riseofawarrior · 7 years
HOMERIC EPITHET!  /     You are Mulan the giant-killer. In Homer’s epics, he attributed this epithet to Hermes, the messenger god who had a secret side business in giant-killing. Hermes is considered the protector of thieves, travelers, and athletes, and enjoys things like poetry, music, and journeying to and from the Underworld just because he can.
FATAL FLAW! /    Your brutal honesty:  You’re blunt. You’re outspoken. Frankly, you’re kind of a jerk. But you get away with it because you’re usually right and also because you’re indispensable to the major plot. But honestly? It’s going to come back to haunt you. One of these days, you’re going to be TOO honest. You’re going to refuse to lie at a critical juncture, upholding your honorable caustic truthfulness, and you’re going to pay the ultimate price for it.
GREEK MYTHOLOGY DEATH! /Killed by your own reflection You spurned the romantic advances of a mountain nymph, so the revenge god has decided to punish you. One day you enter a cave and see your reflection in a pool, and you’re so transfixed by your own beauty that you decide to just stare at yourself forever. This continues until you either a) starve or b) drown or c) fall upon your own sword out of grief, depending on which poet is telling this story.
♫ When will my reflection show Who I am inside? ♫
LITERARY SETTING!/    You got  Hogwarts.   You got Hogwarts! We all wish we were Hogwarts students, but you seriously belong there. You’re a quirky, creative, and magical person, and you were born to wander Hogwarts’ expansive grounds, use its secret passageways to sneak into Honeydukes, and take whimsical Hippogriff rides into the sunset. Just imagine walking past the Room of Requirement with Sunday brunch on your mind (brunch food + Hogwarts magic=RIDICULOUS foodstagrams). You'll need to look out for trolls, giant spiders, basilisks, cursed necklaces, evil students, booger-flavored beans, etc, but in the words of the late, great Sirius Black, what's life without a little risk? 
Indirectly Tagged BY /    @roseloved
TAGGING /  @hookedjones, @villainofthisstory, @bornofthedawn, @slumberingscarlet, @chippedbravery,  @fcrestmaiden, @raidstombs,  @alwayscalculating, @dragonofallevil, @rubiedheart & anyone else who’d like to do it.
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( @rubiedheart ) liked ( X )
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Possessing a meticulous vigilance, crystalline optics avidly peruse unconventional designs. Indecipherable and unfaltering, a horizontal line rests upon poinsettia lips. ❝ What MATERIALS were you considering? Are these FINISHED concepts of yours or merely IDEAS in need of refining? ❞ 
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hopestolen · 7 years
        ————          @rubiedheart​   ♡’d   .
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          ❝   princess   !!   let down your hair   !!   ❞
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wickedcrown · 7 years
@rubiedheart liked for canon dialog!
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     “I see no need to bring Ben into this.”
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luncrwolf-blog · 7 years
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                                 ❛ did you want to come and TALK TO ME? you can always count on me dear. especially when it comes to mummy dearest. ❜
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soldierheartcd · 7 years
rubiedheart continued from (x)
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        Delia just stood there for a minute, doing her best to process the explanation that the other girl had given her. It didn’t make much sense, but that was the whole problem that she’d been having in the first place. Then again, maybe the third time around truly was the charm. There was only one way to find out. “Okay, so then tell me what you know.”
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malacee-blog · 7 years
          ————          @rubiedheart   ♡ ’ d   .
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          ❝   i was an idiot , e   ---   ❞   mal shakes her head , remembering the night her mother   “   cursed   ”   the duo to the edge of the isle . it’s not like   EVIE   , at six , was in charge of the birthday invitations . the evil queen   &   maleficent had a ten year rivalry   ---   their daughters only causalities in their war .   ❝   i was an entitled brat   &   i’m so , so sorry . you’re probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me   ---   i just wish i’d known that sooner .   ❞
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heiroflegend · 7 years
@rubiedheart continued from [x]
[ 📲 • sms Evie ] : no, ofc i didn’t do anything! [ 📲 • sms Evie ] : just felt like you were ignoring me geeh calm down [ 📲 • sms Evie ] : what are you up to? 
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@rubiedheart liked for a starter from King Ben
“I have to go there and apologize. How dangerous can it be?”
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brcveghouls-a · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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wickedauradon-blog · 7 years
rubiedheart starter from doug!
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“You know, now that Dizzy is helping us, you might reach that Castle sooner than expected.” And Doug is looking at the numbers and hi-ho! it was a lot of money they were making by the hour. And the little Dizzy was now a help in accessories and hair which made people spend more in the business. “You should start searching for one in the internet, they are a couple of castle’s here and there. I’m pretty sure no one lives in them anymore   except for Belle and the Beast.”
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lightmywords · 7 years
@rubiedheart // Little Bunny & The Oracle
It had begun the same way any of her other work days had – sickening detail after gruesome picture and the constant concern for her fabulous, precious team. Of course, she was well aware that they were all proclaimed warriors in their own right, but she worried nonetheless. When Emily had tapped on her always-open office door with a colourful backpack and little niece in tow, wearing an apologetic smile, Penelope had flashed a broad grin and had discarded her fluffy pen in order to clap her hands in glee. It was an unspoken rule, from the moment Emily Prentiss had become an official caregiver and legal guardian, that Penelope Garcia was her trustworthy and ever eager, entirely free, babysitter. 
And she loved it, had never strictly considered becoming a parent herself, but informal cool auntie – well that she could do. Of course, at first she had been respectfully aware of the trauma that had been inflicted on the little brunette, had calmed her enthusiasm at another tiny human fluttering around and had instead spoiled her rotten from afar. And in true Penelope Garcia style, it had been in colours and abundance; clothing and plush toys and crayons aplenty. She’d even had to start sending the packages to Emily’s apartment because the profiler was beginning to shake her head every time the perky blonde appeared with yet another bag.
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Penelope twirled on her chair to face the pair in the doorway as Emily explained that it wouldn’t be for long, and that she’d be back as soon as she could, lacquered nails reaching behind her to flick the crime scene photos from her various screens. Painted fuchsia lips pulled into a grin, purple bobbles bouncing against the swells of barely controlled blonde buns as she nodded. “It’s not a problem at all!” She let out in delight, patting the empty chair beside her. “Evie and I will be a-okay, I’ve got a box of My Little Pony’s in here,” she punctuated this by pulling out a filing cabinet drawer filled to the brim with plastic rainbow horses. “And a jar as big as her head of candy. We’ve got all a couple of girls need for a few hours, don’t we my little delight?”
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sclidarity-blog · 7 years
HC + the isle
▉▊▋⚔. ( headcanons.​​ accepting. )  
in this black and white world he lives in ( and it is all black and white -- on the Isle, on the mainland, it’s always one way or another ) jay is aware, unequivocally, that he is meant to hate the Isle. you’ve been given a chance, they say. you chose good. and apparently, that only means something if he rejects everything that has come before. 
so he does. basically. 
denial’s a really useful tool and it helps him keep all his sailing smooth. he doesn’t have to worry about anything if he pretends there’s nothing to worry about. nothing to care about. if he doesn’t think about the Isle -- 
-- because the thing is -- there is plenty to hate about it. notwithstanding everything else, it was a prison. it is the physical conviction of a crime he had never committed and that in and of itself is enough to guide him to that Auradonian peer pressure to reject it. 
but that is not the entirety of his story. every time he makes a wrong turn on the school ground ( and how sad, how large the school seems even though it is infinitesimally small in the grand scheme of the world when you are no longer imprisoned under a finite barrier ) he cannot help the desire to know a place like he knew the Isle. what alleys led to dead ends, where he could climb to get up to the roofs, when everyone would be where and how they got there. that world was, objectively, tiny but he knew it. 
there were no lapses in decorum that he hadn’t known were lapses. there was never a moment where he learned of some new thing he was doing wrong. there was no overwhelming number of choices in everything ( food, clothes, colors, hobbies, ) that the sheer volume leaves him paralyzed. 
all of that -- it was real. the more he pretends it wasn’t, the more he fears slipping into the same kind of delusions of grandeur, delusions of what doesn’t exist, that his father suffers. 
no part of him wants to go back. but he cannot leave it behind and without any tools to reconcile that, without support and perspective, it’s easier to pretend that everything’s fine. 
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luncrwolf-blog · 7 years
@rubiedheart ;; STARTER CALL
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                      ❛ you know, evie, YOUR MOTHER will find you here if she REALLY wanted to. ❜
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malacee-blog · 7 years
@rubiedheart​ continued from here . //
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          ❝   same , e ,   ❞   mal mutters under her breath , tension easing when she feels the warmth of her best friend against her . waking up this morning wasn’t any different , until she made her way to the cafeteria   &   the   “   holiday   ”   became painfully clear . at first she thought it was a   JOKE   , she didn’t think this could be a real day here in auradon , it certainly wasn’t on the isle . or maybe   everyday   was , with the constant demands to appease her own mother ,   &   be a   “   grateful daughter   ”   for the roof over her head . 
          all the pretty pink princesses had their   loving   mothers , but the vks   ??   they drew the short straw in the parent department . sprinting back to the comfort of the shared dorm , she wasn’t going to leave for the rest of the day   (   maybe the rest of the week   ) . the now - empty terrarium lays shattered in a corner of the room , a casualty of mal’s anger .
           ❝   ---   have you talked to carlos or jay at all   ??   ❞
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