#ryan's reactions tho i can't
littlekingbergara · 9 months
What the hell do you think Steven thinks of this??? Like is it just a live slug reaction? or is he just use to his friends saying this shit already. Also, I just assume that Ryan's parents don't watch their shows with the way he talks because I can't fucking imagine keeping stuff like that in an episode knowing full well my parents are going to watch.
live steven reaction is VERY funny but i genuinely think he's used to it by now 😭 he works with them every day and shares an office with them he's seen more than we can imagine!!
fghghf ryan's parents are so supportive i have a hard time believing they DON'T watch their shows!! maybe they don't watch top 5 tho lmao.
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dunno if you were asked this before but what you most favorite dynamic out of all your supermassive ships?
i don’t think, that i answered it on such a scale before tbh. i’ve been asked about my supermassive otps separately tho, so like mmmm….
idk. i can’t say, that i have a specific favorite among all of them. each pair has elements that fascinate me, and while they all have smth that tangles them together, they’re also fundamentally different. i look at chris x ryan, and john x andrew, which at first glance is what i’m calling a caretaker + their silent, younger companion sort of gimmick, but they’re also go deeper than this, and there is very big difference even in how chris & john handle situations or how andrew & ryan react to things. how andrew will always be more pushy, and how ryan essentially can enter yandere mode, where andrew seem to be just kind of prone to violence of less motivated, less personal kind…..or even a big separation in how chris always tries to cling to imagery of a good person, and john is just kind of embraces the fact, that he’s not a decent man. still, chris somehow fucks up more royally bc of it all vs john, who’s just kinda goes with the flow lol. and then, the roles of who defends who in both ships are reversed. in the quarry, ryan canonically goes out of his way to pretend like everything around him doesn’t scream ‘my mentor isn't who i think he is'. it's so plain. so into your face, yet rayn being unresponsive, being abrasive. and then, he also gets hella passive-aggressive, once someone suggests that he's in denial (he is lol). in LH, it’s john, who canonically closes eyes on andrew’s mishaps and stunted disturbance, downright to forgiving him accidently killing angela (in some routes). i talked in more detail about john & chris’s differences and similarities here. but while they do share the same roots of dynamic, i feel like it evolves into its own category along the way. so honestly, even between those two, it’s kinda impossible for me to pick which is the most preferable or interesting. bc they both are! i'm a sucked for complicated pinning & favoritism, that makes person pick side based on their own selfish pref rather than logic. i love how creepily easy it is for ryan & john to endanger others, if it means that they can keep chris & adnrew 'safe and sound'. i love how this is their first, organic reaction. the quarry kinda messed it up toward the end, but y'know lol. it's the narrative point / the main intent, that counts with me. and where LH wasn't very shy about andrew & john being a 'thing' in whatever way, you might see it....like them being stuck together as oddly 'similiar' unlucky folks or as john being there to mislead you, well, they still were very *cross fingers* like that. in the quarry, you have to actually look a bit more closely to see how much of plot is revolved around ryan & chris's relationships. around ryan trying to save someone, who is in fact, was partly to blame for everything. but honestly, this is what i like about the quarry vs until dawn. at least, chris had someone, who did try to see the best in him. vs until dawn, where by unpopular opinion, i always stuck feeling like josh deserved better friends. i can't watch the prologue and not think, that aside from sam, the rest of josh's friends actually suck tbh. including chris, bc dang, he just abandoned him like that. for a girl..........so while josh did messed up thing, i struggle to feel any sort of sympathy for anyone, but sam in that game. naturally, some characters grew on me and chris was even my fav back at the time, but i don't and cannot respect a half-assed commitmet he showed josh. like man, be more like ryan, dude. point a gun at weird looking gal, that suggest that she's about to kill your camp leader. be like john, and literally ignore safety of everyone, but yourself and that one, young dazed student that you like lol. chris from until dawn is too weak for it. even non-existent dr hill was more devoted to josh vs his best bud. i mean, it kinda sucks, when your mental illness is the only thing, that agrees to keep you company, bc your bff wanna gets laid and just forgets about u. it's realistic tbh, don't get me wrong. but it still stings lol.
*clears throat* sorry, tangled lol.
anyways then, we have the other 2 ships, which are kind of opposites of one another. i mean, dulie & dalim do have similar narrative bits, esp since both pairs have power imbalance as its main trait. but where du’met x charlie will always be a predator/prey, with prey barely being able to do anything against its pursuer, in dalim it's never fully established, who 'controls' the situation in the end. bc realistically, salim would kick dar’s ass, if he saw so fit lol. and the funny part of their relationship is that dar is completely unaware lol. he seems to consider salim to be weaker, more naive and less likely to fight against his commands, since he's kind of a kiss-ass lol. it never occurs to dar, that salim can rebel against him. and if/when salim does, dar basically instantly gets angry/absolutely enraged with him, bc how dare he lol. in dulie, du’met kind of expects charlie to struggle and whine, and cower, and try his hardest, so he’s not holding it against him. he even humors him kinda. still, it's where the big diffence is. charlie is du'met 'prey', whatever intentions he has for him are always 'justified' inside his own mind. dar would only hurt salim, if he goes out of line. he won't randomly harm salim, or consider doing it, even if he might have such impulse. like, i do believe, that he does have them. still, where charlie being du'met 'favorite' means, that du'met would exact more pain and fear on him....with dar, it's the opposite. he would try to keep salim from harm's way, at least to some degree and he certanly won't treat him as poorely as he treats those other people, who are unimportant to him. canonically, out of the whole unit, dar only searching for salim. he's not sorry for all those wasted lives, it seem to barely register with him even. more so, he's actually allows salim to stick in the background for the most part, when he shots around like a maniac lol. it must mean smth comming from a war dog like him. also i must say, that dar & du’met, while both clearly sociopathic, still have very, very different stans there, not to mention, that even their sadism is kinda different too. not even in level, but also in how they apply it. they both clearly love hunting down people. they both enjoy the thrill of chase. but dar in a way uses his position, the situation he’s in as an excuse for it. while, du’met is just like that lol. salim & charlie are also opposites. there is SO very little to connect them by. besides, a very surface level things, such as them being the low-key hyperfixation/main companion for antagonists, and then how they both wander around with a lighter. so once again, its kinda impossible to pick between them, bc they represent very different things, and the characters themselves have way less in common up close vs the chris/ryan and john/adnrew. 
taking all 4 ships into account is like examining 4 of your favorite foods. it’s not the matter of which you prefer more, it’s more of what you wanna eat at the moment lol. the silver lining of all my supermassive ships be that they all have a specific brand of fixation/care/pinning/longing for one another. and they usually all have smth, that makes it difficult to approach those relationships/feelings. at least, for one party lol. but it’s kinda impossible to shove them all into some check-box tbh. i mean, it will be very hard to fit let’s say, caring chris, who tries to be good to ryan, even when he scolds him, and dar, who backhands salim, the second he fails to answer him fast enough. or compare andrew, who can push john around and shut him up by mere suggestion of disagrement, and charlie who would most likely fell on his knees and suck du’met off, rather than risk invoking his displeasure. even if simply bc du'met is capable of murdering him lol.
so idk, i can't name the most fav one tbh. i love them all for their own reasons. not to meation, that there is so many ways to explore obsession and other bits, that i love in each ship in its own way. before, i assumed, that i might have a secret fav, but looking at it now, i don't think that i do, haha.
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eddiediaaz · 5 months
911liveblog Anon
One of Mt friends sent me this post. What do you think?
Hopefully I can finish season 4 and start season 5 this weekend (maybe even finish Season 5)
it's definitely so fucking wild that oliver is talking so openly about buddie, but i wouldn't put too much weight on it, just to be careful. i'm definitely having fun with it tho!! like IT IS wild and crazy and it's for sure making me put on the tinfoil hat. BUT i don't think oliver is confirming or denying anything, he has said that he loves both bucktommy and buddie. also, he knows about past queerbaiting allegations, which is why he had stopped with liking buddie posts and stuff like that. so the fact that he's doing it again now, it's definitely suspicious. just a little. but yeah, that being said, i'm not taking it as a confirmation of anything, because it's not up to him nor ryan anyway. and he's been careful about saying "i see you and i'm down for it if it goes down that route" vs "i love it and it's gonna happen trust the process". as easy as it is to read between the lines, we gotta remember the actual words and actions fdskjnfd
"It might also be to prepare the general audience for this storyline. Most of them watch each episode once and move on. They don't dissect every single interaction Buck and Eddie have." yeah that's very true, it's something i always have at the back of my mind: the general audience vs us, tumblrinas (gn) who dissect every little frame lmao. there's definitely a huge gap between the two that needs to be bridged, somehow, if we wanna get to endgame buddie!!
omg nonnie, you're gonna have so much fun with the season 4 finale. i can't wait to see your reaction to it! fair warning tho: i'd suggest watching the last 2 episodes of the season (eps 13 and 14) back to back 😇
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gogetyrshovel · 2 years
finished s2 of the boys here are some thoughts about the finale and the show in general (spoilers for s2 etc)
im not entirely sure where they're going with Dark AOC but it'd be cool if the message was like. even the most progressive people within the establishment want to maintain a constant sense of panic and prevent any material change bc then they lose their positions as well-paid, famous critics of the system. (a la pelosi, roe, fundraising)
im watching this show w/ my 16 yo cishet brother who asked me what a twink is bc maeve called hughie one. further proof that gay people were not involved in the writing of this show, that guy is not a twink. (exhibit number one was ashley(?) saying that butch/femme relationships r more accepted by heterosexuals)
women keep getting fridged left and right. becca has had the dubious honor of being fridged twice cuz butcher spent s1 having man pain about her being dead and now is going to have man pain about her being dead again
relatedly, i think it'd have been more Growth-y for butcher if they'd just let her and ryan go into hiding. cuz he wasn't willing to let that happen earlier in the season or even earlier in the ep. but whatever, this sort of thing happened on spn all the damn time and i'm a fool to expect any different from eric kripke lmao
i feel like they rushed the big expose of stormfront a bit. we never really get a chance to zoom out and see the public reaction to her past or even get to properly celebrate her death bc there r so many other things happening.
maeve being deus ex machina twice in one episode PLUS her saving starlight in the previous ep felt a lot like lazy writing
i do like the rainbow capitalism plot tho
it does seem like they r going the "you can't reform the system from the inside" route which is pretty based for a tv show
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May I rant here for a sec? My parents are just- really frustrating me lately., and they're being shitty about my gender, and- ugh...
For the record, I don't live with my parents. I am very comfortable and confident in the labels I have chosen to identify with, and ain't nobody's opinions gonna be able to change shit. Also, the entirety of my family are Christians. I'm a Christian, and I get that gender stuff can be a bit of complicated situation, but still...
I came out, gender wise, almost a year ago. I came out as a demi girl (which has since changed to bigender, but I haven't told them cuz they don't give a flying fuck anyways) and that I was using she/her and he/him, as well as using two names (my birth name and a new one), all used interchangeably. They responded with the expected "we still love you no matter what" bullshit and I just, gggrrrrrrrr!
(My sister wins for best response to that coming out, tho. She replied, and I quote, "lol well duh" XD)
Additional note: I have done no actual, physical or hormonal transitioning, and idk if I ever will. I'm trying to present more masc because I want to be perceived as more gn or masc. I'm not great at it, but that's my current 'transitioning' status.
Now, I am pretty aggressive when it comes to people, my family included, misgendering other people. My friends, my partner, etc. Don't misgender people or I am going to correct you. And if you keep doing it wrong without effort to improve, I WILL make you uncomfortable for fucking up! ... However, I don't know how to do that with myself...
It's really hard with my parents, still using she/her, because they're not technically wrong, but... I wish I had the guts to tell them, "you calling me she/her because those are still my pronouns is different than you using she/her because you refuse to use he/him". And they're never explicitly transphobic (like, they've never said anything like "I don't like trans people" or anything) but they also obviously don't accept it, or like it, or like if I bring trans/queer anything up.
Like, on Sunday I was at my parents' for father's day, scrolling through Pinterest, and a post came up. Talkin about how 'according to Mulan, you need blah blah blah to be a man (ya know the song). You do not need a penis of any sort' and I thought it was kinda fun, so I read it out loud and my dad's instant response was, "ha, yes you do <need a penis>" ... (My partner was there, and apparently I noticeably deflated at that comment and didn't get better until we went home...)
And today, I was talking to my mom about our little vacation we're going on in July to see her side of the family, and I mentioned, "Heh, I don't think I've come out to Uncle Russ. Uncle Ryan guessed it, and I came out to grandma, but not Uncle Russ" and I said it really lightheartedly cuz I found it kinda like a 'haha, oops!' and she just- in the most dismissive tone, replied, "yeah, I wouldn't worry about it", as if it doesn't even matter! Like, fuck, it just hurts! It fucking hurts me!
Back in March, I was feeling super stressed about my birthday (autism brain(I think) finds birthdays super super stressful. I can't handle the surprise of gifts, and people expecting certain reactions, and- ugh! No. Do not like. I have had at least one mental breakdown around my birthday every year for- idek how many years now. A lot.) and it was a lot of because I was worried about having to spend time with my parents, and them calling me she/her in a way that just still feels like misgendering somehow. And I was so desperate for some validation that I wrote myself a paragraph using both my names and all my pronouns with some encouraging words as if it were a social media post for my birthday written by Oikawa (I don't even simp for oikawa, btw, but pls, I want to be his friend, we would be such great buddies and we would cause so much chaos!) I know that writing stuff about ourselves/others interacting with fictional characters to make ourselves/others feel better is normal around here, but I think for 'normal people' it's weird, and I wish I could be able to tell my parents that I had to do that, and that in general they would understand how much their dismissive attitude hurts me. And it just gets worse and worse the more they do it.
I'm really sorry for such a long post. I'm just- I'm not constantly frustrated by this, but I get more and more annoyed and upset each time it happens. And as much as I hope I'm wrong some day, I've basically accepted that they're never going to do it right. To them, I'm never going to be "I was talking to him, and ___". I'm never going to be "my oldest son___" (or 'child'! Even just gn is better than nothing!) I'm just- not actually me...
- Dragon anon
First off, Dragon anon please always feel free to rant to me/us! It feels so awesome that people trust me/this blog to share their daily issues with. That's a huge sign of trust and I love it! It makes my mom heart happy!
I'm sorry your family is struggling with this acceptance. It's hard enough dealing with accepting our own identity and then to have our family not accept that is tough.
I'm so proud of you for all that you've processed and been thought in your identity journey. You are right, it can be very complicated for not only you but for your family. And i feel like if they communicated that difficulty, it would be different. But for them to not even try, I feel lile that's not respectful of you.
I'm going to share a little of my youngest kiddos journey with you. So she (current preferred pronoun) was afab. She was diagnosed with Autism at 2 and has been genderfluid/non-binary/bi-gender since. It's actually very common for people onto he spectrum to identify as genderfluid (as told to me by her psychologist). At one point, she wanted to be referred to as a he. So we did that. I told everyone her preferred pronou was "he/him" and to act accordingly. Now she's decided she was "she/her" and to dress more masculine. I've accepted this and accommodated as much as I possibly can. My oldest (he/him) often had troubles with pronouns and sees everyone has "him" which we are working on.
The point here is that your family should respect your preferences. It's not their life that's being affected it's yours. And respect goes deeper than just being cordial or nice. It's respecting people's preferences. I'm so glad you are helpful with it comes to other people's pronouns because being misgendered and/or the wrong pronoun can be harmful not to mention disrespectful. I think you should take the same approach with yourself. Value yourself like you value the others around you because you deserve that respect. If your mom identifies as "she/her" and you just started calling her "he/him" she'd probably get offended and that same principle should apply to you.
I know pronouns/gender/sexuality can be confusing but I'm the type of person to ask questions or Google when I don't understand something. You cannot fault someone for asking a question about something they don't understand and knowing you as I do, I think you'd appreciate them taking the effort to do so.
I hope this helps in some way. Again I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Accepting yourself is hard enough without dealing with outside influences.
Just know you are always accepted here as you are and we love and care about you very much 🥰
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bansheefox · 5 years
Sooo I am the only one who watched the coming soon trailer for next episode maybe a 100 times already and it's going insane?
I'm going try to break it down a recap what we are seeing, but since the screenshots I have were taken on my phone, the quality is horrible, so sorry for that.
So soon at the beginning we see this fella (top) here, wearing that neck piece that represents the high council (I guess?) and I seen a lot of people saying it's Rassilon, but I don't think it is.
Next (bottom) we have the one and only Gat back (is great cause I personally think she's very hot) but that could mean that what we seeing are images from the past, most likely what The Master is showing the Doctor. Gat is accompanied by two Time Lords or just regular gallifreyans, I can't really tell
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Next (top) we have the Master offering his hand to the Doctor and by the background, must be very early on the episode, as soon as he got himself in Ko Sharmus . We also have in the trailer a little more ahead The Doctor pleading for him to save her friends and she'll do whatever he wants, so maybe it's in this moment, since the trailer does not make that clear
Next (bottom) we have Gallifrey destroyed, nothing new here, very standard at this point
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Now it gets interesting since we are now looking at The Doctor at Gallifrey (top), facing the destruction. Not a lot to analyze here, but it's going to be brutal watching her confronting her trauma like this
Next (bottom) on we have the Master, looking very pleased with himself and looking up. On the ground we can see gallifreyan and and off camera by his side we see The Doctor trapped in something, some sort of contraption which seems very interesting. By the looks of things there are still in Gallifrey.
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Next (top) we can see a Cyberman ship, I can't really tell if is the same one that is carrying the Cyberarmy and Yaz and Graham cause I really didn't pay much attention to the ship design last episode, but it's probably the same one. They are most likely landing in Ko Sharmus.
Next (middle and bottom) we have another interesting shot of the Cyberarmy actually in action on the ground, and as we can see, that's Ryan on the corner so we are definitely in Ko Sharmus now and in the next shot we see Ryan looking at the same Cyberman very scared/shooketh
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Now let's get to the shots that left me trembling and screaming into the void. Here we have my granddad Graham looking very worried and bruised?? Is that a bruise on his cheek? WHAT THE FUCK GUYS. YOU CAN NOT LEGALLY HURT GRAHAM, THAT'S FORBIDDEN, and he is talking with Yaz and MY BABY YASMIN KHAN HAS TEARS IN HER EYES? I AM SEEING THAT CORRECTLY CHIBS? DID YOU MAKE HER CRY AGAING? THAT'S ALSO ILLEGAL! STOP HURTING MY FAMILY 2020!
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Next on we have the Master snapping his fingers in The Doctor's face (maybe a form to establish a telepathic connection?) And telling the Doctor to brace herself.
And the next shot is of the Master's eyes, probably having made the connection and showing the Doctor something? I have no idea.
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Now this shit right here left so scared I can't even form words correctly. In this next shot (bottom left) we have the Doctor looking very scared/shooketh/ and we can see metal with something blue shining in the middle in front of her, so probably Cybermen?
Next (top) we have someone (WHO LOOKS VERY MUCH LIKE YAZ WOULDN'T YOU GUYS AGREE?) looking through something and crying. Here's where it get's tricky because I could swear she was trapped somewhere watching something happening to someone important to her (maybe she's watching Graham get that bruise?) BUT someone idiot had to plant the seed of paranoia in my brain and said that it looks very much like she's looking from the inside of a Cyberman AND WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??? IT CAN NOT BE RIGHT???
Next (bottom right) we have the same shot of the Cyberidiots walking around like assholes and a gun pointing at them (Ryan or that old guy?)
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Next on we have Ryan with a gun and that old guy with him entering somewhere that looks suspiciously a lot like where the Doctor and the Master where.
In the next shot we see the Cyberjerks shooting at my new crush, the hot girl with the hat *insirt here 'Quit playing games (with my heart) by Backstreet Boys* so R.I.P to my hot wife with the cute hat (thanks for that Chibs)
And in the last one we have The Master using a tiny guy (sorry but that's kinda hot?) And he seems to be in the same place where we just saw Ryan and the old lad (ohh look at me being British)
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Okay, so next we have the Doctor and the Master standing somewhere (Desolation???? It kinda looks like it) not much to analyze here.
Next we have the Doctor yeeting herself at the Master ( ARE THEY GOING TO FIST FIGHT CAUSE FIRST OF ALL THAT'S HOT AND SECOND THAT'S WHAT I CALL SNAPING) and it look like she's had enough with his games. (Poor thirteen tho, she looks like she literally being dragged through hell)
And next we see The Doctor holding her head and screaming a la Jean Grey, and that poor baby is not really going to catch a break this episode huh. I JUST WANT TO WRAP HER IN A BLANKET, GIVE HER SOME ADVIL AND KEEP HER SAFE, IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK? It looks like something is going wrong with the telepathy thing.
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And last but not least we have another shot of the Cyberbutts looking like BITCHES as always
Next on we have Ryan screaming which filled me with fear and anxiety, cause he's screaming a NOOOOO so pained that it can only mean something is happening to either Yaz, Graham or the Doctor herself (my money is on Graham to warrent that reaction from Ryan, but worry not guys, I am halfway through selling my soul to keep my fam alive, safe and happy)
And in the last we have THOSE ASSHOLES AGAIN and that's it.
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Soooo let's talk guys, tell what you think and let's theorize to survive until next Sunday.
By the way, if you guy wanna talk with my poor depressed soul, hit me up please, I would love to talk about the show with laterally anyone, since my cat is tired of hearing it.
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levyfiles · 6 years
'Shane doesn't have to get out of his head anymore cause Ryan's right there with him' IM C R Y I N G omfggggg why have you done this too me, it's just too sweet,,, Can you imagine tho, one of them bringing that up? Like either Ryan or Shane mentions the fact that Shane can't get out of his head, and then the other says (if it's Shane) 'its okay tho, cause you're here with me' or if it's Ryan, him saying 'Its okay if you feel stuck in your head. It's a brilliant place and Ill stay there with you'
Wow has it really been a month since that post blew up my notifs with people screaming because I went too hard on the feels. I’m not sorry btw. My existence is feels, babes. 
One line I’ve always wanted to write for them in the context of the way they work together psychologically would be a moment where Shane is trying to articulate something in a rush of a moment but his thoughts are scattered, he’s got the improv part down but he just looks at Ryan with this helpless smile as he tries not to stutter and Ryan just seamlessly finishes Shane’s thought for him, laughing delightedly because what Shane is saying (or trying to) is brilliant to him. A bit like his reaction to Shane suggesting a Red Wedding for their Sims Murder Fantasy. Shane laughs with him and just says, “Get outta my brain
Ryan just quips like it’s nothing. “But I like the company,”
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somewhereinthepines · 2 years
I was just thinking, what do you think Chris's love language would be? I tried imagining what it might be, and surprisingly I can't decide on it. I was thinking that words of affirmation might be one? In both fics he reassures and comforts Ryan with his words, but then I got thinking about GP and the end of chap 4. He's growing somewhat touchy, and jealous (although I don't think the latter a love language?) so then I wondered if physical affection could be in the mix too. But it's difficult to say bcs he usually tries to hold himself at a distance doesn't he 🤔
Also, I was rereading the chapters again, and I finally have theory about how he could be watching Ryan in the basement. So, you said Ryan knows about the cameras now, but from what we know (that Ryan knows) is that they're outside camp by the trails and stuff. But what if Chris has also got cameras inside?
But then I sort of scratched that bcs Ryan would have noticed a camera in the room...unless it was one of those sneaky hidden cameras that don't look like one? 🤔 then I got thinking about why he'd wanna watch Ryan do laundry in the first place, is there a reason for that which will be revealed later or no? If Chris has managed to spy on him in there another way, that would be really cool and equally creepy. But I'm here for that, it's spooky season, and it's a horror game anyway 🤪
ahhh, it’s such a good question! and such complicated one, when it comes to them. mostly, bc their relationships are always balancing on line of what ‘can’ one do and, then what one ‘wants’ to do, and technically still can, but it might be taken as them committing smth inpropriate. tho funny enough, the game on itself, low-key cheers it on. so it’s more of chris’s own inner issues, really. personally, i don’t think, that most of hacketters (not all clearly) would care if ryan slept with their camp operator lol. but when it comes to chris there is the major issue of him ‘allowing’ himself to act on his desires/instincts, bc he himself view them as ‘bad thing’. so yeah, for the most part he only uses his words as showing ryan, that he’s very important to him. i mean, in the beginning he’s sort of reached out to him only via conversations, and very small portions of supposedly ‘fatherly’ touches. but back then, his affection was also of a different nature vs how it progressed from there on (if we take fanon of ASB, at least). the best way i can put it is that chris wants to do more, but feels like he can’t. 
and tbh, this is one of those aspects, that i find hella intriguing in their dynamic. it can go a few ways, and there is always a ‘line’, that chris would try not to cross, but usually, does end up crossing, anyways. but how far that ‘line’ lies heavily depends on ryan’s responses. or on how openly he provokes the reaction from chris. and like, ryan was still somewhat modest in ASB. but how modest will he be in GP, when he’s the one, who will eventually have all kinds of ‘leverages’? and how much longer can chris ignore all that temptation, when it’s literally being shoved into his face? now, that's a thing to take in consideration. but ah, i’ll leave it here for now! i already sorta walked away from the main question. so back to chris’s way of showing affection/love, in GP there will be more physical stuff later on. but as far as it goes now, i guess, we can say that words/eye contact and teasing of proximity is chris’s main established love language atm lol. but there are always new forms to express it too.
and ah, you’re spot on! there are cameras inside the lodge too. naturally, chris wouldn’t tell this to anyone, bc it would make them wary and rightfully so. like it’s one thing to track what happens around the camp, but what good can the cameras inside the lodge do? well, prob none. but that’s until you take in consideration what exact locations of these cameras are. one is inside the basement for sure. and from what we know, from the prologue alone, is that chris used the basement as a container for himself, on time of the full moon (at least occasionally). so it’s safe to say, that he didn’t use that camera for anything ‘creepy’, right until he didn’t notice ryan going there day after day, and started, well yeah, doing just that. being creepy about it lol. 
as for how come that ryan didn’t see the cameras, the answer is kinda simple tbh. for one, he didn’t have a reason to look for one, or even truly admire the ceiling or just go around the place. for example, there are cameras all over the big malls, but usually, an average person won’t even bother to pin-point where it might be located or even consider, that they might be filmed right now. it’s kinda the same principle here. then, ryan is also tired and sleep-deprived, so his attention to the details isn’t the best. one’s vision get all fucked up, when you don’t sleep well for weeks, so it’s hard to see smth small, so far away, esp in the fairly poorly lighted room. and yeah, this will be touched upon, and ryan will actually attempt to ‘put the pieces’ together, haha. i also was considering later on, making a single chapter, that would be sorta a recap of ‘major’ happenings in GP, but from chris’s perspective, which will give a different spin on some things, that we can only see through ryan’s eyes. anyways, the explanation to how chris was watching ryan is fairly ‘down to earth’, less so the reason why he just kept on watching him, over and over. making all kinds of assumptions. and then…where the rest of cams are? was he also watching ryan elsewhere? soon, ryan will learn exactly that. 
anyhow, thank you for the question! i had fun answering it, so hopefully it was somewhat fun to read too, haha. like even if the cameras ‘intrigue’ is killed now, there are different ‘sudden’ things to come. ryan’s (mis)adventure into Hackett's quarry lore had only started.
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