skullkxd · 27 days
@starchanged said: Without looking away from their phone puts their hand in Ree's so they're holding hands.
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looks up at Penny. Back down to their conjoined hands. Back to Penny. Back to their hands —
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destinybcnds · 4 months
... From one of Kotone's pokemon please!
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send me a “...” and one of my muse’s pokemon will talk to you. [ accepting ] You have been subjected to... Espurr.
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┐You there! Colorful human! Consider yourself lucky that I am a merciful being. A single twitch of my ears could unleash unfathomable power the likes of which your feeble mind could not hope to comprehend! As your better, you must submit to all of my demands immediately!
Now that we have come to an understanding... I demand... UPPIES!!!└
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turojo · 4 months
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This is about Penny.
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sourhydrapplin · 4 months
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"Holy- good gods, Penny, you sure do yearn a lot."
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picavecalyx-a · 4 months
🐸+Newt please please please please
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pennewt :)
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fleurladari-a · 5 months
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it's kinda funny . i think across this entire time writing lysandre penny is the first one he has gone " oh! an actual chosen candidate. " LIKE ... NOBODY ELSE ... not that i can remember. sure he's used people or "cared" for people in some way, but none of them are chosen in his eyes. even when he interacted with emma i think he saw her more as a test subject than someone that's chosen.
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celestikal · 2 months
@starchanged replied to your post “humans ... ❝ FILTHY. ❞”:
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​which seems to be exactly the problem.
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chounaifu · 3 months
I just want to say I love your & Olive's matching borders
Our good friend @darkestaken made them.
Genuinely no point in life unless I can be obnoxious and match with my girlfriend.
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rottenlvck · 4 months
@starchanged sent:
♢ - FINAL BOSS Armor (doesn't have to be 'armor' but like her look as a final boss or facing a final boss.)
outfit headcanons
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Let it be known, Walker is a grunt at best.
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Thoughts on each:
Walker is not classy enough for Team Rocket. They'd kick her out for biting people.
You would not catch her dead in that stupid ass Team Skull hat. And the chain hurts her chest.
She's not smart enough to be a part of Team Galactic. Cyrus would kill her immediately.
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reiketsui · 5 months
"Books mean more to me then people anyway." *Tosses a sassy lost child at Archer*
he can't help but chuckle – there's an oddly familiar ring to both the words and the tone they are spoken with.
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" those are good priorities to have at your age. i'll assure you that books will serve you much better in a long run, " a moment of thoughtful silence, a hand placed on his chin as his lips curl upwards into an amused smile. " although it depends entirely on the contents of the books whether it'll be of any value in the future. but surely you knew that already. " / @starchanged / assorted sentences.
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destinybcnds · 5 months
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"You gotta be able to reach me with it before you can do that. Think you can even lift it above your head?"
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exagides · 5 months
Angelica: Where does your muse draw inspiration in life? What motivates them? Lavender: How easy is it to gain your muse’s trust? Once their trust is broken, how might one go about mending it? & Southernwood: How seriously does your muse take themself? Do they prefer a solemn & intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in jokes & banter?
Angelica: Where does your muse draw inspiration in life? What motivates them?
Wikstrom's inspiration, first and foremost, comes from his family's legacy. All that strive to push others to be the best they can, to work with their partner pokémon to form a better bond, it's all from the stories and legends he was told about how his ancestors worked alongside pokémon to protect those around them. He wants other people to find that same passion and drive. That need to protect and care for anyone weaker.
Above all else, though, he wants to make things easier and better for anyone that comes after him. Be it the next generations of people and pokémon, or just the person who takes his place in the Elite Four — anything at all he had to fight to do, he wants the next in line to not need to.
Lavender: How easy is it to gain your muse’s trust? Once their trust is broken, how might one go about mending it?
Generally speaking, Wikstrom usually gives people the benefit of the doubt in terms of trust. Depending on the person, of course, but gentle trust is easy to get. Further trust, like what he has with his team, with the Elite Four and especially Diantha… That takes work. A good amount of time working together and being reliable can win him over.
Broken trust, though? That's a tough one. It'll vary from person to person and the prior relationship. If someone breaks his trust and seems like they want back into his good graces immediately, he takes it as a red flag. There has to be communication about how that trust was broken and how to repair the foundation — if you just try to say “my bad” and go back to how things were, he's going to be keeping a very, very close eye on you, if not shut you out altogether.
Southernwood: How seriously does your muse take themself? Do they prefer a solemn & intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in jokes & banter?
There's got to be balance in this for Wikstrom. He loves a light-hearted atmosphere and the ability to joke around! His klefki alone is proof of that much — Oberon is a mischievous little thing that Wikstrom loves very dearly. He wouldn't change him for anything, and he may even encourage it now and then.
At the same time, with how much of Wikstrom’s daily life is influenced by his family's legacy, he has to be able to flip that switch and be serious. That part of him can get a little dour — but only because he knows the topic of Kalosian history and his family's role in it needs respect. He won't joke around about that — he'll tone it down for younger folks so as to not come across as intimidating, but it's still serious and solemn.
Overall, though, I think he comes across as someone who's bright and positive because that legacy deems it — his ancestors made things better for him, so he wants to appreciate it. And he's sure to make others know that — look to the past for why one should be happy in the moment! Make sure the ones after you are happier than you!
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sourhydrapplin · 4 months
"Penny, don't like that-"
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picavecalyx-a · 4 months
@starchanged replied:
"I'd say they are." <- Can't read auras.
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" exactly!!! i have the best vibes, i think!! "
@meistoshi replied:
they're definitely Awesome :) yep that's a way to describe em 👍
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" yurs are great tu!!! at least yur heart sunds great and yu feel great!! " full of radiation.
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fleurladari-a · 5 months
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hey penny.
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tierra-paldeana · 5 months
starter for @starchanged
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☠🌏-- This must be the student that Geeta had told her about. One would expect Rika to be mad over the whole 'hijacking the LP managing system' thing, but she couldn't help but laugh about it for a few minutes after she was informed of it some time ago. Not only that, but after mulling over what had seemingly transpired according to her Boss, she couldn't help but feel a bit... nostalgic. Students rebelling against the school and seeking their own justice... She really couldn't fault them for that. It reminded her of... a more chaotic time in her own life.
Besides, she was well aware that their current engineering work for the League was 'payment' enough for the whole ordeal, and that they were friends with a particular person she was fond of, so she remained her open and friendly self with them.
''You must be... Penny, right? La Primera's talked to me about you. How's everythin'? Sorry to call you in at this time during your class, but this computer's been giving me trouble all morning...'' She sighs, circling the mouse on the pad as the screen appears to be frozen and full of malware pop-ups. ''Ain't very tech-savvy myself, but I promise this isn't my work.''
She could think of at least two possible candidates for why her office computer was currently bluescreening every 2 minutes...
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