#rufficns pj
ianfm · 2 years
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IanFM: Out of Context pt. 2
A collection of references from threads. Pt. 1
Featuring (in order): Dustin Waerea ( @takemecn ), Patrick Webb ( @bitcme ), Arne Berman ( @highfears ), Viola Lancaster, ( @viola--lancaster ), Orwell Washington ( @horrorbxby ), Leaf Wozniak ( @urdamage )/ Kit Sombun ( @shrieks ), Romy Davis ( @fearsless ), Dolly Jensen ( @finaldarlings ), & PJ Bolton ( @rufficns ). 
Part 6 of 13 Days of Halloween Part 5
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horrorbxby · 2 years
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excerpt from the journal of soren chen ; 
contains mentions of sawyer pearson + ( briefly ) pj bolton 
i’m not sure if it’s too early to say this. i don’t think i’ve ever really felt this way before. i mean, i was under the impression that i was in love with beth, when i was fifteen. but fifteen is fifteen, and twenty-one is twenty-one. ( by the way, i’m still not sure how i feel about the fact my birthday will come around again in four months. time seems to have gone so fast and so slow all at the same time. i feel like i’m still a child, but i feel so much older than i am, really. )
a lot has happened to me between fifteen and twenty-one. i have spent so much time trying to be an independent adult, and the bolton’s have spent just as much time treating me like i’m a child who shouldn’t get a say in how i live my life. all of that has changed overnight. and it’s partly thanks to sawyer, actually. but i’m a different person now, to an extent. and so suddenly.
so. what i want to say is, i think i’m in LOVE. i need to write it out as a secret little confession just for my own eyes to see. i need to say it to myself so that i can think about it. the last thing i want to do is admit it out loud too soon, before either of us are ready for something like that. i don’t really know when the best time is, because i’ve never been with someone like her. beth was my best friend. i knew her like the back of my hand - it made decision making easy. there’s still so much i want to know about sawyer – things i can’t wait to know. but unfortunately, that also brings me a great deal of anxiety.
i’m lying on the floor of the living room, she made me some tea before she’s started to cook dinner and even though i offered to help, she insists that i get back to the drawing i was doing earlier. except now i have to write about it instead because i’m overwhelmed with what i’m feeling.
i came from a house where my belongings and my art were to stay in my room. it was a way for philip and caroline to say, “if you want to keep being who you’ve chosen to be, then you can do it out of sight, so that you’re out of our mind.” if i forgot things, if i got caught up in something and couldn’t stop, i’d be scolded. sometimes my things were thrown away. “you shouldn’t leave your garbage lying around.”
not long after i moved in, sawyer went out of her way to help me set up my things in the apartment. new art supplies and everything. i paint in the living area, sometimes while she’s curled up on the couch going over papers or watching tv, and even though i make a mess, sometimes i catch her watching me. she doesn’t scold me, she doesn’t tell me to be cleaner, or to stay out of her way. she looks at me with a softness that makes my heart melt. she lets me be a part of her life. sometimes that means dealing with me humming as i paint on the living room floor. sometimes that means wrapping me up in a blanket and holding me when i cry. she does these things out of the goodness of her heart, because she wants to. and i’m not a burden because of it.  
as i’m writing this my cheeks are pink, i can feel the heat in my face and i only hope she doesn’t come to check on me for a minute, because she’s going to know something is up, and i don’t want to have to explain myself just yet. but i hope that in a few months time i can look back on this and laugh at how silly i was for being anxious about these things. but who knows what the future has in store.
also i have yet to tell anybody. i haven’t talked to anyone about it… maybe it’s about time i talked to pj, though i guess i can’t really say he’s always given me the best advice. now that i think about it, it’s not particularly fair to keep things from him. despite the past, and though i’m not sure we’ll ever be as close as he wants us to be, he is changing for the better.
okay, i’ll talk to him.
but for now i’m going to go help sawyer with dinner. my mind isn’t on my drawing anymore.
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raishell · 2 years
*˖ ⊹ guillermo ft pj ⋅
status: closed for @rufficns location: shrike heights radio
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   An hour after closing, and Guillermo is still here. His only companions are his trusty old dufflebag and the soft patter of raindrops on the windows. He had an elderly class that day, that meant very s l o w, very deliberate movements in the water for two hours. Usually after classes such as the one he had, he would be in a contemplative mood. His thoughts would wander towards his father, which is never pleasant. His tito is with him, though Guillermo is always on edge whenever he has to be away all day. He fortunately got over the phase where every phone call is met with a nervous scowl, but he is still quick to hasten his steps as he leaves the pool and heads to the parking lot.
   The Aquatic Centre is tucked away beneath the ground floor along with a few other establishment not usually meant for the mall's public eye. This means that it's usually quiet and not blasting music, like it is now. Guillermo nearly jumps at the sound coming from under the unassuming door of Shrike Heights Radio. An odd hour for a broadcast. This isn't any band he recognizes and he's pretty certain it is currently not broadcasting from the mall speakers. Which makes him all the more curious. His steps slow, then comes to a stop. He listens for a beat. The drums thump in his chest, feet moving in time with the shredding guitar.
   Someone is playing live music inside the radio station ? He's gotta see this. Flinging his duffelbag on his left shoulder, he takes swift steps towars the door as the music grows louder and louder. He tries banging on the door, which doesn't work for obvious reasons. One shove at the door handle and voilà, he's in. But this isn't live music. There is only one person in the room, fiddling with the buttons on the DJ set and bobbing his head. Is that a w i g ? Guillermo must have seen this guy around if he works at the radio, in fact he's pretty sure his name is at the tip of his tongue right now but by the looks of it, they are both here at an hour when they shouldn't be. Great... now he paused the music. PJ ! That's his name. "Uh..." Guillermo says, flinging his duffelbag from one shoulder to another. "Door was open."
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urdamage · 2 years
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bigmouth la-da-da-dada, bigmouth la-da-da-da bigmouth strikes again and i've got no right to take my place with the human race (oh, oh, oh-oh) bigmouth la-da-da-dada, bigmouth la-da-da-da bigmouth strikes again and i've got no right to take my place with the human race
✧ bo turner moodboard 08/?? ✧ featuring pj bolton ( @rufficns ).
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endeavcrs · 2 years
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the big sleep.
shrike’s local rockband; featuring
nora davies as the lead singer
@rufficns // pj bolton as the guitarist
@scquels // clementyne spry as the drummer
@finaldarlings // xena george as the bassist
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maullworkers · 2 years
status closed starter @rufficns​​​ location the mall
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some people really struggled seeing their exes, but august was not some people. not when it came to pj, at least. their common interests, close proximity in this small town, and overall friendship was too strong for them to go their separate ways after calling it quits and reestablishing themselves as strictly platonic, and if anything, having gone through that time where they were partners over just friends strengthened their friendship rather than hindering it. august was lucky to be able to still call pj a friend, especially as he didn’t let too many people that closely into his life. 
they might have been on good terms, but that didn’t mean august was able to avoid all of the awkward but typical processes. returning pj’s things to him was only one example, though it was the ordeal augie faced arguably the most. “i swear, if i find one more guitar pick in my room i’m keeping it. i think this is legitimately the fiftieth i’ve had to return to you now.” he sighed as he passed it over, though the smile on his face showed that he also found it rather amusing. “i don’t even remember you using them that often.”
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hector-reyes · 2 years
Location: Julio’s Bar
Tagging: @rufficns​
“hey you know one of these days i’m gonna get you to play a few spanish songs during your time slot. There’s gotta be some depressed latinos out there too,” hector teased the minute he saw pj walking into the bar. “dude, I’m gonna be honest, I’m still getting used to the hair. It looks soft though, what kind of product are you using? I think I grew my hair out I’d freak myself out. fit that whole latin lover thing a too on the nose, you know what I’m saying?” hector paused the cleanup he was doing at one of the tables to greet pj with a big bear hug. when hector had come back home a year ago and eventually reconnected with pj, he had been surprised at the guy he saw in front of him. but as much as he was different, there was a lot that was the same, at least the important parts as far as hector was concerned. “you off of work? can i get you a drink? or you just came to see what cute outfit i wore to work today?”
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horrorbxby · 2 years
closed  starter  ;  ft.  soren  chen  +  pj  bolton.
location  ;  shrike  county  hospital.
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soren  hadn’t  been  in  the  hospital  building  too  many  throughout  their  life.  they  were  incredibly  accident  prone  and  had  been  since  they  were  a  small  child,  but  it’d  never  been  anything  more  than  cuts  and  scrapes  and  bruises,  nothing  bad  enough  to  even  warrant  a  doctors  visit.  it  didn’t  take  her  long  to  decide  that  she  hated  hospitals.  the  too-bright  lights  and  the  commotion  of  doctors  and  nurses  and  angry  patients  who  can’t  wait  five  minutes  for  attention.  that  kind  of  environment  made  her  feel  trapped.
not  long  after  she’d  awoken  with  her  arm  in  a  cast  and  her  stab  wound  tended  to,  the  nurses  asked  if  she  wanted  them  to  allow  pj  to  come  in.  she  almost  declined.  the  last  thing  she  wanted  right  now  was  to  be  in  the  company  of  anyone  else.  but  she  knew  that  if  she  did  decline,  it  wouldn’t  be  fair  on  his  feelings.  so  they  let  him  in  and  soren  waves  with  her  good  hand. 
“ you  didn’t  have  to  come,  you  know.  it’s  so  early.  i’ll  be  discharged  later  tonight  anyway.  they  just  need  to  make  sure  i  have  enough  blood  back  in  me  first. ”
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horrorbxby · 2 years
closed  starter  ;  ft.  soren  chen  +  pj  bolton.
location  ;  shrike  heights  radio  station.
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there  was  a  moment  of  silence  between  the  small  talk  and  what  soren  had  actually  come  to  see  pj  for.  after  taking  a  sip  of  their  sweetened  iced  coffee  (  with  extra  whipped  cream,  because  they  felt  they  deserved  to  treat  themself  after  being  so  brave  )  -  they  began  to  speak.  “ i  have  a  question.  well.  many  questions,  actually.  and  i  need  you  to  be  nice  and  to  not  make  fun  of  me.  because  truth  be  told  -  i  haven’t  spoken  to  anyone  about  this, ”  she  told  him.  she  figured  if  she  was  honest  about  him  being  the  only  one  she  had  thought  of  to  consult  -  that  he  would  feel  like  a  good  big  brother.  she  hoped  he  would,  anyway.  “ now  i  don’t  know  much  about  your  relationships.  and  aside  from  beth,  i  suppose,  you  don’t  know  much  about  mine.  but  i  have  never  actually  told  anyone  that  i  loved  them.  i  think  because  i  assumed  they  either  knew  or  i  just  wasn’t  there  yet.  but...  how  am  i  supposed  to  know  when  the  time  is  right ?  to  tell  someone,  i  mean. ”  soren  could  feel  her  cheeks  reddening  with  embarrassment  and  nervousness.  “ keep  in  mind,  my  circumstances  are...   unique.  i  suppose. ”  
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urdamage · 2 years
✧ closed starter ; pj @rufficns​​ ✧ location ; shrike heights radio 
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               bo knew the rules of the radio station - bo knew most of the rules of shrike heights , as a matter of fact , considering he had lived there his whole life and even at the very least had connections in all of the new places such as those in the mall . he knew that the radio station wasn’t open to the public unlike most other businesses in the mall , and he knew that the security team would be greatly displeased if they were made to deal with a ‘ trespasser ’ rather than the real , genuine issues they faced elsewhere with the killers in town . regardless of all of that , however , bo still pushed through the doors , walking into the station as if he owned the place . having multiple connections at the radio station , bo didn’t really think that he would find himself in trouble , and honestly with the mood he found himself in today going in there was certainly worth the risk . 
he desperately needed company . understandably , it was hard for bo to be in the very place where he had almost lost his life - and then later , where his partner almost lost his life too - and with his partner not yet back to work bo had to look for company - and in turn , comfort - elsewhere , unlike throughout the first half of his recovery . his eyes scanned the station for his friend , and though he was far from feeling better , far from breaking out of his bad mood , relief washed over him the second he found pj - just the person he was looking for . “ peej ! ” he greeted , immediately recognising that the song playing on air had only just begun , sure that his voice wouldn’t be picked up by any microphone and heard all over shrike heights accidentally . “ please tell me you haven’t taken your break yet - or better yet , please tell me you’re about to clock off for the day . ” he tried to keep his tone casual , leaning on the desk across from pj , but truthfully bo wasn’t sure what he’d do if his friend was unavailable and unable to take his mind off of the damning thoughts that lingered from his attack . 
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