#oc edessa
jessicas-ocs · 1 year
been a WHILE since i posted and so here, have some quotes i got from an incorrect quote generator
Rune: Apparently, it was Rude™ of me to pitch in my two cents on a conversation I happened to overhear, despite agreeing with them. Rune: On an unrelated note, I am no longer allowed in the ceiling vents. --- Katka: So, I heard you like bad girls… Katka: I'm bad. Katka: At everything. Katka: *winks with both eyes* --- Eris: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favor. --- Aylan: In alcohol’s defense, I’ve done some pretty dumb things while completely sober too. --- Jadan: Do you even, cuddle, bro? Do you even lift, bro… each other up with kindness? Do you tell your loved ones that you care about them regardless of who is listening? DO YOU EVER RESOLVE CONFLICTS, EMOTIONAL ISSUES THROUGH COMPROMISE AND COMPASSION RATHER THAN ANGER AND DENIAL?! --- Vindict: Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no. --- Diani: I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon. --- Shipper: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can’t take it out without shattering it, and now Buttons has to physically restrain me from putting a light bulb in my mouth  --- Aaray: Assert your dominance over your friends by stabbing them through the chest, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead. --- Esme as a child: I can’t wait to grow up and have cool adventures! Esme now: I can’t wait to go to bed. --- Zhaya: No problemo! Zhaya, internally: But it was all problemo. --- Edessa: I can't stay tonight; I have work to do. Calder: But, Dessie, I'll be so lonely without you! Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Edessa: …are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Calder: Calder: Is it working?
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Ok... So Hot OC ASK
💦 : Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
🦴 : Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like?
💞 : Do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?
Oh thanks anon! Sorry it’s late, whoever you are, dear. Just me and my little hiatus 🌵
I can count my OCs with half of my hand and the last one I wrote about was three years ago, so I assume it’s my lil alien from the new Maul fic, Ede.
Between the two, Ede’s attractiveness is more based on an aura. I never tried to describe her appearance in overly detailed way, and due to the POV choice, whatever is there is already filtered through Maul’s perspective, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Attractiveness is pretty subjective, especially with SW having so many aliens with their own measurements of it.
This question is linked with the first one. Ede knows when she can use her attractiveness to her advantage, and that’s when she purposefully augment her aura
Eyes that can speak
Oh-hoho Ede’s lived a long time and she’s seen a lot. Unfortunately most of her sexual encounters are pretty average. It’s the few good ones she had with people she really connected to at some point made her eventually go for quick and meaningless experience later
Yes and no. For the reason above. But Ede does view sex to be a pleasurable activity; like having meals, she has her preferences, but sometimes if she can get what she really loves, she’s ok with having something pretty tasty but otherwise unmemorable stuff.
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simatomica · 1 year
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I need you to bow
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nomad-draws · 4 months
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nananarc · 2 years
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Longing (2022) - Maul x Edessa.
Ede is @herbalina-of-yesteryear 's beautiful OC. Please check out their beautifully written fic of them here !
It was such an honor to be able to draw these two! I'm so in love with them at this point. Can't wait for this to be featured on the fic! :3
Alternate version under the cut:
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wild-karrde · 1 year
A Darth Maul and OC fanfic from a friend. Her handle is herbalinz-of-yesteryear. And here's the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/41824830/chapters/104940210 It's a great OC fic, very layered OC and very in-character Maul, the writing is tight and the character dynamic is interesting (a bit of enemies to lovers), and there's so much neatly expositioned lore of the sw universe. It reads like a legend fiction honestly. I love it especially because of the introspection Savage gets in his chapters, actually. He really deserves more to be written about. Also she just updated this week so yay
OOOOOOH a Maul fic you say? And the enemies to lovers trope would fit him PERFECTLY. @herbalinz-of-yesteryear's premise has me completely intrigued, especially the blurb about Edessa and her journey. And I COMPLETELY agree with you about Savage Opress, and I always get hyped when I find a fic that features him. Thanks so much for sending this in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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entropylegacy · 2 years
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In honor of making a brand new Tumblr for my SWTOR legacy, I decided to start things off with a #meetmyOC post!
This is my main, favorite character, and the one I’ve put my own personality into the most. My chaotic neutral/light leaning, disaster baby of a Sith Assassin. This is Edessa, who Theron refers to in affectionately disrespectful terms as “Darth Whatever”, but if anyone else tried to call her that, she would light their bone marrow on fire with Force Lightning. She jokingly calls him ✨ Pub Scum ✨  but he’s her Pub Scum. In game she is Darth Imperius and is currently L1 alignment. Were she a real person in the world, she would have the personality of Cher Horowitz with the delivery of Marla Singer.
As an Arkanian Offshoot, she has to protect her eyes nearly everywhere she goes so she favors full face helmets in game, and in my headcanon she enjoys wearing the most ridiculous sunglasses she can find when she has downtime, so naturally she is waiting on pins and needles for the next nightlife event so she can score herself some sweet high roller shades. She also can’t wait to wear them everywhere and make Theron question his life choices more than he already does.
Edessa doesn’t care much for the Empire but since this is the hand she was dealt, she’s playing it to her advantage. She is often sarcastic and unpredictable, but generally doesn’t enjoy killing those weaker than her and will often let them go unless they really deserve the business end(s) of her dualsaber. As an acolyte she regularly mouthed off to the Overseers and that habit did not change once she was paired up with Zash. It’s a miracle she survived Korriban at all, so really, she’s just happy to be here. She really ought to pay Lana in headache stims for all the messiness she puts her through, recently she returned to Odessen with a fully grown akk dog that she has decided to name Spotchka, or “Spot”, as you would. After joining the Dark Council and assuming control of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, she chose to focus more of her attention on ancient technologies. She’s discovered she has a knack for slicing and she loves tinkering with droids. She wishes a certain spy would’ve continued his kill streak and taken out Acina so she could’ve taken over the Technology Sphere instead.
In game, her name used to be her actual canon name, but when the thought about Theron calling her Darth Whatever popped into my head, I couldn’t resist changing it and I get a chuckle every time I see her name plate. I’m really hoping someone does another PVP grind event for the Scare Bear title sometime soon because if any of my OCs fits that title, it’s her.
This is by far my favorite OC and the one you’ll probably be seeing the most. I’m on Star Forge, if you happen to see me in game, say hi!
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astriline · 7 years
For the OC one: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (or as many as u want tbh)
I'm doing this for my oc Eden, seeing as how I'm working on her story right now. For background she once was a human living on a nonmagic earth, but an incident with some fairies resulted in her becoming part fairy, specifically a prophet/diviner and she is living on a parallel world where magic exists since she's no longer human. 1. What's their full name? -Her full name was Eden Fen Sung on earth. On the parallel earth she takes the name Eden Scarlet. 3. What kind of video games would they play? Any specific titles? -She doesn't play a ton of video games, but every once in a while she does enjoy booting up the Sims and she will play smash or Mario kart at a party. Not that she's good, but she's trying her best. 5. What's their favorite kind of weather? Do they like to do specific things on days when the weather is how they like?-Eden's favorite weather is rain. She has fond childhood memories of playing with her sister outside and stomping in puddles. She has been known to go stand outside and just enjoy the rain as it comes down without an umbrella or anything. 7. What kind of animals would they like as a pet? What would they name it? Do they already have a pet? -on earth she had a dog named Burger. On the parallel world she eventually gets a pet dragon who is the size of a dog and she names it Captain Snoot (I didn't come up with this name, so you can't judge me for choosing it) 9. How do they write? Do they write in cursive? How do they do their i's and j's? Do they have specific ways that they write certain letters? -Eden writes very sloppily. Her handwriting is so bad that it's embarrassing. I guess she dots her i's and j's like a normal person? And her handwriting is so bad that it looks like every letter of the alphabet has taken a new shape in her hand.
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iskelan · 5 years
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Ar’ellen, Chiss Jedi OC from SWTOR. Request for my friend Edessa.
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serpentinebrutality · 5 years
GET TO KNOW THE BLOGGER. Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
I refuse to put down a ‘Keep reading’.
...Actually I don’t.
1. First name: Hhhh I’ve been strugglin’! But I feel comfortable with Alex.
2. Strange fact about yourself: I got five marks in my left arm you can connect to make an inverted pentagram!
3. Top three physical things you find attractive on a person: Voice, eyes, hair.
4. A food you could eat forever and not get bored of: Duck rice. So good.
5. A food you hate: MY MANS. You better off asking what I don’t hate, lmao. But probably cod fish in any way, sharp or form.
6. Guilty pleasure: P r o c r a s t i n a t i o n
7. What do you sleep in: Actual pajamas for cold months, t-shirts for hot ones.
8. Serious relationships or flings: Neither. F in chat.
9. If you could go back in the past and change one thing about your life, would you and what would it be: Hm. Probably would have punched my dad’s dick, tbh.
10. Are you an affectionate person: VERY RARELY. Saying ‘I love you’ drains my soul and I only like hugging if I initiate it. I do like playing with people’s hands tho.
11. A movie you could watch over and over again: Treasure Planet. Movie has literally saved my life, lmao.
12. Favorite book: Shit, that’s a hard one. Uhhhh, I REALLY liked the first book of the Drizz’t series!
13. You have the opportunity to keep any animal as a pet, what do you choose: I. WANT. GATO.
14. Top five fictional ships [if you are an RP blog, you can use your own ships as well]: In no particular order, Duke/Aria with @chaxticblxnde for sure; then there’s ships like Neji/Tenten (nostalgia ship); Soraka/Pantheon (babies); Jinx/Lux; Synth/Dietrich (her late and only husband); and Nero/Kyrie.
15. Pie or cake: Hmmm. Cake!
16. Favourite scent: Vanilla.
17. Celebrity crush: Andy Black. Judge me!
18. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go: Bottom of the sea.
19. Introvert or extrovert: Introvert.
20. Do you scare easily? I am a scaredy cat who loves horror movies, lmao.
21. iPhone or Android: Android.
22. Do you play any video games? I got plenty for the PS2 and a couple for PS3 but I mostly just play League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra in my laptop.
23. Dream Job: Ugh. It would have been marine biologist.
24. What would you do with a million dollars: Fly over to hang with @chaxticblxnde tbh. THEN SPEND IT ON THE BEAN.
25. Fictional character you hate: Do OCs count??? Cuz MOTHER EDESSA.
26. Fandom that you were once a part of but aren’t any longer: Definitely the creepypasta fandom. Thinking about jumping back in, tho. For the gore.
Tagged by: @chaxticblxnde the absolute goblin. love this bean.
Tagging: steal it!
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Doodles. My star wars oc Edessa and Kilindi 🩵 and a certain evil little meow meow 😹 Not-happening AU
Costume models: Edessa—Elodie Yung, Kilindi Matako—Deborah Ann Woll.
Lord Maul’s comic stand inspired by this <x> The comics in his stands are: Star Wars: Darth Maul (2000), and Darth Maul: Death Sentence.
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simatomica · 1 year
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A warm soak
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thatsnakeman · 6 years
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Waterfall at Edessa,Greece [OC] 3840*5120 via /r/EarthPorn http://bit.ly/2TtLnFo
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ravensirens · 3 years
Day 08 - Your LGBTQA+ Playlist
Does one of my OC playlists help?  I have Ihmen Edessa (In front of people) and Le Disko-Shiny Toy Guns on there?  Both represent w/w.  
Day 09- Your Favorite LGBTQA+ Tumblr
I don’t have one.  I tend to float around any that have w/w musings?
Day 10 LGBTQA+ Cliche
Probably the one character who everyone has a clue is LGBTQA+ but they don’t know it until... a time.  
Day 11 Favorite Historical Figure LGBTQA+
Anne Bonney, female pirate.  I just like the quote she gave to her male lover before he got hung.
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Aight another tag game
This one is super cool and fun! Thanks dear @nananarc
Dew it for your OC! 🤡🔪
Take the Quiz here. Dress up your OC here.
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My Star Wars OC “Edessa Jerrika.” Something AU something. Working with her back story of working as a bartender, Jizz singer/ strip dancer on Corellia when she was young and stupid(er). I think she dyed her hair black then to make herself more striking in neons (or what she thought anyway). Her result is—
The final girl
congrats, you're the one who makes it to the end. your instincts, paranoia, and/or pure fucking stubbornness guide you every bloody step of the way. when the dawn finally breaks, you're the last one left standing. sure, it cost you friends and loved ones and you're going to have one hell of a therapy bill, but at least you're alive.
Tagging @luciferian-herbivore @amorfista @cccrouton @justalittletomato @vexscuro @poetikat @eloquentmoon @stardustbee @grinningnexu @gran-maul-seizure @art-hoe-world @chikuwashika @marmottine @maferartblog if you are interested:)
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Ede & Kai. Not-happening AU xD
Thank you for letting me draw your Kai in this meme which makes perfect sense (in my head 😂), @aftergloom
Here’s one for the foundlings in our stories 🫗
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