#para: marley
sammyevanshq · 24 days
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title: no suck luck
location & time: september 16 - lunch time.
tagging: marley rose @marlcyhq ft. @jessetm
triggers: none... just awkwardness.
sam had been planning this grand gesture for days, his nerves and excitement bubbling as he made his way to the cafeteria. clad in a sharp, stylish outfit reminiscent of the jonas brothers' polished look, sam tried to exude confidence as he walked in, followed by the glee club band. with his sights set only on marley, he ignored the looks of other students, though he couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach. there was this new girl with a killer smile and kind eyes he couldn't even describe. she had caught his attention from the moment he had bumped into her in this very cafeteria. it felt fitting to ask her here. though the two hadn't gone on any dates, sam found her hard to ignore and was going with his heart, regardless of how wrong it had led him in the past.
with the help of jesse, who had surprisingly agreed to assist, sam set the stage. as the first notes of "sucker" by the jonas brothers played over the cafeteria speakers, sam began to sing, his voice carrying through the room with passion and enthusiasm. students around him watched in awe and excitement, some recording the proposal on their phones. that was good; it meant marley could watch this moment forever—the beginning of their love story. jesse's harmonies and backup vocals added a professional touch, ensuring the impromptu performance was so impressive he couldn't imagine marley would say no. sam's eyes were locked on the small brunette, who looked both surprised and touched by the unexpected serenade. as the song reached its climax, sam dropped to one knee, holding out a bouquet of flowers and the sign he (and his coworkers) had made for him, and asked, "marley rose, will you go to homecoming with me?"
marley's heart pounded in her chest as the first notes of "sucker" filled the cafeteria. she could feel everyone's eyes on her, and her face flushed a deep shade of crimson. this was her worst nightmare. the entire room seemed to shrink, and she felt like she was the only one in it with sam's voice echoing in her ears. she wanted to sink into the floor and disappear. as sam dropped to one knee, marley's embarrassment and frustration reached their peak. she couldn't believe this was happening. she had always tried to avoid the spotlight, and now she was thrust right into the center of it. and to make matters worse, she had a crush on someone else and not just someone, taylor’s very best friend and she had plans to ask her to homecoming. this public profession from the other worried her deeply and put the entire plan in jeopardy. she felt numb, her mind racing as she tried to find the right words. taking a deep breath, she pulled sam to the side, stepping forward, her cheeks still burning. she glanced around at the expectant faces of her classmates, then back at sam, who looked so hopeful and earnest. she didn't want to hurt him, sweet sam, her friend and neighbor. but she knew she couldn't say yes. "s-sam," she began, her voice trembling. "this is... really sweet, and you're so brave for doing this." she paused, her heart aching for him. "but, um, i'm really sorry. i... i can’t go to homecoming with you. .” marley looked down, feeling the weight of her words. "i'm really, really sorry. you deserve someone who can give you their whole heart, and i can't do that." she glanced up, tears welling in her eyes, and gave him a small, apologetic smile. "i hope you understand and i uh, I really want to be your friend and i…i just i was gonna ask someone, well uh, not just someone, i was gonna ask taylor. we went on a date last week. i really really like her and i just I can’t have her getting the wrong….god, i realized my glitter glue question must have been confusing but i, i was going to ask her.” she whispered, hoping that her classmates wouldn’t hear. with that, marley turned and hurried out of the cafeteria, her face still burning with embarrassment and her heart heavy with the weight of the moment. she just hoped sam would be okay and that she could find a quiet place to collect herself.
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xstunningingenue · 1 month
who: rachel berry & marley rose @marlcyhq when: tuesday, september 9th what: rachel helps marley prep for the showcase.
there were few things rachel loved more than the buzz backstage before a performance. it was still early, and the glee club members were only just trickling in, but she was already dressed and in makeup for their performance. she had to be, as both lead and a soloist in their group performance, especially with the influx of new students.
a few of them could be potential threats, but rachel hadn't been threatened in her choir room before. not even by tina, who had had been the most likely to usurp her in years prior. she wasn't too worried, but the one she had her eye on the most was the quietest of them all - from iowa or idaho, she hadn't really been listening when she'd introduced herself, but she'd sat at full attention when marley opened her mouth to sing.
"are you ready for tonight?" she asked, sliding up behind where marley was preparing her hair and makeup. "you were very good with your audition last week. i was impressed. is this your first time doing show choir?"
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my brain when I listen to a song that mentions someone being from a certain region: *tweaking* lemmeeee
Also my brain: sorryyyyy. anyways, here's five.
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edsonjnovaes · 4 months
BOB MARLEY: ONE LOVE Trailer Brasileiro Legendado (2024) – ONE Media Brasil. 6 jul 2023 “Bob Marley: One Love”, filme que contará a história do ícone do reggae, vai mostrar momentos da vida pública e privada do cantor, como o início na música, o atentado a tiros sofrido por ele em 1976 e sua luta em defesa da paz. Paramount Pictures – 2023 Bob Marley: One Love estreia nos cinemas no dia 12 de…
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somos-deseos · 6 months
El dinero son números y los números nunca terminan. Si necesitas dinero para ser feliz, tu búsqueda de la felicidad nunca terminará.
Autor: Bob Marley.
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dih-faria · 3 months
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“1 universo, 8 planetas, 204 países, 809 ilhas, 7 mares, 7 bilhões de pessoas. E a única pessoa que eu preciso para ser feliz é você!”
(Bob Marley)
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longliveblackness · 5 months
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In 1978, Bob Marley fought a campaign for peace after years of political violence in his homeland. For the reggae icon, it wasn't just about ending the killings – it was about building a better Jamaica.
En 1978, Bob Marley emprendió una campaña por la paz después de años de violencia política en su tierra natal. Para el ícono del reggae, no se trataba sólo de poner fin a las matanzas, sino de construir una Jamaica mejor.
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dreenwood · 4 months
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As vezes construímos sonhos em cima de grandes pessoas. O tempo passa e descobrimos que grandes mesmo eram os sonhos e as pessoas pequenas demais para torná-los reais!
Bob Marley
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aninhapimentel · 2 months
Um cachorro não precisa de carrões, casas grandes ou roupas de marca. Um graveto está ótimo para ele. Um cachorro não se importa se você é rico ou pobre, inteligente ou idiota, esperto ou burro. Dê seu coração para ele, e ele lhe dará o dele.
Marley e Eu
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Bob Marley tenía mucha razón cuando dijo: — Puedes no ser su primero, su ultimo o su único. Ella amo antes y puede amar de nuevo. Pero si ella te ama ahora, ¿qué otra cosa importa? Ella no es perfecta, tú tampoco lo eres, y ustedes dos nunca serán perfectos. Pero si ella puede hacerte reír al menos una vez, te hace pensar dos veces, si admite ser humana y cometer errores, no la dejes ir y dale lo mejor de ti. Ella no va a recitarte poesía, no está pensando en ti en todo momento, pero te dará una parte de ella que sabe que podrías romper, su corazón… No la lastimes, no la cambies, y no esperes de ella más de lo que puede darte. No analices. Sonríe cuando te haga feliz, grita cuando te haga enojar y extráñala cuando no esté. Ama con todo tu ser cuando recibas su amor. Porque no existen las chicas perfectas, pero siempre habrá una chica que es perfecta para ti… ’’
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analimas-blog · 1 year
Uma vez perguntaram a Bob Marley se havia uma mulher perfeita.
Ele respondeu:
Quem se importa com a perfeição?
Nem a lua é perfeita, está cheia de crateras.
O mar é incrivelmente lindo, mas salgado e escuro, nas profundezas.
O céu é sempre infinito, mas muitas vezes nublado.
Portanto, tudo que é bonito não é perfeito, é especial.
Então, toda mulher pode ser especial para alguém.
Pare de querer ser "perfeito", em vez disso tente ser livre e viver, fazendo o que ama, sem querer impressionar os outros!
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just made this, it’s fucking hilarious
Note: I’ll explain the {} guy later when I have the energy to
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realevezadejah · 4 months
Se Deus criou as pessoas para amar e as coisas para cuidar, por que amamos as coisas e usamos as pessoas?
" Bob Marley
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sambuchito · 5 months
dread mar i hizo musica para pseudo rastas hippies con osde tinchos que se creian bob marley con pulseras de hilo surfers de carilo hombres mochileros con guitarra adolescentes con remeras de marihuana y los que descubren la empatía después de un viaje de ayahuasca y desapareció
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mckinleyrp · 3 months
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𝒎𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒍𝒆𝒚𝒓𝒑 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 #001
it’s HOMECOMING WEEK AT MCKINLEY! it’s pure tradition for WMAC to go all out from tailgating, bonfires, but most specifically the annual kick off with the william mckinley titans against the carmel university camels NEXT THURSDAY. although the football team has been… lacking these past few seasons— they need as much as support as they can. so why not participate in one of the most exciting college events of the year? if you haven’t caught up with coach sylvester’s recent campus announcement: mckinley arts will be will be having it’s homecoming court, crowning a homecoming king and queen for this year. not only that, but will schuester has offered to let his glee clubs perform at the pep rally, much to coach sylvester’s dismay as well as the students— especially that performance back at the orientation fair. 
jesse st. james @askjessestjames
finn hudson @askfinn5
noah puckerman @asknoahpuck
quinn fabray @askfabray
santana lopez @asksantanalopez
marley rose @askwallflowermarley
sue sylvester has graciously invited even the dalton academy students to come celebrate homecoming too. but in reality, it’s just her trying to start drama between all the glee clubs. even hoping the warblers and vocal adrenaline can crush their spirit. each glee club will perform their own song having their own separate performance; maybe to their own advantage to show off to the visitors from dalton academy and carmel university. and hey— maybe the warblers and vocal adrenaline have a chance to see what they’re truly up against. ( PLEASE CLICK UNDER THE CUT TO READ MORE ABOUT THE EVENT! )
NEW DIRECTIONS will be kicking it off by singing you make my dreams (come true) by daryl hall, john oates / stick season by noah kahan
followed by THE TROUBLETONES singing motivation by normani / yes, and? by ariana grande
DULY NOTED singing locked out of heaven by bruno mars / p.y.t by michael jackson
IMPORTANT NOTE: it’s completely optional, but feel free to hold off your old starter conversations and begin some new ones! be sure to tag your posts throughout the event #wmacevent001 and/or #wmachomecoming ( just so it doesn’t get mixed up with previous starters and keeps track of your posts! ). this event is going to last until MARCH 23th ( unless stated otherwise ), just so you can all take advantage of interacting as much as you can within the event. and after our event, it will immediately lead into our exciting episode, PREGGERS.  you’re able to plot ahead of time, even doing some fun paras or 1x1’s to stir up some drama ( i’d love to see some friendly rivalry around here ). our actual homecoming football game will start next week, THURSDAY THE 14th, so you’ll eventually get to see who wins the game and who wins HOMECOMING COURT!  with starters and paras you can have them be based off of our tailgating event, meeting at the bonfire, glee club practice, decorating the campus for homecoming, etc. your character can even plan a little club stand to promote more members to join for students to look at! maybe you can even have a celebration at your characters dorm room/living space! or even… stir up some drama by visiting the other schools to see what they’re up to since they’re so busy coming to mckinley. it’s all up to you on how you want to have fun with the event! 
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semioticas · 5 months
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Chico & Bob
Na única vez que veio ao Brasil, em março de 1980, para inaugurar o selo Ariola Discos, Bob Marley jogou futebol com Chico Buarque, mas não subiu aos palcos, porque a ditadura militar não autorizou os shows.
Veja mais em:
Semióticas – Inéditas de Bob Marley
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