#russian fanmusical
flxwer-prince · 1 year
literally why is there so much russian rock about the silmarillion. I am not complaining it’s just such an interesting phenomenon to me. every russian rock group was like “we’re gonna make silm fanmusic now” 
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
The Classic version of "The Last Trial" is on Spotify *_*
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Excited about hearing the English Adaptation of "The Last Trial?" So are we! Every day up until Friday, August 27th, we will be posting lyrics from the English libretto.
DAY ONE: Aria of the Mage * Wizard's Dream * Chasm Between Brothers * Pray *
I’m blowing the dust from pages that are more than one thousand years old, and I watch as the dormant words that long lay silent come to life again. They rise together, interlock and flow.
Once more I see that tale I chronicled. A tale of power, love and treachery; a tale of a mighty sorcerer— his unsurpassed triumph and utmost defeat; and of those who unconditionally loved and hated him.
Cursed eyes, piercing through your flesh,/
Bear the sight of all fading life/
They won’t be led astray with lies/
Never falling for love again/
Who would find love in death and dust?/
Who would try crossing on thin ice?/
Even God tends to change His mind/
Leaving no one the world can trust…/
He that witnessed what Darkness wrought/ 
Nevermore shall believe in light/
Faith in goodness was all for naught/
And his eyes shall not suffer lies./
Like the sand in an hourglass/
Light descends filtered through these eyes/ 
Borrowed power demands a price/
And the payback is close at hand!/
Make a choice when faced with a beast/ 
Strike to kill or else leave it be/
For the one who rose from the flames/
Grew more powerful through the pain!/
He that witnessed what Darkness wrought/ 
Nevermore shall believe in light/
Faith in goodness was all for naught/
And his eyes shall not suffer lies/
Like the sand in an hourglass/
Light descends filtered through these eyes/
Borrowed power demands a price/
And the payback is close at hand!/
Make a choice when faced with a beast/
Strike to kill or else leave it be/
For the one who rose from the flames/
Grew more powerful through the pain!/
He that witnessed what Darkness wrought/
Nevermore shall believe in light/
Faith in goodness was all for naught/
And his eyes shall not suffer lies/
Astinus: The greatest wizard Krynn has ever known: Raistlin Majere. Merely mentioning that dreaded name made even the most learned mages tremble. Not a soul alive could estimate the limits of his might. 
And yet, he kept a secret...A secret that taxed him every night, depriving him of sleep, and sapping away his strength: the Goddess Takhisis, to whom he’d sworn an oath and whom he had betrayed.
Invading his dreams, the dark lady relished in his torment, warping them into nightmares, haunting him with the memory of his dearly departed mother.
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
Today the whole Conclave is gathered in this darkest hour/
The world and the balance of magic are badly exposed/
I’m told that Majere is playing with dangerous power/
Inform us, Dalamar, of all that you know/
It brings me no pleasure betraying my own teacher like this,/
But, frankly, his devilry can’t be excused/
Majere is searching Istar for the Gates of the Abyss,/
Which means he’s breaking our greatest taboo/
And we in return must renounce the accused!/
Death to Majere! Condemn the abjurer!/
We've never had a worse freak in our ranks/
He's a freak!/
We are united in what we've decided:/
We must destroy this foul renegade!/
That’s easy to say, but he won’t be so easily conquered/
Remember, we tried that before when the whelp took the test?/
Instead we set loose from the tower a much stronger monster/
So who will have courage to stop his deplorable quest?/
We know the horror of his reputation!/
Everyone’s fearful, and rightfully so/
We are united in what we’ve decided:/
Dalamar is the one we’ve chosen to go/
To backstab my teacher would be rather unlike me/
But, still, I can help you unravel his plot/
The Spell of the Gates was mislaid,/
None could say where it might be,/
But I’ve had a remarkable teacher and I’ve read a lot:/
“He who desires to unlock the Gates of Night/
Endeavors at the mercy of his hated foe/
For if the Mage is hindered by a Cleric of the Light, /
All of his efforts shall be doomed—/
As fate foretold.”/
And now, I shall reveal your secret weapon/
Behind this very door--the Wrath of Heaven:/
Fairest Crysania, blessed child of Paladine/
Renowned for her belief and strength divine/
Takhisis won’t escape; I won’t allow it/
She’ll lend a helping hand/
To win herself the glory,/
And go on our behalf/
To smite our enemy!/
If I may boldly propose a solution:/
Teleport her to the gates of Istar!/
Teleport her to the gates of Istar!/
Par Salian: 
Clerics are well known to be narrow-minded/
If that’s the case then we hold all the cards/
She will prevail/
By her God she is guided!/ 
Teleport her to Istar, Dalamar/
Teleport her to Istar, Dalamar/
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation!
Rosamun’s Ghost:
Remember our family’s maple?/
Remember the song I sang you?/
The glow doesn’t fade so quickly/
From moments of cherished memory/
And when the burden of snowfall/
Would break the boughs of the maple/
My son, hear that song from your cradle/
That you may again be hopeful/ 
The legend’s forgotten but still, to this day,/
The truth that was written remains quite the same/
It’s love that can make the impossible happen/
It’s love that can make the impossible happen/
It’s love that will always unlock any gate…/
Unlock any gate.../
Takhisis: Do you not recognize the slit pupils beneath my disguise?/
You’re alone once again with the void closing in./
Little boy, you’ve been caught by my gaze/
And at last you cannot look away as you’ve done in the past/
These eyes bewitch you and promise your doom/
You’re at the edge! Any closer, you’ll perish/
And yet you’re drawn like a moth to my flame/
To feel Godly might?/
Look again—Death is all that you’ll find!/
You can’t even challenge my stare/
Come to me...stay here by my side/
Come to me...stay here by my side
Raist! Wake up, Raist! Wake up!
It's that same dream I keep having about our mother. She was calling me... into the grave.
Caramon: Nightmares again? Maybe there's a reason.
(The subtitles of these videos show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
Ghost of Rosamun:
My son, have courage/
Look beyond Her illusion!/
You have it within you/
I know you can find the truth/
Just think of the legend/
The one that I sang long ago/
When you and your brother/ 
Still dreamed of adventure and hope/
There once was a wizard, a servant of night/ 
He dreamt of a maiden who told him her plight/
Takhisis was waiting but, still, he would go/
To rescue his love from the demons below/ 
In songs long forgotten the hero appeared/
(Raistlin: I remember your song, mother!)/
He lifted the maiden and dried all her tears/
(Raistlin: After all of these years)/
The schemes of Takhisis/
Would prove to be useless/
(Raistlin: I will search in the dark)/
The love in his heart.../
(Raistlin: Love’s in the dark)/
 ...Overpowered his fear/
 (Raistlin: But can love really help…)/
 The love in his heart overpowered his fear/
 (Raistlin:...Overpower my fear?)/
Who’s going on about Love?/
The very same witch who abandoned her children! /
You’ve tantalized him enough!/
The choice you’re regretting cannot be undone!/
I let you appear in his torturous dreams/
You served as the bait that has lured him to me!/
Your Love is there—/
Go find it within the Dark!/
(Raistlin: Is Love within the Dark?)/
Just follow Love—/
And you’ll be yourself again!/
 (Raistlin: I’ll be myself again?)/
 Let love melt away all the ice in your heart/
(Raistlin/Takhisis: Can love burn in my/your heart, melting the ice?)/
It’s love that can conquer death—/
It’s love that can conquer death—/
True love even conquers death!/
 (Takhisis: It’s death! Love is death!)/
Takhisis: Be silent, phantom of darkness!/ Your place is in the void./
Raistlin: A phantom.../
Takhisis: One word and it's vanished.../
Raistlin: Simply a phantom.../
Takhisis: What more were you hoping for?/
My poor, silly god?/
Takhisis as Raistlin’s mother:
Now it’s just you and I/
Lose yourself in my eyes/
My dear boy, there’s no breaking/
Bindings woven by fate/
With the last ray of light/
Hopes of being saved will die/
All too late, now you realize/
Love is Death in disguise!/
It’s there! Above your left shoulder now!/
Turn around…Why keep it waiting?/
Entranced, you’re caught by its serpent gaze/
A poison burns through your veins!/
It floats as light as your final breath/
My little God, come and dance with your death…/
Come to me…Stay here by my side./
Come to me…Stay here by my side.../
How you wish you could fly--/
But I won’t let you try/
Heavy wings feel like lead/
You’re powerless in my net!/
Trapped, alone, you will be/
Endlessly here with me/
Only now recognizing/ 
Love as Death in disguise/ 
Death’s above your left shoulder now!
Turn around. Why keep it waiting?/
Entranced, you’re caught by its serpent gaze/
It takes your last breath away!/
A drop of poison is just as sweet/
My silly God, let your death take the lead/
Come to me...Stay here by my side/
Come to me...Stay here by my side
I’m so tired…
(The subtitles of these videos show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
5. Appointment in the Chronicler's Study
That day at the Great Library, I waited in my study for Lady Crysania to arrive. The priestess, young and beautiful, was from a wealthy family but she preferred a modest life devoted to her God. Already she’d accomplished much: Her zealous faith had earned her quite the name.
Greetings, Astinus.
I’m here before the appointed time.
Not to worry. I don’t foresee the wizard 
being late. Please, come and have a seat.
Raistlin: Greetings, most Revered Daughter/
Crysania: Greetings, mage/
I’ve heard a lot.../ 
I’ve heard much.../
Both: ...about you/
I have brought a warning from Paladine/
He’s aware of what you’re planning to do/
In a dream he sent an ominous sign,/
Which I’m here to discuss with you/
Even those within your circle of peers/
Dare not mention your name,/
Fearing you from the shadows/
No one’s brave enough to stand in your way,/
But you’ll find I am not the same/
You must repent while there’s still time!/
You must heed the voice of Paladine!/
Raistlin: (Sarcastic) You speak for heaven? Is that all?/
Please, priestess, don’t be so humble.../
I’m certain you witnessed an omen/
Your faith was never in question/
But could it be an assumption/ 
To label me as the villain?/
Your soul is pure like newly fallen snow/
And yes, you’re fearless--That much clearly shows/
But maybe you misread His true intent/
And helping me’s the reason you’ve been sent/
Crysania: Me? Help you?/
Raistlin: Hear my philosophy and maybe then you’ll see/
The person you debate is not the foe you’ve painted/
Crysania: Then by all means proceed/
And rest assured, good Mage, I’ll listen closely/
Don’t you think your gracious God/
Designed the world according to a plan?/
If so, then the dark belongs/
For all was as he wished when time began/
Wouldn’t you agree that He/
Can keep the dark from getting out of hand?/
Crysania: God is in command!/
Equal wings of black and white/
Suspend the planet, keeping it aflight/
Dark is neither wrong nor right/
It balances the power of the light/
Toward the sun the sprout may rise,/
But underground the seed was granted life/
Crysania: It’s as you say.../
Common is the fallacy/
That evil makes the dark magician dark/
When he just as easily/
Could have a goal of good within his heart/
Someone who manipulates the strength/
Takhisis grants-- that’s a dark mage/
Crysania: He’s but Her slave/
Raistlin: Her slave...and foe/
Did you know the Queen of Night/ 
Was trapped in the Abyss by a dark mage?/
Did you know that both the light/ 
And dark magicians swore to guard its gates?/
Let me be condemned but there’s/
No stopping me from going through with this.../
I’ll breach the Abyss!/
You won’t succeed!/
(Raistlin begins coughing)
Majere...Raistlin—What is wrong?/
Raistlin: It’s nothing...let us finish with our talk/
Crysania: I could soothe your pain if you won’t mind/
Raistin: Please do, that’s very kind.../
I see you truly care despite your preconceptions/
Crysania:  I’m sure the temple could relieve this affliction/
Raistlin: No. It’s not to be.../
I’ll end concisely, since what I’ve told you for now suffices/
If you want answers, the truth will guide you/
Maybe you’ll stop me, maybe you’ll help me--/
Whichever your God deems worthy/
Choose wisely, but till then farewell
Astinus: It would seem your conversation has yet to be concluded.
Crysania: Indeed. Our meeting was cut short. It’s strange...He doesn’t keep his plan a secret. It seems he’s reaching out for help—that he’s even searching for salvation. But where did he disappear to?
Astinus: Find him at the tower hidden deep in the Wayreth Forest.
Crysania: It’s to be a test of courage. Very well, then. I accept!
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
DAY ONE: Aria of the Mage * Wizard's Dream * Chasm Between Brothers * Pray
Caramon: Take my advice: Don’t look for trouble/
You’ve got me worried about this plan of yours/
To face the Abyss...To become a God!/
I thought our battles ended with the war.../
C’mon it’s time we headed home to Solace/
And had ourselves a visit with old friends/
I think a small reunion wouldn’t hurt your health/
In fact, you’ll feel much better in the end/
Raistlin: Your prattling annoys me, Caramon!/
I put my plan in motion long ago/
You hover like a nursemaid over me!/
You've always been the one with everything!/
You think it’s easy being sick and weak?/
While you’re the people’s hero I’m the freak!/
You don’t know what it feels like/
You’ve never understood me!/
All will be very different, one day, when I’ve ascended/
All will be very different, one day, when I ascend-/
Ascend to Godhood!
(Dalamar appears with a letter of summons from Crysania.)
Now you see, Caramon? Crysania from the Temple of Paladine is looking to meet me. I’ve been expecting this.
I’ll come with you! It's a long journey to Palanthas.
Don’t bother! I’ll write you a letter. Farewell.
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
It's really happening!!!
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
Caramon: My brother’s not a villain but a hero!/
It’s justice he pursues not greater might!/
He fought the war against the rise of evil/
To spare the world the fate of endless night/
He may have paid a hellish price for magic/
Forever changed, his robes may now be black/
But, still, my faith in him remains unchallenged/
Through thick and thin he’s always had my back/
Believe me, bonds of blood are like no other/
There’s nothing that can break them—we are one!/
I’m sure he’ll come to free his shackled brother/
My twin will do whatever must be done!/
And everything will once again be righted:/
We’ll be a team—The warrior and the mage!/
As brothers—back to back—We’ll be united!/
I’m certain he’s already on his way/
I’m certain he’s already on his way/
I’m certain he’s already on his way!
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
Caramon: Look here, my dear friends./
Raistlin sent my letter back/
It wasn’t read...It wasn’t even opened/
And there it says, “I have no brother...”/
No brother... /
No brother!/
No brother!/
Yet, there was a time, not long ago,/
When back to back we fought,/
United for one cause, as brothers ought!/
No brother?!/
As children—did I not protect him then?/
But he needs no protecting anymore/
No brother!/
We’re brothers nevermore!/
Love, pour the wine; let’s say goodbye/
To that young maple tree/
The one we planted—he and I/
It’s fallen tragically.../
Against my brutish axe/
It never stood a chance/
Caramon, I’m fed up with your drama!/ 
I’ve put up with much more than I should/
Oh, would ya stop nagging him, Tika?/
He’ll stop drinking tomorrow for good!/
What a drunken Goliath I married!/
So befuddled he broke down the door!/
Are you saying that HE’S a Majere?/
Well, his mother had said she was sure/
Good grief he should really/ 
Quit drinking and brawling/
There’s no place he goes/ 
Without making a scene/
Majere was somebody/
People respected,/
But now he’s becoming/
A bit of a pest!/
It’s all these adventures/ 
The dungeons and dragons/
Turn everyone bitter/
There’s no need to wander/ 
By land or by sea/ 
When you’re born in a village/
It’s where you should be!/ 
Maybe it’s crazy/ 
Hoping he changes/
Frankly his family/
Has always been stranger than strange!/
Tika: Scold or plea, what’s the point? He’ll ignore me/
What a blot on the family’s good name!/
Crysania: But his brother was subtle and courtly.../
Guest: Yeah they’re twins but they’re hardly the same!/
Tika: See the way that he toys with his brother,/
(holds letter demonstratively)
Giving no thought to how much it hurts!/
May damnation take him and his tower!/
May his magic forever be cursed!/
Get up, lazy drunk!/
Caramon: My Love, enough.../
Good grief, we should really/
Confront those magicians/
They’re long overdue/
For a slap on the wrist/
Majere was seen as a/ 
Hero to Solace/
But look at him now--/
He’s a pitiful mess!/
It’s all these adventures/
The swordplay and magic/
Turn everyone bitter/
There’s no need to wander/
By land or by sea/
When you’re born in a village/
It’s where you should be!/ 
(Crysania leaves)
I fear the priestess has lost her mind.../
Well don’t stand there still as stone!/
Are you a man or what?/
You can’t let her go alone/
No mistake— it’s your brother’s fault/
He’s tampered inside her head/
So go on and bring her back/
Have you heard a word I’ve said?/
Here— take your ruddy sword/
And grab your helmet too/
I’m done with them rusting here!/
Protect the one who needs you/
Women: (Demanding) 
Go forth and protect her!/ 
Men: (Dubious) Protect her, if ya dare...
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
I’m surprised that the Heavens are silent/
That the sun sets at night and yet rises/
When a friend is condoning such cruelty/
And a foe is the one speaking truly/
I’m appalled, my sisters—my brethren!/
Search your hearts—it’s your pride that condemns them!/
When has God called upon us for bloodshed?/
It’s not for you to pass ultimate judgment/
By what right would you cruelly judge another?/
By what right? Who among you stands above God?/
Be silent child—darkness clouds your mind/
Oh Paladine—Help him to see your light!/
In heaven’s name, all the wicked will burn!/
You’re blind! It’s you that would perish first!/
Are you questioning God?/
Surely one of His servants—but not God./
Though I see that for you/
The distinction is quickly forgotten/
Curb your tongue; don’t affront the Lord further!/
By what right would you cruelly judge and murder?/
Watch your step, or you’ll not live to take another!/
By what right? Who among you stands above God?/
(Crysania is held by the guards.)
Curb your tongue, Priestess! Don’t affront heaven!/
Curb your tongue, Priestess! Don’t affront heaven!/
Heresy! To the stake! Heresy! To the stake!/
Our sister is stumbling, losing her way/
We must guide and correct her/
Delusions will pass like a cloud/
She’ll see for herself that our mission is nothing but righteous/
That I am the Chosen and there is no question/
God speaks through me
Take her... to the temple.
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
Faith is all or nothing/
Faith is all or nothing/
Faith is all or nothing/
It’s all or nothing/
For peace and progress, justice and order:/
That’s why we must be relentless!/
I’m forced to take the most drastic of measures/
To better the world/
They are but temporary difficulties/ 
On the righteous road to Heaven!/
Faith is all or nothing/
Faith is all or nothing/
Faith is all or nothing/
It’s all or nothing/
To better the world/
Let us purge the unclean races/
All objectors—to jail!/
Non-believers—to the stake!/
Who’s not with us is against us./
Everyone, I give you this final chance!/
Heed my words!/
Faith is all or nothing!/
All or nothing! All or nothing!/
All or nothing! All or nothing!/
It can’t be true! You’re lying to me, it’s a trick!
You should know that evil sorcery
Can’t delude the mind of a Priestess. 
I have to stop them!
Where are you going? Wait!
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
I’ve done what you told me to do/
Does it please you, Shalafi?/
The key’s on its way, as ingeniously planned/
The magi who sealed up the gates/
Would have never imagined/
The key would be eager to fall in your hand!/
The Darkness and Light, so it’s said, can’t be allies/
But you found a loophole that none could foresee/
Won’t you share the secret with me?/
You know that I’ll keep it!/
For I, Dalamar, serve you most loyally!
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
Every day with every prayer,/
Longing for what wasn’t there,/
My soul has waited for its chance to shine/
Now finally set ablaze,/
There’s no dousing this flame/
Who knew I would find it within his eyes?/
So let fire wound my hands!/
I’ll prove what I can withstand/
What’s gained through fear but strife?/
Through pain love will survive!/
Yes, I know the risk I take/ 
But let the dice fall where they may/
I’ll beat him in this deadly game or lose it all/
Face to face…/
Eye to eye.../
He is my foe...he is my friend!/
Hear my heartbeat race!/
Don’t separate our burning hands, my Father/
And let me fight with fire even if just once..../
Just once...Just once.../
He locked me into a stare down--/
I daren’t look away now./
This Trial is mine to conquer—/
And also my great honor!/
I shall reclaim for you this wayward monster/
In this I believe: Your proudest foe will kneel down at your feet!/
My faith shall not waver/
Just give me one chance/
My faith shall not waver/
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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therealkrynnsub · 3 years
Every day, we're sharing lyrics from the English Adaptation of The Last Trial!
Tika: The Wayreth Forest? Could you be joking?/
My lady, let go of this notion!/
Whoever tricked you into going/
Obviously has a dark intention... /
Hidden there is an ancient tower/
Magi guard it with all their power/
And they say only those with magic/
Find their way through its dark enchantment/ 
In that mass of a thousand dead trees/
Who can say what you might find lurking?/
Lost forever, there’s no returning,/
No survivors can tell the story/
In that tangled mass of dead trees/
Who can say what might be lurking?/
Once inside there’s no returning/
None survive to tell the story!/
So I suppose no one else will go?/
Even if just to the edge of the forest?/
Well, I’ll go alone./
It’s death to attempt it!/
You’re crazy, priestess!/
Tika: Just wait for my husband to guide you at least!/
Men: Yes, wait for Majere! He’s bold and he’s daring!/
Majere is perfect for this kind of quest!/
Crysania: Majere?/
Men and Women: 
Majere! Majere! Heroic Majere!/
What better companion than good Caramon?/
Majere! Majere! Heroic Majere!/
As brave as he’s handsome--and, look, here he comes!/
(The subtitles of this video show the raw translation, not the lyrical translation that is shared above.)
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