#ruri v silly horrors of course ^__^
unraveledgem · 5 months
"Hey! Dude!" Gestures to all the crystallization of Area Zero and also to the Underdepths "What the fuck??" (I swear I'll give you real interactions for Ruri at some point but first-)
Ruri laughs, shaking his already trembling hands.
" oh thaaat stuff? water in an old pond! really nothing bad at all! silly actually! soooo silly! "
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pendulum-sonata · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dennis Mackfield/Kurosaki Ruri Characters: Dennis Mackfield, Kurosaki Ruri Additional Tags: Rare Pair Week 2019, One Shot, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary:
A term for the awareness of transience of things, and both a transient gentle sadness at their passing as well as a longer, deeper gentle sadness about this state being the reality of life.
This is where I will post all the works of this year's rare pair week (the summary will update as I keep adding works):
Day 1: Nostalgia (Janushipping)
It was supposed to be a fun night.
Okay, maybe ‘fun’ was stretching it a little too much, but this was supposed to be at least a ‘normal’ night. One where they could spend a bit of time without... doing what they usually always did when they were left alone.
When she appeared on his doorstep he had been a bit surprised, usually she always texted him before coming over, and when she rather than walking straight to his room, she sat on the couch he tried to think about a way to tell her they couldn’t risk being on the couch, lest Sora found them in an unfavorable situation when he came back from trick and treating.
Then, when she simply turned on the TV, and asked if he had Netflix, he couldn’t do much except nod, the red and black menu showed up.
She went straight for the horror movies.
“It’s Halloween right? I thought it would be... nice, to watch a scary movie together.” Ruri said this with the most tight-lipped smile he’d ever seen.
Aren’t they a little too old for celebrating Halloween?
Aren’t scary movies too silly for people like them?
Those were the questions that he wanted to ask her, but Dennis kept his mouth shut and went to sit next to her.
No, not really next to her, maybe more like... a respectable distance.
He did what he did best and rather than sitting like her – back ramrod and the one hand that was not clutching the remote, was digging tightly on her skirt – he made his best to lean into a relaxed pose. At this point she had gone twice through the full horror movie selection, Dennis was not very knowledgeable on the genre, so he was at loss of how to help here, unless...
“Let’s try Sora’s profile.” He could feel her sharp look even though he did not look at her directly. “He loves these movies, maybe there’s something good on his listing.”
The change was quick, and they were both met with Sora’s preference being a weird mix of cartoons and scary movies. They all looked like they were very gory movies, and he certainly had no interest on watching that, he didn’t care how much the fake blood would look like ketchup, it was out of the question, then one curious caption appeared.
It looked like a cheap Halloween costume, a face that wanted to be scary but failed at it, even with the cape and the top hat.
He recognized the title.
“I’ve heard that one is good.” A lie, he hadn’t heard anything from it, but it did look like a typical low-budget ghost film; nothing he couldn’t deal with.
Of course never before he thought that he would have to force himself not to jump from his seat because of a pop-up book.
“I'll soon take of my funny disguise take heed of what you've read
And once you see what's underneath you're going to wish you were dead”
“I'll wager with you. I'll make you a bet. The more you deny the stronger I get.”
Ruri had to bit her lip to avoid gasping when the last image of that dammed book appeared on the screen.
“Can’t you go to sleep already? You won’t be able to sit guard if you don’t.”
“But I-”
“There’s nothing out there, that’s what I’m here making sure of, go to sleep”
“Are you saying I’m a liar?”
“What I’m saying is that last time you said someone followed you to the camp, we checked the perimeter twice and found nothing, and maybe you’re just tired.”
It was just a movie, just a movie, and this had been her idea.
Why? Because it’s Halloween and she always watched scary movies in Halloween with...Shun.
She had to close her eyes when the black figure creeped on top of the car. When she opened them again, the woman was bathing with her clothes on. That woman was scarier than any other monster that was supposedly haunting her, she felt herself cower into her seat whenever she had one of her outbursts, when she yelled something hurtful, and Ruri could see that the kid was the one in true danger.
She wanted to yell at him to run away every time; her eyes wandered to Dennis, who looked as calm as he usually did, if anything he looked almost bored with the whole thing, at first sight that was what it looked like, right now, he was sitting upright and stiff, his eyes looked at anything but the screen when something scary happened and even then his finger were digging too hard into his arms.
If only she had been as good at reading him back then...
The traitorous memory of Shun allowing her to curl up to him whenever she got to scared kept coming to her, back then his annoyance at her fear, and the snide comments he made at the screen had been reassuring and even funny at times.
Of course back then, the monsters under her bed had all been fake.
Ruri had been too focused on her thoughts that when the actual monsters finally appeared on-screen had her practically jumping in her seat, it wasn’t until she had her own hand covering her mouth that realized she had screamed too.
That was when she felt it.
One of his hands was almost not quite placed on his shoulder, while the other was frozen mid-movement in front of him.
Had he meant to... hug her? His mouth was wide open, and she could see he was trembling a little bit.
It he meant to do that, it hadn’t been to comfort her, it had been because he was scared too.
“Sorry, I don’t know what I-” Dennis had begun to withdraw his hands again.
“It’s fine.” She said and before he could scoot farther into the corner of the couch she leaned her head on his shoulder.
Dennis sharp intake of breath had her smiling, so, she didn’t object when his arm finally sneaked fully around her, taking ahold of her waist.
Not even when it made her move closer to him.
He was scared, and so was she.
There was nothing wrong with it.
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