troublerats · 2 months
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Girls 🩷
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troublerats · 2 months
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The Agnostic Saint
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troublerats · 4 months
Complete Flipside Headshot Collection!!
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This thread contains the headshot of every currently relevant character.
It contains important information about the characters identities, feel free to ask me more about a character and I will answer to the best of my abilities!!
And before I'm asked again: Yes, these pfps are free to use if you so wish <3
Edgar Adams
Race/Ethnicity: White, English, Portuguese
Nationality/Citizenship: British, Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, Demi-romantic, "Cis man"
Disability/Abnormality: Traumatic Knee Injury, Intermittent Strabismus
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Wanda Adams
Race/Ethnicity: White, English, Portuguese
Nationality/Citizenship: British, Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, Demi-romantic, Trans woman
Disability/Abnormality: Traumatic knee injury, Permanent Strabismus
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Wanda Butcher
Race/Ethnicity: White, English, Portuguese
Nationality/Citizenship: British, Canadian, "American"
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, Demi-romantic, Trans woman
Disability/Abnormality: Permanent Strabismus
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David Adams
Race/Ethnicity: Black, English, Portuguese
Nationality/Citizenship: British, Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, Polyamorous, Cis man
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Edgar Adams Jr. (Goes by Edwin)
Race/Ethnicity: Black, English, Portuguese
Nationality/Citizenship: British, Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Cishet
Disability/Abnormality: (Rubyside only) Traumatic spinal injury, uses a wheel chair and crutches.
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Maryanne Halia/Adams
Race/Ethnicity: Polynesian, Hawaiian
Nationality/Citizenship: Canadian, Hawaiian
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, Genderqueer (She/They)
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Deana Adams/Williams
Race/Ethnicity: Black, English
Nationality/Citizenship: British, Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Grey-romantic, Demi-sexual, No gender preference, Cis woman
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Oliver Walker
Race/Ethnicity: White
Nationality/Citizenship: Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, Cis man
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Carole Walker
Race/Ethnicity: White
Nationality/Citizenship: Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, Cis woman
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Tracy Walker
Race/Ethnicity: White
Nationality/Citizenship: Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Cishet
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711 Cashier
Race/Ethnicity: Black
Nationality/Citizenship: American
Sexuality/Gender: Gay, Cis man
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Alim Hadid
Race/Ethnicity: Arabic, Canadian
Nationality/Citizenship: Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: ??? (He/Him)
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Anastasia Papageorgiou
Race/Ethnicity: White, Greek, Ethnically Jewish
Nationality/Citizenship: Greek, Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Lesbian, Cis Woman
Disability/Abnormality: Amputated right arm, uses a hooked prosthetic
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Andrew Alicia
Race/Ethnicity: Cuban, Black, Hispanic, Latino
Nationality/Citizenship: Cuban, Canadian
Sexuality/Gender: Gay, Trans Man
Disability/Abnormality: Segmental vitiligo
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Angelo Mario
Race/Ethnicity: White, Italian
Nationality/Citizenship: Italian, Colombian, American
Sexuality/Gender: Gay, Aromantic, Cis Man
Disability/Abnormality: Permanent eye injury
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Vince Vivero
Race/Ethnicity: Black, Italian, Latino, Hispanic, Colombian
Nationality/Citizenship: Colombian, Italian, American
Sexuality/Gender: Cishet
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Abel Owens
Race/Ethnicity: White
Nationality/Citizenship: American
Sexuality/Gender: Gay, Cis Man
Disability/Abnormality: Leukemia (in and out of remission,) Sometimes uses a wheelchair for chronic fatigue
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The rest of the headshots
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troublerats · 7 months
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troublerats · 7 months
Who is currently in the cult that grace and Wanda created and what are their family roles? Btw does the cult have a name?
The cult doesn't really have a name, but we personally call them "The Forever Cult" or "The Butcher Family" when referring to them.
The members are Wanda Butcher, Grace McNally, Jack Davis, Abel Owens, Katherine (Kattie/"Kitty") Clyde, and Isabelle Butcher. The rest of the family usually use the last name "Butcher" but those are their legal names. They all function under the alias of a family unit, though are roughly still a family.
In the face of the public, Wanda and Jack usually pretend to be the parents, while Abel, Kattie, and Isabelle are their kids. In reality their unit is a lot more complex.
Although the older adults, Wanda Jack, and Grace, tend to be seen as more parental, it really depends on the kid. Kattie is a lot closer to Jack and Wanda, first Wanda later Jack. Meanwhile Abel is very selective around people and is only really close to Kattie and Grace when it comes to seeing people as parental figures.
Meanwhile Isabelle is only really close with Wanda, and loyal at least to Kattie. She hates Abel at first but later finds she cares for him too. The three adults relationship also tend to be complicated, Jack and Wanda have a love hate relationship and are either arm in arm in allegiance or at eachothers necks in authority. Grace meanwhile tends to keep the peace as she means a lot to them both. Wanda being her romantic partner, and Jack having a close relationship with her that they both can't really describe beyond "not romantic, but not just friends."
But as for them individually:
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Wanda is the head of the cult, taking over during a period of Jack's absence. She tends to orchestrate plans and is generally the most fanatic. Despite a brief detour where her and Grace became addicted to a substance called Tarnished Gold, her main goal and the goal of the cult, is to gain immortal life and unravel the mysteries of The Flipside. Wanda also has a vampiric entity attached to her, known as "The Butcher." Which comes out when she has not consumed enough "Gold," and has a bad habit of eating anything and anyone around her. Feeding on blood and automatically transforming it into "Gold."
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Jack is the one who first pulled Wanda into him and Grace's plan, making them a unit of 3 killers. Jack and Grace are the ones who new eachother for the longest, not counting Kattie and Abel who grew up together, as for many years him and Grace lived together in a queer platonic relationship. Jack had a partnership with a Flipside entity which exchanged knowledge with him for a piece of Jack's being, symbolized by taking his two front teeth. Jack was able to get in contact with this entity, and pursued by it, due to being a "Philosopher." A human with otherworldly powers that are directly tethered to The Flipside in a way.
But despite having these powers, Jack is actually one of the weakest Philosopher's in the series, and that power is cut in half even further after his deal. Jack and Wanda tend to be the heads of the operation interchangeably.
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Grace is the most deadly of the cult, without taking "The Butcher" into account. After an accident her and Jack had, regarding the entity Jack was in contact with, Grace was scarred with one time use alchemical symbols that made her body able to heal from almost any injury. Symbols originally made for Jack, and she's important to the plan because of this. In short, she's essentially a Slasher villain in ability. I make jokes about it often but she could be run over by a car or shot with a shotgun and will get up near moments later. Her wounds will close, her bones will snap back into place, and she'll continue pursuing whoever she's after.
Some injuries take longer to heal, and she normally does have a recovery period, but the immediate damage doesn't slow her down. She's usually the one who brings back the bodies, along with Wanda.
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Abel and Kattie are adoptive siblings in a sense. They both grew up together as orphans, going from foster house to foster house, and once Kattie became an adult, she became Abel's legal guardian to get him out of the system. Abel is a teen for most of the story while Kattie floats more around early to mid 20s.
Abel for a good portion of their life, has been fighting leukemia, which has gone in and out of remission several times. He's at the same time also dealt with being paraded around like a savant, taking college level chemistry since late middle school. He later honed this chemistry, into the cults alchemy and production of a more pure and clean version of "Gold." Which he uses as a medicine to treat himself. Meanwhile Kattie, worked hard in robotics, which started as her modifying toys in her teens or making brand new ones. Later specializing in prosthetics and mechanical mannequins. She uses these skills to help and improve Isabelle, as well as her and Abel combine both their skills together to make mechanical monsters and other dangerous devices of sorts. Kattie and Abel tend to be more of the straight men out of the group, while ironically being the 2nd and 3rd youngest.
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ISABELLE IS A very normaL and vEry human tEenage girl who likes to hang out and dance with her friends. she is the youngest of the butCHEr's aNd is jaCk and wAnda'S only biological daughtEr, coming after her aDopted sIbliNgs Abel and kattie.
the butcher's are a VEry normal family and kind family, they help their community, and alwayS bring duck eggs to their work or School for othErs. isabeLle, abel, and KATTIE are kids, their parents jaCk and wanda, and wondeRful roommate grace, raised thEm All so well behaved and kind and good.
ThEy live out in the countrysiDe, alone but self sustaining. no one ever visits because of how long the drive is, but i am sure they are great company
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troublerats · 8 months
Hey, I remember seeing your Flipside comic concepts on Reddit a few months ago. When I checked Reddit recently to see if there was anything new, I saw that the account you posted them on appeared to be deleted. I was really interested in following along the process. Is the comic still coming or has it been cancelled/on hiatus?
Okay so I’ve got this question a few times but I suppose it’s time I fully clarify what’s going on on Tumblr in a form I can repeatedly point to.
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The comic IS still coming, but it is going through some major changes. For a variety of reasons, we have decided to de-fnaf the series and turn it into an original IP.
This is for a few emotional factors, like the abuse we’ve experienced and seen from the FNaF community and generally just hitting the point where we don’t want to deal with it when it comes to something we’ve put so much work and love in.
That and of course, the creative freedom and income we can get from making an original IP, that we already planned to work on for several years. We’re hoping to bring something new to the table
Though of course because of this, the comic is going through another phase of conceptualization. Which I will show off at the end of this thread.
As for why my Reddit account is gone, I deleted it since it had my old name, Treblebaps, and I could not change it so it caused to much pain. A bit of a warning here as I bring up transphobic harassment and being sent very triggering things.
As a bit of backstory, I was the first person to talk about Gwen Stacy being trans in ATSV, a post that was just meant for my friends and audience but absolutely blew the fuck up. Because of this I was harassed by transphobes for days, they sent me gore and cp, and terrorized my friends and went after my income by defacing it.
Their mass reporting resulted in me losing my account on Twitter, and ever since I just decided to rebrand because I couldn’t have the name “Treblebaps” as my @ on everything anymore. Maybe a bit dramatic, yes, but it bothered me nonetheless.
Going back to the Flipside, what you need to know is that the main story of Purpleside, now called Rubyside, has changed. But the story of Yellowside, now Goldenside, has all but stayed the same premise wise. I will now explain the premise of both stories to better explain the changes.
Edgar Adams-
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the owner of a popular arcade, now slipping out of it’s golden age, accidentally murders his business partner, Oliver Walker, in a drunken spat. This act of violence, awakens a dormant entity, which begins to reach out to Edgar. Promising him various things and telling him secrets no living person knows.
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Edgar follows its guidance and kills, experiments with living matter, and carves a gateway between this world and the world the entity came from, The Flipside. Held together by six arcade machines that encoded with both of their secrets.
After a pattern of tragedy Edgar disappears. Presumed dead, but continuing down his path as he repeatedly builds himself new identities, and faces, as he consumes an element known as Gold to try to keep his own face from falling off.
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Following Edgar’s fall, Edgar’s two sons, discover a sliver of the secrets Edgar had kept from them. And while the younger Edgar Jr. goes down his own path,
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the story from here primarily follows the older, David, as he hunts down all of the six arcade cabinets, which are now scattered in different locations across America with no signs to tell them apart.
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However, his journey is made even harder on account that these arcade cabinets continually spawn twisted forms of life in many different horrific ways. Ranging from a mad race-car driving hairless cat that has split itself into endless fragmentations, a deep diving space game that causes people to drown in their sleep, a zombie shooter game that’s brought its main antagonist alive in a strange, eccentric, but annoyingly helpful way, and a boxing game that has strangely caused one of the animatronic animal characters in a pizzeria to spring to hungry life (as a little final nod to the original.)
Rubyside’s story follows David and several other characters amidst a story of living media, cults, body horror, and bloodshed.
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As for Goldenside
The events of Rubyside never took place in this universe, Edgar never killed anybody, Finch never interfered. And many of the characters who died or became victims of the other worlds trauma, are able to happily live.
Namely Edgar Adams Jr. Or also known as Edwin, got to experience a vaguely normally childhood with his friends.
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Edwin's friends being Lucy Smith
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Eloise Baptiste
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Tracy Walker
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Teresa Chowdhury
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Gabe Mitchel
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Rodrick Woods
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And Cody Fischer
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These are our primary protagonists for Goldenside, and for the most part, they are happy.
However, consequences from Rubyside begin to leak through into this "good timeline" and bringing echos of events and creatures from the bloodier timeline into this one. On account of the Flipside being one dimension, while the worlds that exist, are many.
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This is a constant threat the main characters face as they struggle to preserve their little slice of life lives, and live through events in one time, out of their control.
Though there are entities, that have other plans, that work tirelessly to mold this story into their own vision.
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But mostly, Goldenside functions as a less dire reprieve from Rubysides often pessimistic and grim tone. It's more of a villain of the week, though doesn't shy away from drama.
Overall, that's the rundown of what has been going on with the Flipside thus far. And how Rubyside differs from it's original retelling of the FNaF story.
There is a lot I can't say here, and a lot I am unable to show since there is a lot of concept art I am still having to work on, equally so a lot of stuff Riddles has yet to write. But I hope nonetheless this will still be something people are excited to follow.
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