#rucas fan fic
gilbertandanne · 7 years
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Chapter Twenty-Three: Set
Character mood board ref (l to r): 
Riley: daughter of Persephone & Hades Lucas: son of Atlas Zay: son of Eirene Maya: daughter of Apollo Josh: son of Euterpe Farkle: son of Athena Jessica: daughter of Aphrodite Charlie: son of Zeus
*Actors based on this fan cast*
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grizbehr · 6 years
What Was Lost
"Ms. Matthews," the voice came over the phone's speaker. Riley looked up from the notes she was taking for a future show she was planning and pushed the call button.
"Yes, Charolette," she replied.
"There's a gentleman here to see you." Riley pulled up the calendar on her computer.
"I don't have anyone scheduled. Who is it?"
"He didn't want to give his name."
Riley sat back in her chair. "Does he look like a stalker?"
Charolette lowered her voice. "If he is, he can stalk me any time."
Riley thought for a moment. She trusted Charolette's judgement. "Ok, send him back. Give me five minutes and call me about a meeting in case I need to get rid of him."
"Yes ma'am." The phone disconnected and Riley went back to her notes. She had a least two minutes before whomever it was made it to her office.
"I've done this before," Riley said to herself. She flipped through her notes and found the same thing from two months ago. "I'm starting to get repetitive." She leaned her head in her hands, thinking about how she could do something different, but coming up with nothing.
"You cut your hair," a familiar voice said. Riley looked up and a smile came across her face.
"Lucas," she questioned. "Lucas Friar?" The tall man smiled and Riley leaped up and hurried over to him, throwing herself in his arms.
"How ya' been, Riles," he said, giving her a big hug.
"Good," Riley replied. "I think you've gotten taller. Come in and have a seat." Riley led Lucas to the chair and let him sit down.
"What is this," she said tugging on the hair on his chin.
Lucas laughed. "I just got into town," he said. "Should have cleaned up first, but I wanted to see you."
Riley stumbled a little sitting in her chair, but recovered. "It looks good on you," she said. "So are you here on leave?"
"No, no," Lucas shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "I, uh, left the teams about a year ago."
"The teams?"
"SEAL teams," Lucas explained.
"I know what the teams are, Lucas," Riley said. "I just thought you were going into the medical corps."
"I was planning on it, but I got the offer to go to SEAL school, and turns out I excelled at it."
"Well, as long as you're happy…"
"I said I was good at it, not that I was happy. So when I had the opportunity I left. Been wandering around, doing odd jobs ever since."
"You could have always come home."
"I needed to figure out who I was first. You know how it is."
They sat in silence for a bit before the phone rang. Riley picked it up quickly. "Yes," she said. "Darn. I forgot about that. Could you reschedule it for me? Thanks."
"If you have something you need to do," Lucas started.
"Nothing important," Riley reassured him. A regretful look came over her face. "Lucas," she began.
"So," Lucas interrupted her. "What about you? How is it being a big TV star?"
"Hardly," Riley laughs.
"Come on," Lucas admonishes. "I've seen you. Traveling around, taking the viewers to little known locations all over the globe. You're show is incredible."
"I think you may be a little biased. Besides, I haven't been doing that much traveling lately."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've become too big a commodity for the production to risk me, so they send out a film crew and I stay here. They have me do an open and close in the studio and then voice over work for the episodes. It's someone else who does the actual work."
"So it's all a lie?"
"It didn't start out that way," Riley sighed. "When I started, it was just me and my camera. I'd go someplace and talk with the locals, find the really secret places and film it. It was fun. Then I got picked up by The Discovery Channel. For the first year and a half, it worked the same way except I now had a crew and a budget. Then the show became popular and the insurance company was worried about me. So I cut back a little. I would still go out, but the more obscure and potentially dangerous places I had to stay away from. Eventually we got to where I am now."
"So, 'Girl Meets World with Riley Matthews' is really 'Girl Meets World without Riley Matthews'."
"Yeah." Riley felt a little downcast. The change had happened so subtly that she hadn't really noticed it was happening. Now that she said it out loud, she realized how far she was from where she started.
"I guess that puts a spin on the other reason I came here," Lucas said standing.
"Well, my main reason was I wanted to see you again. It's been too long and I've missed you. But there was something else. I was looking for a favor."
"What is it?" Riley leaned back in her chair.
"You see, Zay and I have teamed up."
"Zay's here, too," Riley exclaimed.
"Yeah. He's back at the hotel starting to prepare things. As I was saying, Zay and I've teamed up to start a salvage operation of sorts. Sometimes we get hired to do a job, sometimes we get a lead that we need to track down. Just last week, we pulled a truck out of the Mississippi that was loaded with copper wire."
"Sounds exciting," Riley said with a touch of sarcasm.
"Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Anyways, we picked up a lead on a cargo plane that crashed in the Amazon. Our plan is to fly into Brazil and then travel inward. We were hoping that maybe you could get us some press credentials. It will make it easier for us to get around in country."
"I don't know, Lucas," Riley scrunched up her forehead. "I mean we normally go to places…you know, restaurants, churches, art galleries…not the middle of the jungle. I don't even know if I could get a crew in there."
"I'm not really looking for a crew. I figured I could take a camera and record the video of our search so it's not like you would be lying by getting us the credentials." Lucas hung his head.
"The Amazon is a big place," Riley said. "Do you even have any idea where to start looking?"
"We have a good lead," Lucas admitted. "We kind of have a genius with near unlimited funds doing support work in his free time."
Lucas laughed. "Of course. We mentioned it to him casually a month ago when we saw him in Paris. He brought us to his office, tasked some satellites, did some math. He is near certain he knows the approximate location it went down."
"So what, it would just be a get in, look around for a little bit, get out type of deal?"
"Something like that. I mean, if we find it, we'll have to arrange a small crew to get in there and help us clear it out, but we need to find it first."
"That would be a great story," Riley said, mostly to herself. She looked over at the notes which had been getting repetitive.
"We'd really like you to be a part of it, Riley," Lucas said. "But I understand if you can't. I mean, we wouldn't technically be journalists, but..."
"Tell you what. Let me think about it." Riley stood up and hugged Lucas again.
"We'll be in town a couple of days," Lucas said. "Why don't we all get together Friday for dinner. You, me, Zay, Farkle, Maya…I'm assuming you and Maya are still joined at the hip."
"Yeah, she's still around. I'll set it up. You've still got my number. Give me a call tomorrow and we'll figure out where we want to meet up."
"Deal." Lucas looked down and kissed her lightly on the cheek. After all these years, it still made Riley's heart flutter. "It was good seeing you again." He then turned and left the office. Riley couldn't help but watch him walk away. He turned and waved before disappearing around the corner. Riley stayed there looking after him a moment before going back to her desk.
She barely had gotten seated when Charolette came rushing in. "Spill, girl," she said excitedly. "Who was that hunk of a man?"
"That," Riley mused. "That was the one who got away."
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Next Chapter
I’m taking a little break from Second Chances. It’s not wanting to let me write it. Here is the start of something that’s been playing around in my head. I’d rate this T(Teen) for Blood, Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Use of Tobacco and Alcohol, Violence. Hope you enjoy.
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shebe67 · 7 years
Riley’s Christmas Eve Surprise
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It was the first Christmas since Riley and Lucas had graduated from UT Austin and were living in a small apartment off campus. Lucas had just finished his first semester of Vet school and Riley was working as an Editorial Assistant at a small publishing company. Lucas was working part time for a local animal clinic. The couple had managed to come up with a couple of their own Christmas eve traditions over the last few years and Lucas was waiting for Riley to get home from some last-minute shopping his mother had whisked her away for. This was the first time in 4 years they wouldn't be traveling to New York City for Christmas and he wanted to make It a memorable one for Riley. In this story they are about 24 and 25.
Lucas looked around the room and decided everything was perfect, the only thing missing was Riley. He looked at the clock on the living room wall, she’d be home anytime and their Christmas Eve celebration would start, he couldn’t wait!
He walked over to the tree and placed the beautifully wrapped package under it. He and Riley had begun a new tradition a few years ago of gifting each other with ornaments on Christmas Eve and this was one he couldn't wait for her to see. They also decided to have Chinese delivered. He had ordered all of their favorites and was waiting for the delivery. There was freshly popped popcorn and hot chocolate in a thermos all ready to go for whatever movie they decided to watch. If Riley got her way it would be It’s a Wonderful Life.
He heard the lock on the door and knew it was her. He rushed to the door to greet her and help her with the many bags he knew she would be carrying.
“Hey, Riley," he said as leaned in to give her a quick kiss. "Did you and my Momma have a good time shopping?"
“Hi,” she answered as she handed him a couple of the bags she had in her hands. “I had a great time, I think your mom out shopped me though.”
Just as Lucas set the bags on the floor there was a knock at the door. It was the delivery guy form the Chinese restaurant with their food. Lucas pulled some money out of his wallet and handed to the guy and told him to keep the change. He took the bags of food to the table and set it down, Riley was right behind him, smelling the food.
“Do you want to go ahead and eat?” Lucas asked her.
All Riley could do was nod her head yes, “haven”t eaten since breakfast, starving!”
They took their places at the small table and started spooning food form various containers onto their plates. As they ate, Riley couldn’t help but notice how much cleaner the apartment looked.
“Lucas, did you clean the apartment?” she asked after taking a sip of water.
“Yea, I know how crazy things have been. Just thought I’d do my share.” He smiled at her.
“You wrapped presents, too?” she just noticed all of the presents under the tree.
“I wrapped all I could find. I just want us to be able to enjoy our movie tonight.”
“That was very sweet of you. That just leaves the things I got today and it’s not much, thank you, Lucas.” She couldn’t believe that he’d done all this.  
They finished eating in silence and once they were done with their food, they cleaned up the leftovers and dirty dishes. Lucas loved the fact that the two of them could share a simple task and never have to say a word to each other. They moved around the small kitchen like they had been doing it for years.
After everything was cleaned up, they finished wrapping the few presents that Riley had just bought. Riley excused herself to the bedroom, she came back a minute or so later with a package wrapped in red sparkly paper, with a blue bow and placed it under the tree.
Lucas watched her place it in the very front underneath the edge of the tree. One of his favorite things about Christmas was trying to guess what was in each gift that had his name on it.
“Is that one for me?” He asked with a knowing smile on his face.
Riley smiled at him, “Yes and if you can just be patient for a few more hours, you’ll know what it is.”
”That must be my Christmas eve present, then.” He picks up the small package gently shaking it near his ear, “I think it’s a new Christmas ornament.”
She takes the gift from his hands and puts it back under the tree, “Be careful with this, it’s fragile.”
“Well, Riles, I guess all that’s left is to figure out what movie we’re going to watch. I have the hot chocolate and popcorn all ready to go, what will it be?” he asked holding up four different Christmas movies for her to choose from. 
“Hmm...I already watched this one while I was talking to Maya on the phone the other day. I watched this one with Pappy Joe a month ago and when Zay was here the other night waiting for you to get off work, we watched this one. So that only leaves It’s a Wonderful Life,” she explained.
All Lucas could do was laugh, “I knew it!”
“What? You know I always wait to watch this one with you.” It had been that way for four years and neither one of them really ever wanted that to change.
“I’ll get the movie set up, if you’ll go get the hot chocolate and popcorn,” he suggested.
“Fine with me.” She said and went into the kitchen and poured two steaming mugs of hot chocolate, topped with mini marshmallows and grabbed the bowl of popcorn pouring in a few M&M’s
Lucas was already sitting on the couch, she handed him a mug and set the popcorn on the table and took her spot next to Lucas. He pushed play on the remote and for the next couple of hours she got lost in one of her favorite movies.
As the sounds George Bailey and all of his loved ones singing Auld Lang Syne faded into the end credits of the movie, Riley felt so content snuggled up to Lucas’ side that she didn’t want to move.
Lucas was the first one to move, “I’ll take care of these mugs and popcorn bowl if you put the movie away, then we can open our Christmas eve gifts.” Lucas was suddenly nervous and excited all at once.
Riley gave a little squeal of excitement and did as he suggested.
As he was heading to the kitchen he could hear her humming, “Someone is excited to open a present.”
“Yes, I am. You always pick the best ornaments for me. All of them represent one of our many moments and I can’t wait to see what moment we commemorate this year,” she told him.
While she waited for him to return from the kitchen she looked at the ornaments on their tree. So many memories, the Eiffel Tower and Subway car, the skis that represented the ski lodge. He’d even managed to find a purple jelly bean ornament. Of course, there were also the ornaments she had given him over the years, a cowboy hat, an apple to represent New York City and the leaf ornament she had hand made.
Lucas finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher and returned to see her looking at the Christmas tree. He knew she was thinking about all of their ornaments and some of the memories behind them. He hoped this years would be her favorite one yet.
She turned to him when she heard his footsteps behind her, she reached down and picked up the gift that he had inspected earlier and took her seat on the couch.
Lucas bent and picked up a box similar in size. It was wrapped in purple paper with a silver bow on it. “Who gets to go first this year?”
“You do, I opened the jelly bean ornament first last year,” she said.
“Okay,” he said as he started tearing at the paper revealing a white box. He opened the box and pulled out something wrapped in tissue paper. He carefully unwrapped it and smiled when he saw what it was. He held it up, examining it.
“This is Sophia, isn’t it?” he asked while turning the ornament in his hand. It was a wooden hand carved horse.
“Yea, it’s supposed to be Sophia. Do you like it? It was either the horse or a book and I thought the horse was cuter than a book,” Riley explained.  
“It’s beautiful! It’s the first time I ever told anyone about wanting to be a veterinarian. This means a lot to me, Riley. Thank you!” he leaned in a gave her a kiss before getting up to hang the ornament on the tree. 
As he sat back down on the couch, he looked at Riley who was bubbling with excitement, this was it, he hoped she liked it.
Riley examined the purple paper on all sides, “This is too pretty to open, Lucas.”
“Please open the present, I promise you’ll like it,” Lucas said.
Riley found the perfect spot to rip the paper revealing a green box. Inside the box was more tissue paper like before. She carefully tore away the layers of tissue to see a round black ornament attached to a gold ribbon. She turned it around, noticing the beautiful script on the ornament. She read the words and then looked at Lucas who was on his knees in front of her.
Riley & Lucas
“Lucas what’s happening?” Riley asked, clearly surprised.
“Riley Matthews, I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love another person and I want you to be my wife, will you marry me?”
“Lucas is this for real? You want to marry me? For real?” Riley asked,
“Riley look at the ornament.” Lucas told her.
She held up the ornament and looked at it again. Something sparkling caught her eye this time. She looked to see what the sparkle was and found a beautiful diamond engagement ring tied to the ribbon of the ornament.
“Lucas,” Riley muttered
He took the ring from Riley’s hand and asked one more time, “Riley, will you marry me?”
Through the tears, she finally answered him, “Yes, Lucas, I will marry you!”
Lucas put the ring on her finger, rose to his feet and took her in his arms. He let his own tears flow as he hugged her, “Riley, you’ve just made me the happiest guy in the world, I love you so much.”
Riley finally found her words, “Lucas, I love you, too! I’m so happy, I want to tell everyone!”
He let her go and she turned to put her ornament on the tree. As she turned back towards him he took her face in his hands and kissed her, he never wanted to let her go.
Once they broke apart he asked her, “So, I take it I surprised you?”
“You sure did, I think this is the best Christmas eve surprise ever.”
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spookysmujer · 4 years
Summer Nights, O.Diaz
requested: @mrs-spookyd1az​
Summary: Another summer day/night with your cholo, who can’t keep his hands to himself.
warnings: ass grabbin’ 🍑, fluff, mentions of sex
word count: 1k
A/N: I hope you like this! I would so love to hit up the carnival with him, after seeing him be all goofy with Jasmine 🤪 Gradually working on all the fics I mentioned, my evil twin and I been brainstorming an upcoming series she’ll be working on. Also I would love to construct a master list to make it easier for new comers visiting the blog, but my laptop is a tweaker and I do most on my phone which is blaaaah. Enjoy! Thanks for +300 followers ❤️
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LA, California.
 The summer heat has been terrorizing Freeridge nearly as much as the hoodlums who tried to run its streets. It didn’t matter how much fans on or agua frescas you have, the heat relentless.
You sit in Oscar’s red impala as he works under the hood and though you love to spend anytime with your boyfriend, you’re bored out of your mind as well as perspiring like donkey.
“How much longer? I’m bored.” You call out, Oscar pops his head from the side of the open hood to see you with your eyes closed. He chuckles to himself.
“Not much longer. What you wanna do today, mamita?”
“Hm,let’s go to the pool?” You suggest, sitting up and excited with the idea of cooling off. He watches you with amusement and agrees.
The two of you head inside and change, of course you can never do so without a smack to your ass when you aren’t looking. Oscar can’t help it, he loves the feeling of his hand on your behind, feels like home he says.
After a literal 5 minute change, he heads out to the car and waits for you. Though he doesn’t see how it’s so hard to pick out a swimsuit, you ponder between two sets. You hear him beep the horn and settle for a simple string bikini. Another horn as you stepping out of the front door.
“¡Callate! I’m coming!”
After the short drive the pool, which has only a few people, you two settle in a spot and get lathered in sunscreen. Oscar hands you the bottom as he finishes rubbing the lotion onto your shoulders. “Done.” You remove your flip flops feeling a sting on your bottom. Oscar snickering as he walks away quickly to the water.
“Keep it up!” You tell him as you follow, he hurries into the shallow end, diving under the water.
You quickly walk to the deep end and watch him swim, getting ready to come up for air. A wicked smile on your face as you canon ball right above him, “Ha!” landing ontop of him. When you both come up for air, you’re struggling to stay above the water with laughing so much. Even as you reach out for him, he swims away from you. “That’s what you get.”
You manage to swim over the side of the pool as you splash water towards him. The two of you act like children most of the time. He finds amusement in your struggles and you find it disrespectful that that is his source of entertainment but his choice of humor do be making you laugh.
“See how long I can hold a hand stand.” You tell him as you go about doing so, you are counting as well but when you hit 10 seconds and a slap on your ass, you tip over. “Puto!” Oscar only tips his head back in laughter. After more messing around with each other and deciding to hit up the carnival later, you head back to the Santo house. Oscar won’t admit it but he loves the carnival. If it isn’t the food, it is spending the time with you and showing you off.
He dresses in his authentic cholo attire, making him your arm candy rather you as his. As parking and watching him smooth out his collared plaid shirt, making sure he’ll look good, but gives you an earful when do so at him, you step into you fun filled night. Of course, his first stop is to get a ice cold corona while you settle for a big ol lemonade. Your conjoined hands swinging together as you check out the festivities. Of course he runs into his homies and your left hanging onto him arm as he converses for what seems like forever.
“I wanna go play ring toss, please.” He nods and bids a farewell with his compas, a sigh of relief as you finally head over to the games. To say Oscar is competitive is to the day the day the least. Whenever you catch up to him, he shows signs of frustration and it’s amusing. Very amusing! But you always let him win to give him the boost he needs so badly to stride on, cue an eye roll and when he does wins he always lets you get the prize. The cheesy big teddy bear that you hold against you for the remainder of the night.
“One popcorn and one cotton candy.” You hear him tell the concession stand, your mouth watering. He side eyes you as you snatch the two foods from him and munch on them. The sweet and salty combo plastering a smile on your face, “What?”
The bewildered look softening, a side smile on his face as he kisses your forehead, “Nah, just love seeing you all in a moment.”
You quiver your bottom lip at his softness bit it soon retracts when he gropes your ass in a very public, very family filled area. Nothing can stop the booty grabbing Santo of Freeridge.
The night ended almost as soon as it started, sadly but you both enjoyed yourselves. After you both get ready for bed, the usual ensues where he has you pinned underneath him to beg for mercy though you usually get away with no doing much begging but other things with your mouth. What better way to get a good nights sleep? When you awake the next morning you hear the chatter of the Santos and music sounding from outdoors. As you freshen up, a sudden rupture of laughter is heard.
“Fuck you fools, at least I got a ruca to hit, what you got? Shit.” Oscar voice sounds. You roll your eyes at his words as you stroll to the front door. The heads of the Santos turn towards you as you see the small purple spots on that dress his neck and chest. You stifle a laugh, covering your mouth.
“Don’t be grabbing my ass and shit next time.”
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atlafan · 4 years
jordan what r u telling me that u started writing Harry fics about a year ago?!?!?!? omg ur master list is so long (in a good way I’ve literally read all of ti) but omg I thought u started years ago lmaoooo
I technically started writing fic about him back in like January??? I was writing this weird fanfic about FRIENDS where I was rewriting it and then I fancasted him as a minor character sddfghfgpmp
I hadn’t really posted fic here in a while. I was in the gmw fandom for a couple of years so I was writing a lot of rucas fic, and before that it was strictly atla/zutara fic. I had never written about a real person before, I always thought it was weird (I still do sorta that’s why I write so many au’s about him). 
One Direction was really big when I was in high school, I’m like a year and a half younger than Harry just to put it into perspective. I had friends that were obsessed, and I truthfully could have cared less at the time. I was more into Big Time Rush and the Jonas Brothers, and that was also when Awkward, Teen Wolf, and Glee were on TV and those three shows ran my fucking life lmao 
Then when I went to college, I went out of state, and never listened to the radio because half of the stations up here are country and I couldn’t stand it, so I wouldn’t even hear their new singles come out because I was listening to music on FUCKING PANDORA!!! 
My love for Harry has been a slippery slope. It started with me liking Lights Up, because honestly I wasn’t a a fan of SOTT (don’t come for me). Then After came out and I was like THIS WAS BASED OFF A FANFICTION??? and of course I had to go fucking read it because I have no self control (and there’s a lot of things wrong with hessa but I can’t get into it right now) but that sort of brought me back into the world of fic. I never had a wattpad, I didn’t even know what it was, honestly. I had a deviantart where I would publish my atla fics, and then eventually I made the shift to tumblr. I think it got really bad when Adore You came out, and then SNL and him hosting for James Corden, and then when he was on Ellen, I found myself going into his tag to see what new gifs or videos people may have posted. I WASN’T EVEN FOLLOWING HIM ON SOCIAL MEDIA UNTIL MY FRIEND AND I BOUGHT CONCERT TICKETS ASDFGFNOSANFO
Then one night I read a fic, and I was....well it turned my stomach, honestly. And I noticed a lot of the fics out there just weren’t my cup of tea, so I started writing the things I wanted to read, and here we are now. Typically my hyperfixiations don’t last thing long, and I think COVID just elevated everything because I had way more time to write, and writing helped me cope. 
IN THE MIX OF ALL THIS I then went to YouTube and watched probably every interview with the boys that I could. I’m someone that like to do their research. There were things I remembered from when I was younger, and it was pretty nostalgic. My best friend and I sat down and listened to all of their albums (check out my youtube channel if you wanna see our reactions to them) because there were songs I had just never heard before. I didn’t like their singles so I was like why would I go listen to their albums?? I was fun to go back and listen to everything.
Truthfully, I always thought Harry was attractive, but I just couldn’t read him. He scared me. I’m also not a fan of long hair on guys (depending on the guy), so I was like yeah that’s a no from me. Now I see him for the baby that he truly is. I didn’t realize how intense this fandom could be, especially on other platforms. So I just admire him from afar on here. 
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quincywillows · 5 years
hey, i’m a huge fan of your gmw edits and the way you write aus. i’m actually a fan of lucaya but the way you write rucas is so beautiful. i was just wondering what happened to your adams st. fic? i kinda wanted to read it cause it sounds interesting reading about the clique six in a different location.
hi friend!! this is so sweet of you, like i very much appreciate you taking the time to let me know you enjoy my writing / the way i write rl (especially as someone who tends to ship something else, like that’s cool!) i just love them a lot so... i suppose that shines through haha
as for adams street (pour one out... an og), i actually took it down because im trying to rework it into a stand alone novel! so its kinda like.. “off the market” in a sense lmao i don’t know how else to describe it, but that’s the long and short of it. it was a lot of fun to write though, putting the clique six in the suburbs of PA rather than right in the heart of manhattan. i might put it back up someday if i get sidetracked with other projects, but for now that’s the status. i appreciate you asking about it though!! :)
thanks again for the sweet message. so happy you’re enjoying all my silly aus haha
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madelinecoffee · 5 years
Is This Seat Taken? Ch. 12
Summary: Rucas Senior Year AU. Riley’s a loner who doesn’t really have any friends, besides her twin brother Josh but she keeps to herself in school. Something happened the year before where she missed the 2nd half of the year but she’s back for senior year and Lucas’ heart is ready. He’s had a crush on her since he moved to Philly in 3rd grade and he’s convinced this is the year they’ll move up from the class-friends label and into something more. This is not a completely fluffy fic, I’m going to be diving into some deep shit so if that’s not your cup of tea please leave *this does  include some serious depression if it goes beyond that I will trigger warn it*
A/N: I’m going to be honest, I kind of forgot about this story for a bit. I was looking into grad school (I just applied) and generally trying not to die and life just took over. And when I did think of it, my angst took over and I didn't like the way it was headed so I waited. And here we are.  Words: 1194 Previous: Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch.4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch.11 
It had been a week since Riley’s incident in the hospital, and everyone had hoped that things would be back to normal but they weren’t.  Riley was still a little sick and overall weak from the experience. Riley also just seemed overall upset, and her friends felt that she wasn’t telling them what was going on. It was a particular issue between her and Lucas recently.
Riley was working on her homework in her room and she cringed thinking of the argument her and Lucas had a few hours earlier.
“Riley I can tell something is bothering you, just tell me what it is so I can help”
“Lucas, I told you there’s nothing. I’m just upset, okay?” Lucas gave her a look,
“I know there’s more to it than that Riley”
“Well then you must know my inner thoughts better than I do! Can’t just accept that if there was something wrong I’d tell you?” Riley huffed
“Not after last time I can’t” As soon as the words left his mouth Lucas knew he fucked up, tears were streaming down Riley’s face. He knew she felt bad about the incident and was trying to work on it. “-Riley I didn’t mean-“
Riley dried her face, “I think its best if you leave Lucas.”
“Riley-“ But she had already turned around and was paying no attention to him and he knew it.
Riley just felt upset at the whole situation, and she tried to remember what her and Joanne had talked about. Sometimes you feel more the one thing, its good to take a moment and write about it or think about what you’re feeling and what’s causing it.
Riley sighed, sometimes she really hated dealing with herself, but she pulled out her journal and her favorite purple pen and got to writing
Lucas felt like a moron, he just wanted to love and support her but he royally messed up. He knew Riley was working on her emotions and being more open, it didn’t happen over night. He groaned again, he felt like such an ass. He had to think of a way to make it up to her. He grabbed his keys and told his parents he’d be back soon.
The next day at school Riley was not looking great or feeling great, she hadn’t been able to fall asleep last night and spent a lot of the time crying. Her eyes were puffy and her face was blotchy despite her best efforts with make-up. She was getting stuff out of her locker when she felt a tap on the shoulder, she was hoping it was Lucas but when she turned she was faced with none other than Charlie Gardner.
“Oh hi Charlie” Riley tried to smile but she could tell it didn’t reach her eyes
“Hi Riley!” Charlie’s smile did reach his eyes, it was no secret that Charlie had a crush on Riley since forever, and Riley was always kind enough to him but she never returned his affection. That didn’t stop him from trying though, “I just wanted to see if you need anything? I didn’t see Lucas” Charlie said her boyfriends name with such maliace that Riley frowned at him.
“Oh he texted me he was running a few minuets late, see there he is now” They both turned and Riley smiled at him. But Lucas frowned back seeing Charlie with Riley it looked like Charlie was trying to put his arm around Riley but she was too focused on Lucas to notice.
“I’ll see you later Charlie!” Riley said quickly as she skipped over to her beau and gave him a big hug that he quickly returned
“I’m so sorry about last night, really there’s nothing going wrong. I’m just still upset about last week. And I don’t want you to think that I’m not sharing with you”
“Oh Riley, I know. I’m sorry I snapped I’m just worried about you. And I know you’re not always going to tell me what’s going on but I got you something that you can tell things to when you don’t want to tell me, if you want it.” Riley’s eyes got big and she bit her lip, she never wanted to seem spoiled but it made a certain part of her all warm when people thought about her enough to get her something. From Lucas’ backpack he pulled out a stuffed purple bunny, with flower pattering in it’s floppy ears and on the pads of its feet.
Riley had to hold back tears, “It’s made by Jellycat so its extra soft, and I know you wanted to be a bunny farmer for a while and well”
“Oh Lucas!” Riley cried, taking it from his hands, “I love it, she’s going to be my special friend. I think I’ll call her Rosie!” Riley smiled up at him “If that’s okay with you?”
Lucas chuckled, “You don’t need my permission to name your bunny”
Riley nodded blushing, “I know but I want you to like it too because Rosie is going to be around for a long while. “
Lucas chuckled and Riley stood on her tip toes angling her head up, Lucas smirked and leaned down to kiss her knowing its what she wanted
The rest of the day went smoothly, Lucas saw Riley a few times stroking Rosie from her back pack when she thought no one was looking. And it made his heart warm that she liked his gift. Missy tried to get his attention a few times during the day but he only had eyes for Riley.
On the other hand , Lucas started to notice just how many classes they had with Charlie Gardner and he was not a fan. Charlie kept trying to get Riley’s attention all day but she either didn’t notice or didn’t want to encourage him.
When they sat down for lunch Riley was bouncing up and down dying to show everyone her bunny.
“Look what Lucas got me!” Riley showed everyone before crashing it into her chest, sure people were looking on but most everyone was smiling at seeing Riley and Lucas so happy.
“Well that’s adorable Sugar” Zay said, “Hey Lucas why didn’t you get me a bunny? I thought we had something man” Riley just giggled and snuggled her bunny.
Maya interrupted her snuggling with her bunny, and Riley leaned into Lucas “What’s up with Gardner. He’s been looking over here more than normal, same with Missy.”
“I don’t like that Gardner fellow” Lucas grumbled and Riley shrugged
“He kind of gives me the creeps but he’s never done anything wrong. So I don’t know.”
Josh nodded, “Same I always got a weird feeling too.”
Zay shrugged, “I always thought he was cute, but I get it.”
Riley shrugged, “As long as he doesn’t turn into another Missy it’ll be fine. And also if any of you mess with Rosie you die.”
The gang chuckled, but something about the look Charlie had made Lucas tighten his hold on Riley just a bit. But she was too enamored with her rabbit and snuggling into him to notice.
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amarakaran · 7 years
Who would you recommend to follow?
@cooperbettycooper is a Riverdale and b99 blog and one of my best friends on this hellsite
@youngsamberg is pretty much Andy and Johanna’s offspring
@the-pontiac-bandit writes really sad b99 stuff that makes me want to love her and choke her at the same time
@sergeant-santiago loves Broadway musicals and b99, two of my favorite things in the world
@full-santiago loves Dua Lipa and b99, two more of my favorite things in the world
@captainnotamurderer is really funny and is like the irl Jake Peralta, you can always go to him if you need advice on committing murder
@elsaclack legit writes some of the best fics that I’ve ever read
@feministperalta has literally the best b99 url ever, plus her blog is dope
@hotelsweet writes amazing Peraltiago fan fiction and Snapchats with me a lot so shoutout to her for that
@iwantyoutochooseme writes amazing Rucas fanfics and I love her blog aesthetic, she’s also my friend soulmate
@stardustsantiago writes good headcanons, is really funny, and puts up with my many rants
@brookeallyson stans b99, Fifth Harmony, Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, and so many of the things that I stan, I’m convinced we’re the same person
@onyourleftbooob is literally my favorite blog on this hellsite, I can scroll through her blog for hours a day
@portiallin is a huge Victorious stan and she always has my back whenever I need to fight a bigot
Anyways hope this gets you started, go follow all of these amazing people!
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seriestrash · 7 years
Thank you so much for continuing to write Rucas fics! I really appreciate your willingness to take the time and provide fans like me more stories of this adorable couple. Mistletoe Mishap was so fun to read. Looking forward to all of your Christmas fics! Thanks again!
This is so lovely to read! Thank you very much. It's so easy to be discouraged with a show that ended almost a year ago but it's sweet people like you that keep me going ❤️❤️
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rucaswriterweek · 7 years
Rucas Writer Appreciation Week
The writers of our fandom have been through a lot. Instead of continuing to spread the negativity it’s time to spread the positivity.
So, let us gather as a fandom to support our writers, to remind them that we appreciate that they take time out of their days, their lives to create something for us.
How do I participate?
Reblog/Link to your favorite fanfic authors work and make sure to tag them by “@”-ing their username so it shows up in their notes.
Seriously recommendation lists are always a win!
You can also create fan art/edits, glowing review posts, whatever you feel that you can do to let them know you appreciate their hard work. You will make their day with even a simple “I love this story by *ficwriter* reblog”.
When is this event?
August 14th, 2017 until August 20th, 2017
What’s the schedule?
August 14: One-Shots August 15: Romance August 16: Angst August 17: Under-Rated* August 18: Fluff August 19: Alternate-Universe August 20: Multi-Chapter
*Under-Rated, meaning a fic/writer you believe deserves more attention than they’ve gotten in the fandom at this point.
Why a whole week?
Because one day seems fleeting, and a whole week gives more people a chance to participate, create, and spread the positivity.
What if my favorite author isn’t writing anymore?
They can still be appreciated for their past works, and they should be. So show them some love as well.
I have questions, how can I contact you?
Our ask box is open, anon is not on, we can always respond privately instead of posting an answer.
Remember the purpose of this week is to show your favorite authors how much you appreciate them and the works they’ve created.
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grizbehr · 7 years
Unexpected Double Date
Based off of this prompt: siennese said:Prompt idea: Corpanga and Rucas double date. Could be Rucas getting engaged or just newly married.
Cory Matthews opened the door to reveal his daughter's boyfriend, Lucas Friar.
"You," he said in a semi-jokingly manner.
"Me," Lucas smiled back at him. He knew Riley's father liked him, but he also knew how protective he was over her. "How are you this evening, Mr. Matthews?"
"I'm doing all right," Cory said, inviting the boy in. "The girls are still getting ready, so go ahead and have a seat."
"Thank you, sir," Lucas said, sitting on the couch. Cory sat on the chair facing him.
"So you and Mrs. Matthews are going out tonight as well?"
"It's Valentine's Day," Cory said. Lucas nodded in understanding.
"So what do you and Riley have planned for the evening?"
"We're going to the movies and then out to dinner, sir."
"That's what Topanga and I are doing, too. What movie are you going to go see?"
"An Affair to Remember," Riley told her mom, who stood behind her fixing her hair. "There's a retrospective at the IFC Theatre. They're showing a lot of romantic movies for Valentine's Day."
"Huh," Topanga said. "That's funny. That's where you're father and I are going."
"Really?" Riley asked. "I guess we have the same tastes in movies. Lucas has never seen it, so…" Riley blushed at the thought of her parents seeing her at the movies with Lucas.
"Well, it's a big enough theater," Topanga said. "So I'm sure we won't even know each other is there." She returned to working on her daughter's hair.
"Where are you going for dinner," Topanga asked.
"The Dominique Bistro," Riley replied. "Lucas once promised we'd go to Paris together, and it's kind of become a thing. He made the reservation a month ago."
"Ha," Cory cried. "I made mine two months ago." He looked at Lucas from across the couch. The two stood on opposite sides of the couch, having stood up at the revelations.
"Unbelievable," Lucas said. "I can't believe we made the exact same plans for Valentine's Day."
"Well," Cory said, huffing himself up. "Well, you'll just have to change yours." He put his hand on his hips, gesticulating wildly in exasperation.
"I can't change our plans," Lucas protested. "Riley is looking forward to it and I'm not going to disappoint her."
A knock on the door interrupted them. Maya opened it and walked in. "Hey, losers," she began. "Whoa," she stopped, feeling the tension in the air. "What's going on?"
"Nothing," both Cory and Lucas answered, just as Riley and Topanga came in from the bedroom.
"Wow," both Cory and Lucas said again, seeing their dates for the first time. Lucas walked to Riley and took her hands in his. "You look…wow," he said, causing Riley to blush.
"You, too," Cory said, glancing vexingly at Lucas for saying it first.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Maya said. "Everyone looks great. Where's the squirt? If I'm babysitting I need to know where the baby is at."
"Auggie is in his room," Topanga said laughing. "He's a little upset that he doesn't get to come with us."
"You won't believe this, Peaches," Riley said, going and taking Maya by the hand. "Mom and Daddy made the exact same plans Lucas and I did. Same movie, same restaurant."
"Ooohhh," Maya smiled. "Double date with the 'rents."
"No," Cory and Lucas said together.
"Technically, it's not a double date," Topanga said. "But since we are going to same places, you may as well let us drive you."
"That's okay, Mommy," Riley said. "Lucas and I are taking the subway."
"Okay," Topanga said, shaking her head. "Then you better get going if you're going to make the movie on time."
"She's right," Lucas said, getting her coat off the hook. Riley squeezed Maya before letting Lucas help her on with it and heading out the door.
Maya moved over to Cory. "This is killing you, isn't it," she said softly.
Riley and Lucas entered the already crowded theater. "I can't believe the subway broke down," Riley complained quietly, looking around for two seats.
"There's two seats over there," Lucas pointed, taking her hand and leading her towards them. They were surprised to find Cory and Topanga sitting in the seats next to them.
"Unbelievable," Cory said, seeing them. Topanga hid her smile, almost as though she expected this to happen.
Lucas looked around, seeing if there were any other seats. "Looks like this is it, Riley." She nodded reluctantly and sat next to her father, Lucas sitting on her other side.
"What happened," Topanga whispered, leaning over Cory to talk with her daughter.
"The subway broke down," Riley whispered back. "It was only for about fifteen minutes, but it was long enough to make us late. I really wasn't expecting the theater to be this crowded."
"It is Valentine's Day," Lucas whispered next to her.
"Shhhh," Cory scowled at Lucas, who leaned back in his seat as the movie began.
Riley sat between her father and her boyfriend, eyeing both of them from the corners of her eyes. She wished her mother was sitting next to her because, even though it would still be awkward, Topanga wasn't as overprotective as her father was. She tried to relax, but she knew that any normal boyfriend/girlfriend interactions she and Lucas tried to do would be interrupted by her father.
This proved to be true half way through the movie when Lucas put his arm around her. Normally, he would have had his arm around her shoulders right from the start, but he had hoped that Cory wouldn't notice. Cory, however, faked yawn, knocking against Lucas' hand, causing him to pull it back into his lap.
The rest of the movie was just as tense for the young couple. Lucas would try to take Riley's hand and her father would glare at him until he moved it back. The only one who seemed to enjoy the movie was Topanga, but she seemed more amused by the show happening next to her.
Near the end of the movie, Riley leaned over and whispered to Lucas. "As soon as it's over, let's get out of here." Lucas nodded to her and they waited anxiously for the end of the movie. As soon as "The End" came up on screen, Lucas stood up, letting Riley out in front of him, and the two hurried up the aisle and out the theater.
"What's their rush," Cory asked, standing. Topanga took him by the arm and pulled him back down.
"Are you serious," she asked as they let the crowd thin out. "Did you have to make this more uncomfortable for them than it already was?”
"I didn't do anything," Cory protested. Topanga raised her eyebrows at him and yawned and stretched, knocking against Cory's shoulder. "It was an accident."
"Sure it was. Our baby girl is growing up and she's going to be going out with boys. Be thankful it's Lucas whom we know to be a good person."
Cory folded his arms in front of his chest and pouted. "Don't wanna."
The crowd had cleared out and Topanga rose from her seat. "Let's get going. We don't want to miss our reservation."
There was a line waiting Cory and Topanga when they arrived at the restaurant. Cory pushed his way to the front. "Hi," he said cheerfully. "We have a reservation for two. The name is Matthews."
The hostess looked down her list. "Yes, sir," she said. "It will be about five minutes."
When they were led to their table, they shouldn't have been at all surprised to find Lucas and Riley sitting at the table next to them.
"Unbelievable," Lucas said.
"Daddy," Riley started.
"Ok, this is just getting ridiculous," Cory remarked.
"Excuse me," Topanga asked the hostess. "Is there any way we could get another table? See this is our daughter and her boyfriend and it's a little awkward."
"I'm sorry," the hostess excused. "It will be about another forty-five minutes for another table to free up."
Cory looked around at the packed restaurant. "We'll just have to make the best of it."
Topanga took her husband by the arm. "Okay, but you behave yourself," she whispered firmly.
The two sat at the table, Topanga with her back to Riley and Cory facing her. Riley leaned in to try and speak quietly with Lucas."I'm so sorry about this," she said quietly.
"It's not your fault," Lucas whispered back. "It's a series on unfortunate events. But one thing."
"What's that?"
"We can never tell Zay about this night. We'll never hear the end of it."
Riley laughed and Lucas reached out and took her hand. Cory, at the other table, noticed and raised his eyes at the boy. With Topanga hidden by the menu, Cory gestured from his eyes to Lucas, indicating that he had his eyes on his daughter's boyfriend. Topanga lowered her menu and Cory looked at her and smiled innocently.
Throughout dinner, every time Lucas would reach out to try and have a romantic moment with Riley, Cory would give him a look. He and Riley chatted about the movie, but it was just as tense as the theater had been.
Unable to have the conversation they wanted, Riley and Lucas finished first. They said goodbye to her parents before heading outside.
"What now," Riley asked, looking up and down the street.
"How about we go to Central Park and get a carriage ride," Lucas replied. Riley smiled up at him and they hurried to the closest subway station.
On the train, they stood at the pole, Lucas' hand covering Riley's. "I'm sorry about tonight," Riley said. "This has to be the worst Valentine's Day ever."
"Any day with you makes it the best day ever," Lucas said in complete earnest.
Riley blushed at the compliment."Yeah, but we couldn't enjoy the movie or dinner. I can't believe my father."
"He cares about you and worries about you."
"He should trust me. And he should trust you. You've never been anything except a gentleman." It was Lucas' turn to blush.
They got off the subway and strolled hand in hand to the park. The carriage stand was almost empty. Only one was available and the two hurried to it. Lucas climbed up first to help Riley on. But it seemed as if he wasn't the only one with that idea.
"Unbelievable," both he and Cory said as they stood on either side of the carriage.
Topanga, in the seat, couldn't help but laugh."I think the universe is trying to tell us something," she said as Riley stared at the ground. "I think it will be okay to share this carriage."
Lucas looked down at Riley who gave him a resigned nod. He helped her up and they took the seat opposite Topanga. Cory stared at them before sitting between the young couple.
"Cory Matthews," Topanga said with a touch of anger.
"What," Cory said innocently before changing seats to sit next to his wife. "I was only kidding."
"Uh huh," Topanga said, throwing the blanket over their laps. Riley and Lucas settled in on the other side and Riley put their blanket over them, clutching Lucas' hand under the cover.
The carriage started forward and the two couples stayed in silence as the ride went on. Riley and Lucas stared up at the stars, barely visible through the lights of the city, while Topanga laid her head on Cory's shoulder. Lucas did his best to ignore the glances Cory made his way. His thumb rubbed over Riley's fingers under the blanket and a warmth filled Riley at his touch.
When the ride finished, they thanked the driver as Cory paid him. Before heading their separate ways, Topanga stopped Lucas.
"He's scared," she said quietly, so Cory couldn't hear. "He's scared of losing his baby girl. It has nothing to do with you, although I think he may feel that you have a better chance of doing it than anyone else. And just so you know, he does like you."
"Thank you, Mrs. Matthews," Lucas said gratefully. After a moments thought, he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, causing Topanga to blush.
"So, can we give you a lift home," Cory asked.
"No thank you, Daddy," Riley replied. "We'll manage on our own." She purposefully took Lucas' hand in hers, causing Cory to stiffen a little bit, and the two headed back to the subway station.
Outside the apartment door, Lucas and Riley stood nervously. "For what it was," Lucas said. "I had a wonderful time."
"Liar," Riley asked. "Next time, let's just change our plans, okay?"
"Deal." He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. Behind her, the door opened to reveal Cory standing there. The two broke apart, their faces flushed.
"Good night, Lucas," Cory said.
"Good night, sir," Lucas replied. "Good night, Riley," he told her gently before heading down the stairs.
Riley blew past her father to her room and went to the bay window. It was only a moment when Lucas exited the building and looked up at her. He blew her a kiss and waved before heading home.
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clary-jace · 7 years
a-z :D
ohh alright anon we’re just gonna go there and do all of them!!! alright!!! let’s do this!!! 
A: Your current OTP. 
well, as y’all know i’m always on my rucas shipping bullshit because i’m me and i’m literally always thinking about them, but i’m also currently really into glenn/maggie, like i’ve shipped them for years but i’m in a Mood™ with them recently, so i’d say them. 
(gonna continue these under the cut bc this is probs gonna be long) 
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. 
this isn’t necessarily true anymore bc i kind of don’t care abt any ships from this universe and i stopped watching all these shows but back in the Day aka like 2014, i was watching arrow and the flash and phoebe ( @justiceleague2017dirzacksnyder ) turned me into a barry/felicity shipper. 
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't. 
there are very few ships that i actively wished that i shipped but a lot of the time i wish that i shipped a ship that was more popular in a lot of my fandoms, like i like the pairing itself but i wish that just ONCE i could ship the most popular ship in a fandom for all the content 
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? 
looking back on my ff.net account, which was my first Online account, the first thing i ever contributed to any fandom was a sonny with a chance fanfiction back in july of 2009. 
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? 
ajflkdasf i definitely have, i have this han solo edit that was kind of my first “cracky” edit that i ever posted and then i have the best post i ever made (my riley “look what you made me do” edit) and i also think my girl meets world incorrect quotes would also fall under this category 
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? 
hm, i would maybe say the walking dead? i’ve considered myself part of the fandom for like 3 years even tho there was a solid like 9 months where i didn’t post any original content, i’ve been a fan for a long time and have plenty of original content to show for my time in the fandom 
G: What was your first fandom? 
honestly?? probably like late 2000s disney/nick shows ajkfldjasf, that’s what all my earliest fandom contributions are for and considering i was joining the internet fandoms at like age 13, it makes sense 
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? 
real life! the only animated show i’ve ever been super into is bob’s burgers, which is like my favorite show of all time, but most of my other favorite shows are real life, not animated. 
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? 
tumblr has never ruined an entire tv show fandom for me but it’s definitely ruined ships/shipping fandoms for me, like a lot of times if a shipping fandom is really like rude towards one of my favorite characters that’ll make me stop being a fan of that ship/that ship fandom.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. 
tbh most fandoms that i join, i join them because of tumblr like i distinctly remember the walking dead being all over my tumblr and originally having no desire to watch it but all the gifs and edits that i saw made me really interested eventually so i caved and watched it. the same kind of goes for girl meets world too. 
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). 
I HAVE TO SAY that most people in the rucas fandom are pretty wonderful and all things considered the rucas fandom is probably the nicest shipping fandom i’ve ever been in like obviously there are sour apples in every fandom, but most rucas shippers are pretty sweet, i will also say that i’ve never met a mean gleggie shipper which i’m Thankful for. 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? 
considering my favorite gifmaker AND fanfic author is maggie @friarlucas aka my bestie, i like to think that i have more than one request BUT if i only had one and am not allowed to request the next chapter of atlp, i would request a follow up to her hp au fic where lucas fell off his broom 
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. 
at the beginning of our friendship, samantha @jakeamys kinda pulled me into the dylan o’brien fandom tbh, that’s really the only time i can think of something like that happening tho 
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). 
HONESTLY probably the gleggie fandom, when i was more firmly in that fandom every single person that i met was an angel and i also have to say that i always felt like most gleggie shippers loved both glenn and maggie and truly just wanted to see them together and just genuinely loved their scenes and that’s all you can ask for which i love, i hope all my gleggie shippers out there are doing well bc i love them all 
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? 
i’m sorry i can’t think of any song randomly ajfkljdaf i’m really bad at questions like this i’m sorry i failed you 
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). 
OK so an au i’ve had on my mind for like a week that i have yet to post abt is a zombie apocalypse au for riley and lucas where the apocalypse happens when they’re in college (+ dating long distance) so riley is in nyc and lucas is in texas so obviously they have no way to contact each other and they’re really far apart and they have no idea if the other one is still alive and then like a year or two into the apocalypse riley is living at this community/camp and one day lucas randomly shows up bc like he was wandering around the area and ended up getting hurt and needed help and he has no idea riley is there and wow they reunite and it’s beautiful 
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. 
i used to be really into riley and maya and i just kind of lost interest in them, i realized that i just didn’t like them as much as i thought i did so i don’t really consider myself a shipper of them anymore 
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.  
i don’t know if i’m necessarily the Only shipper but i feel like i’m one of the few people who ships zay and lucas romantically, same goes for maggie and sasha like i don’t think i’m the only one but i’m one of the few that’s for sure 
S: What's a headcanon you have? 
i literally have been sitting here for like 10 minutes trying to come up with a hc but like i can’t think of anything i’m so sorry anon for failing you i’ll try and do better next time 
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? 
i’ll admit that i don’t have many m/m ships but i really love zay/lucas (girl meets world) and adam/ronan (the raven cycle), as for f/f ships i love maggie/sasha (the walking dead), riley/smackle (girl meets world), malia/lydia (teen wolf) and spencer/emily (pretty little liars) 
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? 
my top five m/f ships are riley/lucas (girl meets world), glenn/maggie (the walking dead), han/leia (star wars), matt/julie (friday night lights) and rich/grace (skins) 
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
riley/lucas/zay!!!! the ot3 we were robbed of!!!!!!!!!!! they’re really all i can think of tho. 
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. 
riley matthews (girl meets world), maggie greene (the walking dead), julie taylor (friday night lights), han solo (star wars) and spencer hastings (pretty little liars) 
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. 
riley/lucas (girl meets world), glenn/maggie (the walking dead), han/leia (star wars) 
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. 
i truthfully ship in pretty much any fandom that i’m in but i would say that i have pretty much no ships when it comes to bob’s burgers like, obviously, i love bob and linda but like outside of that i don’t really “ship” anything???
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
i literally can’t think of anything for this one??? like yeah tumblr hates a lot of my ships but i’m also not like ashamed of any of them so like???? i can’t say there’s anything that i don’t talk abt shipping if that makes any sense 
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girlmeetsworld · 7 years
Meet the Team!
These are the team members of the gmw network! We’re all really excited about this network and so happy that’s it’s taken off so well, and you’re all welcome to ask any of us anything at any time!
Esther, @bjllpotts
Hi everyone! My name is Esther, and I’m 17 years old and from England, UK. I love Isadora Smackle with all of my heart, and she means so much to me as I’m also autistic. I’m a Hufflepuff, thunderbird, and infp. I’m currently studying English literature and media at school, and I’m planning to go to university to study television production. I make gifsets, aesthetic edits, and fanfic, and I’m the one who started this network! I hope everyone has lots of fun here, and you’re all always welcome to ask me any questions you may have.
Jany, @winstonkipling
Hi amigos, I’m Jany, and I’m 17 years old. I’ve been a fan of GMW for about seven months now and I’ve been giffing GMW for 5 months! I don’t have any big future plans other than just cruisin’ thru life. My favorite character would be either Zay or Smackle (my children tbh) and my ships are smarkle, rilaya, rucas, & smiley. I make regular gifsets, aesthetic edits, & character posters. I’m also Cuban-American :^)
Maggie, @friarlucas
Greetings friends!! I’m Maggie, your local Lucas Friar stan. I’m 20, and while I call Virginia home I’m currently residing in Los Angeles to study screenwriting. I started watching Girl Meets World in 2016 (just in time for the season 3 premiere) and I have loved it ever since. My favorite character is obvi Lucas, and my top pairing is Rucas, but the clique six is what truly owns my heart and I’d die for any one of ‘em. I specialize in gifs, fic, and meta, and love to chat so feel free to stop by my lobby and say hi!
Kate, @rileysmatthews
Hello pals!! My name is Kate, the self proclaimed irl Riley Matthews. I’m twenty one and live in Maine in the United States. I’m currently in college studying education and someday hope to be a middle school social studies/history teacher. I am a more recent watcher of GMW and have been watching since about July of 2016, but have loved it ever since I started watching. My favorite character is Riley, she’s my favorite character ever and I love her so much, but I also really love Lucas, Zay and Smackle and my main ship is Rucas with a side of Zucas and Smarkle. I really love making gifs, but I also write fanfics and have been known to tangent about a headcanon or two. I love talking to people about this dumb lil show, so feel free to stop by my inbox and say hi if you ever feel like it! :)
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katdvs · 7 years
Reader Survey Results
Favorite Multi-Chapter is Thunder Chasing The Wind followed by Oh, What A Night.
Favorite One-Shot is The Paris Rules, followed by Scented and Snowed In.
Favorite Non-Rucas Pairings are Josh & Maya, and Wyatt & Alex.
If Fan Fics had an “if you enjoyed this author you might enjoy these authors” it would for sure recommend @ouat2011 @whenrileymetlucas​ and @iwantyoutochooseme
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madelinecoffee · 6 years
Is This Seat Taken? Ch. 5
Summary: Rucas Senior Year AU. Riley’s a loner who doesn’t really have any friends, besides her twin brother Josh but she keeps to herself in school. Something happened the year before where she missed the 2nd half of the year but she’s back for senior year and Lucas’ heart is ready. He’s had a crush on her since he moved to Philly in 3rd grade and he’s convinced this is the year they’ll move up from the class-friends label and into something more. This is not a completely fluffy fic, I’m going to be diving into some deep shit so if that’s not your cup of tea please leave *this does  include some serious depression if it goes beyond that I will trigger warn it* A/N: Hi friends! New chapter! Let me know your thoughts on it all! This is a big chapter, shit goes down big time.
Tagging:  @iwantyoutochooseme @celluloiddreams @imaginarybird
Words: 1,872 Previous: Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch.4
When Lucas woke up it took him a minuet to remember where he was, and when he realized that Riley wasn’t in his arms he frantically stood up about to go searching for her when she came down the stairs in leggings and a sweatshirt. He hair was all over the place and her face still looked like she had been crying, but she was there in front of him and although she was fidgeting under his gaze she looked calm.
Before either said anything he walked over and took her into his arms her head going into his neck as he kissed the top of her head.
“I was worried when you weren’t with me when I woke up” Lucas told her his voice raspy he felt her nod against him but she didn’t say anything. They stood wrapped in each others arm for a moment before Riley spoke up her voice still small,
“I know I have a lot of explaining to do but I’m supposed to eat breakfast with everyone the morning after my uh, fit”
Lucas squeezed her again, “Whatever you need to do we’ll do.”
When they got to the kitchen Topanga and Cory were already making breakfast and Josh was entering the room. All the teens offered to help they had Riley make the coffee and Josh with Lucas set the table. Though the boys were instructed to not give Riley a knife at her place.
Topanga made French toast, one of Riley’s favorites but she seemed reluctant to eat anything picking at her food until Lucas took over and started feeding her.
He cut the bread up small for her and after he fed her the first few bites she started eating on her own.
Her family looked grateful, “You’re a real godsend Lucas. Usually the couple of days after we can’t Riley to eat anything. But it seems like she’ll do just about anything for you” Cory teased
“Dad stop” Riley said her voice still soft but with a twinge of embarrassment
Soon the meal was finished Riley offered to clear but Topanga interjected,
“Riley you know you can’t handle the knives right now.” Topanga interjected with a loving tone, “Why don’t you go in the basement and talk with Lucas? I’m sure he has many questions. And if you need us we’ll be right here”
“Okay mom” Riley responded hugging her mom before grabbing Lucas’ hand and brining him downstairs
Together on the soft couch Riley took a deep breathe her voice seemed steadier and she had a determination in the way she spoke, “In order to um understand yesterday you kind have um have to know the whole story. And um I haven’t really told anyone other than Joanne, my therapist, this before”
Lucas nodded, “Go at your own pace, and if you need to stop or need something from me tell me.”
Riley nodded as she pulled Lucas into her story,
“The first time I tried to kill myself was in middle school, we were in 7th grade. We had a project due in a few days and it wasn’t working out how I wanted, and I just felt like everybody’s lives would be better if I weren’t in them. I was sitting on the monkey bars and I just thought if I fall off and my neck brakes, I won’t have to be perfect anymore and no one will have to deal with me. So I leaned off and fell down, I broke my left arm badly and got a concussion. God there was so much blood I almost threw up, it was awful.” Riley closed her eyes and leaned her head against the back of the couch
 “I remember that” Lucas jumped in, “But you were back the next day?”
Riley nodded, “I was. I didn’t tell anyone that’s why I fell off, I was embarrassed I had failed and worried that it would be taken the wrong way. Everyone was already being so careful with me and my broken arm I couldn’t imagine what would happen if they knew the truth. So I went about my life trying and failing to be perfect.”  A tear slipped out and Riley quickly wiped it away, “All I ever wanted was for everything to be perfect. I built up this idea of what things should be in my head and how they should be. And when they don’t add up, when I don’t add up I loose it.”
Lucas nodded and kissed her hand; she seemed lost to her own thoughts so he let her continue.
 “It got worse in my head after that, there were voices like mine but not that told me I wasn’t reaching the perfect standard I had built for myself, that everyone was watching and judging. That people knew I had tried and failed to kill myself and they were embarrassed for me.  I’ve always hated crowds and loud noises, but it just got worse as this went on. I was exhausted and sad all the time, but I kept smiling hoping no one would question me. I kept insane hours as middle school ended and high school began, I worked crazy hard on all my projects. If they didn’t turn out how they wanted I’d burn them and start again, letting the lick of the flame almost touch my fingers. Because they were terrible, they weren’t perfect and I wanted to never see them again.”
 Lucas interjected, “That’s why you wanted the lighter, to burn your English”
Riley nodded coming back a bit, “After the Thing Josh took my lighter. My family didn’t know any of this was going because I worked hard to hide it. I was a good kid they didn’t suspect anything was wrong until last year when shit hit the fan”
Lucas heart hurt from hearing her go through all that pain alone but he knew she wasn’t done and he knew he had to remain strong for her, she was still lost in the world of her memories. Her voice sounded odd and far away but determined to make it through.
 “Things kept getting worse and on top of all the ideals I was failing to meet in school I started to hate how I looked.  I was so miserable every day, I had an idea that I needed to be perfect and I wasn’t doing it or getting there. Then I had a really bad day at school; I didn’t sleep the night before because I was working on a project late. And when I got to school someone was bragging about how easy it had been. And I ate lunch alone, and I just felt so worthless and sad. It was like I couldn’t be perfect and it didn’t seem like anyone cared anyway so why not just disappear? I was driving home when I thought about ramming my car into a tree, but then I thought of the monkey bars and wondered what if I failed again? Then everyone would know.”
 Lucas’ heart was breaking, this wonderful girl thought so little of herself. He was more determined than ever to support her and love her anyway he could. His world would be shattered without her.
“So when I got home I found all the pills I could and the biggest knife I could. I took them all to my room. I wrote a short note and swallowed all the pills. My mom walked in to let me know diner was ready when she was all the bottles. I grabbed the knife before she could grab me and sliced my stomach across and then I tried to run and lock myself in the bathroom. But then it all happened so fast, my dad was there and Josh was there. And I was on the ground and there was so much blood just like the monkey bars and everyone was crying and screaming. I can’t remember all of it after she walked in just flashes of different moments.”
Riley and Lucas both had tears running down their faces but Riley was still in a trance as Lucas held her tight to him.
“I started to fade out and I thought, Finally no more pain. But then I woke up to the florescent lights of the hospital. Once I got out of there they put me into in-patient treatment for depression and anxiety. That’s why I missed so much school I could barley function without hating myself. God at first I hated it; I didn’t want to be there. For a while I wouldn’t see any of my family because I hated that they put me there. But slowly I started coming around to see that I didn’t want to die that I wanted to get better. I still see my therapist we’re down to once a week or we were I’ll probably go back up. But I’m getting better”
Lucas kissed her head and wiped at her tears, “Thank god”
“I still want to be perfect Lucas, and I’m sorry I’m not. And I’m sorry that it got to me yesterday. When I was Joanne told me it might be a good idea after school Thursday she said it might be a good idea to take the day off, but I shouldn’t have taken it alone because then it’s me and my thoughts and some days I’m not strong enough to combat them” At that Riley started to sob again and Lucas held her tight to him as he comforted her, it took a bit but he got her calmed down enough to talk again.
 “If-if you don’t want to be my boyfriend anymore, I understand” Riley told him softly
Lucas gave her a dumbfounded look, ”How could you think that?”
She shrugged and avoided eye contact, “I’m still working on it Lucas. I still don’t want to be here some days, and I freak out when things don’t align because it makes me feel worthless. And there are also just things I can’t do for now. I can’t drive, I can’t use knives for a while, after I break up my room I can’t even go and fix it because it makes me break all over again. I’m broken Lucas andddd now that you know I don’t want to make you stay.”
 Lucas shook his head, “Riley. I know you think need to perfect, but you don’t have to be. I know you’re working on it. But that’s just it Riley you’re working on it. You’re making that choice and if I have to spend the rest of forever helping you work on it I will. And I know our friends will to, in their own way” He leaned over and kissed her softly and soundly until she had to pull away to breathe
 “You are wonderful and you’re going to get through this and be even stronger than before”. Lucas promised her sincerely shinning through his eyes “Okay?”
“Okay” she nodded softly and snuggled back into him. Lucas was still reeling from everything she told him but a lot was starting to make sense. He kissed her head and sat with her letting the silence surround them.
(If you feel like you need help please contact the national suicide hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or literally any of just please get the help you need. I’ve been there and it’s hard, but remember you’re not alone)
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maya-matlin · 7 years
13 reasons why, Degrassi Next Class, GMW
13 Reasons Why:
the first character i ever fell in love with: Clay
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Skye
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: N/A
my ultimate favorite character™: Alex
prettiest character: Jessica
my most hated character: Bryce
my OTP: I guess Clay/Hannah.
my NOTP: Justin/Jessica
favorite episode: This is tough. I think Tape 13, Side A. 
saddest death: Hannah’s
favorite season: There’s only one and I kind of hope it stays that way. 
least favorite season: N/A
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: No one
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Justin, Ryan & Courtney 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Jeff
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Justin/Alex. I don’t think it could ever work in canon, but it was made for fan fic. The actors playing them have a ton of chemistry. 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Clay/Sheri, Alex/Jessica & Zach/Hannah
the first character i ever fell in love with: The first new character I fell in love with was Goldi. From TNG, Maya. 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Hunter & Vijay
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: N/A
my ultimate favorite character™: Zig
prettiest character: Maya
my most hated character: Hunter
my OTP: Zaya
my NOTP: Zoemund, Yunter & Mola
favorite episode: #ImSleep
saddest death: Zaya
favorite season: Season 3
least favorite season: Season 2
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Hunter
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Zig & Zoe, although they’ve both been getting better
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Maya
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Gracevas
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Shiny
the first character i ever fell in love with: Maya on GMW & Shawn on BMW
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: N/A
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Rucas, Riarkle, Markle, Joshaya & Smarkle
my ultimate favorite character™: Shawn
prettiest character: Maya
my most hated character: Charlie
my OTP: Corpanga & Rilaya
my NOTP: Lucaya & Shaty
favorite episode: Girl Meets Bear
saddest death: Mrs. Svorski
favorite season: Season 2
least favorite season: Season 1
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Katy
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Maya? 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Riley, Lucas & Farkle
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: N/A
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Larkle
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