#rp. » .003 ✦
rpmocha · 4 months
maturity, one discovers, has everything to do with the acceptance of not knowing.
we all create stories to protect ourselves.
here then at long last is my darkness. no cry of light, no glimmer, not even the faintest shard of hope to break free across the hold.
i still get nightmares. in fact, i get them so often i should be used to them by now. i’m not. no one ever really gets used to nightmares.
love of love written by the broken hearted, love of life written by the dead.
passion has little to do with euphoria and everything to do with patience. it is not about feeling good. it is about endurance.
little solace comes to those who grieve when thoughts keep drifting as walls keep shifting and this great blue world of ours seems a house of leaves moments before the wind.
losing the possibility of something is the exact same thing as losing hope and without hope nothing can survive.
like patience, passion comes from the same latin root: pati. it does not mean to flow with exuberance. it means to suffer.
the greatest of love letters are always coded for the one and not the many.
for some reason, you will no longer be the person you believed you once were. you’ll detect slow and subtle shifts going on all around you, more importantly shifts in you.
it seems that 'to fit' the world or to make sense of it requires either reason or arms.
you do not work, you do not read, you do not daydream. if you sleep it is not because you need to sleep. and when at last it is over, there is no evidence: no weapon, no blood, and no body.
the mind is a labyrinth, and the soul is forever lost within its depths.
why did god create a dual universe? so he might say 'be not like me, i am alone'. and it might be heard.
it might be a mistake but fuck it, it's mine.
the house is ¼th" bigger in the inside.
this is not for you.
some people reflect light, some people deflect it; you, by some miracle, seem to collect it.
explanation is not half as strong as experience but experience is not half as strong as experience and understanding.
known. some. call. is. air. am. / 'non sum qualis eram'. / i am not what i used to be.
'non enim videbit me homo et vivet.' / whoever sees god dies.
picture that. in your dreams.
prometheus, thief of light, giver of light, bound by the gods, must have been a book.
god's a house. which is not to say that our house is god's house or even a house of god. what i mean to say is that our house is god.
scars are the paler pain of survival received unwillingly and displayed in the language of injury.
sublime is something you choke on after a shot of tequila.
𓈓⠀⠀⠀and there you have it, another body on the floor surrounded by things that don't mean much to anyone except to the one who can't take any of them along.
what miracle is this? this giant tree. it stands ten thousand feet high but doesn't reach the ground. still it stands. its roots must hold the sky.
and where there is no echo there is no description of space or love. there is only silence.
the ruminations are mine, let the world be yours.
make no mistake, those who write long books have nothing to say. of course those who write short books have even less to say.
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rcsea · 1 year
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A multi muse carrd template !
✧ Features: A simple carrd layout with scroll features for easy navigation. Tested to be mobile friendly. Contains a built in page for rules, a page to list your muses, optional individual pages for muses (only one is included with the template for space saving purposes so others need to be added via copying), and a page for rp connections / mains. Elements are linked via style to make changing the colors easier. This is a template, so the graphics do not come with it by default, but I will be happy to send you the backgrounds I used by request (they are unsplash assets). The connections / mains page could easily be converted into your muse roster if you'd rather have a version with picture icons for your muses instead of a list. For those wanting to use muse pages, here is a guide on how to add more. If you have any issues or questions about editing the carrd, you are more than welcome to inbox me here on my tumblr and I will try my best to help you.
✧ Terms of Use: Like / Reblog if you use, please. Do NOT use this for illegal content or to promote hate (this includes "burn books" and callout / vent blogs). Do NOT remove the credit in the credits section of the rules page or make it invisible somehow. Edit as you wish, but no matter how much you change it, do NOT claim it as your own!
✧ Price: Pay what you want! You can get this carrd for FREE , but if you want to help a girl out with a tip, I'd greatly appreciate it 💗 ( Important Note! This template requires Pro Lite or higher to use due to the number of features included ! )
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The Rectifier was Clarke's worst nightmare. A process worse than repurposing that was nearly irreversible, and and with the equipment to process entire settlements in nanocycles into mindless drones pressed into Clu's army.
So, Clarke and the Rejects did what they did best. They slipped away from the rest of their regiment, and did as much damage as they could to the machinery and free as many programs as they could. According to Ada, there was another cluster of Rejects working to free the trapped programs, but it was slow going while they tried not to get caught. Clarke was the one who had a jet baton--not Occupation standard issue, but a relic from her past, meant to carry cargo long distances at high speeds--so she was the one who had to sneak the small group of captives off the Rectifier and get them to safety.
They were over the Sea of Simulation when the explosion occurred, and the shockwave knocked her offline and batted her jet and it's occupants into the Sea. She awoke millicycles later on a rocky shore, on what seemed to be a small island in the middle of the sea. At first, she didn't spot any other programs around; what happened to the Programs she'd been transporting, she had no idea.
Upon further inspection, she spotted the silhouette of a program unconscious a short distance away, half hidden by a cluster of rocks. One of hers or not, she had medical training, and should assist.
She halted several paces from the program, recognizing his helmet. However, she didn't have time to decide whether or not to help, as Rinzler's circuits glowed back to life, dim enough that it was impossible to tell their color.
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trainhymns · 7 days
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. . . you like to answer those charges? And you are sloshing with self-loathing, and you wish you could twist yourself like a kitchen towel. Wring yourself out. What were you? Were you wrong?
a study of Kate and her mannerisms
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expressive mouth & crossed arms
kate is incredibly expressive with her lips. there are multiple instances where she uses her facial expressions to talk to those around her in place of verbally. when javi visits her in new york, she’s unsure/nervous to see him again. most likely due to her placing memories of him away locked where javi has come with the key forcing her to remember. she bites at her lip with her arms crossed, showing her uncomfortableness not with him but her inner thoughts. when she first sees him a relief washes over her. but by now, her brain is racing about what he’d come for and if he might mention “the accident”.
hands / fingers
many times kate unintentionally will hide her fingernails from those around her. she picks at them and pushes them when anxious. it’s a subtle, almost unconscious gesture that gives her away. her fingers move in small, repetitive circles, and the movement becomes more pronounced when she's in a high-stress situation. this habit of twiddling her thumbs is one of the few ways her anxiety physically manifests. when things get overwhelming, she will clasp her hands tightly together, interlocking her fingers as if physically trying to hold herself steady.
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i think one of the most assuring things kate does for herself is using her sense of touch. she constantly has this internal battle if she can trust herself to see what she is truly seeing. we see that at in new york where she dreams that jeb is lying next to her. she needed reassurance that tyler was still there from the parallel moment of jeb getting pulled away from her. i think that’s something her and tyler share which we see at the end. tyler has his arm wrapped around her and his other hand under her thigh. kate doesn’t need reassurance, he is already reassuring her that she’s alive and “tamed” the tornado.
one of the main drives of kate is that she is willing to put herself at risk. she wants to warn people about the tornadoes and tame them to save more lives. no matter the cost as seen at the end. she was willing to lose her life for the possibility of the mixture working. in a regular basis, she will withdraw herself from others to not make them deal with her internal battles. this creates emotional distance between her and the people she cares about…even her mom.
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xlemonciel · 2 years
❛❛ Circus ❜❜
Estaba muy nervioso ese día, habían acudido muy pronto al recinto donde era el evento y había un montón de gente por todos lados. Félix sentía la ansiedad en la boca del estómago constantemente ¿Qué pasaba si alguien se daba cuenta de lo que era? Esa mañana había devorado las pastillas casi sin pensar y a pesar de eso aún estaba aterrado. Últimamente había estado apoyándose en esas pastillas como si fueran a solucionar su naturaleza o como si pudieran cambiarle por completo, si que su olor ya era casi imperceptible cuando las tomaba pero su cuerpo empezaba a resentirse y en los ensayos acababa destrozado, se cansaba mucho antes y tenía dolores de cabeza constantes y a veces muy fuertes. Pero el pánico a que la gente descubriera que era un omega hacía que no pudiera vivir sin esas pastillas.
Los miembros aún así parecían darse cuenta de su estado porque estaban más pendientes de él que de costumbre, Felix nunca estaba solo, siempre había uno de ellos cerca dispuesto a ayudarle en lo que fuera que necesitara. Pero eso no calmaba del todo su pánico. Estaba tan nervioso que tras acabar su turno en maquillaje tiró sin querer uno de los productos al voltearse, la mujer le miró bastante mal antes de chasquear la lengua e ir a recogerlo, Felix se sintió terriblemente mal y se disculpó mil veces, sintiendo la mirada de Hyunjin que estaba en la silla de al lado clavada en él, pero también la del manager que estaba cerca y que le agarró bruscamente de la mano cuando se dispuso a ayudar a la mujer. — Deja de empeorar más las cosas Yongbok. — Felix asintió, callándose cualquier queja por el fuerte agarre. — Tsk, omega inútil — pudo escuchar al hombre murmurar entre dientes, no era la primera vez que pasaba, y de hecho era tan común en la discográfica que Felix ya casi se había hecho inmune a esa clase de comentarios, habiendo descubierto que era mejor callarse que afrontarlos, sobre todo en un lugar con más gente como aquel.
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cagliostrohq · 1 year
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Sunlight glints off the silver tickets fluttering down from a zeppelin that coasts through the Selphian skies. The curious crowds gathering below catch the paper slips in their hands. Its magical ink scrolls across the ticket like words on a teleprompter, inviting them to a combat tournament known as The Glitz Blitz. The competition had ceased running following the disappearance of Princess Calista nearly a century ago. Now, the royal family is holding the tournament to celebrate her miraculous return. ( With a furious scowl, Murray Wheatbelly pokes his head out from the windows of The Daily Grail’s editing room. What perfect timing to bring on the bread and circuses, isn’t it? Soon after his paper leaks the news about sacrifices, a distraction with royal backing is trotted out to appease the public? He’s already made his move, and now it seems the palace is countering it. ) On Whale Island, a gladiatorial colosseum has been built overnight with the help of friendly golems, gargoyles, and dragons. It is inside this arena where the magical battles will be held, knockout tournament style over the course of two weeks. The updated elimination bracket will be posted in the Selphia Plaza by an officiant after each day of battle. Anyone is welcome to sign up, though the competition has been historically dominated by spirit warriors. To enter, you must officially represent either one of the three houses or your hometown from within the kingdom. Unofficial betting on the island already has strong contenders from Roytale, Selphia, and Orre as frontrunners. They have historically produced the best warriors for the tournament, to the point the jeering gamblers call anyone representing elsewhere in the kingdom as mere fodder.  The winner is promised a one-of-a-kind, magical weapon of rare materials to be forged by Rizzetheus, The Blacksmith of Orre. In addition, the royals are offering a small fortune that could be life-changing for the tournament’s winner.  Battles are fairly simple: the flashier the combat, the more engaged the crowd becomes which may feed into your personal fame should you have a business or cause to promote. If a fighter is on the ground or out of the ring for more than ten seconds, they lose the match. The count only begins for those with gifts of flight if they are touching a solid surface outside of the ring. Enchanting your opponent into an animal or object incapable of combat is an automatic disqualification. All is well, until trumpets sound through the town square. A public announcement decrees: “To celebrate The Glitz Blitz’s return after over a century, a new rule has been added to the games. For the very first time in the tournament’s history…contestants are now able to be nominated by others to compete! If the tournament officials approve of the nomination, you will automatically be entered into the running and are required to pay the one billion phil penalty for cancellation. <3 Suddenly, a show of magical sportsmanship becomes a way to ruin the lives of your enemies. Nobody has ever been punished for an accidental death inside The Glitz Blitz, of course. And with the hefty penalty fee, there are few outside the royalty family who can afford not to fight.  (LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The royal family is not responsible for any injuries or damages The Glitz Blitz tournament may incur. Submitting the name or the name of your nominee into the enchanted entry boxes located around the capital means you agree to these terms.)
OOC: The Glitz Blitz is an event which is held in-game for two weeks, with multiple battles occurring each day. The first phase of this event will conclude IRL on August 6th! 
Read below the cut for instructions on how to participate! 
Comment below the names of which muses are participating! Please use the following format: "Seymour Beasts (Paul Rudd FC), representing Rigbarth City"
Create a self-para where your muse either wins or loses against an NPC. This is your character's chance to become a crowd favorite, so please showcase your muse's combat style, personality, tactical prowess, personal storyline to win the public's favor (similar to storyline in wrestling!) and so forth. This will be their in-game first round (round #1) of the competition and therefore, the most memorable way to introduce themselves to the public! These self-paras will be used later in a "survivor" style voting game to determine who the public finds deserving of a second chance at victory, even if they are knocked out.
If you decide your muse will win against the NPC, they can move on to the next round! They may have up to TWO optional fights with other muses within the roleplay! These are rounds #2 and #3. When plotting out these match-ups, please make sure both parties are on the same page about the planned victors/winners before moving onto the dash.
Comment below the victor/loser of each round below in the following format: "Round #3, Seymour Beasts (Paul Rudd FC) VS Nicholas North (Danny Devito FC), Winner: NICHOLAS NORTH"
Everyone still in the running will be placed into a hunger games generator.  We will post the computer randomized match-ups/results of the tournament! the outcomes will be posted, which will allow muns to contact each other & write the aftermath should they desire! Once these results are posted, we will provide instructions on how to participate in the voting game! 
Names and any round outcomes MUST be given BEFORE August 5th to be put into the generator. Character names or matchup outcomes not commented by this time will NOT be put into the generator. Once the generator has gone through, we cannot change the results.
Please tag any event posts as "cag: event 003"!
HOW VOTING WILL WORK: More details to come later! To make it fair, we will announce a voting period where each muse must post themselves writing a name they’d like to save from elimination and a short, in-character explanation as to why. The minimum amount of content required will only be one or two sentences, but you may write more if you feel muse! This will come later, so you don’t need to worry about this just yet! In addition to the public vote, the in-game royal family will also select their own favorite underdogs to be given a second chance at victory. Have fun!
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fang-of-the-weak · 2 months
📷 - Kotoko have you heard of a ‘pazuzu_soccer_0419’ anywhere?
I can't particularly say that I have. Though by a quick glimpse of their account, they appear..aggravating.
However, I've noted something else of interest. They take a keen interest in serving justice against those they label "bad guys". Hah...is this why you've pointed them out to me? Do you believe us to share similarities of some kind?
Their "punishment" is cowardly- they lack the will to enact any sort of actual justice, relying on the internet to be their tool...ridiculous. How do they expect the world to change if they refuse to take action themselves?
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swordcoasted-arc · 1 year
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i've got a lot on my mind, and well...   an independent multimuse roleplay blog for select characters of larian studios' BALDUR'S GATE 3. featuring several original characters (or "tav"s) and features companions like wyll ravengard, shadowheart, and KARLACH. this blog is not spoiler free, and is 21+. viewer discretion is advised. transformed by lore.  ...in it.
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justsurv1vor · 3 months
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐑 @homelander-rp-blog 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓: based on this 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄: vera belmont & john
some continued to be in denial ⸻ convinced it was only a matter of time before the rescue party came to find them. but from what little information they'd managed to pry out of the surviving air staff, the plane had been driven hundreds ( if not thousands ) of miles off course and contact to anyone had been lost well before that. it had been ten days ⸻ ten days of watching the sun rise and set on the horizon of what could be considered paradise as much as it could a living hell should they not find a way off the island.
she'd done her best to make herself useful ⸻ integrating among the chosen leader and inner circle that had somehow formed. the do-ers of the bunch. it was what had led her to trek out into the jungle ⸻ pack and knife in hand ⸻ in search of more food. at the sound of her name, dark hues glanced over her shoulder ( brow arching at the approaching figure ). "i don't need a babysitter. i'm perfectly fine on my own," she murmurs. "but if you want to join me in sweating my ass off from the humidity, be my guest."
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dxrkenedheights · 1 year
where: watch tower
with: ryan cross and hunter cross @manybcdthings
Ryan doesn't expect to hear that Hunter has apologized and he's sure Kat knows it'd be like wishing on a blue moon. However, his conscience stirs for Lia who was unaware until now just how easily cruelty can exist in a Cross. Hunter especially. He doesn't approach the subject for a second time, knowing it would only result in one of them being flung from the platform. Still, there's worse people to be on watch with. Ryan would rather sit in silence with one of his own than a wolf he barely knows. "Wolfy said you was gettin' lucky over the damn trucks. Hope you washed 'em." he smirks to his brother, taking a large bite from a protein bar. He looks ahead to the night once more, sniffing as he chews loudly what could be cardboard if not for the small hint of vanilla. All is still throughout the trees, a calmness that never quite feels calm enough these days. "I'ma be headin' out to Kaslo with Tammie in a few days. Gimme a list of somethin' you want. Get Lil El to write it though, huh? Can't fuckin' read your shit."
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rpmocha · 3 months
nobody knows where they might end up.
you're gonna be eaten by a coyote, run, little one, though the pack may follow.
i am your late night tv addiction, i am the reason you can't pay attention, i'm the only girl that could ever love you, and i'm building a pet cemetery in your heart.
the birds don't talk likе the ones on screen, have they really domesticated me?
our mother has been absent ever since we founded rome.
i am an offer, you cannot refuse it, i am a dress you were soon to infuse with, i am the androgyny that used to confuse you.
but there's gonna be a party when the wolf comes home.
who among us will die tonight? hateful and all alone.
in my life, i hope i lie and tell everyone you were a good wife. and i hope you die. i hope we both die.
i'm gonna get myself in fighting trim, scope out every angle of unfair advantage.
i'm gonna bribe the officials, i'm gonna kill all the judges.
it's gonna take you people years to recover from all of the damage.
i am drowning, there is no sign of land. you are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.
do you hear it too? it's like a summer shower, with every drop of rain singing "i love you, i love you, i love you".
lives, all lies, hateful of all else. / good lives, all lies, hateful of all else.
you gotta get better, you're all that i've got.
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turojo · 1 year
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« ' .. I can't stand this anymore. Even when you're not in my thoughts you're still there looking over my shoulder or at the corner of my eyesight-- '
« ' What do you want and what can I do to make you go away? Have you not taken enough from me? '
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apollospacedout · 2 years
can't stop thinking about you els :(
Aw, baby can’t get me out of your pretty lil’ head hm? so cute. —How do you want me to help you?
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xlemonciel · 1 year
❝ Wave ❞
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cagliostrohq · 1 year
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Glitz Blitz Results!
The kingdom's first, royal-sanctioned combat tournament has come to an end! Listed below are all all muses who commented under the event post and/or have published a self-para. They were placed into an online tournament simulator, in order to get computer randomized match-ups and their results. The following results are what happened after the first three "freebie rounds" where muns could write the outcomes of their own match-ups. The combatants of each fight are listed first, followed by the randomized winner bolded in all caps! If you didn't comment in time or have recently joined, your muse can still have participated in the Glitz Blitz. They could have fought NPCs in each bracket until they lost a round. (The highest bracket these muses could've canonically reached without participating in the event is up to Bracket 5, where they must have lost to an NPC to avoid skewing the event's results.)
PARTICIPANTS: Val, Min, Jeb, Gabs, Skeet, Daeneryn, Renato, Petyr, M. Offman, Jackie, Ulysses, Bishop, Elia, Dottie, Khione, Simon, Danny, Elrich, Rook, Ludmila, Wallace
Bracket 3 Jeb VS Val: JEB Dottie VS Rook: DOTTIE Elia VS Min: ELIA Khione VS Gabs: KHIONE Ulysses VS Renato: ULYSSES Bishop VS Daeneryn: BISHOP Danny VS Simon: DANNY Elrich VS Moffman: ELRICH Petyr VS Jackie: PETYR Ludmila VS Wallace: LUDMILA
Bracket 4 Dottie VS Jeb: DOTTIE Khione VS Ulysses: KHIONE Bishop VS Danny: BISHOP Elrich VS Elia: ELRICH Petyr VS Ludmila: PETYR
Bracket 6
Elrich VS Bishop: ELRICH
Elrich Speedwagon, last one standing!
However, the royals interrupt what is believed to be his hard-earned victory to add a twist: an underdog knocked out from the previous rounds may be brought back by the people’s choice, and may duel him for the championship title.
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fang-of-the-weak · 3 months
🐺 Awww, I was hoping for more about our favorite sunshine but oh well :( you’re pretty silly, Kotoko! Anyways, you think you could throw Prisoner Number 003 across the prison? He seems pretty throwable tbh
...Your favourite sunshine? You appear awfully close to Mahiru- for a voice. Interesting. (Also, silly?...What?)
Hmph. I won't say I haven't considered punting him. There stands a chance that Fuuta's inability to provide interesting debates for his stances and poor sense of justice could be fixed with high speed aerial travel...his height, too, would make it incredibly easy.
...I'd prefer you not alert him of that comment. He appears sensitive about his height, and it'd be counterproductive to my observation for him to be hostile towards me. Though I believe throwing him would result in the same effect- unfortunately.
Another issue is that Kazui Mukuhara would be likely to stop me before I am given the proper chance to launch him. If you could get the seventh out of the way...perhaps we could strike a deal.
Don't you agree?
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