@rulesxunbroken​ liked for a post wandavision starter [spoilers]
It had been months since Wanda had been in Westview. She didn’t know why she’d come back, really. She had no reason to be here other than being lonely. She walked up to Agnes’ house and found her in the garden, trimming her rose bushes. “Hello Agnes.” She smiled.
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doctormayparker · 3 years
Starter for @rulesxunbroken
 The obituary of Doctor Olivia Octavius had been a lackluster affair of grainy black type and a small picture that one could only assume was the one on her Alchemax employee ID. The dark mane as untamed as its bearer, eyes not quite focused on the camera lens, even if pointed in its general direction. A picture of necessity, so unlike those hidden in the shoebox in the back of May Parker’s closet, buried under winter coats she’d never wear again but couldn’t bring herself to throw away.
 Was that some sort of comment on the pictures as well? In the back of her mind, May thought it probably was, but she’d become rather good at shoving away those ideas before they came to the forefront of her mind where she’d have to deal with them.
 Well, she couldn’t very well do that now, not with the amount of concentration required to rebuild the machine that had nearly destroyed the city. Liv’s collider might have been demolished between the efforts of the varied heroes who fought her and the city officials that refused to let a single bolt remain once the whole fiasco had come to an end, but May Parker had the benefit of knowledge. Not to mention her shared history with the shamed late Olivia Octavius.
 May snorted to herself as she thought of Olivia as gone, shaking her head as her thoughts returned for the hundredth time to the line printed in a tiny font beneath the scientist’s obituary in the paper.
 Efforts to locate the body of Doctor Olivia Octavius are still ongoing.
 Right. It was all the proof May needed. Liv was alive. There was a rumour she’d heard from more than one source, one that could only have been started by someone who’d been there, that a green figure had been seen hurdling into the portal in those seconds before it was destroyed. So yeah, May was convinced, and she wasn’t about to let the woman get away with what she’d done.
 And the race was on. The only way May could chase her down would, logically, be if she acquired a collider of her own. May Parker might have been a clever woman, capable of rather spectacular feats of engineering, but she was no physicist, a crucial prerequisite when it came to building something as complex as a machine that could literally rip holes in time and space.
 Luckily, May was blessed with a fairly decent memory and the knowledge of where Liv had built the smaller prototype of her collider. And why wouldn’t she know? Back in those days, they’d been far from enemies.
 With the last bolt secured, May swiped her arm across her forehead and stood back to survey her work. It wasn’t pretty, and she’d had to replace a few metal panels in places where they didn’t seem entirely solid, but the hard parts, the mathematics, were already programmed in from the endless testing that Liv had undergone before ever starting on the proper version of her collider.
 Now it was just a matter of luck, as the power that the collider necessitated, albeit less than its larger little brother, was sure to draw a whole lot of attention. It was underground and on the edge of the city, so unlikely to cause any real damage upon success, but May was well aware that she would only get one shot. Failure would bring a number of consequences that she chose not to consider just yet.
 One step and a time.
 Taking a deep breath, May also refused to acknowledge that the hunt for the scientist was itself likely doomed to fail due entirely to the sheer number of possible realities she could have ended up in. But May Parker was nothing if not an optimist.
 A low, pulsating hum began as she initialized the power up sequence, May could feel the vibrations in her bones. As it the hum accelerated, she wiped clammy palms on her jeans and stepped closer to the machine. So far so good. The second sequence followed the first, spindling power from every source it could and drawing it into a single point and allowing it to bounce within the collider.
 Faster and faster the machine hummed until it was no longer a pulse, just a steady, baritone groan. A pinprick of light appeared and splintered in seconds, filling the collider space with a scattered path reminiscent of lightning. And then, dead center, the light bloated, pushing outwards into a sphere.
 It was working. For now, at least, and there was no time to waste. Heaving her go-bag onto her shoulders, just a few necessities, May set her jaw and stepped forward into the brightly shining abyss. In an instant she was pulled into a countless number of directions all at once, feeling as if her cells themselves were being split apart and put back together and rearranged. It wasn’t painful, but there was a wrongness to it that had violent shudders traveling down where her spine was meant to be.
 And just as quickly, it was over. May felt the ground beneath her feet and stumbled as she worked to relearn where up and down were and how it felt to possess a physical form.
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theonlyoneshere · 3 years
Send "Blush" for your muse to walk on my muse undressing.
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Nostalgia was an interesting creature. Despite the comforts of modern life, Johannah found herself somehow craving some of the sensations of her youth, that was to say, her early seventies. She had dug out one of her old dresses, a green so deep as to be often mistaken for black. Heavy, thick, yet somehow more breathable than the silk blouses that made up part of the modern day suits she had adopted into her wardrobe.
After spending a few hours reading in her library, she retreated upstairs to her apartment. Expecting to be undisturbed, she conjured in her lounge a larger tub than resided in her bathroom, and further magic to fill with (and heat) the water.
As her dress hit the floor, the space on the opposite side of the tub briefly filled with a thin purple smoke in the vague shape of Agatha Harkness, and almost immediately replaced by the genuine article. Jo’s eyes were wide as she gather up the garment from the floor and held it close to her body.
“Did you know, if you appear outside my door you are able to knock on it?”
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universesgardener · 3 years
@rulesxunbroken started following @universesgardener
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buchananbarnes1991 · 3 years
Continued from X @rulesxunbroken​
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“Just means he cares– I think it’s sweet.” Agnes held up a package that she wrapped with her magic (but, he didn’t need to know that). “Here.” She handed it to him. Inside of it was a cozy cable knit sweater. A deep purple color. “Figured you could spice up the wardrobe a bit, one can never have too much purple.“
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“I suppose it is sweet of him. Though how he got your number, I have no idea. Must’ve snatched up my phone at some point since our friendship habits are a tad unusual.” Bucky teases, though it was completely understandable on Sam’s part to learn who the lady that met with his boyfriend during the evening hours had been. 
Graciously taking the beautifully wrapped present, he tried to not ruin the wrapping paper. His eyes widening while letting his fingers run over the knitted sweater. “Did you make this? It’s so soft and a grand color. I’ll definitely make use out of it. A perfect cold season gift or just when I don’t feel like getting really dressed up. Thank you, Agnes.” Hugging the violet knitted sweater to his chest before reaching out to hug her from the side. 
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wxldchxld · 3 years
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Despite being told everything that had happened, she couldn’t have prepared herself for what it would feel like to look into the eyes of the woman she loved and not be recognized. She watched her from across the dimly lit police station as she was brought in from the back. A lump forced its way into her throat, but she swallowed it. Agatha was in there. Agatha was fine. She could cry later.
“Sign here for your personal belongings.” The guard grumbled, handing Agnes a clipboard and a bag of crumpled clothes. With his own pen he pointed to the set of double doors out of the precinct. “Then go around the counter and you’re free to go.”
Beck stood from her seat in the lobby as Agnes rounded the corner, and painted a smile on her face. “Agnes. Thank god. I came as soon as I heard that that pig tossed you onto the street. Come on. I’ve got a car waiting out front.”
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xoagentcarter · 3 years
continued from here; @rulesxunbroken
“I’m plenty old enough to be here.” She huffed back. “It’s you I’m most worried about. Young adults are quite impressionable too and I’d hate for you to get exposed to the wrong set of values this early on.”
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intothewildsea · 3 years
@rulesxunbroken​ continued from X.
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Niamh hummed, brushing her nose along the skin of Agatha’s shoulder, pressing another kiss to it. “Of course I stayed.” She reached over and brushed some of Agatha’s dark curls back from her face.
“The baby is sleeping. I was able to get him to settle down for a nap. I figured that you needed a nap, too.”
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willoughbyofgaia · 3 years
A Visiting Witch
Gaia shone in the sunlight, bright and lush. Willoughby walked through the trees, listening out carefully for the children in his care, and the planet’s wildlife that also relied on him. They were all his responsibility, and would be until he returned to the soil when both Gaia herself and Lord Thanos permitted it, and he loved them all very dearly...
A checklist constantly going through his mind, the dryad followed the path through one of the many forests upon the hospital planet’s surface, until he came to a sudden stop. Birds tweeted at him overhead. 
A guest. A guest had arrived to Gaia.  
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“That feels incredible.”
Wanda giggled a little as her hands worked at Agatha's back muscles, leaning in to press gentle kisses against her neck. "I'm glad you think so. You're a little tense... maybe we need to take a little vacation to help you relax?"
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@rulesxunbroken liked.
“The Sokovian mountains are meant to be strong with witchcraft, all the stories of my youth were about how witches would gather in those mountains to feed off the energies there.” The red head explained as she looked towards the mountains in question. “Why do you ask?”
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@rulesxunbroken​ liked for a starter
“What do you want, Agatha?” Wanda asked tersely. “I let you out of the hex against my better judgement, I didn’t do it so you could pop by whenever you feel like it.”
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zephyr-iffic · 3 years
Another Day, Another Lesson (Closed)
Zephyr tried his hardest not to rub his eyes in his exhaustion, iced coffee in hand as he walked to his first class of the day. The early bird could choke, for all he cared, but this was something he was actually looking forward to. They were about to cover some of the lesser known witch trials from around the world, and--frankly--this was his personal litmus test on if he could actually learn something from this professor.
He didn’t know what it was, but he’d found himself drawn to lectures on witchcraft and the persecution of practitioners throughout history. The desire only grew after his Terrigenesis, and here he was, trying college again to find some sort of answers.
Zephyr entered the classroom to see that there was no one who had beat him there, which was odd, because Professor Winters had his favorites that would try to chat him up before they got started. Speaking of the good Professor, Zephyr noted that someone else was in his place. A brunette woman who was rather unfamiliar. Maybe a guest lecturer for this coverage of the witch trials?
“Um, excuse me.” He stated, voice cutting through the silence in the room. “Are you taking over for Professor Winters?”
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theonlyoneshere · 3 years
@rulesxunbroken​ continued
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"Oh--" Agatha placed her book down and gazed up at Jo. She wanted to finish up a few notes before she headed out-- she had been to Jo's, many times; but, this was different. She didn't tend to stick around after such escapades.
"Is that-- so?"
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Jo’s eyes flicked down to Agatha’s hands for the briefest of moments. Last night was quite the new experience for her. She wanted to understand it, and herself, a little more.
“Well... My library is quite extensive,” she offered, “And I don’t mean the storefront. I’m sure there’s something in my back room that can pique your interest. And I don’t let just anyone in there.”
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billytothemax · 3 years
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@rulesxunbroken​ asked: ☾
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“Mira Ceti. The first variable star,” Billy reached up to point at the pinprick of light. “Why are you up so late?”
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wxldchxld · 3 years
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“Look who I brought for the night!”
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