#rufioh x horrus
w0w0zella · 2 years
Hi!! May I request Eridan/Equius or Horuss/Rufioh? (stares politely)
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ther u go !!!! ^_^
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dead-obsith · 1 year
I swear, I just wanted to draw them hanging out and it turned HORNY OUT OF FUCKING NO WHERE
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anyway, they see you watching, they are judging you
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vikkirosko · 1 year
I wanted to request headcanons for the alpha trolls with a female jiangshi reader.
When reader died, she wasn't brought back with the help of the god tier, but was resurrected as a jiangshi (a chinese zombie/vampire).
Her body is stiff and it's hard for her to move her joints, so she stretches herself to be less stiff and able to move more freely.
Sometimes, her mind get lost while she's speaking or when people speak to her so she often change the subject of conversation or say something completely missing the point.
She paper talisman on her forehead can sometimes make people scarred of her (because her face is partially hidden).
Hi Qiqi...
Headcanons Jiangshi
♋ Kankri Vantas x fem!Reader 💬
Kankri wasn't too bothered by the fact that you became jiangshi instead of godtier. He didn't really understand what exactly it was, but you didn't look much like a zombie in those performances that were usually in the movies that he saw once. You were practically alive, but every time he saw a paper amulet on your forehead, he remembered that you weren't alive after all
You were one of those who never interrupted him. He could talk about a variety of topics and you seemed to be listening to him, periodically answering something, but at some point you could just start talking about a completely different topic, forgetting what you were talking about all this time. There was no such thing before, which quickly made it clear to him that your condition was the reason for it. He understood that you couldn't control it or fix it somehow, so he wasn't angry with you. He saw that you sincerely tried not to lose concentration in your conversation, but you didn't always succeed
He saw how some people looked at you anxiously because of the amulet on your forehead, but every time they regretted it, because Kankri began his monologue about how they should be ashamed of what they behaved like towards you. Usually you didn't pay attention to it, but Kankri couldn't stay away, outraged by such behavior of others
Kankri knew that you often forgot about everything, and secretly he was afraid that you would forget about him. He treasured you and the last thing he wanted to lose was you, one of the few who truly treasured him. That's why every time you gently called his name and took his hand, he felt relieved knowing that you still remember him
♈ Damara Megido x fem!Reader 🚬
Damara was well aware of Eastern culture, so when she saw the amulet on your forehead, she immediately realized that you had become a jiangshi. She wasn't sure exactly why it happened, but the fact that you were still alive in a sense gave her confidence. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing that you stayed between life and death, but she couldn't change that. Damara wasn't even sure that it could be changed
She didn't feel annoyed because you forgot something or started talking about a completely different topic. She understood that over time your memory would only get worse, so she gave you a notebook where you wrote everything down. You didn't want to lose the memories of the people you cherished, including Damara, so you tried to reread your notebook as often as possible so as not to forget anything
She wouldn't let anyone who tried to hurt you do that. She was rude to them even though you usually didn't pay attention to it. In a sense, you understood why others began to treat you like that. You were basically a living dead man. Your body often seemed to stiffen and your mind often clouded, but Damara continued to stay by your side and help you despite what others said
Damara helped you not to forget about everything in the world. She talked to you a lot, so even without your notebook, you forgot less. She understood that someday you might not remember her, so she tried to create as many memories as possible that would take the place of the old ones
♉ Rufioh Nitram x fem!Reader 🧡
Rufioh was very surprised when he saw what you became instead of rebirth. He saw that your condition had changed, but it wasn't godtier, so he didn't understand what had happened. It was only thanks to Damara that he found out that you had become a jiangshi. He wasn't sure if it was good, but it was definitely better than if you just died. It was this thought that calmed him
Quite often he noticed that you were trying to warm up. The reason for this was that your body often stiffened and according to you, if you stopped doing this, your body would become like a wooden doll. Sometimes Rufioh would keep you company so that you wouldn't warm up alone. He tried to spend as much time with you as possible so that you would remain the same as before
He began to notice that you periodically began to forget things. You could talk about something, but at some point you would fall silent and then start talking about something completely different. Your memory gradually got worse and Damara's according, the longer you stay in this state, the more you will forget. That's why Rufioh decided to start helping you train your memory. Every day you talked together about who you were, who he was, and a few other things that you didn't want to forget
Rufioh didn't know if it was possible to change your condition somehow, returning you to a full life or not, but he tried to spend as much time with you as possible. He hoped that you would be able to return to your normal state again, but if it was still impossible, then at least you could spend as much time together as possible while your memories were still with you
♊ Mituna Captor x fem!Reader 🛹
Mituna did not immediately understand what exactly happened to you. He saw that you didn't reach godtier and at first he thought you were dead. But pretty quickly he realized that you were practically alive. He didn't understand why the amulet on your forehead was needed, but since you said it was necessary, it means it was. Pretty quickly, he noticed that your behavior had changed slightly, but, unlike others, it did not frighten him and did not bother him
He often noticed that you began to warm up and he began to do it with you. He saw that after these small physical exercises you moved more freely, as if your muscles were stiff before. He was happy to study with you, laughing and making you laugh so that you wouldn't be so sad and thoughtful
He occasionally noticed that you might have forgotten what you were talking about, but he didn't get upset about it. He continued the conversation on a new topic, without worrying that you did not finish the conversation on the previous topic. He understood that it wasn't your fault, so he didn't take offense at you and continued your conversation with a smile
Mituna didn't know how much you could change after you became jiangshi, but for him you were still the same person for whom he had such strong feelings. No matter how much you changed for him, you remained the same as before
♌ Meulin Leijon x fem!Reader 🦁
Meulin was very worried when she saw that you didn't switch to godtier. She was worried that something might go wrong, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that you got up and only after that she saw a paper amulet on your forehead. You both didn't fully understand the reason for this, but you didn't know exactly why it happened and whether it was possible to fix it somehow, but you decided to deal with problems as they appeared
One of the problems that you had was that your body became very numb and stiff. You couldn't move properly, which is why you started doing warm-ups so you could feel better. Meulin supported you and encouraged you while you were warming up
When you forgot something, Meulin reminded you of this or that thing. Sometimes, because of your forgetfulness, you forgot what exactly she was trying to tell you, but pretty quickly you began to understand each other again and she helped you remember something. When during conversations you started talking about completely different topics, Meulin continued your conversation on a new topic, knowing that then you will be able to return to what you did not finish talking about earlier
Meulin continued to love you despite the fact that you became jiangshi. She didn't think it changed you much and should have ended your relationship. You stayed by her side when she lost her hearing, and she wasn't going to leave you now when you literally existed on the verge of life and death
♍ Porrim Maryam x fem!Reader 💚
Porrim has always treated you with care and attention. That's why when she found out that when you were supposed to reach godtier something went wrong, she got very worried and headed to you. She was afraid that you had not been resurrected, but your condition turned out to be completely different from what she expected. It was like you were between life and death. In another situation, she would have called such a state a zombie, but you didn't look like a risen dead man. Outwardly, the only thing that betrayed your condition was a paper amulet on your face
Porrim has been watching you closely to find out what has changed in you. One of the first changes in you was forgetfulness. At first it wasn't noticeable, but then she started noticing that you might have forgotten some word, and then you began to forget what you were talking about with someone just a couple of moments ago. Every time this happened, she reminded you that you had forgotten, to which you smiled absentmindedly and thanked her every time. The only thing that bothered Porrim was that your memory would get even worse
She found out pretty quickly that there was another problem. This problem was that your body often began to go numb, as if to stiffen. To avoid this, you began to do warm-ups often. After that, you could move more freely. Porrim didn't rush you when you started your warm-up and sometimes worked out with you
Porrim didn't know if there was a way to return you to your initial state or help you reach godtier, but so far she didn't know if there were ways to do it. That is why she was in no hurry to change anything. While there were no drastic changes, she decided to take her time and perhaps a way to fix everything would appear later
♎ Latula Pyrope x fem!Reader 🛹
Latula was sure that you would be able to reach godtier without any problems. That's why when she found out that something had gone wrong, she was very worried. She hurried to you, but when she saw you, she didn't immediately understand what exactly was wrong. You were alive, but there was a strange paper amulet on your forehead that she had never seen before. Your speech was a little slow, but she finally realized that something was wrong when you tried to remember her name for a couple of minutes
Her friends said that you have apparently become a jiangshi. Neither you nor Latula fully knew what it meant, but she didn't think it was something terrible. You were alive and that was the main thing, and the fact that there were small changes in you did not look like something critical. Your forgetfulness didn't look like such a terrible problem, sometimes when you forgot what was being discussed and started talking about a completely different topic, Latula kept the conversation on a new topic, even if she started a conversation on the previous topic
Quite often, your muscles were stiff, so you were doing warm-ups. When Latula found out about it, she decided to help you. She understood that you wouldn't be able to skateboard in this condition, but you could do warm-ups together, after which she could skate and you sat nearby and just watched or dozed
Latula didn't know if you would change even more or not, but she still liked you. She knew that some people began to fear you because of the amulet on your forehead, but not her. She knew better than anyone else that such trifles were not a reason to stop communicating with someone, and even more so to break off such a long relationship as those that were between you
♏ Aranea Serket x fem!Reader 💙
Aranea realized that something went wrong when she saw a strange paper amulet on your forehead. You didn't know what the amulet meant either, but you knew for sure that you couldn't take it off. It was like an unbreakable truth that someone put in your head. Aranea started looking for information about what kind of amulet it was in the books and found out that you became jiangshi. She spent several hours trying to find out as much information as possible in the hope of finding out how to help you, but it wasn't as easy as she would have liked
One of the clearly noticeable problems that appeared after you became jiangshi was absent-mindedness. At first you forgot something for a few moments, but gradually you began to forget more. You could forget what you were talking about just a minute or two ago, after which you would start talking about something completely different. Every time Aranea reminded you of what you were talking about earlier, wanting to continue the conversation that you forgot about
Another problem was that your body was numb and stiff. Because of this, you had difficulty moving. To ease your condition, you started doing a warm-up every time you felt that your muscles were starting to stiffen. Aranea gave you advice that she read, but she rarely kept you company in your physical activity, preferring to spend this time reading books
Aranea continued to look for a way to return you to a full life, realizing that over time your condition could get worse, so she did not stop searching, and until she found a way that could help you, she tried to help you not forget what is still left in your memory
♐ Horuss Zahhak x fem!Reader 🐴
Horrus was sure that you would be able to reach godtier without any problems, but his expectation turned out to be wrong. You didn't reach godtier like the others, but something else happened to you, something strange. You've become a jiangshi. You both didn't know exactly how it happened and what could be done about it, so you decided to leave it as it is for now. He wasn't sure that this condition could be corrected, so he made sure that you didn't get worse
When he found out that your muscles started to get very stiff and stiff, he offered to help you. He understood a lot of things and was able to help you make a plan of warm-ups that would allow you to stretch your muscles well. Sometimes he would join you and you would warm up together. He liked spending time with you and then seeing your soft smile when you thanked him
You've become quite absent-minded. Horrus often noticed that you could forget what the conversation was about or what you were going to do just a couple of minutes ago. He helped you by reminding you of this or that thing that you forgot and even made a memo for you of the most basic things that you could forget. You began to carry this memo with you in order to read it in case of something and remember what you especially needed
You and Horrus continued to stay together even though you were jiangshi. You still didn't fully understand whether it was possible to change it, but you were still the same person he fell in love with and nothing could change it. Even if you completely forget everything, he will stay by your side and remind you of everything in the world
♑ Kurloz Makara x fem!Reader 💀
Kurloz wasn't completely sure what happened to you when he saw you. You were going to meet after you both reach godtier, but something went wrong with you. You looked almost the same as in your last meeting, but there was a strange paper amulet on your face because of which some looked at you with concern and fear, but Kurloz was more worried that you were not completely alive
One of the main problems that you had was your forgetfulness. You began to forget what you could have been talking about with someone just a moment ago and started talking about something else. But it was much worse that you began to forget the sign language thanks to which you understood what Kurloz was saying. He helped you learn sign language again and you began to write down some signs so as not to forget at least the basics and understand exactly what he wanted to say
Another problem was that your muscles often began to stiffen. Because of this, it was difficult for you to even walk. You and Kurloz came up with a warm-up plan together and practiced together. He worked out with you so that you wouldn't be so lonely, because doing sports together was more fun than being alone
Kurloz knew perfectly well that some were whispering behind your backs. You both looked a little strange, and for some frightening, but it didn't bother him. You continued to be together and nothing could spoil your relationship, neither his inability to speak, nor the fact that you became jiangshi
♒ Cronus Ampora x fem!Reader 💜
Cronus often spent time with you and shared what he learned about humans. It was thanks to this knowledge that he realized that you had become a jiangshi when he saw a paper amulet on your forehead. He had seen such characters in films, but did not expect that such a thing was possible in the real world. However, you became a jiangshi and now you had to figure out how to deal with it
Because you were jiangshi now, your memory has deteriorated. You began to forget a lot, to the point that you could forget what you were talking about just a couple of minutes ago and start talking about a completely new topic. It seemed strange, but Cronus quickly got used to it and began to remind you what you were talking about or continued to talk about another topic so that you wouldn't feel awkward
Another problem was that your muscles began to stiffen and stiffen. He helped you cope, helping you to warm up and not lose count, because sometimes you even forgot how many bends you did right during the warm-up. After such a warm-up, you felt better and could calmly go about your daily business again
Cronus didn't know much about jiangshi other than what he learned from the movies, but it wasn't like you. You were still the same person he fell in love with and with whom he had such a great time. He wasn't afraid even if you suddenly wanted to get his life energy or anything else that jiangshi needed. He loved you anyway
♓ Meenah Peixes x fem!Reader 🦈
Meenah found out that something went wrong with you only after a while. When she came to you, she didn't immediately understand what exactly happened to you. You looked pretty much the same as usual, except there was a paper amulet on your face that she had never seen before. When she tried to remove this amulet, you recoiled, not letting her do it. You didn't know exactly why, but you knew that if this amulet was removed, then your life would be over, literally
Despite the fact that outwardly you have changed little, changes have still occurred. One of them was that your muscles often began to stiffen, which is why you could not move normally. Meenah watched several times how it was difficult for you to even walk, so you started doing a warm-up, which helped you feel a little better again. Every time Meenah waited for you to finish so that you could get back to fulfilling her plans for the day
Another problem was that you became forgetful. You could forget what you were talking about just a moment ago and start talking about a completely different topic. Meenah was annoyed by this, but you tried to forget as little as possible. You wrote down important things in a notebook so as not to forget them and Meenah reminded you of what you were talking about so that you could continue your conversation
Meenah was angry at those around her who looked at you askance. She knew that some people were worried about the amulet on your face, but these little things stopped bothering her. She treated you pretty much the same as before. The fact that you became jiangshi did not change her feelings for you and she was ready to stand up for you as before if someone said something unpleasant about you
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0possum-dude-bro · 4 years
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Rufioh !!!!!! + some doodles & shitposts HDFSJCV
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
6, 13, 15 for homestuck asks?
hells to the ye
“Homestuck Isn’t Dead” Tag
6. God Tier? uhhh if we mean wha mine is i’m a slyph of mind. if we mean wha my favorites are i like the seer of blood...totally not because i find the outfit hot or anything...ok ok i actually like the breath class it seems nice.
13. Favorite character? well gee twist my arm lmao. god i guess...hhhh damnit maybe uhhh fuck it i’ll go in order: beta timeline: jade, alpha timeline: roxy, beta trolls: feferi, alpha trolls: latula, carapacions: ms paint, elder trolls: the summoner, parental figure: dad eggbert/crocker, and cheerubs: calliope.
15. OTP? ...actually, fuck it i’mma do all the ones i got so far for each character lets a go under cut cause long:
john x dirk, roxy, rose, dave, vriska, karkat, nepeta
dave x john, jade, nepeta, jane, karkat, terezi
rose x kanaya, john, eridan,
jade x feferi, nepeta, karkat, dave, tavros, eridan, meulin, cronus, kankri (dun ask me how lmao)
jane x .roxy, dave, ..gamzee...dunno how this happened either
roxy x calliope, john, rufioh (dunno how this happened either)
dirk x john, jake, 
jake x dirk, dave, calliope (their convo was cute), aradia, aranea (i’ll die on the ghost ship), rufioh (as a joke mostly lol), 
aradia x sollux, jake
damara x ..uhhh...uhhhh....iiii’ll come back to her someday..maybe.
tavros x jade, gamzee
rufioh x jake, kurloz, cronus, 
sollux x aradia, eridan, feferi, karkat, dave, john, roxy
mituna x latula
karkat x john, jade, dave, cronus, sollux, eridan, gamzee
kankri x cronus (so obvious lmao), jade, porrim
nepeta x jade, dave, eridan (i blame the fanart i found), john
meulin x kurloz
kanaya x rose
porrim x kankri, cronus
terezi x vriska, dave, 
latula x mituna
vriska x john, terezi,
aranea x jake, meenah
equius x dirk, eridan (also blame fanart for this)
horrus x .......i’ll come back to him someday too...maybe.
gamzee x tavros, jane, karkat
kurloz x meulin, rufioh
eridan x sollux, feferi, rose, jade, nepeta, equius
cronus x kankri, jade, rufioh, porrim
feferi x sollux, eridan, jade, 
meenah x aranea, 
calliope x roxy, jake,
and summoner x mindfang, PM x wayward vagerbond, ms paint x jack noir (the doggy one), and dad x rose’s mom (NOT dad/roxy that’s hella gross.) not doing the sprites i dun really have any ships involving em
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Yandere!Kurloz x Reader Headcanons
💜 Kurloz tries his best to appear friendly towards you upon first meeting you. He must admit you’re rather eye-catching… Though, it’s not like he can day that aloud. Well, not anymore, at least. He tries his best to come off as un-creepy as possible, which, admittedly, is rather hard for him. Luckily for him, he manages to make your acquaintance.
💀 Kurloz thanks the Mirthful Messiahs for his gift of being naturally silent and quiet - it makes it very easy for him to stalk you. He doesn’t kmow what exactly it is about you the draws him to you, but all he knows is that after his first meeting, you’re all he can think about. It’s as though everything that makes up what you are is calling to him, calling for him to take you. He begins to get it in his head thst you and he meeting was fate, that his Mirthful Messiahs had sent you to him. You and he… Your meeting was divine. You were soulmates…
💜 He begins secretly snapping photos of you and stealing unattended items - accessories, clothing, hairbrushes (and the hair tangled in the bristles), etc. He adds all of them to his shrine dedicated to you, and prays to it - prays for your safety and for his Messiahs to bring the two of you together.
💀 He uses his chucklevoodoos on his weak-minded friends to put in a good word for him. Horrus, Rufioh, Kankri, Cronus, even his dear moirail and ex-matesprit, all will corner you to sing his praises and drive you into his arms, one way or another.
💜 Kurloz is a patient and calculating troll when need be, but everyone has their limits. If you don’t come to him as he prayed for the Messiahs to will you to do, he’ll simply take matters into his own prongs. He’ll sneak up on you, and activate his chucklevoodoos. He had wanted your union to be of ypur own volition, of course, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And now, he had you wrapped around his prongs.
💀 While you sleep, he’ll input messages through his chucklevoodoos to subconciously affect your thinking. It isn’t long before he no longer needs to use his chucklevoodoos to have you love him - you’ll love him all in your own. He loves how helpless it makes you, it’s so cute! And Kurloz will be so happy! So happy that hos destined matesprit loves him just as he loves you.
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honeysake · 7 years
Hiya! My name's Chloe and I'm 18 years old! My favorite colors are pink and purple! The only ship I love is from Homestuck(I think lotsa people still hate it) but its Horrus x Rufioh! Love my booysss!! I love, love, love chocolate peanut butter ice cream! I have 2 cats named Tootsie and Jackson 💕 Tootsie is a raggamuffin and Jackson looks like a tuxedo cat :3 I love them both sooooo much!
Hey Chloe! ♡
Great colour choices! I wouldn’t know if I dislike it or not since i’ve never seen Homestuck, but if you love it, I’m sure it’s great! Peanut butter rocks my socks off, and your kitty names are so cute!! I just looked up those breeds and I’m SWOONING. SO CUTE! 
Thank you for the ask! ♡
Dear 98% of the people that follow me that dont talk to me…
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janunine · 8 years
Art Checklist before I continue reading
I’ve come to the realization i only have 150k left to read of homestuck (oh no)
So I’m going to pause reading for now so I can draw a lot of the things I haven’t drawn yet. Not in any particular order.
Rufioh Nitram
Horrus Zahhak
Damara Megido
Mituna x Bro (a lovely request sitting in my inbox)
John’s Dad
Trickster Jake
Trickster Dirk
Trickster Jane
Trickster Roxy
Jane controlled by the batterwitch
Those two fantrolls that died within a page (2/2)
Gamzee in his “god tier” outfit
God tier Dave
God tier John
God tier Rose
God tier Jade
For that matter, all the beta kids in their god tier (why havent I done that yet?) 
God tier Jake
God tier Jane
God tier Dirk
God tier Roxy
Ms Paint
grand highblood
Calmasis from “Complacency of the Learned”
Vriska again because VRISKA
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Masterlist Alpha Trolls
♋ Kankri Vantas 💬
Kankri Vantas x Reader with an unusual musical taste headcanons
Kankri Vantas x Reader headcanons You sick
And I know that love is a shout into the void and oblivion is inevitable, and I am in love with you
Kankri Vantas x violetblood! Reader headcanons
Kankri Vantas x Reader headcanons Listener
Kankri Vantas x Reader headcanons Like him
Kankri Vantas x Reader headcanons Period
No pickles
Kankri Vantas x Reader headcanons Migraine
Kankri Vantas x quiet! Reader headcanons
Life on Beforus
Kankri Vantas ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Sleepy
Kankri Vantas x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
Kankri Vantas x fem!Reader headcanons I knew you had a crush on him
Kankri Vantas ♥️ Reader headcanons Sensitivity to loud sounds
Kankri Vantas x fem!Reader headcanons Lecture
Kankri Vantas ♥️ Reader headcanons Alternative style
Kankri Vantas x Reader headcanons Asthma
♈ Damara Megido 🚬
Damara Megido x Reader headcanons
Male!Damara Megido x human fem!Reader headcanons Incorrect phrases
Damara Megido x Reader headcanons Allergy to tobacco smoke
Damara Megido x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
♉ Rufioh Nitram 🧡
Rufioh Nitram x Reader with an unusual musical taste headcanons
Rufioh Nitram x Reader headcanons Discomfort
Rufioh Nitram x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
♊ Mituna Captor 🛹
Skateboard trick
Mituna Captor x Reader headcanons Confession of love to him
Mituna Captor x Reader with an unusual musical taste headcanons
Grub for a day
Mituna Captor x Reader headcanons Protection
Mituna Captor x Reader headcanons Shirt
Mituna Captor x Reader headcanons Period
Mituna Captor x Reader headcanons Discomfort
Mituna Captor x human!Reader headcanons Honey bun
Mituna Captor x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
Mituna Captor x Reader headcanons Bee knight
♌ Meulin Leijon 🦁
Meulin Leijon ♦️ Reader headcanons
Meulin Leijon x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
♍ Porrim Maryam 💚
Porrim Maryam x fem!Reader headcanons
Sweet cafe
Porrim Maryam x fem! Reader headcanons Yells
Rainbow drinker
Porrim Maryam x fem!Reader headcanons Rainbow Blood
Ask on date
Porrim Maryam x Reader headcanons Artist
Porrim Maryam x Reader headcanons Needlework and sewing
Porrim Maryam x shorty!Reader headcanons
Ballroom dance
Porrim Maryam x fem!Reader headcanons First meet with Kankri
Porrim Maryam x Reader headcanons Tattoos
Porrim Maryam x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
♎ Latula Pyrope 🛹
Cooking class
Latula Pyrope x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
♏ Aranea Serket 💙
Aranea Serker x Reader headcanons History nerd
Aranea Serket x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
♐ Horuss Zahhak 🐴
Horuss Zahhak x Reader with an unusual musical taste headcanons
Horuss Zahhak x loving! Reader headcanons
Horuss Zahhak x shorty! Reader headcanons
Horuss Zahhak x tall cuddly!Reader headcanons
Horrus Zahhak x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
♑ Kurloz Makara 💀
Kurloz Makara ♠️ Reader headcanons
Kurloz Makara x Reader headcanons Cuddle
Kurloz Makara x mutant! Reader headcanons
Kurloz Makara x Reader headcanons Discomfort
Kurloz Makara x Reader headcanons Constantly flirt
Terrible nightmare
Kurloz Makara x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
Kurloz Makara ♥️ Reader headcanons Alternative style
♒ Cronus Ampora 💜
Cronus Ampora x Reader who hides emotions
Cronus Ampora x fem! Reader headcanons Girl Greaser
Cronus Ampora x Reader with an unusual musical taste
Rebel love song
Cronus Ampora x ftm! Reader headcanons
As a human
Cronus Ampora x masc preppy! Reader headcanons
Cronus Ampora x snarky! Reader headcanons
Cronus Ampora x shorty!Reader headcanons
Swap bodies
Cronus Ampora ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Sleepy
Cronus Ampora x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
Cronus Ampora ♥️ Reader headcanons Alternative style
♓ Meenah Peixes 🦈
Meenah Peixes x mutant! Reader headcanons
Meenah Peixes x fem! Reader headcanons Cronus
Meenah Peixes x fem!Reader headcanons Jiangshi
Meenah Peixes x Reader headcanons Seer of Doom
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