rx-05-29 · 7 months
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macross 7 is pretty fun, I love this man.
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cerastes · 1 year
Yo man, have you heard that Macross announced a brand new anime in production? And it's produced by SUNRISE of all studios? This must've been what it feels like seeing Sonic on the Gamecube for the first time
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This but it's the RX-78-2 and a badly rendered Valkyrie.
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cuoredolce67 · 2 years
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1. Astroganga 2. Mazinga Z 3. Getter Robot 4. Great Mazinger 5. Raideen (pubblicato qualche anno fa da Yamato Video) 6. Getter Robot G. 7. jeeg 8. Goldrake/Grendizer/Goldorak 9. Roboizer (lo trovate nella super robot collection dei film Nagaiani) 10. Gaiking 11. Godam 12. Combattler V 13. Ufo Diapolon 14. Groizer X 15. Terremoto Stellare/Robocres (Astrorobot) 16. Turbine Solare /Thundaior (Astro Robot) 17. Sfondamento Galattico/Bullseazer (Astro Robot) 18. Tempesta Spaziale/ Boss Phalder (Astro Robot) 19. Gakeen 20. Mechander 21. Danguard 22. Ginguiser 23.Vultus V 24. Balatack 25. Zambot III 26. General Daimos 27. Daitarn III 28. Daikengo 29. Daltanious 30. Gundam RX-78 31. Gordian 32. Trider G7 33. Super Robot 28 34. God Sigma 35. Ideon (inedito in Italia) 36. Baldios 37. Gotriniton 38. Bryger 39. Godmars 40. Macross 41. Psyco Armor Govarian (inedito in Italia) 42. Golion/Voltron
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redsamuraiii · 3 years
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Live Action Gundam and Macross
Apparently, Hollywood is developing a live action Gundam and a live action Macross, separately. 
(Picture source : Gundam | Macross)
Growing up watching both Gundam and Macross, I’d have to say that I’m excited upon hearing the news of them appearing in the big screen but also have mixed feelings because of Hollywood’s past adaptations of anime, like Netflix’s Death Note (2017), Ghost in the Shell (2017) and Dragonball Evolution (2009), which are terrible, except for Ghost in the Shell which I think is decent and after watching Netflix’s Age of Samurai which wasn’t great either, I have low expectations of the upcoming live action mecha movies.
On the other hand, watching films like Pacific Rim (2013), Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) and Kong Skull Island (2017), makes me feel that Hollywood might be able to pull it off. Interesting thing is that Japan is apparently developing its own Gundam Live Action movie which details remain unknown. Like Hollywood, Japan seems to be ramping up its efforts to develop movies such as Shin Godzilla (2016), Shin Ultraman (2021) and Shin Kamen Rider (2023), that there are rumors of Japan developing a Monster Cinematic Universe.
Who knows, maybe they’re following Marvel Cinematic Universe idea of putting Godzilla, Ultraman, Kamen Rider and perhaps Gundam in the same universe, which I think is unlikely but still, the idea of them together is just mind blowing.
I think it would epic if Japan and Hollywood were to collaborate on a movie like they did for the World War II film, Tora Tora Tora (1970), where there is a mix of Japanese and American characters and stories, making it interesting. I mean, can you imagine the special effects of Pacific Rim and Godzilla King of Monsters in a Gundam and Macross movie but with Japanese characters, like the anime?
 I already did a fan cast of whom I’d like to see for a live action Macross!
Well, what I want to say is, Hollywood, please do not ruin this anime.
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tokupedia · 5 years
Japan World Heroes II Preview Night
The event started as all days do, with a nice brunch before heading out to the con.
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In this particular case, I scratched off my food exploration list the fabled Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles, a staple of L.A. since the 1970s and one of the many reasons Chicken and Waffles has endured as a staple of American cuisine. What you see is the Carol C special, one large tender Chicken Breast with waffles and a Sunrise to drink (Its an LA thing. half Orange Juice, Half Lemonade, 100% tasty). 
After that indulgence, I headed to the convention hall. Last time, we shared space with a Lego convention. This time, there was a convention for rich fat cats only next door discussing how to market and profit from *ahem* the local herbal supplements, man.
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Upon entry, one of the most notable things was the con had new sponsors/vendors, particularly the Legends Comics and Games shop and even Hasbro made a small contribution with a prize for the upcoming cosplay contest. This is good, this means growth by attracting more businesses and con-goers for future iterations of this still very young bi-annual fandom event.
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CS Toys did coverage of the con and were setting up, I didn’t see as many high profile members of the Toku community I recognized this time around as I did last time, but I thought I caught a glimpse of one or two members of Team Tokunet getting ready for the big weekend. It’s fine, we all have busy lives and sometimes things just don’t work out, what matters is the passion we feel for this genre and that alone means we were all here at least in spirit.
Given who some of our guests were, the viewing room naturally had marathons of Dekaranger and Kamen Rider Blade as well as the Space Squad films.
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Sentai Jackets returned to the con, this time with brand new merch!
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They had little 2017 Power Rangers movie keychains! 
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And metal badges, Power Coins, pins and buckles and all other sorts of shiny shiny goods were at Henshin Vault! I got a new Time Fire/Quantum Ranger badge later on. 
One highlight was that props direct from the vault of Toei Studios were on display!
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GingaiOh’s/Galaxy Megazord’s sword, Gavan’s Laser Blade, some of the Black RX prop belts and the Revolcane..
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Inside a protective case was an actual Kamen Rider Blade stunt helmet worn by Seiji Takaiwa himself! (Which was actually here before at JWH 1, but seemed more relevant given one of the celebrity star attractions)
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Later on, they brought out mannequins and adorned them with the garb of the Child of the Sun and the man who Walks the Path of Heaven! Rider Suits! *geeks out*
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After that shock of awesome, another vendor booth had a former Hollywood prop maker who was selling various oddities such as prop boots of the Yellow Ranger, old scripts of MMPR, vintage trading cards and comics, autographed photos and merch, even a production crew jacket from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (though that might have been his). He also unwisely left a stack of hundreds on his table, just saying dude, keep it in a safebox or something so its secure, I only bring it up ‘cuz you seemed like a nice guy and I wouldn’t want to see you get robbed.
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A gent by the callname of Nickranger was pleased when I became his first customer, I purchased the Kamen Rider 1 vs. Captain America poster and the Dekared/SPD Red Battilizer art poster. The latter was of course for Ryuji Sainei to sign later. (Mr. McLaren didn’t seem all that interested in the con based on facial expressions, so I didn’t want to be “that fan” and annoy him and gave him space. You have to be considerate of people even if they are famous.)
Lots of vintage toys and collectibles were on display, my first wallet bleeding prize was a metal Cheetah Core Medal keychain, which I wore proudly on the lanyard for the rest of the event. I also, in an oddball moment, prayed to it, hoping my desire fuels it so our precious KR Valkyrie whose totem animal she shares with the coin does not get sacrificed to the Curse of Yuriko Misaki next season.
Of course, if you were not into this stuff, there were bits of hidden prizes that might have piqued your interest at the vendor booths...
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Such as Neoroids from various franchises, the Proplica of Sailor Moon’s wand the Moon Stick, DBZ goodies...
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Stuff from Takara Tomy such as imported Transformers and Gaogaigar dolls and Chogokins, Gatchaman toys, Custom Lego Minifigs of Mazinger and various other characters, Disney pins...
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And Disney owned characters artistically depicted as Meisho period samurai, ninjas, soldiers, noblemen and warlords from the mind of Kamen Rider and Godzilla concept artist Takayuki Takeya!
So yes, even if you have only a passive fan love for Godzilla or none at all, there was at least one bit of plastic nostalgia or curiosity to tickle your fancy and make your checkbook scream in agony. But never despair about that, as you are supporting local business, tourism and commerce. 
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So the first day was dedicated to scoping out the place. A few repeats also appeared such as the Super Dimension Macross Store. The most disheartening thing was the lack of Garo representation...but that was by design in compliance with the “PG-13″ family friendly rules of JWH. 
Garo needs its own con or maybe it would be more welcomed in a spot at Halloween and Horror conventions where its nudity and gore would be more tolerated by its base.
Preview night was fun, but the full mayhem was about to begin....
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jimtheviking · 5 years
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Today has, objectively, not been my best day, but I got my gunpla posed (including the obligatory “You’ve damaged the head of your RX-78-2, so you need to pose it like the final shot at A Baoa Qu” pose, plus a Chibi Gundam and a VF-1J Super from Macross for good measure) so there’s that.
Small victories.
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guitarbeard · 6 years
lazarpointer replied to your post “Wish there were more federation mobile armor designs like the...”
I really like Stardust Memories' designs in general. I had action figures of both the Zephyranthes and the Zephyranthes Full Burnern when I was a kid. They were two of my favorite proper gundam designs. I think I liked the RX-79 [G] and the EZ-8 just a little more.
I remember hearing that the lead designer from Macross was brought on to do his rendition of the mobile suits for 0083 so that’d explain why they’re so well developed. 
The EZ-8 looks especially unique in its armor pattern even given the context of it being an on-site repair job. I feel like they could have spent time developing some kind of hereditary line past that one. 
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tsunflowers · 7 years
goals for over break:
finish rx-->start agito
finish gosei--> ??
finish macross-->start zubat
finish trials and tribulations-->find apollo justice and start that
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kuma-style · 4 years
So in our Facebook Mecha fans and collector’s group Mecha Maniacs, we’ve began doing spotlights on our members. The first is known collector and owner of the shop Nate’s Toys & Collectibles, Nathan (Nate) Simmons! It was nice to sit down with someone I consider a good friend and get to know him even better. Check out the article below and feel free to join our Facebook group as well.
Kuma: We know you as a collector and e-tailer now but where did it begin for you? What are some of the earliest experiences you remember with toys and series? What were some of your favoritess?
Nate: As a kid in the 1980s and living in Japan, I grew up with Macross, Mazinger, Gundam and Dragonball. Later on Transformers was brought over, so captured my attention immediately. I remember my dad picking me up a Takatokou VF-1J Hikaru for my birthday in 1987 and loved being able to play with it and my RX-78-2. My first Transformer was a little G1 Bumblebee (which I still have). These series were the linchpins on what I would love into my adulthood.
Kuma: Now did you take a break at all from it growing up and get back into it as an adult or did you stay steady with watching and collecting throughout your lifetime?
Nate: I’ve collected toys and comics ever since I was kid, but when I joined the military, I took a break for about 3 years. I remember walking into a DVD Store in Bangkok Thailand and seeing Macross 7 on DVD. I immediately picked it up that reminded me of how much I loved Macross. That kicked me off back into collecting.
Kuma: That’s really darned cool considering a lot of us kind of break off into teenage and young adult shenanigans and then get back into it as more settled adults. Now I asked what some of your FIRST memories were but what series were the ones that have kept you into it this whole time?
Nate: Macross, Gundam and Transformers have always kept me in the game. Seeing the transformation over time from Takatokou to Yamato and now to Bandai DX always grabs my attention to my favorite VF-1J, VF-1S and VF-1A. As a big Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime fan, the Masterpiece and Third Party Masterpiece lines are the ones I stick with. But if it’s Hot Rod or Rodimus toy, I’ll probably buy it.
Kuma: It’s really neat that all three of those lines toy wise have had a similar progression over the years too! We’ve got some of your favorite Transformers and Macross Mecha/characters but what about Gundam? What are some of your favorite series and/or Mobile Suits?
Nate: I’ve always loved the original 0079 and the Zeta Series for the stories they had and the RX-78-2 and Char’s Zaku II were mainstays in my collection. But Gundam Seed & Gundam Seed Destiny’s Mech designs of the Aile Strike Gundam, Freedom Gundam, & Strike Freedom Gundam are my new favorites now.
Kuma: Very cool! And fast forwarding to today; you’ve opened up Nate’s Toys and Collectibles which looks to sell a variety of products that are more mid-to-high end collector oriented; what was your inspiration to get this started and what are (some of) your goals with it all?
Nate: In the early 2000s I used to own a Comic store that sold comics and collectibles, before comics took a nose-dive for a bit. As a collector foremost, I always wanted to find the best deals like everyone, but about 4 years ago it changed. I wanted to find things for other people, and help them find the good deals like I had found. Now that my kids are older, and we are more settled, it was time to start the collectibles business up again. What I try to do is offer things to all collectors, from Hasbro Retail to High-end Hot Toys or Bandai products so customers have access to things at great prices.
Over the years I’ve made a lot of friends in the toy industry, stateside and overseas, so it seemed logical now to put that to good use from a business perspective.
Kuma: That’s awesome and I’m really looking forward to seeing it grow. Is there anything else you’d like to let readers know? Any projects and the like that you’d like to share?
Nate: Over the next year, I will be expanding to get more import items in to help out the US Customers. Additionally, my business is International, so if people live outside of the US, I can definitely help them out as well. Additionally, I haven’t forget my Transformers comrades, so more Masterpiece, and 3rd Party Masterpieces will be coming soon. Lastly, if someone is looking for something and don’t see it on the page, I have a huge network of people, so I can probably find what someone is looking for.
Kuma: I’m definitely glad to read that your services will be available to such a broad range of collectors in terms of both preferences and location! Thank you very much for your time Nate and again, I’m really looking forward to seeing where this all leads to!
Nate: Thank you so much for having me, TJ.
Check out some of Nate’s collection below and don’t forget to stop by Nate’s Toys & Collectibles and do a little bit of shopping while you’re there!
Mecha Maniacs Collector Spotlight #1: Nate Simmons (Nate’s Toys & Collectibles) So in our Facebook Mecha fans and collector's group Mecha Maniacs, we've began doing spotlights on our members.
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gadget-yesnews · 5 years
香港玩具節 2019 會場焦點搶先睇
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香港玩具節 2019 再度進軍會展!今年 6 月 14 至 16 日將移師到香港會議展覽中心展覽廳 3B、3C 及 3D 舉行,場地更大,玩具參展商陣容鼎盛,勢要為大家帶來至潮至好玩的玩樂元素,以及源源不絕的超值優惠和禮品。刺激好玩的攤位遊戲將讓大家一展身手,憑入場票尾更可換領精美禮品乙份,讓玩具迷滿心歡喜盡慶而歸!
Disney Motors 10 週年紀念展覽區
巨型米奇頭拱門綴以香檳金,時尚貴氣兼備,粉絲必影打卡位之選。展區劃分3大主題區域,當中包括於香港首次展出的 Disney Motors 插畫展、「Disney Motors 10 週年紀念車」、多款 Disney Motors 模型。
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B.Duck 繽 FUN 樂園
人見人愛的 B. Duck 將化身成為超過 20 米長的超大型充氣滑梯和彈床,身手不凡的小朋友需施展渾身解數,衝破重重難關,體現 B.Duck 一貫的 「Be Playful」 精神!
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會場限定:TOMYTEC MAZDA RX-7 Type RS-R 1997
「TOMICA」及「TOMYTEC」專區優先發售多款全港首賣及會場限定版的合金車,當中最矚目的是「TOMICA LIMITED VINTAGE NEO MAZDA RX-7 Type RS-R 1997 (Sunburst Yellow) 」,這款跑車是 Mazda 1997 年為轉子引擎誕生 30 周年紀念限量推出,香港玩具節全球獨家發售,數量有限,極具收藏價值!
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全球獨家「TOMICA KMB 訓練巴士」
「TOMICA KMB 訓練巴士」外型有別於一般巴士,車身採用白色塗裝配上紅色粗線底部,兩側及後方則印有「請加入我們的行列」、「訓練巴士」字樣及九巴標誌,並獲得 KMB 授權,做工一絲不苟,只限香港及澳門有售。
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限量 TOMICA 主題懷舊巴士紀念卡
今次 TOMICA 更特別設計三款紀念卡配合懷舊巴士的推出,分別以「九巴車���」、「懷舊街景」及「香港地標」作設計,其中兩款設計更印有穿上懷舊九巴制服的 Plakid,而且每一張紀念卡都有專屬序號。
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優先搶購 TOMICA 米芝蓮貨櫃車與豐田日本的士
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日本殿堂級玩具品牌 TAKARA TOMY,將展出旗下八大人氣品牌新品,當中包括:TOMICA、新幹線戰士、TOMYTEC、爆旋陀螺 (Beyblade)、索斯機械獸 (Zoids)、爆丸 (Bakugan)、ANIA 動物世界及麗佳 (LICCA),不論男女、大人或小朋友都必定會找到自己的玩具天地。
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《爆旋陀螺 擊爆戰魂 • G 香港玩具節盃》
《爆旋陀螺 擊爆戰魂 • G 香港玩具節盃》將於香港玩具節首次舉行!誠邀 6 – 13 歲陀螺精英參賽,所有比賽均免費參加,優勝者更可獲贈豐富禮物!
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KMB 兩款限定巴士
1:76 九巴平治 O305 巴士 (路線︰68 佐敦道 【廣東道】) 及 1:76 九巴平治 O305 巴士(路線︰2 蘇屋),配備附送「68M 元朗」路線牌配件,勢必掀起搶購熱潮!
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Hot Wheels 全港獨家優先購車活動,再送 2 部限定合金車
於展會期間,可於 MATTEL 攤位參與全港獨家優先購車,率先擁有 L 箱車仔。
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來自日本的森林家族和咪露公仔,憑藉可愛造型深受孩子和白領 (OL) 歡迎。場內除了設有不少擺設給大家拍照,還設有試玩區,供森林家族和咪露的粉絲試玩不同公仔和屋仔等小配件,創造屬於您心目中的森林家族和咪露!
咪露妹妹 NENE 5 歲生日會
咪露和妹妹 NENE 於 6 月 15 日星期六下午 4 至 5 時,現身攤位 H01 與現場朋友見面,屆時大家記得一齊尋找咪露的蹤影。
森林家族朱古力兔姐姐和波斯貓姐姐將於 6 月 16 日星期日下午 4 至 5 時現身 H01 柏嘉展區及不定時遊走玩具節各個地方與大家見面,大家不要錯過與森林家族成員拍照留念。
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限量發售「KitzConcept Macross 黑金機」、「Storm Collectibles 草薙京藍色特別版」
專營動漫玩具的「精品」今年亦有參展,為大家帶來會場限量版「KitzConcept Macross 黑金機」、「Storm Collectibles 草薙京藍色特別版」及「TOMICA Thermos 保溫瓶」!
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以上產品於香港玩具節精品攤位 (K01) 優先發售。
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千萬別錯過「玩具站」攤位!HK$100 / 5 件起就可以買到多件精美玩具,尚有其他精彩優惠,玩具迷想必物色心頭好,滿載而歸。
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香港玩具節 2019
日期:2019 年 6 月 14 – 16 日 (星期五至日) 時間:6 月 14 – 15 日:10am – 9pm 6 月 16 日:10am – 8pm 地點:香港會議展覽中心展覽廳 3B、3C 及 3D 票價:HK$30,可於 7 間「玩具站」分店或於會場即場發售 * 玩具站分店包括青衣城、東港城、荷里活廣場、荃新天地、奧海城、彩園廣場及樂富廣場。凡於玩具站購買 4 張或以上可享 95 折;T Club 會員可享 9 折,於玩具站購物滿 HK$300 即成會員,不限購買數量。
科技資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: 香港玩具節 2019 會場焦點搶先睇 更多相關內容
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香港發佈會確定!Galaxy Note 9 有望月底發售
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TREND.HK 潮科技 集合最新科技和娛樂資訊於一身的網站 TREND.HK 潮科技,透過輕鬆和簡單易明的手法報導第一手資訊。
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