#russel burns marshmallows too and he eats them that way
leffee · 2 months
Sunil x Russell things
- Sunil is the only one who’s seen Russell without a shirt on since they’ve been dating for a while. (I’d like to add that whoever Russell is dating in the current time would see him without the shirt because it’s based on trust I know I’ve said it before with others)
-Russell may have a candle addiction and Sunil sort of helps him support it..
-In the beginning of their relationship Russell refused to do anything gross in front of Sunil for the longest time (examples: puke, poo, blow his nose,cut his toe nails,fart ect.
-Sunil and Russell have to survive on coffee but have such different coffee tastes and it sometimes switches so they have so many different flavors and add ins stocked constantly as well as a fancy coffee maker.
-Russell tracks Sunil when he goes out not because he doesn’t trust him but because he worries.
-They watch old movies together.
-Sunil has over time figured out Russell’s cleaning style and has worked on getting it down pat so he can help with chores the “right way.”
-They people watch in public a lot.
- Russell actually enjoys being picked up more than he says he does especially when he’s tired.
- Russell has so many pillows everywhere but Sunil doesn’t mind he has his favorites.
-Sunil hates Russell’s alarm clock with a burning passion lol
-Sunil will sometimes nuzzle Russell’s nose instead of kissing him goodbye so he doesn’t embarrass him in front of others ...Russell still blushes when it happens though.
-Sunil has given up anything marshmallow related he refuses to buy or eat anything with marshmallow in it since Russell hates them so much he just thinks of it as an allergy to make life easier when people ask.
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I think I might do other ships to but this one has been it lately.
Yipeee! No Vinnie this time but I think I will survive. Vinnie withdrawal is real after all.
that first one, yeah, I know. Russell does not go around without a shirt just like that so he will only do that with whomever he's dating, this time it's Sunil :)
ayo? Candle addiction? I like candles very much too, though probably not as much as he does. Sunil enables him. I just hope neither of them is a piromaniac too uh oh
yyyeah I imagine Sunil too wouldn't do something like that especially at first. But Russell especially and it would take him longer. Can I say we should normalize farting around others? Listen, if I need to fart then I need to fart, ain't nothing funny about that, it's something everyone does
oh no, both coffee addicts, ahhh just like Vinnie is with energy drinks (I miss him and sometimes still hear his voice :( ). You open their cabinet and it's just... coffee, that's it. I'm gonna imagine that the coffee maker was a gift from one of them to the other but he knew he was gonna be using it too so it was for both of them really
tracks? I wonder how he does that... like he could have Sunil's phone bugged or something but he could also just text him all the time, know what I mean? And there's also the question if Sunil is aware of it and if so if he has any thoughts about it. He could be creeped out but he could also understand given how nervous he himself is
damn, I can't believe Sunil is cheating on Vinnie and watches movies with someone else then him :(. But actually as soon as Vinnie would hear that they're watching old movies I think he'd be like "Ohhh, oh, okay, no, nope, cheat all you want." he doesn't like old movies here so it's alright
maaan, man, I heard of changing your entire personality to appease someone, but Sunil changing his cleaning style so that Russell's happy? Understandable, especially given how much Russell cares about keeping his space tidy and how he has his own rules and think they are the best ones out there
hehe, their dates just consist of sitting on a bench and observing others like 👁👁 ah yes, another satysfying date
yeah, I say, Vinnie, Minka, and Russell being the small ones are also most pickable, but while Vinnie and Minka are all happy about it Russell probably just thinks it makes him look childlish cause he "can take care of himself". Fortunately, he has a tall bf who will pick him up and carry anyway, he's used to that already
yipee pillow person! I bet he has them everywhere for comfort, at least partly. And damn, Sunil couldn't be more happy actually cause why wouldn't he want pillows everywhere? He probably gifts Russell them often because of it and once again they both use them
ahaha yeeeah, I would probably hate it too if someone else's alarm woke me up when I didn't need waking up. Sunil just wakes up all grumpy
awww nose nuzzles <3 idk Russell, I think this is still very telling. As long as he's comfortable tho
oh no, Sunil has seen Russell hate marshmallows so many times he learned to hate them too, negative reinforcements worked like a charm. I imagine Russell is very happy about that
Yes of course I'd like more :D be it those two or any other pairing, I think I can live without Vinnie every now and then. He is Sunil and Russell's third wheel anyway.
Russunil? More like Susell, of course.
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capricorndevil15 · 2 years
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Fell asleep before they could even start telling scary stories.
Art from october 2021. 
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abandonedsince2021 · 4 years
the fact that this isn’t even all of it.. someone plz take my wifi away after 12am
stella: so what’s the relationship between you two?
sydney: she’s my best friend. like if i killed someone she’s the person i would call for help to get rid of the body
jackie: we actually have done that before, it’s buried in the woods
stella: creative
marianne: what are those dead bodies doing there?
stella: honestly? not much
kim: what are those dead bodies doing there?
alistair: honestly? not much
stella: allow me to serenade you
marnie: okay, but first, let me put in earplugs
alice: aaron c’mon
frank: she won’t even notice you’re gone
aaron: no, i told her i wouldn’t
frank: she won’t notice you’re gone! what happened to bros before…
alice: …
aaron: …
frank: … my sister
(decorating a christmas tree)
joanne: and… we’re done!
marnie: we just need one final touch
joanne: what?
marianne: please don’t do it, marnie
marianne: don’t… please-
marnie, lifting stella: star. goes. on. TOP.
stella: i don’t do relationships anymore
marnie walks in
stella: shit.
saskia: hey alice have you seen-
saskia: i have only said “i love you” to two people in my entire life
saskia: alice,
saskia: and alice wearing my shirt
marianne loses stella in a hoard of zombies
marianne: finally
stella: babe (derogatory)
marnie: babe (derogatory)
baby: what does derogatory even mean?
marianne: i’ve learned not to question them
kim: where’s the candy stash gone?
baby: i haven’t had any since last week
stella and alistair, riding one skateboard between them: KIDS where’d you get those TWIZZLERS we want MORE
marianne: kids that’s a wolf it will kill you if you keep trying to pet it
kim & baby: d o g g y
marianne: you’re losing blood fast, what’s your type
stella: uhh, tall and scary, green eyes, huge badass
marianne: i meant your blood type
stella, looking down: red :(
baby: can i have a soda?
stella: i dunno, what did your mum say?
baby: she said no
stella: then why are you asking me?
baby: because she isn’t the boss of you
stella: this is a trap this is a trap th-
alice: what do i do if our relationship just doesn’t work out?
brady: just talk it out!
lena: burn her
bette: stab her
kenny: shoot her
cara: this is why i don’t trust yall.
trixie: oh come on sydney doesn’t know any words worse than crap
jackie: i think she’s been having a masterclass with stella
sydney in the distance: SHIT THE BATH
stella watching from afar: you’re doing great sweetie
sydney: can i have some cake?
stella: what’s the rule?
sydney, sighing: no cake after dinner
stella: no, that’s jackies rule. my rule is that you have to bring me a slice too :)
tyler: we literally haven’t caused trouble in weeks!
marianne: what about the flamethrower incident?
stella: we don’t talk about the flamethrower incident!
alice: alright, but-
saskia: holy shit
alice: are you sure you love me? because maybe you just misunderstood your feelings for me
saskia: oh my god alice it’s 3 in the morning
alice: ..and?
saskia: we’re married..
alice: uhum
saskia: for three years..
alice: i still don’t see your point and you haven’t answered me yet
mickey, as zombies are coming: don’t worry
alice: about a thing
mickey: cause every little thing
alice, killing zombies: is gonna be alright
aaron: i can’t believe you married her
saskia: i can’t believe you’re going to marry her
hanna: trixie, while i’m gone, you’re in charge
trixie: okay :)
hanna, whispering: sydney, you’re secretly in charge
sydney: obviously :)
kim: We need to distract these guys
baby: Leave it to me
baby: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
*Stella, marianne and charlotte Immediately begin arguing*
kim, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
marianne, walking into her house: Hello, people who do not live here.
stella: Hey.
charlotte: Hi.
hazel: Hello.
johnny: Hey!
marianne: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
stella: We were out of Doritos.
stella: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
charlotte: >:O language
baby: Yeah watch your fucking language
johnny: 'The fuck word'.
hazel: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
charlotte: Oh my god she censored it
johnny: Say fuck, hazel.
stella: Do it, hazel. Say fuck.
callum: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
marianne: Nope, absolutely not.
hazel: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
johnny: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
charlotte I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
stella: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
stella: Time for plan G.
marianne: Don’t you mean plan B?
stella: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
charlotte: What about plan D?
stella: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
baby: What about plan E?
stella: I’m hoping not to use it. alistair dies in plan E.
kim: I like plan E.
alistair: Where's stella, charlotte, and baby?
marianne: They're playing hide and seek.
alistair: Where?
marianne: I don't think you get how this game works.
stella: Bye marnie! Bye charlotte! Bye baby! Bye alistair! Bye marnie!
marianne: You said ‘bye marianne’ twice.
stella: I like marnie :)
Charlotte: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
hazel: Several traffic violations.
marianne: Three counts of resisting arrest.
johnny: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
stella: Also, that’s not our car.
stella: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
hazel: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
charlotte: I recorded the dumb stuff.
johnny: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
jacob: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what russell will and will not eat.
louise: Grass? Yes!
jacob: Moss? Yes!!
louise Leaves? Ohh, yes!
jacob: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
louise: Worms? Sometimes!
jacob: Rocks? Usually nah.
louise: Twigs? Usually!
jacob: louise's cooking? Inconclusive!
Belle: How did you… test this?
louise: You just hand him stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if he eats it, he eats it.
belle: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
Marianne: stella isn’t answering her phone
marnie: I’ll call
marianne: charlotte and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
stella: Hello?
marianne, banging on the door: stella! open up!
stella: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
charlotte: No, she meant-
baby: Let them finish.
stella: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
marianne: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
stella: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING CHARLOTTE WITH ME
baby, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
stella: I just ended a four year relationship.
charlotte: Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?
stella: Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship.
*marianne and patrick fighting from across the room*
baby: Yo is stella sleeping or dead?
marianne: Hopefully dead, I hated her guts.
charlotte: Yeah, so did I.
stella: Okay first of all, fuck you-
Marianne: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions?
stella: Put spaghetti in it.
marianne: I'm currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you.
johnny: Put spaghetti in it.
marianne: I'm currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two.
charlotte: Put spaghetti in it.
marianne: I'm no longer taking suggestions.
stella: I told marianne her ears flush when she lies.
charlotte: Why?
stella: Look.
stella: Hey marianne! Do you love us?
marianne, covering her ears: No.
charlotte: Why are you on the floor?
stella: I'm depressed.
stella: Also I was stabbed, can you get marianne, please?
*stella and charlotte sitting in jail together*
charlotte: So who should we call?
stella: I’d call marianne, but I feel safer in jail
jackie: WHY. why did you give sydney a KNIFE?!
Stella: I’m sorry. she said she felt unsafe.
jackie: Now I feel unsafe!
stella: I’m sorry.
stella: ... would you like a knife?
stella: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
marianne: You’re a hazard to society
charlotte: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
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