tendertendrils1 · 6 months
@rodent-anon and I were talking about rabbit Link the other day, so here is some grumpy rabbit Link for you for Easter.
Link couldn’t remember the last time he’d been in rabbit form for long enough for this to happen. But Ravio wanted “bun bun cuddles,” Link might have fallen asleep, and when they both woke up again enough time had passed for Link’s little rabbit stomach to growl in hungry agreement with the gurgle from Ravio’s own midsection. 
Sleepily mumbling about snacks, Ravio deposited Link on the floor, nowhere near the moon pearl resting high up on one of the cupboard shelves. The low clatters of Ravio digging through jars and half-awake self-directed commentary provided steady background noise while LInk himself woke up. 
His teeth itched. Rabbit instincts wanted to munch, but there was nothing inside Ravio’s Lorule home to graze on.
Link sniffed at the nearest crate. It smelled of damp. Slight mildew. He sneezed. 
Ravio’s unending prattle shot up several octaves in pitch. Definite cuteness overload range. Ugh. 
Link shook himself out. He moved across the floor, slowly exploring. The rug didn’t smell any better. Ravio’s voice returned to its usual pitch and tempo; his feet thumped across the floor, the sound of a knife against wood saying he’d found something to prepare for eating. 
For all the time Link spent in rabbit form while here in Lorule, most of it was in Ravio’s arms. He’d forgotten how big everything looked from down here. Crates rose up like the towering blocks made by the cane of somaria, the rough-hewn floor spreading out around him like an expansive landscape. Ravio’s table teetered on its spindly legs, the top towering well over Link’s fuzzy head. He skirted Ravio’s feet, ignoring the echoing sound of the knife. The smell of root vegetable wafted down and his stomach twinged, the itching in his teeth almost unbearable. 
The table legs smelled fine. He took a nibble. 
Oh, yes. That was good. Not the taste, exactly. But the feeling of something solid under his teeth, the satisfying way he could yank. Link went back in for another bite. Then another, his rabbit brain content to nibble away while Ravio worked above him. 
The sounds of the knife stopped. Almost done? Link couldn’t precisely place the scent of whatever he was chopping, but it smelled tantalizingly delicious. 
Ravio’s feet shuffled back, sending vibrations through the floor. 
“Mister Hero.” 
Bad tone. Link jerked, propelling himself out from under the table with one mighty leap before he quite realized what he’d done. 
“Don’t eat my furniture!”
Fuck you, I’m hungry! 
Link stomped. 
Ravio’s voice went incredulous. “Did you just–” 
Link stomped again. 
“Link.” There was a bit of a giggle to the words, now. How annoying. Ravio started towards him. His soft-soled boots seemed much bigger and louder like this. “If you’re going to chew on something, use one of the crates, not my only good furniture!”
The crates smell nasty! 
Ravio stooped down, clearly intending to pick him up. Link lept away, flicking his back feet up as he went. He didn’t need to be picked up like a misbehaving pet. Ravio snorted at him. But he stopped chasing and went back to the table. Good. 
Link’s ears perked up, head coming around despite himself when Ravio picked up a piece of whatever he’d been chopping and waved it through the air. 
“I guess you don’t want any of this, then.” He popped the piece in his mouth, the sound of his crunching adding insult to injury. Whatever it was smelled heavenly. Link’s little rabbit tummy twinged. 
Oh, fuck you. Link stomped at him again. 
Ravio snickered. He picked up another piece and crouched, holding it out. “Come here if you want any, husbun mine.”
Link wavered. But in the end, while he wasn’t actually mad, he very much was hungry. He almost changed his mind at the way Ravio’s face seemed to melt at his approach. That face said more cuddles were imminent. 
Link yanked the vegetable from Ravio’s fingers. It crunched delightfully between his teeth, the flavor and texture of actual food much more satisfying than a table leg. So much so that he let Ravio pick him back up, tucking him into the crook of one arm and retrieving the plate of snacks with the other, carrying both back to bed to enjoy.
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merriclo · 1 year
ok so i’m convinced that everyone who complains about Ravio’s “““horrible””” prices are either just not committed to the landscaping grind like i am or keep on dying, because it’s really not that bad. i’ve only completed two dungeons and i’ve already bought out all of his items. just cut every piece of grass you see and keep a few fairies on you at all times and you’ll be fine
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tsukinoshinjiu · 1 year
Tumblr media
Ravio and Link's Marriage, inpired by Tendertendril's Rupees and Rods latest chapter (NSFW Warning - Explicit)
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tenderleavesbob · 2 months
"Possibly a dungeon," Legend had said, looking at the broken, crumbling building. It reminded Warriors of the Temple of Time, except the Temple didn't feel like this.
"Red rupee says it is," Wind had replied instantly.
The others had taken bets. Time hadn't. Neither had Warriors. Warriors looked at the shattered building and had pulled out his sword.
If this was what dungeons felt like, Warriors wanted nothing to do with them.
Time might have been the leader of their strange little group, but something had Warriors walking in front of him, sword bared. Something nettled him about this place, and that same something told him to get in front of his little brother.
He had walked in first. Darkness fell.
Now Warriors was alone and he didn't understand what had happened or why.
"Everyone?" he called, looking around. No one answered. There were only deep shadows. He couldn't see a damned thing. "Time? Twilight? Leg? This isn't funny."
No telling snickers. No soft rustling of footsteps. Nothing.
A dungeon, Legend thought, and Warriors wished he had asked more questions about their mysterious dungeons.
"If this is a prank," he called again, switching out his sword for his fire rod, "you better sleep with one eye open for the next month."
Nothing. Not a whisper. Not a snicker. Not the rustle of footsteps. Warriors breathed in the stench of rot and musty stone and lit up the fire rod.
Stone walls. Moss and something slick and green covered them. Ancient dust and shards of what looked like bone covered the floor. Warriors looked behind him. Another stone wall.
He had walked forward, Time right on his heels, and then there was nothing. Had the entrance been a portal? If so, to a different place? A different time? What was this?
Warriors grit his teeth and looked forward. Three of the four walls were nothing but solid stone, but before him, an opening beckoned in the fourth wall like a gaping mouth. He squinted and raised the rod but saw nothing beyond the doorway. Only more shadows.
"Lovely," Warriors growled. "You can keep your damned dungeons, Legend."
No answer. Of course not. It was only Warriors now.
Warriors tensed against a shiver and took a step forward. The air pressed down on him, damp and cold. He had a bad feeling about this.
"All of you better be on the other side of this," Warriors whispered. Clenching his jaw, Warriors stepped forward into the dark.
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blarefordaglare · 3 months
Fan Joy July day 4
This one’s by @la-sera
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/la-sera/752542158668562432/for-the-single-drawing-request-what-about-legend?source=share
I enjoyed how you used warmer tones and cooler tones to work in harmony (I hope that makes sense) and overall just the color vibe of the piece. I also adore the line art and how you used a mix of shading with colors and hatching for some parts, like Hyrule’s neck or Legend’s cap. Overall the style is really beautiful and bright! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
“Alright, enemy camp to the right,” The traveler grinned confidently, a rare sight, yet the same intensity every time, “Want to aim for sub 10?”
Sure it was childish, it was irresponsible, it was immature, but every once in a while one will feel that longing-that call, that can’t be ignored. It was the call that pushed Hyrule to take that sword in the beginning, to realize that living isn’t the same as thriving. It was the call that got Legend out of bed that one night, that got him on a boat, that allowed him to wake up. 
“Heck yeah I do,” The veteran pulled out a fire rod, 1200 rupees was a scam, he should know, he can’t even count how many he has now, “I’m aiming for 9 minutes, max.” 
Hyrule let out a grin, “Just nine? I thought you’d be able to do eight,” He never had any family growing up, let alone brothers, and it only made the experience more memorable. For once he didn’t feel alone, but instead at ease. He felt he could make room for mistakes, and it wouldn’t allow the world to crash back down on him, “But I guess nine is alright, for a beginner.” 
“Oh you’re on.” Legend gave a challenging, yet playful glare, “Relay the rules to me?” 
“Not a scratch, not even a stain, no fighting more than 3 enemies at once, and most importantly,” he took a step back. No help.” 
“That’s not fair!” He never fought alone, well that was a lie, he’s fought alone countless times. But that was in his world, where the monsters were just monsters and no blood that was darker than the night sky plagued them. Now though, that wasn’t the case.
“Hey wait a minute, I’m talking-“ He got cut off. Another thing about Legend is that he hates being ignored. He’s been ignored all his life, his pleas to spare one more person, to go another day with peace, even to have his bed back. It was too much ignorance to bear.
“Listen!” The sharp tone of his voice alerted the camp. Four bokoblins, two lizalphos, and one moblin. It shouldn’t be a problem-it’s only seven. Seven black blooded monsters that almost killed a guy. All the more fun.
“I hate you.” That was a lie, he hoped the traveler knew that. What he hated was the fact he aimed too high-seven monsters, nine minutes. It would have to take less than two minutes to defeat one. 
He ran, allowing his boots to carry him at a high speed. Adrenaline pulsed through his blood as he allowed the hot flames to engulf some of the monsters. Hard ones first, easy ones last. It was a bad strategy, nobody would let him live it down, but that’s what he does solo. His steps were calculated and precise, a mix of muscle memory and an attempt to not get a single drop of blood on him. He allowed instinct to take over for the most part, leaving him surprised when he noticed there were no more enemies to defeat. 
“Seven minutes and thirty two seconds!” The familiar voice of the traveler called, “That’s a new record!” He waved his arms up in celebration, and Legend couldn’t help but echo the action. 
“Aww yeah!” Legend beamed at Hyrule, “Next time you’re going to try.”
“Fine, but for now let’s celebrate.” 
The two cheered, their voices echoing in the clearing. Their voices coaxing out the pure joy that was hidden long ago, a joy that could light up anybody’s day. Waving their arms in the air, basking in the dopamine from the achievement. It was stupid, sure, but it mended the soul in a way no amount of labor could. 
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the chain at a cracker barrel
time: man just wants to eat. please stop telling him that his kids are ruining the candy display. his pancakes are getting cold
twilight: so polite you'd think he's at his ma's house. keeps asking to send compliments back to the chef
warriors: sitting on a rocking chair on the porch because the dang kids are too loud. he's not hungry anyway (he is). playing solo musical chairs because they somehow stop rocking after a minute
four: slaps away the kids menu and orders a meal that they're pretty sure is supposed to feed a small family
wind: holding a giant stuffed animal to hide his pockets which are obviously overstuffed with stolen candy
wild: nobody knows where he is. twilight claims that he ate his food and left only a minute ago. wind says he saw him near the clothes. hyrule thinks he spotted him in the bathroom. he's fine probably
legend: also on the porch to get some peace and quiet. keeps zapping warriors' rocking chair with his ice rod
hyrule: transfixed by the candy display. hangs on the back of time's chair and begs for enough rupees to buy some of each
sky: fell asleep on the table after some coffee and eggs. twilight was barely able to avoid a faceplant on his plate
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caramel-catss · 7 months
comma flirting
on ao3
word count: 4.4k
a collection of letters between link and ravio; ravioli falling in love
Mr. Hero,
I’m writing to inform you that your rental on the Sand Rod has expired. My assistant, Sheerow, has come to collect this item, and it will be available for re-rental at 50 rupees.
I’m in the middle of assfuck Desert Palace and writing this on your envelope. Enclosed is a purple rupee. I have the rod.
Mr. Hero,
Sheerow is coming again to pick up my Hookshot. Please don’t wrestle with him this time.
P.S. Please visit the shop for purchases you make.
I’ll be there tomorrow.
Mr. Hero,
Don’t worry when you open this letter - no rentals are due - though I’m sure you will anyway. I’ve been meaning to ask this since they’ve been in season for a while, but you haven’t been around recently. Is it alright if I harvest your apples while you’re out? You can trust me not to sell them, heh.
Go for it, I won’t be home anytime soon. Juicer’s in the basement. Sell them and I’ll kick you out.
Mr. Hero,
Since my retirement, I’ve been moving away my tables and letting the actual house part of your house take over. I’m excited for you to see the place! 
Your orchard produced beautiful apples, but there’s so many I’m not sure what to do with them. I’ve never seen so much fruit in my life! I’ve learned some baking recipes from the locals, so I’ve been trying a few of those. Let me know when you’re heading home soon so I can make pie!
Stay safe.
I’m fine; that gash from last month is just a scar now. I’m as safe as possible. I’m going home next week to pay you for that red potion even though you refuse.
Don’t pay me back for that red potion. You were unconscious from blood loss.
Do come back home though, before Sheerow gets into the pie.
I’m on my way right now. Note the purple rupee in this envelope.
Mr. Hero,
You’re insufferable. I’ll see you soon.
I’m writing this in case your stupid bird manages to find a portal before I do. Hylia knows he will. I miss your apple pie.
I hope Lorule’s doing okay. I hope your Triforce is actually back. It’s finicky. The Goddesses don’t like to fully honor wishes I wonder if you hold Courage.
I’m sorry. This is stupid. This is a stupid letter. You’re never getting this.
I changed my mind I need to keep writing before I go insane
Zelda wants me to move into the castle. I don’t want to but every time I try to bring that up I feel like there’s sand in my throat. Like that one time at the Desert Palace. I still have that letter from you. I can’t believe I always wrote on the envelopes.
She’s officially queen now and says I should retire from being Hero and reveal my princehood to the public. Fuck, I never admitted that to anyone. It’s not like you’ll see this letter. Are you Hilda’s brother too? Nevermind.
I really, really hate the castle. Is that a selfish thing to think?
My uncle died there
I’m running out of parchment so I’m throwing this away. Goodnight, Ravio.
I guess you’ve become my diary now. Writing things out helps, I think.
Zelda and I fought today. I think I pissed her off. Who am I kidding. I pissed her off. I told her I’m already figurehead enough as the Hero and being a prince is too much shit for me to handle. She got real butthurt and almost sad? I don’t know. I’m bad at this shit. She kicked me out of the castle and said we could talk about it later. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.
I never actually told you about the brother thing, did I? We found out a while ago. My first adventure, I think. Been a while.
I know Lorule needs its Triforce but please don’t rely on it to solve everything because it doesn’t.
I need to get a notebook or something. Or just suck it up and buy more parchment in Kakariko. I’m harvesting more apples tomorrow because it helps me not to think. I miss your apple pie. I miss you. I miss not being alone in that house.
Maybe I’ll just write more letters. Oh well. Goodnight.
Kakariko was out of parchment for a while so it’s been a month since I’ve written things down. Zelda and I worked out the prince thing, I guess, because we didn’t discuss it any more after that day. As it stands, I’m still the asshole who saved the country more than enough times.
I’ve been reading up on these legends about Heroes. I wonder how it was like for them.
Other than that it’s been boring. I decided to juice half the apples and sell the rest. You better show up soon so I don’t have to sell the next crop.
Zelda says there’s a disturbance by the Sacred Realm entrance. Almost like there’s a crack between worlds there. By the Goddesses, Ravio, what are you and Hilda doing? Just don’t be stupid and don’t get yourself killed.
I can only imagine your embarrassment when this letter reaches you. The thought makes me giggle, which I know will make you more embarrassed, which makes me giggle more.
Sheerow flew through the crack as soon as Hilda and I opened it. He arrived back to me a few hours later with three envelopes that I don’t think you intended to send.
I miss making pie, and baking in general. Retirement didn’t last long after I returned home to my post serving Hilda. I hold Wisdom, not Courage, and the Triforce is doing wonders for Lorule. I’m sorry it hasn’t treated you well. You deserve better than that. I’m sorry about your uncle, too.
I’m proud you stood up for yourself. No, I’m not blood related to Hilda, as far as either of us know. But you’ve been living life fine without being a prince, you’ll continue to live fine without it. Just stay safe in your Hero business. And for the other Heroes, I don’t know. Lorule has no Heroes, other than you. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for them, though.
I’m sending Sheerow back with this letter before I officially leave Lorule with Hilda. We’ll both be in the castle. I’m sure Zelda has discovered the crack, but if you may, please tell her we’ll arriving with Lorulean soldiers and nobility. I’ll visit you as soon as possible. I miss you too.
Ravio, you bastard,
I will be at Hyrule Castle at the asscrack of dawn and if you aren’t there I will fight you.
Dearest Link,
This letter hopefully won’t arrive to you via Sheerow as I’m leaving it in your pack. Inside is food, weapons, the rings you asked for, and other items that you needed. Thank Lolia your bag has an expansion charm, because even my amazing packing skills wouldn’t have cut it. For the love of the three, stay safe out there. It’s been months since you’ve last been on a journey.
As Lorule’s ambassador, I’ll be at the castle most days, but I’ll take care of the house and continue baking. Zelda has been teaching me recipes from the castle kitchens, and they’re quite lovely!
Also as Lorule’s ambassador, I request you send reports on the happenings in Hytopia so that we may bring sufficient aid. As Ravio, I need to know if you’re safe; you know how much I fret.
Please write.
Dear Ravio,
You’re the craziest worrywart I’ve met, and Queen Zelda is my sister. I’m happy to supply reports, both of Hytopia and my own health, but I promise you that I’m fine. This is either my sixth or seventh adventure. I genuinely lost count.
As the Hero of Legend, I report that Hytopia is suffering from a “fashion crisis”. The two others operating with me are sufficient in their help, and I am currently confident in our quest to save Princess Styla. I estimate six months, maximum, will be spent on this journey. I will reach out if foreign aid is needed.
As Link, I need you to know with utmost honesty that this place is fucking crazy. There are two bitches following me anywhere, and by the Goddesses are they amateurs, claiming to be the Hero of Legend. I’m so tired of them. The princess is crying and hiding around town because she’s wearing a fucking brown jumpsuit and she can’t take it off. I feel like I’m slowly losing my sanity as each day passes, but what else is new? 
The fights are fine and easy. I’ve had to wear a skirt for the past week for complicated reasons, but I’ve found that this shit is actually practical. Who would’ve thought?
Write me back so I don’t go insane.
Dearest Link,
I cannot deny that I’ve had to read your letter multiple times over to get through it without laughing. You never fail to take any boredom from my day, even when all I do is talk to nobility and worm my way through politics. 
I’m not sure what to write about. I’ve tried apple turnovers for the first time, but they haven’t come out the best. I’m spending time with the castle’s baker and pastry chef whenever I can. I’m sure you’ll be happy once you’re home. Speaking of home, Sheerow’s starting to relieve himself in the house again. I don’t think he likes the bird cage, but I haven’t had time to fix this problem yet. Please give me your blessing to let him fly free again.
Stay sane,
Dear Ravio,
Make that bird promise to stop shitting on my carpet and you have a deal. 
I’ve had to wear more green in the past month than I’ve ever had to in my life - they made me dye my hair, for Goddess sakes - and I’m ready to never see that color again. Can you burn down the forest for me so the grass is brown? Don’t do that, Zelda will have our heads.
Apple turnovers aren’t too hard, I’m sure you’ll get it soon. Send one over if Sheerow can fly fast enough.
I’ll be home before year’s end.
Dearest Link,
You’ll be pleased to hear that the forest is gone and we’ve both been banished to the Dark World. 
I’m kidding. I’ve been discussing with Zelda on the prospect of me gaining Hyruleian citizenship, and Hilda says she requests you receive Loruleian citizenship as well, seeing as you’re our Hero. The process for both is very complicated and apparently the Queens can’t just write us down for both without backlash from nobility, enough that it won’t be worth it. I’ve been looking for the easiest ways, and including the benefits on tax, marriage ironically comes up. I’ll keep searching.
I got the turnover recipe down; Sheerow should be arriving with a package of them for you and your “hero” friends. Enjoy!
I’m glad you’ll be home soon, even though it’s only summer. Stay safe out there, as always.
Dear Ravio,
I don’t know Hyrulean law well but I think you can keep citizenship after divorce. I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t give a shit. We could marry for the benefits and if either of us sorry fucks finds someone, we divorce.
P.S. Those were the best turnovers I’ve had in my life. Keep making them.
Dearest Link,
It’s a decade of marriage before citizenship becomes unconditional, so if you’re fine with that, I don’t mind either. I’m glad you liked the turnovers, I’ll send more once the orchard produces more apples. Also, how are you doing in Hytopia?
Dear Ravio,
I’ll be dead within the decade, so fuck it, let’s do it. I’m leaving a ring in the envelope. For my ego, please pretend like this is the best damn proposal you could have ever dreamed of. 
Hytopia is doing well and Princess Styla is back to normal. I’m avoiding the ports and taking the scenic way home, so I’ll be back in two weeks.
Dearest Link,
Don’t joke about that, please. I’m glad you’re on your way. I’ll see you soon.
Your proposal has had me swooning and I spent three days in recovery at the castle. On a real note, Zelda and Hilda are both confused and slightly furious at us. I believe we simply found a unique situation to this problem.
I’m at Kakariko this morning to pick up bread. I didn’t want to wake you up. I should be back by noon.
Link -
Emergency call from the castle, some monster invasion. I’m sure you’ll hear about it soon.
- Ravio
My Ravio,
Killing the monsters you had a meeting about yesterday, then Zelda wants me at the castle for wedding stuff. I’ll see you tonight.
I have a dinner tonight so I’ll be gone when you get off work. Pie is in the oven for you. “My”?
- Ravio
We’re getting married, aren’t we?
Link and Ravio,
I wish you the sincerest congratulations on your marriage, though the circumstances of it are definitely exploiting a loophole that I’d have half a mind to fix. Regardless, may you both be blessed with peaceful and long lives. My brother, I am so proud of you for how far you’ve come. My brother-in-law, you are an amazing friend, and I’m excited to be family with you. 
Peace and prosperity for you both!
Ravio and Link,
I am amazed that this is happening, for multiple reasons. I suppose it is my fault for being surprised, however, knowing my advisor. Hero of Hyrule, I request you take care of Ravio; Ravio, I request you take care of Link. Perhaps your personalities are only compatible with each other after all.
Best wishes for you both,
It’s been a week with no word from you, and I’m beginning to worry. I’m sending Sheerow off with this letter but I’m unsure if it’ll reach you, so if it does, I can only beg you to write back. These new monsters, the black-blooded ones, have been retreating some. Zelda is recruiting small forces of people to make them back off from towns, and it’s worked so far. We are all worried about you. Zelda and Hilda have been asking me where you are, and I don’t know how to explain that I don’t know.
I can only assume you’ve ended up in one of those portals they’ve emerged from. Your pack is missing, as well as some of your rings, armors, and gears. You left your extra pair of boots behind, I have them for you. I have your extra weapons, too. Please come back for them. Please come back.
I miss you. I hope you’re okay. Sheerow is pissing on the carpet again.
Dearest Ravio,
Time travel is fucking weird, so I have no idea when this’ll reach you. I’m fine. I’ve been pulled into another adventure, this time with my own kin. When the portals spit us out back home, I’ll sit down and have a long talk with you. We promised not to keep secrets from each other, remember? I trust you, but I have limited parchment so I can’t write it all down right now. 
In summary, though, I’m with other Links from around history. I met my fucking descendant. It’s crazy. They call me Legend; there’s 9 of us. I’m the veteran, apparently.
I’m sorry this is short. I hope I’ll be home soon. I miss you. Tell Sheerow to stop shitting himself, and while you’re at it, tell Zelda to stop shitting herself too. I’ll be okay.
My dearest Link,
I’m relieved you’re alright. Zelda laughed when I passed on your message, and she’s in a better mood now. Hilda also seems relieved. I’m awaiting your coming home soon. 
Your descendant? I expected those portals led to different dimensions, not across time. What is he like? I would consider you a veteran in your field, Link; you’ve saved more than 5 separate nations.
I made Sheerow promise not to piss on the carpet anymore, but I don’t think a bird will hold his word well, haha. 
We all miss you. If When you and your traveling companions come by, I’ll be here to welcome you all. I’ll see you soon.
Dearest Ravio,
Stop worrying about me, damnit. The Goddess will keep me around long enough to keep running errands for her. Sheerow, you stupid bird, it’s cage for you if you don’t shit outside. I’m glad Zelda and Hilda are okay.
We call him Hyrule, the Traveler. He’s some centuries down the line, the next Link, and I’ve been to his world. It makes me worry about the future. Rav, I’m really, really worried. I don’t think I’ve done enough 
Stay safe.
My Link,
You’ve done enough. More than enough. Never forget that.
If Hyrule falls, then at the very least, you defended it with all your life. You gave it precious time to be prosperous. You’re the Hero of Legend for a reason, Link.
Zelda wanted to include her own message on this letter when she heard that you’re distraught, so I’m leaving the rest of the space to her. Stay safe.
Link -
Hyrule’s history consists of both golden and dark ages. The Heroes of past all fought hard and performed their duty, and sometimes, the Kingdom falls regardless. However. Hyrule always rises again. I understand your worry for us, for Hyrule; but even when we fall in the future, a new Hero arises, right? Hyrule will be okay. You’ve done everything asked of you, and that is more than enough.
My doors are open if you need comfort or advice. Please, if you need to, seek me out. I’m here for you, like I’ve always been, always remember that.
Your sister,
Dearest Ravio,
I’m sorry I worried you. I’ll be home soon. I’ll tell you everything then.
We’re in my Hyrule right now. I can tell from the magic, but we’re far out from the kingdom. Prepare ingredients for 9 - we have a cook, don’t worry - and expect me home within week’s end.
P.S. Zelda, we need to talk. There’s a curse. I’ll be at the castle promptly.
My dearest Link,
Please note the package attached to this letter. There’s two apple pies for you all, rupees for the Smith’s payment, and the Captain’s scarf which he couldn’t grab before you were all whisked away. Zelda has also left rings with protective charms for the others with none.
One more thing. The hibiscus plant is flowering, but I forgot to pick one for you earlier. I placed a stasis charm on it, so I hope it’ll be okay when it reaches you. I tried to pick the best color from your description; I hope I did her justice.
Best wishes for you all!
Dearest Ravio,
The hibiscus is perfect. Thank you.
The Captain thanks you for his scarf (he was whining like a toddler without it), and the Smithy sends you back your change. Pass on my thanks to Zelda for the rings. Your pies are delicious, as always.
Nothing much has happened lately, nothing worth writing about. We’re in the Champion’s Hyrule, and it’s so large that I feel grateful for the distance between our Kingdoms now. I never want to walk again.
My dearest Link,
I, once again, am entirely unsure if this will reach you. I’m writing from my bunk. It’s been an interesting past week.
I’ve been thrust through a portal of my own, thankfully able to prepare first. I met the Captain again; I can see why he recognized me now! I’m doing okay, and I’m fine and safe. I’ve run into Wind, too, and a boy who almost looks like Time. 
Link, I think I met her too. She matches everything you described, hibiscus and all. I don’t know how she’s here, either. She’s kind.
I’ll write as much as I can - it should be more exciting, now! - and I hope we’ll both be home safe soon.
My dearest Ravio,
Excuse me, you’re fighting in the fucking War of Eras!? Tell Warriors if he puts you on the front lines I’ll kill him. Slowly. By the Three, you better not get killed or hurt or ANYTHING along those lines. And you need to get home safe as soon as possible so the chance to is gone.
I don’t know what to say about her. I don’t know how she’s there, either, but be kind to her. And tell her I say hi, I guess, if she remembers me. Don’t let her go ba
Don’t open any time paradoxes, I know I’ll be the sorry fuck who saves you. Stay safe, damnit.
My dearest Link,
You never fail to make me laugh. And you call me a worrywart! I’m fine, don’t worry. Everyone is sweet and they take extra care to keep the ones from other times alive. Unfortunately, I think informing Mr. Captain Hero Sir of your threats would create a time paradox, as he doesn’t know you yet. Feel free to threaten him after-the-fact in your group, though!
Marin remembers you. She tells you to stop being a grump, and that’s only after my few descriptions of you! She also congratulated us on our marriage, though it’s been a year since. She appreciates the hibiscus plant and your pursuit of music when you’re home. She also says you should retire.
I understand why you care for her, Link. Really, you are a sweet person.
My dearest Ravio,
The Captain laughed in my face, because he’s an asshole. I would bet on my life that he’ll keep you safe, though; he’s captain for a reason. And maybe I do worry too much, but I have good reason to.
I’m glad she’s alive. This is selfish, but ask her if Koholint is doing okay, please. Tell her I’ll retire when the ladies upstairs let me.
I don’t know how to reply to your last line, Rav. But thank you, I guess. It’s hard to be kind in this world.
My dearest, Link,
I’m sorry I haven’t been able to write for a while. Sheerow went missing, and with no time traveling postbird, I haven’t been able to send letters. The war has also kept me busy and the paper has been scarce. I miss you so, so much.
I’m home. I don’t know how long it’s been for you, but it was around a year and a half for me. Sheerow is safe; he’s been at home this whole time. I’ll be waiting for you here again.
I like to think I discovered a bit of courage for myself while out there. Maybe the amount you rubbed off on me finally paid off, yeah? I’m really tired, I’m going to stay here for a while and rest. This is all over the place. I’m sorry.
Marin went back to Koholint. I don’t know if she’s alive there, but I’d like to hope she is. I’m sorry you two didn’t get to meet again. I’m apologizing a lot.
Have you been around? Our house looks the same as ever. I hope you did get to visit, at least for a little, in the time I’ve been gone.
I pray for your safety. I miss you, Link.
My dearest, Ravio,
I can’t put my relief into words. I’m still out, but nearing the end of this adventure. I can feel it coming to a close soon, and this one feels final. Maybe I’ll actually be able to retire.
I’ve missed you so much. I thought you were dead, or hurt, or Sheerow was dead or hurt, and I swear I couldn’t sleep for months. I’ll never let that damn bird out of our sights again. Please rest, Rav. I understand how you’re feeling right now. I’ll be home to help as soon as I can - you can’t recover from something like that alone.
Marin being alive or dead is more of a discussion if she is real or not real. I find that thinking over those kind of questions too much will only lead to feeling worse. It’s better to just accept that she’s gone. I’ll be there for you.
I’ve visited some, not as much as I wish I could. There’s never much time to relax, and our house feels wrong without you there.
Never apologize again, that’s a threat. I’m so glad you’re okay.
P.S. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you flirting with me? “My dearest, Link,”?
My dearest, Link,
Thank you. I’m harvesting apples from the orchard again, and I made pie for the first time in a while. Sheerow is carrying it over for you. 
It’s been hard, this past week, but I think I’ll be okay. I just need time to re-adjust. Don’t rush your adventure for me, okay? I’m glad you’ll be home soon, though.
I’m looking forward to see you again.
P.S. I can’t help but notice that you also placed a comma after “dearest”. Besides, aren’t we married?
My dearest, Ravio,
The portals have begun to place us in our own times, and we’re having our final goodbyes. You’ll be happy to hear that I’ll be home within a fortnight. I’m excited to see you again, finally. I love your pie; it’s amazing, as always.
I’ll see you soon.
P.S. We are married, and we’ve signed off as “yours” for over a year. Are you surprised that you’re my beloved?
My dearest, Link,
Hurry up and get home, you flirt. First you propose over letters, now you confess?
My Ravio,
I’m in Hyrule, three days out from home. Don’t you forget that you initiated everything. 
I can’t wait to see your face again. I love you.
Your husband,
My Link,
I won’t bother to send you this letter, because I’ll tell you in person, but you can go ahead and find it on our counter when you arrive tomorrow.
You said “my Ravio” again, like you wrote on a note before our marriage. Don’t think you’re not as much to blame for this as I am.
I’m waiting for you, dear. I love you, too.
Your husband,
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sapphicseasapphire · 7 months
How does the chain meet Wild? Did they just come across him? Did they seak him out? Did they catch him trying to steal something?
Okay so by the time Wild joins the Chain, the Chain consists of Time, Legend, Four, and Hyrule. Twilight, Sky, Warriors, and Wind have not yet been discovered.
So the portal takes the four heroes to Wild’s Hyrule, post-Tears of the Kingdom. And they’re all disoriented and half of them are very affected by the portals, so they stop to take a breather. They set their weapons/armor/items down and care for their sick companions.
But then, after a few minutes, Legend notices their pile of Things is getting smaller. This is obviously upsetting, so he goes to investigate and sees that their things are going missing!! But he can’t see or hear anyone nearby… while Time cares for Four and Hyrule, Legend takes his sword and marches into the forest, ready to find the thief.
In the distance, he hears the shrieking of monsters. Well, he doubts that monsters were able to sneak up on them and steal their things, but it’s something to investigate, so he rushes to the scene. And before him, he sees a glowing figure fighting off a group of ‘blins, its opalescent hair shimmering in the light and its blue skin shining through its torn clothes. It moves quickly and SILENTLY, and it’s-
It’s using HIS Flame Rod to kill the monsters. And that beautiful hair?? Stuffed full of HIS magic items- he can see various weapons and jewelry poking out between the strands.
When the fighting is done, Legend calls out to it, and the figure whirls around to meet him. Glowing yellow eyes meet his own purple ones, but these are nothing like he’s ever seen. The face is completely blank, eyes wider than they should be, and the figure stands still.
At least, it stands still for a moment. And then it dashes off, faster than Legend could predict. The veteran chases it, but his stupid legs just aren’t fast enough.
This goes on for DAYS!! Legend goes back to camp, grumbling under his breath. As the others recover, he tells Time what he saw. Their things keep mysteriously disappearing. It’s Time who eventually makes contact with the new hero, and Legend counts every rupee from then on.
Sorry if this seems very rough, I said I was doing better but then I crashed again. I’m really really trying to come back haha!!
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myfavlinkistwilight · 3 months
Okay, so I've been writing this fanfiction where the chain meets villain versions of themselves, and I I just love them so much, so here is my villainAU chain!!
Gloom/ Villain Twilight
As his name suggests he's a rather gloomy soul, serious, and vicious in combat. He's tall, with a mask that Feral gave him, and with heavier tattoos than Twilight, though not overboard. He's an assassin, though mostly working for Gen, as he's not one to be hired easily. He uses his wolf dorm quite a bit, as nobody would suspect him for any maulings, and he can get away faster. He despises Azure for hurting someone he cared about, and hopes to one day get his revenge on the man. He doesn't hate the royal family as much as most, having interacted the least with them, but still considers them dirt scum, and even assassinated one of the princesses. While Twilight is kind and steady, Gloom is cold and rude at times, however if he cares about someone, then there's nothing he wouldn't do to keep them safe. Most wanted ranking #3
Feral/ Villain Wild
Anybody would say if Wild were a villain, he'd be an arson, and thats very true in this case. He doesn't hate the royal family nearly as much as the others believe, and even might kinda like some of them... While some may break laws for survival, or for revenge, he does it for fun. His strange obsession with lighting things on fire usually ends up with mad dashes from forests so that the group doesn't burn with it, but usually he tries to resist. His redeeming trait is that he can cook, and quite well for their standards, though he burns almost every dish, and only really can make two dishes. With an illegally smuggled fire rod from Tetrad, his job became a lot easier, much to Glooms chagrin. While Wild is honest and brave, Feral is unreliable and shifty, though is good for a joke. Most wanted ranking #6
Tetrad/ Villain Four
Out of the whole group, along with Hyrule, he is the one who doesn't want to hurt people in his feud with the royal family. So, he smith's, and smuggles illegal items to sell on the black market. Often times he buys from Myth to resell stolen wares, though many things he creates himself and distributes. He extremely dislikes the royal family, and if anyone were to start a coup, you could bet he'd support it with his stocks. Very mature, and with a business mindset, he's likely also the least loyal to the rest of the villains, and is the least morally skewed. While Four has strong common sense and loyal, Tetrad can be a bit greedy, and if paid enough, maybe he'd be willing to switch sides... Most wanted ranking #8
Myth/ Villain Legend
He is one of the ones who hates the royal family the absolute most. After they cut off supplies to his home island, despite all the hero work he did for them, he grew resentful. Having to watch someone close to him slowly starve without being able to do much, he wanted to take away from the royal family. Deep down inside he was never blood thirsty or a killer, so he stole. From the two years, it's estimated he stole over seven million rupees worth of stuff from their armory, treasury, and general palace. Most of which he has stored up or sells to Tetrad or his friend Ravio. A master thief, he's high on the wanted list, and has never been seen stealing, except once by a certain hero... While Legend is sharp and good deep down, Myth is hardened with tribulations, and rather callous to others. Most wanted ranking #4
Realm/ Villain Hyrule
He holds almost no personal resentment for the royal family. But hearing the hardships from Myth, he questioned if he was on the wrong side. He decided to join Myth on his stealing ventures, helping pull off nearly impossible stunts, like stealing princess Dusk's rapier, and princess Flora's slate. Desperate to prove himself to his friend, he's willing to go to far lengths to prove his worth, as often times he feels he doesn't belong in their group. He eventually was good friends with Feral, and the two got into many scandals. He's by far the most trusting and innocent of the group, but not naive. While Hyrule is humble and reliable... so is Realm! *gasp* Most wanted ranking. N/A
Gen/ Villain Time
He holds the most resentment out of all of them for the royal family. Having been exploited and used for their purposes as an orphaned kid, they experimented with magic, trying to lasso time itself. Instead, he ended up as a kid in an adults body. The project was called off, and he was given a small fund of compensation. Fueled by a want of revenge, he plunged into the underworld, and with ruthless measures became a crime lord. Known from the petty thieves to the blood thirsty killers, his reach is everywhere. He has knowledge of much, and his plans involve over throwing the royal family, though that would come in due time... having pitied Twilight, he mentored him and occasion hires him to take out competition. While Time is mature and wise, Gen is rather immature, and manipulative. Most wanted ranking, #2
Azure/ Villain Sky
Likely the most different from his counterpart, Azure is a blood thirsty killer. Many said his heart died with princess Sun, which may as well be true as that triggered his first mass murder. Having no goals, instead to kill anyone he wanted, his sanity is questionable. On his figure he wears a torn bloodstained clothe around his neck like a cape, a gift from his lover. He hates Gloom with a loathing, and the two cannot be left alone or he may snap and attack the man. He hates the royal family for their lack of response for the death of his lover, and partially blames them for it. He's a talented musician though, his harp playing a soothing melody. While Sky is gentle and joyful, Azure is unstable and sadistic. Most wanted ranking #1
Legion/ Villain Warriors
Holding a large grudge against the royal family, his most famous move is the attempted coup of the royal family. It is said he managed to get the princesses at sword point, but was convinced by an old friend to spare them. He now considers it a moment of disgrace, and works as a mercenary, doing jobs for money. He eventually met Gust, taking to him like a younger brother, and funding the boy's pirate crew. He's intelligent and a genius in strategy, the main reason the group managed to evade the royal family for so long. He can kill very casually, and isn't afraid to get a job done. He was once revered as a military leader, he felt disposed of when the royal family forced him to retire after a war many considered to be his fault. While Warriors is prideful and charismatic, he's rather blunt, but still prideful lol. Most wanted ranking #5
Gust/ Villain Wind
Just a young lad, yet having been through as much as most of the other villains, he's a bit unhinged at time. He hates any and all authority, but will listen to Gen, as he looks up to and adores the man. Deeply tanned with scars that tell of his trials, and a hook he wears because he thinks it makes him look cool, his time of being a pirate have worn on him. While he travels with his friends, his friend Tetra watches their group. He doesn't despise most of the royal family, though thinks they are annoying. When his home island was in trouble he needed to save it himself by grouping with a pirate crew. After being chastised by the royal family, he decided to screw them and join a pirate crew. An absolute menace on the seas, he raids any royal ship, surprisingly successful often. He will raid villages if he needs food, but that's it. While Wind is outgoing and care-free, Gust is unhinged, but surprisingly thoughtful at times. Most wanted ranking #6
hehe, doubt anyone will see this, but I've been thinking about them alot...
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tendertendrils1 · 4 months
Link and Ravio revisit the topic of food storage. Ravio works up the courage to ask about trying one of his fantasies.
Rated Explicit, ALBW, Link/Ravio
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ezdotjpg · 9 months
I’m low on rupees bc I bought the hammer and the boomerang instead of the magic rods like a fool and now I need the ice rod. so I ran around grinding for rupees until I had 800 only to return to ravio and be informed that the ice rod actually costs 1200 rupees to buy. why don’t they let me use my sword inside of my own house. i just wanna talk.
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asksidon · 1 year
A bit of a more funny prompt, but what if Sidon wasn’t paying attention while swimming and gets caught but a fishing hook, and returns to his SO all embarassed and pouty because Bazz and others couldn’t stop giggling when he asked for help, so he begrudgingly goes to SO for help. Big pouty fish man UwU
As Sidon approaches you, you hear something dragging in the grass behind him. He has an uncharacteristic, forlorn look on his face that you've never seen before as you realize he is pulling along a fishing rod, because it is attached to his belt, just above his... oh.
Sidon cannot bring himself to make eye contact with you as he draws nearer, and you ask, "My prince, what has happened to you? Do you need some help?"
Sidon stops a few feet from you and continues to look at the ground. "Oh, Y/N. It's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me." His face reflects the truth of his words, and you place your hand gently on his arm. "Tell me about it," you say. "I promise I won't laugh."
"You wouldn't?" He looks up at you. "Everyone else did. Even Bazz, who is usually stone-faced." He gives a sigh. "Even he couldn't hold back a chuckle at how ridiculous I looked, trying to swim up a waterfall with a . . . with this . . . stuck just above my . . . oh, it's too embarrassing. I didn't even realize it was there at first. I don't know when it got there, and I'm lucky it didn't pierce . . . I don't think I can even let you try to help. I'll just go to my chambers and try--"
"Please don't be that way, my prince," you say. "You might hurt yourself. You can't see it well, considering where it is. Let me try to get it out for you. Who would leave something like this lying around?" He turns so that you can work the hook from his belt, which does not take long at all. You're glad it has not pierced his beautiful skin or hurt him, as well. "That's terribly irresponsible. You don't think it could have been another Zora, do you?" you wonder. Not that it matters now, but you can't help but feel curious.
"I don't know. Perhaps someone simply forgot about it and left it behind. I'm glad you're here, Y/N." He seems to feel soothed by your response. You see his shoulders relax once you get the hook out. You offer the fishing rod to him, but he shakes his head. "You keep it, Y/N. I remember you telling me that you were looking for a decent one. I can't say how quality it is, but at least you needn't spend your hard-earned rupees on it. And it is safer in your hands."
He turned to look longingly at the lake in the distance. "How long do you suppose it will take them all to forget about it?"
"I wouldn't worry about it too much, sweet prince." You have to go easy on the names of endearment in public, but it seems safe here. You tuck the fishing rod against a tree for the moment. "I bet they've all done silly things, too. They just might have had the luxury of not doing them in public." You're not used to this role with him, reassuring him, for once. It's nice to have the tables turned once in a while, but you wonder if you're doing it well enough.
He answers your unspoken question when he turns to look at you and pulls you into a hug. "Thank you, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."
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skyward-floored · 6 months
For prompts Link loving/collecting shiny treasures please? I feel like I remember you saying that he doesn’t necessarily hoard things but I love the idea of him liking fun trinkets and treasure like a dragon might
Tysm <333
Mask looks curiously at a strange rod with what looks like a wave on the top as the captain wanders deeper into the tent, and Tune lingers at the front, watching the rain pour outside.
“...got all sorts of items at a discount, badges, arrows, bombs with extra powder... I’ve even got some special potions in from the apothecary!” Ravio continues as he waves items in Tune’s face, and Tune rolls his eyes.
“Ravio, we’re just in here to get out of the rain, we don’t want any of your over-expensive items,” Tune says with a huff, and Ravio hums, tapping his hand on the counter.
“You sure Mr. Sailor Hero? Not even a nice gift for that lovely pirate friend of yours? I’ve got a few knives here—”
“No,” Tune says pointedly, and the strange bunny merchant sighs.
“Well all right, but you don’t know what you’re missing— Mr. Captain Hero! I see you’ve found something to catch your eye!”
The captain had been crouching down and looking at a shelf, and at Ravio’s call he jumps like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t have. Tune moves closer to look at the object Link had been looking at.
It was a small piece of dark purple stone, in an unusual shape, almost like a crescent. It shines in the lantern light when Tune picks it up, a small hole in the top, a shiny purple gleam running across the surface.
“This is really pretty,” Tune says, and Link scratches the back of his neck, looking embarrassed.
“Yeah, I guess so. It’s just a rock though, and I don’t have the rupees, so...”
“How much?” Tune asks Ravio. The captain balks.
“Tune, I don’t need a—”
“Consider it an early birthday present,” Tune says with a hand wave, and ignores Link’s mutter of how his birthday was a few months ago, turning back to Ravio. “So? How much?”
Ravio leans on his counter, scratching the little bird that keeps him company under the chin.
“For you?” he says, and Tune is sure he’s grinning under his hood. “A mere 8,000 rupees.”
“Eight thousand?” Mask shouts, stomping up to the counter. “That’s highway robbery and you know it!”
“I have to keep this business running somehow,” Ravio shrugs.
Tune crosses his arms. “Five hundred.”
Ravio gasps. “A mere five hundred? Mr. Sailor Hero you wound me, do you know the effort I went through to retrieve this item? The sweat I shed? The tears I shed?”
Tune snorts. “You probably found it on the ground somewhere, Ravio. One thousand.”
Ravio crosses his arms. “Six thousand.”
“A thousand five hundred.”
“Five thousand.”
“A thousand seven fifty.”
“...four thousand.”
Tune slams a bag of rupees on the counter. “Two thousand, take it or leave it.”
Ravio stares at him in silence, a hand thoughtfully rubbing his chin. Then his hand shoots out and takes the bag.
Tune nods, and swipes the shiny purple stone, turning away from Ravio. “Thank you very much. And now that the rain has stopped, we will be going.”
Mask nods decisively, and the captain follows him and Tune out of the tent, Tune setting the stone in his hand.
“You didn’t have to do that,” the captain says gratefully, and Tune shrugs, a grin twitching at his lip.
“It’s no big deal. Turns out yellow rupees are worth way more here then in my time, so I’m basically loaded,” Tune grins, and Mask laughs, Link shaking his head with an amused smile. “So, is there a reason this caught your eye?”
Link shrugs, stepping around a puddle as he admires the stone.
“I found a few like it when I was in Skyloft, but in a different color. They’re all orange, and I’d never seen a purple one until now, and it’s shiny in a different way, I... thought it was nice,” he mumbles.
Tune holds back another smile. He’s well aware of the captain’s little collection of treasures. And he’d noticed he hadn’t been able to add anything to it recently, so the sudden rainstorm where the only shelter was Ravio’s tent just happened to be good luck.
“Well I’m glad you like it,” Tune says as he stretches his arms behind his head. “Happy birthday.”
Link laughs. “Thanks sailor.”
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tenderleavesbob · 4 months
Twilight felt all of the blood drain from his face. Memories of fiery destruction flashed through his mind. "You mean you sent the Champion with the Captain to take care of this? Just them?"
He knew immediately that he had said the wrong thing when Princess Zelda glared at him and put her hands on her hips. They were in the middle of Kakariko, so the Sheikah paused around them and watched silently. This era's Impa was old, but she seemed no less formidable for it as she stood behind the princess. "Yes? And what of it?"
No one laughed behind Twilight but no one stepped in to interfere, either. They were too distracted by the implications of Princess Zelda's announcement. "I - I didn't mean --"
"We might not have an army like in Captain Link's era," Princess Zelda continued crossly, "but Link is still a Knight and a respected warrior."
"Princess, I --"
Her eyes flashed. Twilight remembered that while this Zelda couldn't wield a sword like his, this Zelda had held back the Calamity with her magic for a hundred years. "I can assure you, Link is more than capable of fighting alongside the Captain. I didn't see Captain Link protesting, either, when Link joined him."
Twilight bet she hadn't. "That's not --"
"With or without a knight's armor or title," Princess Zelda continued, "Link possesses the ability to fight alongside Captain Link and clear out the enemy encampment. He --"
Twilight heard a horrifying combination of words behind him and paled even more. Did someone just say bomb arrows and meteor rod?
"Ah," Twilight squeaked out.
"Link can absolutely --"
"Princess!" one of the Sheikah called from the entrance. "We've received word! The enemy encampment has been destroyed!"
Princess Zelda glared at Twilight, a fierce look of triumph on her face. "I knew they could do it without issue."
"The Champion and the Captain are on their way back," the Sheikah continued. He hesitated a moment. Twilight held his breath and felt everyone behind him do the same. "They... seem to be mostly unharmed."
Princess Zelda faltered. "Mostly?"
The Sheikah grimaced. "Their clothes are... are smoking a little, Your Highness. And, ah... it looks like the Champion's hair was on fire."
Twilight groaned and hid his face in his hands. He heard the clinking of rupees being exchanged behind him. He saw Impa facepalm through his fingers.
"Ah," Princess Zelda said faintly.
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st0rmyskies · 5 months
stormmmyyyy people are being weird about linkcest in the lu fandom agaaaiiiiinnnnn. specifically raviolink apparently, so if you get the time, i would love it greatly if ud bless us with some extra legend and ravio content 👉👈
While I don't write a whole lot of Ravioli content, I do have a lovely friend who does.
If you haven't checked out the Rupees and Rods collection by Tendertendrils on AO3, you absolutely need to. This ongoing series already contains 30 stories (!!!) and is full of sweet, silly, and jaw-dropping smut. It's got a little bit of everything: bondage, dom/sub dynamics, questionable communication at times, failsex, and is a fascinating deep-dive into characterization through sex as written by an author of deep thoughtfulness, devious creativity, and incredible skill.
This series has been going strong for two years now - and just passed its 2-year anniversary! Congratulations @tendertendrils1!!
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across-violet-skies · 3 months
a birthday fic for the lovely @a-manicured-lawn!!! I've never written spirit before, so I hope he's written alright <3
I hope you have an awesome birthday!!!
preview under the cut!!
Wild groaned, holding a hand to his head. His brothers were in similar states. They had been tossed through a portal without warning, landing them next to an unfamiliar village.
Slowly, each of them stood up, some getting help from others. As Twilight helped Four, the last of their group, to his feet, Time glanced around. “Does anyone recognize this village?” He asked.
A chorus of “no”s and “nope”s sounded, eight heads shaking in denial. Time sighed.
“Another unknown Hyrule?” Warriors questioned, squinting.
“Looks like it.” Time scanned their group, gaze flickering to the nearby village. “We’ll head into town; ask around and see if there’s anything strange going on.”
Wild nodded. “We should also stock up on potions and supplies,” he reminded.
“That as well.” Time agreed. “Captain?”
Warriors stepped forward. “Alright, listen up! We’ll split into teams: the old man, Four, and I will interrogate the townsfolk; see what we can learn.”
“Interrogate is a strong word,” Time replied. “But we will ask around, yes.”
“Sure.” Warriors waved a hand. “Wild, Legend, you two will restock our potion and healing supplies.”
Legend balked. “What? Why us?”
The Captain rolled his eyes. “Because you and Wild have the rupees to afford it,” he answered simply. “And that slate-” he pointed at the Sheikah Slate attached to Wild’s hip. “-has the storage capabilities for whatever you two end up purchasing.”
Legend grumbled to himself, but didn’t argue further. Warriors continued. “The rest of you will find someplace for us to stay. As many beds as we can manage.” He eyed Twilight and Sky, getting an affirmative nod from both. With both Wind and Hyrule in that group, Twilight and Sky would likely be handling the actual task while the other two wandered around the village. At least it wasn’t a difficult task.
“Everyone got that?” Time asked. His eye swept over the team, getting some sort of acknowledgment from each of them. Wind and Hyrule were already glancing at each other with mischievous eyes. “Alright. Once you finish with your mission, head to the inn. We’ll try to settle down early tonight so we can get a head start tomorrow morning.”
Wild hummed to himself. He could do that. Working with Legend would be… frustrating, to put it gently (the vet had been in a pissy mood ever since his spare Fire Rod broke), but at least their task was simple. He dragged Legend by the elbow, leading him up along the cobbled village streets. The veteran snatched his arm back with an indignant huff, but continued walking alongside Wild. The two of them meandered through the town, glancing around at various shops and stands set up along the main path.
“Oh!” Wild exclaimed, grabbing a fistful of Legend’s tunic (much to his dismay). “Potion shop! Found it!”
Legend bared his teeth, slapping the Champion’s hand away. “Quit that!”
Wild quickly quieted down. He and Legend made a beeline for the potion shop in silence, both of them separating to collect their various potions. Legend went to grab red potions, while Wild went to get… wait. Where were the green potions? All he saw were yellow and purple potions. What?
“Um, Legend?”
-> read the rest on ao3!!
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