil - Oogie from TNBC
@wooden-lies- Pinocchio Au / OC blog
@lord-jab-desilijic-tiure - Jabba the hutt muse
@let-your-evil-shine - Grigori Rasputin from Anastasia blog
@dont-trust-a-thing - Alien shapeshifter :D
@villainsthatliveinmyhead- Gabriel / Madison blog from Malignant
@lord-of-the-dead-aidoneus - Hades from Disney's Hercules
@hit-me-one-time-hit-me-twice - Hexxus from Ferngully
@worlds-greatest-criminal-mind - Professor Ratigan
@william-cecil-clayton - Clayton from Tarzan
Game Muses: (Dragon age / Spyro / Portal / Skyrim) @lordseekerlucius - Lucius Corin blog / Envy from Dragon Age Inquisition.
@let-your-dreams-flood-in - Sloth Demon from DAO
@ruler-of-artisans - Toasty from Spyro
@freddys-daycare-attendant - Sunny / Moon from FNAF
@designed-for-danger - Rick from Portal
@notjustamoron - Wheats from Portal
@richard-the-master-grey - The Master from Fallout
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eldritch-elrics · 2 years
memes of 2022
[memes of 2021]
every year i am a little bit later with this. anyway, here’s my casual list of tumblr/twitter memes i saw in 2022 in my sphere of the internet, roughly in chronological order. i’ve almost certainly missed some (or described some of the ones that are here incorrectly/incoherently), but hopefully it’s fun to read anyway!
horse plinko
john lennon’s asscrack
blorbo from shows
the fall of urfaveisunfuckable
wordle scores
guy with big eyes
(megamind) no bitches?
i am in misery / i save dick by giving it cpr / reese's puffs
it’s me boy i’m the ps5
live slug reaction
my brother in christ
car battery dropping on jade from victorious
homophobic dog
get drinked
tumblr blaze
tumblr crabs
ball shaving ads
debating the use of kung pow penis
elon musk buying twitter / twitter refugees on tumblr
misha collins coming out as straight
what would you do if i were a bug
video games characters at the mall
dracula daily
“hey i’m justin bieber” “and…?”
overwatch diversity chart
swedes not inviting friends to dinner
that’s why this pride month i’m partnering with x
x closed forever because a y threw up
mousegirl (nonsexual)
the lgbtq+ community has forgiven x
tumblr pikachu man
sometimes i wonder what i taste like
the final fantasy rp billboard
boris johnson resigning & ongoing uk fiasco (+ lettuce)
little guy dancing
oh look, the last ripe peach!
girl yelling in boy’s ear
circling a word in red and pointing to an image of something that sounds similar
reddit guy who fucks to cbat
modding your 3ds is easy
honestly [character] has been through so much more
gandalf big naturals
reigen winning twitter polls and then finally getting beaten by sans in tumblr sexyman contest
the queen of england dying immediately afterward (plus tons of other wild stuff)
the yaoi poll
holy fucking fuck that body of yours is absurd
drawing anime eyes with amongus guys
jesse pinkman's shirt when he goes through the most traumatic experience of his life
some fandom thing turning up in a random us city/state
tree guy
investing in posts
me listening to my completely unorganized playlist
hey don’t cry. x ok?
spirit halloween costumes
i just got laid off from twitter, i was the person responsible for the feature where x
general twitter crashing and burning
koopas dancing
you don’t like trumpet? bwaa?
in an interview, wednesday star jenna ortega revealed…
bill clinton game awards kid (unfortunately)
hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby
cylinder dick guy
greta thunberg vs andrew tate
different types of cube designs
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3, 6, 7, 11!
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
── I would say that my style and my themes come from two totally different places in the spectrum of my life; I've always been interested in darker stories but my very first introductions into serious literature were J. R. R. Tolkien and Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy. I would later begin to consume media from Osamu Dazai, C.S. Lewis, and Victor Hugo - and while I think all of these influenced what I write about I don't think their styles influenced mine very much (besides maybe Tolkien).
Something I've actually been doing recently is allowing myself to slip back into my days of reading Reddit Horror Stories, I especially love listening to them during my workday and I do feel as though they are beginning to curve the direction of my work. A few of my favorites are Jared Roberts' My Dad Finally Told Me What Happened That Day, Dathan Auerbach's Penpal (a classic) - but my ABSOLUTE favorite thus far is Maliagirl1314's My wife has been peeking at me from around corners and behind furniture. This last one is probably one of the most unsettling things I've ever heard and I would be blessed if I could extract some of the same horror this story gave me:
Lynn was peeking from behind the shower curtain, her entire head stretched into the shower, leaving just her body outside. Her long dark hair hung against the curtain, the ends dripping with water. Her mouth hung open in a terrible grin, eyes wide and red, as if she hadn't blinked in a while. I screamed and jumped back against the wall. She didn't move nor did her smile waver. Her makeup ran down her cheeks in two black streaks. She looked giddy and completely deranged. I was fucking terrified. 
6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write?
── Oh you're really making me talk about this on my roleplaying blog huh - Yes! I actually write quite a bit outside of rp; I use roleplay as a way to keep my skills sharp while I work on a much bigger project. I've been sculpting a high fantasy world for the past 7 years that has a complete plot, setting, societal system etc ; the story follows my usual topics of grief, loss, and what length people are willing to go in order to feel human again ... And how little that humanity means in comparison to cosmic entities that do not feel the same way as you and I. I won't get into too much of it because I will not shut up and this is not the blog for that but here's a little quip:
Everything in between his earliest memories and this last horrid visage flashed within his mind, burning the back of his skull with desperation and misery while two glassy, blank spheres gazed back to him. There was no solace that could be found in the marbled mask of Death his brother wore; no benevolence sparked behind his eyes and his plush lips had fallen agape ... Yoriichi could still smell hints of vanilla and garlic on his tongue. He could not call him a corpse, not when his brother's body still felt warm to the touch, not when his ears still strained to hear any flicker of life echoing in that still and silent ribcage. The blood lining across Yorii's brain boiled in rippling self loathing; his very body began to resent him for such a thought - no. No no. Even now with the hot sin laid before him he knew the blood was not on his hands, he did not pull the lever for the gallows. His brother would never have wanted him to fall into that sort of pit .. Yet, another awaited: this was the man who he had done everything with ... how was he supposed to toss all of that away? The mud was cold beneath him, touched by the first frosts of winter only that evening as all the beauty in the world felt as though it had died - how fitting, he thought, for the world to be plummeted into this dark chasm along with him. Soil clung to his clothing and stained his skin while he sat within the ringing quiet between the two of them, soon enough he couldn't stand to bear and look at his brother's face. It held too much horror - a perfect snapshot of when he realized the end had finally come and that nothing could prepare him for what was to happen next if anything at all. Yorii instead decided to wander back into the flashing memories while his fingers clenched the body beside him so tightly he was sure he would crack bone; and that was when the startling revelation crushed his soul and ripped his heart in two by the sinews. A singular bout of lucidity kindled to clear the fog and his eyes tightly opened to stare at him once more; the small detail he hadn't noticed before felt like an icepick through his skull - His brother had been smiling.
Still a WIP but ! Ya know
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
── I'm a huge sucker for found family; there's something so comforting within those dynamics and I crave it all of the time - I just really like exploring all of the different ways love can manifest. Antagonistic relationships can get a bit iffy for me, most of my characters fall into the "ok we just wont converse with the person we dislike" box, so not a lot of interaction would happen there unless its forced - but enemies to friends to whatever else is a really big hit for me I don't care how cliche it is.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
── Doing this one for Robin because Haru's endgame is legit just "be happy and healed" I do not want anymore horror in his life and he deserves none of it for being such a sweetie. Now Robin? Ohoho that little shit - so I have two vastly different ends I'd like for him to end up in and it is somewhat based around different verses as his lives are so wildly juxtaposed in each one. For his main league verse @hemoplagued and I have actually spoken about a whole timeline that takes place in the not-so-distant future where Robin eventually returns to Noxus with Vladimir to help organize a coup alongside the Crimson Court and Black Rose. This results in the execution of Swain and a deconstruction of Noxus' ideals over the next coming centuries (as Vladimir and Robin are both technically immortal). Robin's whole purpose in life in his early life in League verse is to want to help others and solve the humanitarian crisis of his own home; this is an extension of that that feels very bittersweet.
On the other hand I really just want Robin to lose his shit. This is actually something I plan to explore more with you specifically within the Dead by Daylight threads we have going on - as Robin's specific backstory for this verse (shhhh I know I know, I'm writing his doc as we speak for it) really would allow him to fall into vile acts he might not be willing to in his other verses. This is also being explored, granted on a much more subtle level, in his modern verse, and I'm excited to expand more to see where this will lead to since he's not usually the type to bloody his own hands.
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