#rtd's anti capitalism commentary ceased to be commentary when rose got a rich daddy and ten stole somebody else's lottery winnings
ssaalexblake · 1 year
Does anybody want to tell the people still complaining that 13's era didn't have enough political commentary that the anti-imperialism themes, the condemnation of the treatment of refugees and immigrants, the emphasis on violence for violence's sake being bad but violence in the name of protection and self defence is acceptable and heroic (you can and Should fight back against violent colonizers), and and absolute refusal to give any ground to abusers (something the other eras were sketchy at Best over), we could talk about the environmental protection themes that appear about as subtly as a brick more than once (ideally environmental protection shouldn't be a political issue, but idk if you've watched the news lately, it is) were like. Really thematically obvious? And that if you talk about the Less obvious, it gets deeper.
We could talk about medical exploitation and the parallels of the timeless child to henrietta lacks (look her up). We could talk about the northern working class emphasis in the whole era and that its avoidance of the south is a statement in itself, from Sheffield steel to nobody having an upper class accent (sans that one time lord who ran division who had the Snootiest of snooty high class accents. Almost like they were making a Point). We could talk about how all our characters and reoccurring are working class, a bus driver, a trainee mechanic, a hotel manager etc etc, we could talk about the portrayal of actual honest modern poverty, and that it's explicitly shown that Dan Wants to work and is threatened off of the premises instead as the indictment of capitalism it is. We could talk about the very clear condemnation of tech companies taking advantage of their customers (calling fake google Vor was unacceptable tho, no defence available).
I could go on, but I'd like to drink my tea before it gets cold.
Sorry 13 didn't say the words eat the rich, but idk if you noticed, there was an actual whole episode where in the future the 1% who ruin the earth beyond repair literally get hunted and eaten by the mutated remains of the 99% whom they left to die 👍
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