kmheart · 6 years
RunBTS! EP43 - Jikook Recap - What ABO world is this?!
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I’m barely getting into the ep and the flirting has already started wtf.  Look at jeon’s eyes and listen to his voice and look at jimin all shy...really, what world is this, i’m so glad to be a part of it. 
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 Aww look! the boyfriends are sitting together! Jimin can hardly wait to touch jeon, his hands already at Jeon’s back before the boy can even sit down - suave!  And then the laughing...ohhhh, jiminie love, just sit on his lap already, it won't surprise us at all! side note: hand size difference...ugh, my fucking heart.  Is it necessary to sit this fucking close?? You're abso-fucking-lutely right it is.  Body parts must touch somewhere this close within vicinity, definitely. But it’s probably because of that...that we now have this:
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(JiKook can’t behave around one another, we ALL know) This is a good time to remember that Jin is one of us...he may always be a 3rd fucking wheel, but he thirds from afar.  The other members don't play that shit, as Yoongs demonstrates. sobs.
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More actual proof that VLive crew ships JiKook. ⤴ Jiminie was was just so full of heart eyes and pride during this part when Jeon was blindfolded, it was sickeningly pleasing.  I love boys who ain’t afraid to show their love for one another.
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How cute are they? Still can’t behave and trying to hide in the back...you boys should know better!  Jikook fans have hawk-eyes...but we don’t necessarily have to use them often - our boys are shameless, just the way we likes! I’m so soft, you’re so soft, let the awwwws be heard!
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FACT: Yoongs just fucking outed Jikook's ABO lifestyle.  5 other guys he could've smelled like and it's Jeon. Yeap, confirmed, don't fight me fam. ABO is now CANON amongst the Kookmin fandom.  And that is one SATISFIED expression on Jeon Jungkook’s face.
til next ep, hugs & kisses~
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alexandersmcdaniels · 6 years
#Ulterra's 8.75" CF613 set the fastest curve within 5 miles for an operator in Kingfisher County! This #UlterraBit had an average ROP of 57.4 ft/hr. #RunRecap
#Ulterra’s 8.75" CF613 set the fastest curve within 5 miles for an operator in Kingfisher County! This #UlterraBit had an average ROP of 57.4 ft/hr.  #RunRecap
from Twitter Search / UlterraBits https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/989947548101173249 from Ulterra Drilling Technologies https://ulterrabits.tumblr.com/post/173362669898
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ulterrabits · 6 years
#Ulterra set a new lateral footage record in Pittsburg County with their 8.75" U713M, drilling 8,514' with an ROP of 84.7 ft/hr! #RunRecap
#Ulterra set a new lateral footage record in Pittsburg County with their 8.75" U713M, drilling 8,514' with an ROP of 84.7 ft/hr! #RunRecap
from Twitter Search / UlterraBits https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/987063290978283520
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edgarwseidel · 6 years
#Ulterra's 8.75" U713M set a new lateral footage record in Pittsburg County! This #UlterraBit drilled 8514' with an ROP of 84.7 ft/hr. #RunRecap
#Ulterra's 8.75" U713M set a new lateral footage record in Pittsburg County! This #UlterraBit drilled 8514' with an ROP of 84.7 ft/hr. #RunRecap
from https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/981179264744787968
from Ulterra Drilling Technologies - Blog http://ulterra.weebly.com/blog/ulterras-875-u713m-set-a-new-lateral-footage-record-in-pittsburg-county-this-ulterrabit-drilled-8514-with-an-rop-of-847-fthr-runrecap
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beccafit4life · 8 years
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Still have 6 days left to run... #justdoit #getouthere #runrecap #rerun #NRC #nikela #nikerunning #nikewomen #nevernotmoving #beccafit4life #nevernotrunning
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soleagenda · 11 years
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In between marathon training, work, and GCR activities, I haven't documented my personal runs here as much as I've wanted to.  Now that a successful marathon training season is capped, I have a little more time to breathe and reflect.
With that said, I went on a run for lunch today.  Stressed a bit at work, I'll easily opt for a lunch run rather actually grabbing food.  Granted, these runs are planned ahead of time and I make sure to eat breakfast a few hours before and also carry money with me on my run so I can grab food before heading back to the office and refuel.
Last week, after another lunch run, I realized I'd been dealing with plantar fasciitis in my right foot.  I complained about foot pain to a few people over the last month or so, but didn't think anything of it besides normal aches and pains from pounding the pavement so much.  Anyway, since the middle of last week, I have been putting myself through the rehab paces.  This has included rolling my foot on a frozen bottle of water, foam roller - focusing on my calf muscle, strength exercises, ibuprofen, and various stretches.  Through the treatment, my foot's felt better and I haven't had to stop running.
On to today's run, I almost didn't run, but knew I would feel better afterwards.  I ran to museum campus for my chosen direction/route.  A goal of mine is to continue getting faster, so when I can, I am trying to get my body used on a faster pace...especially when I go on solo runs.  Last week, I pushed to about an 8:00 minute pace and although I had a little bit of tightness in my right calf today, I was able to do the same...if not a little better.
The foot is still holding up and I'm excited to continue this stretch of logging miles for fun and also looking forward to feeling the excitement as friends make final preparations for the New York marathon.
Until the next run...
0 notes
kmheart · 6 years
Alright! i'm so excited to do this one, we'll christian this episode "how close can you get?"
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Here we gooo...right off the bat, we have whipped boyfriends standing together so we already know it's gonna be a good episode. And then of course, we can't go a fucking minute without park hugging jeon so thank you thank you...apparently it only takes the offering of a computer...one Jeon's almost willing to just give to Jimin now. Jimin, cutely (and unnecessarily) pinning Seokjin's MC nametag/fixing said tag unto Jeon's blazer...yes hunnay, get closer! He don't even care that proper filming etiquette is to not turn your back on the cameras, ahem ahem. Jiminie will always fuss over Jeon, whenever, wherever, we know, we know. And note: Jeon unable to meet Jimin's eyes, round 1.
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This scene fucking fans the already burning flame in my heart because Jeon asking Jiminie not once BUT TWICE if he ate is just .. wtf jeon. Did we run out of questions this early in the game already or what??! But that aside, he really wants to know if Jimin ate that badly and i'm weak.  Don't nobody say it wasn't that necessary for Jeon to get that close to Jimin or say it in that soft tone because IT WAS COMPLETELY NECESSARY. It's not like they live with each other or anything like that okay. 1st Jimin turns his back on the camera crew and now Jeon double asking the same caring question is just i-don’t-give-a-flying-fuck-about-the-game caring boyfriends culture at it's finest. I can't.  His sweet little "did you eat?" and Jimin's fond "i ate this morning..." we can tell how much he wanted to add darling to the end of that. Sigh. When will I ever.  How he asked Jiminie and how he asked Yoongs was like black and white lmao. And do you see how he can barely keep eye contact with Jimin again like wtf Jeon, are we middle schoolers with crushes on one another ... shy, flustered Jeon is Jimin's kink, we know now because Jimin's fond look just screams: challenge accepted. Note: Jeon unable to meet Jimin's eyes, round 2. And the low, soft tones, the facing of the bodies, how they just fucking gravitated to one another... i'm sweating and fanning myself and Jimin isn’t even looking at me nor am i even playing the game.
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Maknae line cheering one another on is just family.  And Jeon just has to get his boy's approval, don't he?  3 other dorks dancing like idiots yet Jimin only sees Jeon...watch how his eye catches onto Jeon even before he got across to their side... interesting? It’s KookMin, it’s ALWAYS interesting..  Perhaps it's a mating dance only Park Jimin can answer to, who fucking knows...all that matters is that it's super freaking cute and is causing our hearts to thunder. At this point, everyone, especially the vlive editors, have come to the unanimous agreement that it don't matter what team KookMin is on officially, the softies are always on the SAME fucking team.  Maybe high-five your own team-mates, Jeon? And Jimin, maybe stop being so happy for the other team, hmm? A lil' off tangent, but TaeKook could certainly have high-fived one another yet they chose to dance to their sweetheart instead...whipped much? I wonder if sometimes they fight over who loves Jiminie more... >.< or who Jiminie loves more?!! Now that i would pay to see!
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This hug is just...unnecessarily cute.  All skinship with JiKook is unnecessary and thats probably why it's so fucking awkward for members and so sweet to us.  Everyone is fucking up big time but, of course,  Jimin only sees and hugs Jeon...probably because he was so damn cute...ok Jimin, you get a mini pass for this one. It's not like you have a favorite bts member or anything. But you crossing a river to hug Jeon and Jeon dancing over a bridge to high-five you kinda has eyebrows raising....coughcough. Jeon Jungkook makes a big deal about not being able to call the hyungs by their first names but then Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin...i'm holleringggg...
Bonus CH+:
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Ok but what the fuck are we doing now boyfriends? Role play? On broadcast too? For shame...thats some kinky shit. I’m in! But...but...but can anyone else feel the tension? They’re just in each other’s square and I’m already feeling intrusive. Once they started speaking flirting and it’s in their native satoori ... it was over for this bitch. Jimin may have fucked up the pickup line but his talent lies in body language, don’t kid yourself : can you feel how the air just thickens and jimin completely abandons the bell, moving in closer to Jeon as their eyes meet ( talk about eye fcuking - i feel so attacked-this is why Jeon has no willpower with Park) and their voices dropped all soft and caring ... just damn boys calm the fcuk down.  I feel bad for our camera guy 3rd wheeling but thank you dude. You the real mvp. Note: Jeon unable to keep eye contact round 3, final knockout. 
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alexandersmcdaniels · 6 years
In Reeves County, #Ulterra's 8.5" CF616 drilled 9,668' with an average ROP of 130 ft/hr! #RunRecap
In Reeves County, #Ulterra’s 8.5" CF616 drilled 9,668’ with an average ROP of 130 ft/hr!  #RunRecap
from Twitter Search / UlterraBits https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/988815079415132160 from Ulterra Drilling Technologies https://ulterrabits.tumblr.com/post/173265691128
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alexandersmcdaniels · 6 years
#Ulterra's 8.75" U713M set a new lateral footage record in Pittsburg County! This #UlterraBit drilled 8514' with an ROP of 84.7 ft/hr. #RunRecap
#Ulterra’s 8.75" U713M set a new lateral footage record in Pittsburg County! This #UlterraBit drilled 8514’ with an ROP of 84.7 ft/hr. #RunRecap
from Twitter Search / UlterraBits https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/981179264744787968 from Ulterra Drilling Technologies https://ulterrabits.tumblr.com/post/172556411853
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ulterrabits · 6 years
#Ulterra's 8.75" U713M set a new lateral footage record in Pittsburg County! This #UlterraBit drilled 8514' with an ROP of 84.7 ft/hr. #RunRecap
#Ulterra's 8.75" U713M set a new lateral footage record in Pittsburg County! This #UlterraBit drilled 8514' with an ROP of 84.7 ft/hr. #RunRecap
from Twitter Search / UlterraBits https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/981179264744787968
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alexandersmcdaniels · 6 years
An #Ulterra 6.125 in. U713M set an operator run in Grady County drilling the longest 6.125 in. Woodford lateral run drilling 3,354 ft. before a downhole motor failure. #RunRecap
An #Ulterra 6.125 in. U713M set an operator run in Grady County drilling the longest 6.125 in. Woodford lateral run drilling 3,354 ft. before a downhole motor failure. #RunRecap
from Twitter Search / UlterraBits https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/978629713093636101 from Ulterra Drilling Technologies https://ulterrabits.tumblr.com/post/172309971298
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edgarwseidel · 6 years
An #Ulterra 6.125 in. U713M set an operator run in Grady County drilling the longest 6.125 in. Woodford lateral run drilling 3354 ft. before a downhole motor failure. #RunRecap
An #Ulterra 6.125 in. U713M set an operator run in Grady County drilling the longest 6.125 in. Woodford lateral run drilling 3,354 ft. before a downhole motor failure. #RunRecap
from https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/978629713093636101
from Ulterra Drilling Technologies - Blog http://ulterra.weebly.com/blog/an-ulterra-6125-in-u713m-set-an-operator-run-in-grady-county-drilling-the-longest-6125-in-woodford-lateral-run-drilling-3354-ft-before-a-downhole-motor-failure-runrecap
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ulterrabits · 6 years
An #Ulterra 6.125 in. U713M set an operator run in Grady County drilling the longest 6.125 in. Woodford lateral run drilling 3,354 ft. before a downhole motor failure. #RunRecap
An #Ulterra 6.125 in. U713M set an operator run in Grady County drilling the longest 6.125 in. Woodford lateral run drilling 3,354 ft. before a downhole motor failure. #RunRecap
from Twitter Search / UlterraBits https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/978629713093636101
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edgarwseidel · 6 years
In Hemphill County #Ulterra's 8.75 in. U616M drilled from intermediate casing setting an operator record down to KOP at 178 ft/hr. #RunRecap
In Hemphill County, #Ulterra's 8.75 in. U616M drilled from intermediate casing setting an operator record down to KOP at 178 ft/hr. #RunRecap
from https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/978297272256679938
from Ulterra Drilling Technologies - Blog http://ulterra.weebly.com/blog/in-hemphill-county-ulterras-875-in-u616m-drilled-from-intermediate-casing-setting-an-operator-record-down-to-kop-at-178-fthr-runrecap
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ulterrabits · 6 years
In Hemphill County, #Ulterra's 8.75 in. U616M drilled from intermediate casing setting an operator record down to KOP at 178 ft/hr. #RunRecap
In Hemphill County, #Ulterra's 8.75 in. U616M drilled from intermediate casing setting an operator record down to KOP at 178 ft/hr. #RunRecap
from Twitter Search / UlterraBits https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/978297272256679938
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edgarwseidel · 6 years
#Ulterra's U616M completed the fastest 8.75 in. drillout run in Kingfisher County. This #UlterraBit drilled from surface to KOP in one run at 123 ft/hr with an ROP of 123 ft/hr. #RunRecap
#Ulterra's U616M completed the fastest 8.75 in. drillout run in Kingfisher County. This #UlterraBit drilled from surface to KOP in one run at 123 ft/hr with an ROP of 123 ft/hr. #RunRecap
from https://twitter.com/UlterraBits/status/976470235082559488
from Ulterra Drilling Technologies - Blog http://ulterra.weebly.com/blog/ulterras-u616m-completed-the-fastest-875-in-drillout-run-in-kingfisher-county-this-ulterrabit-drilled-from-surface-to-kop-in-one-run-at-123-fthr-with-an-rop-of-123-fthr-runrecap
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