#rune kressa wridger
jessicas-pi · 1 year
currently failing to resist the urge to draw Ahsoka Episode 6 Where Everything Is The Same Except Rune Is There Too
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jessicas-ocs · 1 year
been a WHILE since i posted and so here, have some quotes i got from an incorrect quote generator
Rune: Apparently, it was Rude™ of me to pitch in my two cents on a conversation I happened to overhear, despite agreeing with them. Rune: On an unrelated note, I am no longer allowed in the ceiling vents. --- Katka: So, I heard you like bad girls… Katka: I'm bad. Katka: At everything. Katka: *winks with both eyes* --- Eris: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favor. --- Aylan: In alcohol’s defense, I’ve done some pretty dumb things while completely sober too. --- Jadan: Do you even, cuddle, bro? Do you even lift, bro… each other up with kindness? Do you tell your loved ones that you care about them regardless of who is listening? DO YOU EVER RESOLVE CONFLICTS, EMOTIONAL ISSUES THROUGH COMPROMISE AND COMPASSION RATHER THAN ANGER AND DENIAL?! --- Vindict: Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no. --- Diani: I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon. --- Shipper: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can’t take it out without shattering it, and now Buttons has to physically restrain me from putting a light bulb in my mouth  --- Aaray: Assert your dominance over your friends by stabbing them through the chest, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead. --- Esme as a child: I can’t wait to grow up and have cool adventures! Esme now: I can’t wait to go to bed. --- Zhaya: No problemo! Zhaya, internally: But it was all problemo. --- Edessa: I can't stay tonight; I have work to do. Calder: But, Dessie, I'll be so lonely without you! Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Edessa: …are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Calder: Calder: Is it working?
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jessicas-ocs · 1 year
OC quotes
Dad said I wear too much pink, which I think was a pretty bold statement coming from a man who has worn orange every day since he was born.
—Rune, on her family's questionable fashion choices
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jessicas-ocs · 1 year
OC quotes, part 1
-- I’m the eldest daughter and it does NOT show. I have never been responsible for a single second of my entire life. —Rune, on being the oldest of 9 children
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
One? ONE?!?
I’d love to hear about any (all) continuations of your works from shipweek, but this one caught my eye:
Runie Kressa Wridger's Guide To Human-Merfolk Relationships: Friends, Enemies, And Really Hot Guys You're Gonna Marry Some Day
(Is it a part two?)
Hey, I'm not stopping you from sending in another ask if you want
it is a part two! Here, have a little of it:
Rune bounced in her seat. “And d'you wanna know what happened next?”
Jacen raised his hand.
“Me,” agreed Poe. “Me wants to know. Finny does too.”
“Nuh-uh,” her baby brother contradicted, smacking a slobbery hand on Poe’s face.
“Traitor baby,” Poe accused, avoiding the slimy fingers.
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