m-d-47 · 5 months
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Cool and Blue Lucina🗡️
Fan art made by M-D-47
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iricathel · 8 months
— Memories reborn —
🪶🔔 Rukina's wedding first anniversary 🔔🪶
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Feels like yesterday when they got married here on Tumblr T_T
Every single time I look behind, it fills my heart with joy how beautiful this moment was not only for me and @ruki--mukami 's admin, but also with all our friends that decided to join and have fun in this special day for us both 😩✨️
Like, seriously, it felt like a real wedding too.
And for me it's even more special since it was so unique like— There never was a wedding celebration here in Tumblr and making Rukina the first ones was so amazingggg I HAVE NO WORDS.
If I could repeat it again, I so would without thinking twice!
For everyone, thank you again for supporting us, I'll keep this memories all my life wholeheartedly 🫶🏻💞
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓼: 𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓷 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
“Thank you all for attending our wedding,” a loud voice echoed throughout the banquet hall from the center of the room after the tintinnabulations of a fork against glass rang to gather everyone’s attention. “The gift openings, followed by the grand ball, will begin in about an hour from now. Until then, please enjoy all the refreshments and events for your entertainment.”
Suffused in subtle blue hues, mellifluous music sifting through the ears of hundreds, the reception burst with the personality and sophistication of Cephalonia and the Owl clan's culture at every corner. Just as the couple asserted, many thrills awaited the guests to fully delight in and commemorate their time in the exotic venue.
“Ah, hello. We’re pleased to see you here,” said a newlywed* approaching the individual. “Care to partake in the various activities we have planned for tonight? You won’t regret it.”
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🧩 *The newlywed is left ambiguous so that you may select who you wish to interact with between Ruki and Irina (@iricathel). Alternatively, you may interact with both. Please tag the appropriate muse(s) you wish to RP with, and if no one is tagged, then we will assume you would like to RP with both of them. This is so that no one feels pressured to interact with both if you only wanted one or the other. 🧩
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goldazu · 2 years
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Here is an artwork I made for my bestie Lina and her OC Irina [ @iricathel ] !! Ruki x Irina has become a dear ship on my blog and in my interactions in general so I just had to finally draw them together.
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
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@kindan-no-kanojo | @ruki--mukami | @iricathel
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aurik6 · 2 years
Yo @iricathel I liked the idea of wedding a lot and my hands actually gave birth to this Makoto as a... bridesmaid? A girl with flowers?.. Anyways hail Rukina, ship them hard 🤝
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wabai-sabi · 2 years
-The photographer 📸
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"Hope you didn't purchase any cheap side cameras other than mine~"
🍒 @iricathel & @ruki--mukami our main two~ Nova is readyyyy for the wedding event >w<🍒
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mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Idade: 23 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Prática, observadora.
Defeitos: Desatenta, mal-humorada.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Japonesa/japonesa.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: Shabana Minami - METAMOL.
Twitter: MV99RK.
OOC: +18 ele/dele.
TW: Capacitismo, homofobia, transfobia.
TW: Menção à morte.
Foi por volta do final dos anos 80 que Matsubara Takanori conheceu Aoi Shinohara, numa cena semelhante a de um filme. Durante o festival da cidade, enquanto as flores de cerejeira caíam, deixando a rua num tom rosado semelhante às bochechas coradas da mulher enquanto sorria em resposta às desculpas do rapaz, claramente se atropelando em suas palavras de nervosismo. A família de Shinohara era dona de um pequeno negócio próximo a um parque local em Tóquio, uma floricultura simpática, porém o suficiente para sustentar a ela e seus pais, que moravam em uma casa não muito longe do negócio. Já Takanori trabalhava no mercadinho em algumas ruas da floricultura, ainda no mesmo bairro. Negócio que era liderado por seu pai e gerenciado por ele e os irmãos, cada um com uma função na manutenção do comércio, com ele próprio fazendo todo o trabalho mais pesado por ser o mais novo e ter o melhor porte físico. Ela sonhava em escrever poemas e se tornar escritora quando mais velha, ele era campeão de atletismo na escola e queria ser atleta. Ambos tinham grandes sonhos e estavam presos aos negócios de suas respectivas famílias. Os dois se entendiam num nível quase espiritual, como se os dois se conhecerem fosse obra do destino.
Eles se apaixonaram um pelo outro tão rápido quanto iniciaram uma relação concreta, tudo aconteceu num piscar de olhos. Enquanto isso, ambos trabalhavam mais que nunca. Cursavam seus respectivos cursos na universidade e se esforçaram ao máximo para conseguir tirar todo proveito possível e realizarem seus sonhos de tanto tempo. Já estavam morando juntos quando Aoi descobriu que estava grávida do primeiro filho do casal, embora fosse uma surpresa muito bem vinda, fez com que aqueles sonhos brilhantes de cada um parecessem mais distantes que nunca. Por mais que os seus eus mais jovens, se os vissem naquela situação, diriam para não desistir, eles iriam ter uma responsabilidade. Um filho. Sangue de seu sangue, algo que os dois fizeram juntos e os dois sonharam em ter desde sempre. O casal se casou oficialmente pouco depois da formatura de Aoi, ela aparentando seus seis meses de gravidez no vestido de noiva e resolveram realizar um outro desejo comum entre os dois. Se mudaram para a ilha de Osaka, em uma casa grande no interior. A casa perfeita para criar seus filhos, segundo eles dois. Takanori, o gigante gentil como era muito chamado, conseguiu um emprego como professor de educação física na escola pública local, onde trabalha até os dias atuais. Fora isso, também é bem conhecido na área onde mora por ser o vizinho que faz tudo que sempre pode ajudar em qualquer coisa. Já Aoi se dividia entre continuar estudando e cuidando de seus filhos, com total apoio de seu marido como sempre. Apesar de não ser uma poetisa de sucesso nem nada do tipo, ela lançou alguns livros e trabalha como professora de literatura numa universidade local. Como dito por muitos amigos e familiares, os dois formavam o time perfeito.
Foi nesse cenário, alguns anos depois e mais quatro meninos à sua frente, que Matsubara Rukina, atualmente mais conhecida como Rukia, nasceu. Uma bebê bem pequena e a mais nova da casa, junto de sua irmã gêmea fraterna Rukiko. O pai, apesar do histórico de atleta, tinha um porte grande e parecia um armário, chegando até a assustar algumas pessoas que o vissem pela primeira vez. Em contraste, a mãe era bem pequena e delicada, o que combinava com seu ar comumente gentil. O lado mais mórbido, o qual influenciaria Rukia em alguns aspectos, apareceu pela primeira vez com a sua primeira experiência com a morte: a perda da irmã gêmea aos três anos de idade, por decorrência de uma doença. Apesar de ser uma experiência um tanto traumática, a garota criou uma espécie de casca de proteção depois do ocorrido. Vários parentes e amigos da família acharam estranho a reação quase apática da criança e isso foi um dos fatores para que fosse admitida à terapia pouco depois do funeral da irmã. Na hora, ela se tornou uma figura de proteção para os demais irmãos, tornando-se extremamente apegada à eles. E obviamente, numa família onde ela era a única menina, seus irmãos puxariam o pai e ela puxaria a mãe. Apesar de se destacar por sua aparência, Rukia aprendeu na marra a se impor diante dos outros. Apesar de ser bem pequena e possuir uma aparência delicada, semelhante a uma boneca de porcelana, era de se esperar que a pobrezinha sofresse na mão dos meninos. Porém, surpreendentemente, sempre que o assunto da infância na casa dos Matsubara vinha à tona, sempre se falava de como a garotinha de olhos grandes era marrenta e sabia se defender muito bem de qualquer brincadeira mais pesada ou outra. Ela sabia brigar, sabia bater, correr, pular e às vezes até inventar uma prenda pior que as dos irmãos. Ela era como um deles dentro de casa e eles se apegaram ainda mais à pequena pela proximidade. Mesmo com uma tragédia tão forte e tão cedo em sua família, sua infância foi ótima graças à proximidade com os rapazes e a liberdade toda que teve para brincar, correr, se ralar, cair na lama, nadar no mar, fazer tudo o que bem queria. E ela foi muito, muito feliz desse jeito.
Por volta da idade em que estava para adentrar o ginásio, foi feita uma proposta para que ela fosse estudar no Japão até o final da escola, morando na casa de seus avós. Mesmo que sua vida fosse ótima do jeito que estava, quase paradisíaca na opinião da própria Rukia, ela própria queria ter novas experiências e conhecer novos lugares. Com muito pesar, ainda sentindo falta de sua família todos os dias, a garota se mudou para a casa simples dos avós maternos no coração de Tóquio. Conforme ela foi crescendo e amadurecendo, tornou-se uma linda adolescente, igualzinha à mãe quando tinha sua idade. Rukia sequer parecia ser a mesma criancinha que gostava de pegar besouros com as mãos. Quando ainda estava no ensino médio, foi proposto à ela a ideia de estagiar numa revista de publicação de mangás, e ela, sem muita ideia do que fazer quando se graduasse na época, topou o trabalho e fez um ensaio fotográfico. E nunca mais parou. Para ela, o desenho sempre foi uma válvula de escape mais que perfeita. Treinava todos os dias, rabiscando tudo que via pela frente, mas era apenas isso até começar a realmente trabalhar no meio e se apaixonar pela produção.
Rukia havia nascido para aquilo, ela era uma ótima ilustradora e logo se descobriu ótima roteirista, em especial no gênero de terror e horror, o qual ela sempre teve um fascínio mórbido. Outros talentos foram surgindo com aquilo e logo ficou claro que aquela opção para ela. Porém, era um caminho que custaria bem caro e ela tinha que se preparar, tanto profissionalmente quanto financeiramente. Precisava estudar, queria ter um fundo financeiro antes de cair de cabeça no meio dos mangás. Com ideias na cabeça e o apoio incondicional dos pais, ela se mudou para um novo país afim de buscar seus objetivos, mais exatamente na Coreia do Sul, país onde ela havia conseguido uma bolsa de estudos para a universidade de Mungunghwa, uma vila a qual encaixava perfeitamente em seu orçamento. Dito e feito, se mudou para lá assim que a comunicação de que havia sido aprovada no curso chegou às suas mãos. Ela trabalha na Grains de Hyeon para manter uma renda estável e continua investindo em sua carreira na área de entretenimento no restante de seu tempo, convencida de que estava no caminho certo e de que seu futuro daí para frente só iria brilhar ainda mais.
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nutluvs · 2 months
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Lucina / ルキナ
Lucina (JP: ルキナ; rōmaji: rukina) is the daughter of Chrom, who traveled to the past to change the future in Fire Emblem Awakening. She takes her name from the Roman goddess Lucina, an aspect of the goddess Juno (or sometimes Diana), encompassing her role as a goddess of fertility, childbirth, and protection of women in labor. Juno is also a goddess of marriage: these listed attributes are all appropriate for the face of Awakening's marriage and child mechanics. Juno is also distinct from her Greek counterpart Hera in her association with war - reflective of Lucina's skills in combat.
The use of the name Lucina also possesses a subtle nod to her inspirations from Genealogy of the Holy War's Seliph, who has been covered on this blog before. Both take their names from a Roman fertility goddess associated with marriage - Juno and Ceres, respectively.
Lastly, Lucina's name may also relate to the Hamearis lucina or the Melitaea genus, formerly called Lucina. The sharing of the name Lucina with these butterflies, in tandem with the concept of the Butterfly Effect, may be the basis of the prevalent butterfly motif associated with the character.
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iricathel · 1 year
Happy Valentine's Day 💌
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It's been a while since I drew Rukina together and what better time than Valentine's Day. Not only it's a special day for its romantic meaning, dedicated to the couples and lovers who intertwined their hearts thanks to cupid's crush hoping that their union will be successful, but it's also the first anniversary of the time Ruki proposed to Irina to finally formalize their relationship as a serious couple 😩🫶💕
I loved their interaction at that moment as two characters who don't usually know how to express their feelings with words shared some very beautiful and sentimental phrases. Which is kind of touching 😭✨️
I know my drawing style has changed 200000 times but luckily I finally got my own style that I feel totally comfortable with and I have such a relief seeing that Ruki looks pretty fine here¿?
Outside of the drawing, regarding the rp interactions, to be honest I don't have anything else planned, and I don't think I will send any of my characters to deliver gifts either, but in a few days I can officially say that I will return to my normal activity in a few days.
I'm sorry for so much waiting and ghosting sjsjsjsjsj
See you soon! 💕💕
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
All art is drawn (very quickly, I apologize 💀) by the admin of this blog. It was my utmost pleasure drawing just a handful of the OCs I have interacted with here on tumblr and I hope you all enjoy! One day I’ll go and render the shots of these characters in my legitimate art style but for now this is all I had the time for, unfortunately. Nonetheless, it was a lot of fun making this and I learned a lot from it. 
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Aimic / Aimer Kurosawa ( @kurosawa-family )
Temptation 「 Finished 」
The Aftermath 「 Finished 」
“DARE” (Otherwise known as “The unexpected proposal”) 「 Finished 」
Meeting the In-laws: The Announcement 「 Finished 」
The Meeting 「 Finished 」
A Wedding! 「 Finished 」
“And how can you explain this?” 「 Finished 」
↳ Continuation
Find my muse wearing your muse’s clothes! 「 Finished 」
“Why don’t you stay?” (morning after starters) 「 Finished 」
↳ Continuation
[ DROP ] (prompts that make you go 👀) 「 Finished 」
“King Mystic, lord Aimer Kurosawa is here to see you.” (Royalty RP Memes)
[ BANDAGE ] (“in an hour of need” prompts)
[ TEXT ] (sexual tension prompts)
[ ARRANGED ] (proposal prompts)
Dressing Up
Uninvited Guest (Villain!AU)
[Injuries] (Soulmate & Significant Connections AUs)
[TEACH] (Cooking and baking starters)
[ BARE ] (prompts that make you go 👀)
“ well, i can think of some ways to wear you out. ” (STAYING THE NIGHT PROMPTS)
(NSFW) Bound (BDSM & DOM/SUB SMUT PROMPTS) 「 Finished 」
Kurosawa Family ( @kurosawa-family )
Not Afraid 「 Finished 」
Let’s try this again 「 Finished 」
First Impressions 「 Finished 」
Climbing through the window 「 Finished 」
[ VENGEANCE ] (even more injury meme) 「 Finished 」
“Darling, who’s this?” 「 Finished 」
A Little Problem
Sparring (Random Symbol Meme)
Tattoo (Discover a tattoo your muse didn’t know mine had)
Babysitter for hire!
The Cursed Ones
The Blue Witch
BodySwap! (Aprils Fools Special)
Introducing Judas
Rustic / Ruki Mukami ( @ruki--mukami )
Canvas (Open interaction: Birthday Edition) 「 Finished 」
Birthday Gifts (Happy Birthday Mystic 2022) 「 Finished 」
“Can I kiss you?” 「 Finished 」
Not livestock, but a dog! 「 Finished 」
Child!Ruki Event 「 Finished 」
Truth or Dare 「 Finished 」
“You’re staring.” 「 Finished 」
Crashing In (First encounter)
Torment (Open interaction)
All Hallows’ Eve (Halloween Special 2022)
“We need to talk”
Feathered Bells (Rukina Wedding)
“Darling, who’s this?”
👕 (Find my muse wearing your muse’s clothes!)
👀 (Check my muse out in uniform)
Dress-Up Game!
❤️ (Touch Starved Meme)
Stay for Dinner
📞 (Drunken Call Meme)
‘forehead touch’
(NSFW) [ degradation ] (NSFW STARTERS)
(NSFW) 😊 (Sleepy Sex Meme)
Virek Sutcliffe ( @cherry-rp )
Scarlett Wakahisa ( @kindan-no-kanojo )
“You’re staring.”
Canvas (Open interaction: Birthday Edition)
⚰️ (Hallomeme)
Irina Avenel ( @iricathel )
🎹 (Find my muse playing an instrument)
Yuriko Tsukino ( @yuriko-tsukino-rp )
Venice Adventure (Starter using a random line from a book or fanfiction I’m currently reading)
“You’re staring.”
📞 (Drunken Call Meme)
👏 (Touch Starved Meme)
Kuron Mukami ( @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat )
Birthday gifts (Happy Birthday Mystic 2022) 「 Finished 」
📞 (Drunken Call Meme)
Cassandra ( @bluebird-dolly-bride )
Find my muse wearing your muse’s clothes! (Reverse)
Catch my muse drinking blood!
😖 (Touch Starved Meme)
Kauze Bridgerton [Child] ( @kauzebridgerton )
“I’m your uncle!” 「 Finished 」
Nightmare 「 Finished 」
A Little Riddle 「 Finished 」
Vampire Boyfriend?! 「 Finished 」
Shape Shifting
Catch my muse drinking blood!
✋ (Touch Starved Meme)
Amnesia Event
“What’s it like to have parents?”
A Cold (Open interaction)
📞 (Drunken Call Meme)
Kauze Bridgerton [Adult] ( @kauze-bridgerton )
Reunion 「 Finished 」
“ tell me you’re mine. ” (JEALOUS, FIERCELY PROTECTIVE & TERRITORIAL PROMPTS) 「 Finished 」
Deteriorating Health
🛏 (Rest head on my muse’s lap)
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aurik6 · 2 years
who's your fav oc besides your oc? like an oc created by the others?
Hey hii
Good question. I'd like to say Irina by @iricathel because she looks like my type and i have a weakness for elf-looking characters, so yeah... also I kinda like the main ship Rukina, but that's a shame that I spend 0 time for learning info about other's ocs...................................
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tacnyancat · 7 months
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FE13 -Rukina/Lucina- - kitsuneinari
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7r0773r · 7 months
Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin, translated by Lisa C. Hayden
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He had four names at various times. A person's life is heterogeneous, so this could be seen as an advantage. Life's parts sometimes have little in common, so little that it might appear various people lived them. When this happens, it is difficult not to feel surprised that all these people carry the same name.
He also had two nicknames. One of them—Rukinets—referred to Rukina Quarter, where he came into the world. But this person was known to most people by the nickname Doctor, because he was, more than anything, a doctor to his contemporaries. He was, one should think, something more than a doctor, because what he achieved went beyond the limits of a doctor's possibilities.
It is thought that the word vrach, for medical doctor, comes from the word vrati, which means to say an incantation. This similarity supposes that words—words as such, no matter what they meant—played an essential role in the medical treatment process. The role of words was more significant during the Middle Ages than it is now because of the limited selection of medications. So speaking a lot was a necessity.
Doctors spoke. They knew certain methods for treating ailments, but they did not pass up opportunities to address disease directly. Uttering rhythmic phrases that outwardly lacked meaning, they said an incantation over the illness, smoothly convincing it to abandon the patient's body. The line between doctor and medicine man was relative during this period.
Patients spoke. In the absence of diagnostic technology, patients needed to describe, in detail, everything occurring within their ailing bodies. Sometimes they thought the illness left them, bit by bit, along with their unhurried, pain-steeped words. They could speak only with their doctors about all the details of their illnesses, and this made them feel better.
The patients' relatives spoke. They clarified their loved ones' statements or even amended them, because not all illnesses permitted the sufferers to give reliable reports of what they had gone through. Relatives could openly express concerns that the illness was untreatable and complain (the Middle Ages was not a sentimental time) that it is difficult to deal with an ill person. This made them feel better, too.
The defining trait of the person under discussion is that he spoke very little. He remembered the words of Arsenius the Great: I have often regretted the things I have said, but I have never regretted my silence. Most often he looked wordlessly at the patient. He might say only, your body will still serve you. Or, your body has become unsuitable, prepare to leave it; know that this shell is imperfect.
His renown was great. It spread throughout the entire inhabited world; he could not avoid notice anywhere. His appearances drew together many people. He would cast an attentive gaze upon those present, his wordlessness transferring itself to those who had gathered. The crowd froze in place. Only small clouds of steam–instead of words–left hundreds of open mouths, and he would watch how they melted in the frosty air. And the crunch of January snow under his feet was audible. Or the rustle of September foliage. Everyone awaited a miracle and the sweat of expectation rolled down the faces of those in attendance. Salty drops fell, resonating on the earth. The crowd parted, letting him through to the person he had come to see.
He would place his hand on the patient's forehead. Or touch wounds. Many believed that the touch of his hand could heal. And thus the nickname Rukinets, given to him because of his place of birth but rooted in the word ruka, for hand, acquired additional meaning. His doctoring skills were honed over the years, reaching, at the zenith of his life, heights that seemed unattainable for a human being.
It was said that he possessed the elixir of immortality. It is even said from time to time that this giving healer could not die as all other people do. The basis for this opinion is that his body had no traces of decay after death, maintaining its former appearance after lying under an open sky for many days. And then it disappeared, as if its possessor had grown tired of lying there: he stood up and left. Those who think this, however, forget that only two people have left the earth in flesh and blood since the Creation of the world. Enoch was taken by the Lord at the revealment of the Antichrist and Elijah was raised to the heavens in a chariot of fire. Holy tradition does not mention a Russian doctor.
Judging from his infrequent statements, he did not intend to reside in a body forever, if only because he had worked with bodies his entire life. Most likely he didn't have the elixir of immortality, either. Somehow, things of this sort don't fit with what we know about him. In other words, one can say with certainty that he is not with us at present. It is worth adding, however, that he himself did not always understand what time ought to be considered the present. (pp. 3-5)
For what you have tamed, you become responsible forever, Christofer said, stroking the wolf. (p. 26)
Christofer did not write because he feared forgetting something. He never forgot anything, even when he reached old age. For Christofer, the written word seemed to regulate the world. Stop its fluctuations. Prevent notions from eroding. This is why Christofer's sphere of interest was so broad. According to the writer's thinking, that sphere should correspond to the world's breadth.
Christofer usually left his writings in the places where he had made them: on the bench, on the stove, on the woodpile. He did not pick them up when they fell to the floor: he vaguely anticipated their discovery, much later, in a cultural stratum. Christofer understood that the written word would always remain that way. No matter what happened later, once it had been written, the word had already occurred. (p. 31-32)
Ustina's rags were lying by the stove, and their proximity to the fire decided things. Arseny tossed them in the stove without saying a word. It was a natural motion, and he made it. But there was in that motion a sign of irreversibility. This is how it was in some tale he had heard from Christofer. (p. 56)
You know, my love, I had simply grown unaccustomed to beauty in my life, he told Ustina. And it unfolds so unexpectedly when crossing a river that I cannot even find the right words. And so on one side of the river I am wallowing in scabs and lice, but on the other there is this beauty. And I am glad to accentuate its grandeur with my wretchedness, since in doing so it is almost as if I am a party to its creation. (p. 143)
Little by little, the renown of Arseny's doctoring gift spreads through all of Pskov. People come to him with the most varied of illnesses and ask him to give them relief. They look into the holy fool's blue eyes and tell him about themselves. They feel their troubles drown in those eyes. Arseny says nothing and does not even nod. He hears them out attentively. They think his attention is special, for he who refuses to speak expresses himself by hearing. (p. 178)
The young man was willing to spend hours sitting over historical writings. With their focus on the past, they (and this connected them with Ambrogio's visions of the future) were an escape from the present. Movement away from the present—in both directions—became something Ambrogio needed as much as air, because it removed time's unidimensionality, which caused him to gasp for breath. (p. 186)
So why did you choose medieval history?
It's hard to say... Maybe because historians in the Middle Ages were unlike historians these days. They always looked for moral reasons as an explanation for historical events. It's like they didn't notice the direct connection between events. Or didn't attach much significance to it.
But how can you explain the world without seeing the connections? said Alexandra, surprised.
They were looking above the everyday and seeing higher connections. Besides, time connected all events, even though people didn't consider that connection reliable. (pp. 192-93)
The mayor could have given even more but he knew coins rarely lingered very long with travelers in the Middle Ages. Like money, items also had trouble going the distance. Their possessors often returned home without one or the other. Even more often, they did not return.
Letters of recommendations and personal connections were sometimes more useful to wayfarers than money. In this epoch, which was anything but simple, it was important that someone in a certain place was either waiting for someone or doing the opposite: sending someone someplace, vouching for him, and asking that his travel be facilitated. In some sense, this was a confirmation that the person had a place in life before, too, and that he had not come out of nowhere and was traveling honestly around an expanse. In the most general sense, journeys confirmed to the world the continuity of the expanse, a concept that continued to evoke certain doubts. (p. 202)
On Easter Day of the seven thousandth year, Amvrosy said to Elder Innokenty:
I seek seclusion, O elder.
I know, replied Elder Innokenty. There is a time for interaction and there is a time for seclusion.
I have been cognizing the world for a long time and have amassed so much of it inside me that from now on I can come to know it within myself. (p. 327)
I no longer sense unity in my life, said Laurus. I was Arseny, Ustin, Amvrosy, and I have just now become Laurus. My life was lived by four people who do not resemble one another and they have various bodies and various names. What do I have in common with the light-haired little boy from Rukina Quarter? A memory? But the longer I live, the more my reminiscences seem like an invention. I am ceasing to believe them and they thus lack the power to link me to those people who were me at various times. Life resembles a mosaic that scatters into pieces.
Being a mosaic does not necessarily mean scattering into pieces, answered Elder Innokenty. It is only up close that each separate little stone seems not to be connected to the others. There is something more important in each of them, O Laurus: striving for the one who looks from afar. For the one who is capable of seizing all the small stones at once. It is he who gathers them with his gaze. That, O Laurus, is how it is in your life, too. You have dissolved yourself in God. You disrupted the unity of your life, renouncing your name and your very identity. But in the mosaic of your life there is also something that joins all those separate parts: it is an aspiration for Him. They will gather together again in Him. (p. 330)
What kind of people are you? says the merchant Zygfryd. A person heals you, dedicates his whole life to you, and you torture him his whole life. And when he dies, you tie a rope to his feet, drag him, and tears stream down your faces.
You have already been in our land for a year and eight months, answers blacksmith Averky, but have not understood a thing about it.
And do you yourselves understand it? asks Zygfryd.
Do we? The blacksmith mulls that over and looks at Zygfryd. Of course we, too, do not understand. (p. 362)
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