#rwby s03e04
teamjlry · 1 year
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Alright so once we're past Volume 3 my reasons for bringing this up will shrink by orders of magnitude, buuuuuut I gotta go back to the danged Hbomb video.
I've already talked about how I don't think his critiques on how semblances are introduced and explained are entirely reasonable, especially when compared, as he does, to other anime that take their dear sweet time to explain how their world's superpowers work. And here I see another example of how his critiques miss the mark entirely.
In his video, he brings up the fact that the Schnee family all share a semblance that is hereditary, and uses this as an example of how semblances are inconsistent and poorly implemented into the narrative, but I can see, watching this scene with my own eyes, that the very first time it's brought up that the Schnees can all do Summoning, it doesn't take long for Winter to mention that hereditary semblances are extremely rare. So we have an in-universe explanation that highlights how unusual this is, that most of the time this is not a thing you can expect to happen and the Schnees are an anomaly.
The often-cited factoid "one in four RWBY huntresses have a hereditary semblance" is misleading. The actual number is zero in four. Hereditary Semblances Schee, who (presumably) lives in an ice castle and inherited 100% of her semblances, is a statistical outlier and should not have been counted.
I have more to say about this but I think I'll save it for when I'm done the season.
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teamjlry · 1 year
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Ruby: "They do, and they're called 'silver'!"
Alright Ruby made a much more succinct point in a much more succinct way BUT I got to tacitly bring up the failures of the most well-funded military industrial organization in the world so I'm taking the W here.
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teamjlry · 1 year
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Qrow: "But they don't give out medals for 'almost'."
Not for nothing but the American military hasn't effectively won a war (despite what propagandists insist) since 1945, and I'm pretty sure they've still given out medals for some "almosts"
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teamjlry · 1 year
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"Those were five hundred-dollar sunglasses, asshole!"
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teamjlry · 1 year
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Qrow: "Anyway, I'm too old to be hanging out with a bunch of kids. You're gonna cramp my style. Look, just remember that you've still got a long way to go. And don't think for a second that graduating means you're done. Every day out there is worth a week in this place. You two, you're gonna go far. But only if you keep learning, if you never stop moving forward.
You know, originally I was going to clown on this line for cramming, like, four mentor speeches into one monologue, but as I was exhaustively typing it all out I realized that these speeches all have the hallmarks of "The Last Thing My Uncle Qrow Ever Said To Me" and that his vague promise to tell stories of Ruby and Yang's parents is a massive death flag so....
I would suspect that this dude was primed for the chopping block had I not already learned he retains Regular Character status for another 3 volumes at least.
So we're back to "gee this exit was a bit clumsily written". :p
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teamjlry · 1 year
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Episode Recap: Surprising nobody who saw the previous episode, Emerald and Mercury win their fight handily. Winter and Weiss have a tea party and train. Qrow plays video games with Ruby and Yang before delivering like 3 Fire Emblem Dad speeches in the space of a minute.
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teamjlry · 1 year
RWBY Volume 3 Episode 4 Lessons Learned
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Meanwhile, at the Super-Friends Hall of Justice...
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teamjlry · 1 year
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I have an app on my phone that allows me to use it as a fully functional nintendo switch controller, and i can even download amiibo isos to spoof literally any amiibo i want without the need for blank NFC cards or what have you
This has nothing to do with the episode I just think it's a cool thing and people should know it exists
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teamjlry · 1 year
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Evidently, Emerald and Mercury prefer tea.
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teamjlry · 1 year
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This is basically how everyone in northern Alberta mows their lawn.
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teamjlry · 1 year
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teamjlry · 1 year
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So apparently the summoning ability is meant to recall past foes and have them fight as allies.
Wouldn't it be interesting if when Weiss finally succeeded in summoning an "old foe" that forced her to "push past who [she was] and become who [she is]" the summoned ally would be an apparition of her father?
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teamjlry · 1 year
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Here I was all set to praise the illustrated flashback stills again and then this happened.
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teamjlry · 1 year
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Well gosh golly I got so wrapped up talking about that whole thing I almost missed what could be a very significant clue as to the secret origins of the Grimm.
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teamjlry · 1 year
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He's breakdance fighting!
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teamjlry · 1 year
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Adding to my hypothesis that the RT offices were playing a lot of Smash 4 this year,this whole randomized environment arena thing is more than a little reminiscent of Pokemon Stadium's whole gimmick
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