#ryune avereth
halikyon · 15 days
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diamondangelkitten · 3 days
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Junelezen Day 17: Aether Current
Huge shout out and thank you to @halikyon for helping so patiently with the textboxes!! They look amazing!!
Introducing the oc of one of my close friends, Emegen Saga. They're not on Tumblr, but I do have permission to include them in my shenanigans, so expect to see more of them as we start filling out their lore!
This was based on pretty recent FC events and I am proud to report that I did clear up a bunch of slots for Dawntrail!
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halikyon · 4 months
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Sometimes you just need your partner to hold your hand and stroke your hair until you fall asleep after a hard day.
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halikyon · 1 month
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Behold! I still make things! First Ryune drawing is also the first full render on my tablet that wasn't just a colored sketch. Now onto the project I was procrastinating on that this was supposed to be a test/warmup for lol
I am goober
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diamondangelkitten · 13 days
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Junelezen Day 7: Boat
Alinea went Ocean Fishing with @halikyon's Ryune!! There's never a dull moment when these two get together! And don't worry, Alinea held up her side of the bargain :) They even invited M'naago, both to share in the meal, and for Alinea to tell the story.
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halikyon · 8 days
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Should probably have put a note on those before Ryune got home.
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halikyon · 12 days
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They're idiots (affectionate)
Inspired by this poll here.
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halikyon · 1 month
A Helping Hand
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"Hey Shtola!" Ryune called cheerily to her old friend.
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"Ryune! It's good to hear your voice. What brings you here? I thought you would be busy prep-" Y'shtola's aethersight alerted her to a new presence, one she did not recognize, though it did seem to be bound to Ryune.
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"Oh! Fascinating, that being is neither Eos nor the work of my dear sister...and yet-"
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Statice bursts forth from her hiding spot, "I'm Statice! Ryune told me all about this place! It has so many things!" "Please don't forget what we talked about." Ryune implored. "Yeah yeah, I won't touch anything...much."
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"My, she certainly is full of energy. What corner of the star did you adopt this one from?" Y'shtola's voice was only slightly condescending, knowing full well Ryune's proclivity to take care of those in need. "I did not ad- okay, fine, I found her on an old island, Aloalo, off of Thavnair." Ryune admitted, deciding against arguing the finer points of her stewardship with someone who knew better. "I'm at least a hundred times your age!" Statice interjected.
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"And yet I sense you are bound to her, are you not?" Y'shtola smiled, glad for their company and diversion from her research. Statice, her excess curbed, pouted dramatically, clearly having fun, causing Ryune to laugh in response. "Yes, well, I should explain. She is bound to a colossal gem there, but she can project herself to me to see the world." Ryune outlined it with her hands, completely forgetting that her friend could barely see it with her aethersight. "I was hoping you might know a way to allow her to move more freely and be a bit more...tangible? She can't do much like this and I would rather she be able to interact with the world she wanted so much to explore."
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Y'shtola nodded, "A noble cause for one trapped for so long. Of course I will assist!" She thought for a moment, "Perhaps I have something that may be of assistance. Come, let us see what I can do."
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halikyon · 4 months
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MiqoMarch Day 1: Introduction
How could she know all that?
How could this lady she had never met know so much about her just from a glance?
And why was she now so willingly telling her life story to a bartender without a single drink?
Without a word, it seemed she knew where she was from, that she had suffered loss, that she was a refugee, and that she had no idea what to do. Her voice was gentle and reassuring, but insistent. She found herself opening up so easily about the loss of her family, her time with the U and Little Ala Mhigo, and how she had already killed.
So many feelings she had long thought put away were being pulled back out, examined, explored. It was as if she were mining her mind for gems and laying them out before her.
It wouldn't be until years later that she would understand Momodi's actions, and how she had likely saved her from herself. The number of new adventurers like herself she had seen must have been beyond counting to be able to cut through her like she had. Her anger, hate, pain, all laid bare, validated, and soothed.
Who might she have become otherwise? Considering how many others she had met over the years, she was afraid she knew exactly who.
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halikyon · 4 months
As someone who enjoys ships with minor npcs, I want to know everything about Ryune and M'naago. How did they meet? Who caught feelings for whom first? How did they confess? What trials have they been through as a couple and how have they persevered through them? Give me everything.
*Gets up on stage with a stack of documents, clears throat, adjusts mic* I'll try to summarize where I can. A lot is still being developed and written, so there may be a few slight jumps, but the general idea and timeline are certainly here.
Long before ARR, young Ryune lived near the Peering Stones with her mother and four siblings. Her father was an adventurer himself, and while not absent, was often away. When Garlemald attacked, they were forced to take refuge at the Peering Stones proper. This was the first time they ever met, though Ryune looked very different, her hair brown and short, and her name at this stage of life being M'runa.
They got along, as kids tend to do, though as time passed, Ryune withdrew more and more as her family dropped one by one until her gather took her to escape beyond Baelsar's Wall into Eorzrea proper.
Many years later, they would finally meet yet again during Stormblood, though they didn't recognize each other at first. Ryune was the first to realize, giving M'naago a big hug before realizing she should really explain. She told her about how they had escaped, how she had needed to take refuge with the U (where her name became U'ryune before dropping the U when she set out as an adventurer), and how good it was to see her after so long.
Unfortunately, M'naago wasn't quite as excited, sharing the opinion of many of her tribe about adventurers being nothing but swords for hire who shouldn't be trusted, no matter what they might have accomplished. This opinion would soon melt away, however, during the campaign to liberate their homeland, as Ryune would often be the one leading the charge, full of conviction and passion.
The respect turned to friendship, Ryune seeing her as both determined and compassionate during the campaign. Once Doma was free and the efforts fell fully to the liberation Ala Mhigo, they fought side by side quite often and formed a bond of deep trust. It was here that Ryune felt something more and began to be a bit flirty towards her, though M'naago wasn't exactly sure how to take it, as, at this time, Ryune and Thancred were rumored to be together, and while it was true they had a physical relationship, it was never a romantic one, rather one of mutual trust and physical attraction. This came to a head not long before the final battle to liberate the city proper.
M'naago had picked up on Ryune's advances and, while feeling something herself, found herself very annoyed and a more than a bit angry that Ryune was, in her mind, attempting to cheat on Thancred. A rather long, empassioned talk about what was going on and an admission of Ryune's feelings later, they had the beginnings of Ryune's first romantic involvement with another. They didn't have all that long to develop that relationship, though, as the Garlean's counterattack would force them into action once again. This was also when the Scions were being taken, and M'naago could put two and two together, understanding Ryune might soon be gone herself. On the eve of battle, a second admission of feelings, this time primarily from M'naago, took place, expressing her fear and love and hope for what could be. The night ended with their first kiss. It would be the last night they would see each other for a very long time.
The final battle with Zenos broke Ryune's body, both physically and as a vessel for aether. Ryune, believing them to be her last thoughts, held M'naago in her mind, hoping she would understand and that she would be able to move on. She regretted not being able to see her again and that End of Days had kept the apart as much as being stuck in the First had. She remembers waking for a moment on the ship, Alisae crying over her while her companions poured aether into her before it all went black again.
The next time she gained consciousness was in Old Sharlayan, in a white room with all sorts of devices hooked to her. She could barely move or see, her mouth so dry that speaking was nearly impossible. She saw a red blur leave the room in a rush and the familiar voice of Alisae calling that she was awake. An explanation of events, her recovery by the resident doctor who also was kind enough to give her a bit of water so she could speak again, and efforts by Yshtola and Krile to rebuild what was likened to a highly eroded dam within that was supposed to hold the aether in her that Ryune had essentially broken by drawing so much aether through herself.
Yshtola and Krile noticed M'naago at the door and invited her in, taking their leave and making Alisae come along to give them some time alone. It was a tearful reunion, M'naago having taken turns with Alisae by her side for the weeks she had been in bed. Here, there was a plain admission of mutual love and a long overdue kiss, and a promise that Ryune would never do something so reckless by herself again. They spent a good deal of time here in a small apartment near the medical facilities during the recovery once she was out of that bed.
The road to recovery was difficult, and it ended up placing a strain on their relationship for a time. Ryune has an anger problem, one that forced her to run from Little Ala Mhigo in the first place that had flared up every now and then during the course of her adventures. The recent outbursts were worse, though, but M'naago was able to understand, having seen dozens of friends injured and dealing with PTSD. She was able to take that anger and deflect it away, getting through to Ryune and quelling the rage whenever it would flare up. This is also when they first began spending their nights together, M'naago having to quickly learn how to calm nightmare-induced panic attacks and deflect random flailing in the dark. She also had to deal with depressive episodes where Ryune could barely be convinced to get out of bed, but M'naago stuck with her and made sure she got through it all.
Once Ryune finally recovered enough, they wanted to find a home together, deciding on Ala Ghana due to its aetherite connection and proximity to the rebuilding Fists of Rhalgr that Ryune wished to dedicate her time to now that the End of Days had been averted. Somehow, word got out about this new living arrangement, and the Ironworks engineers, along with a few Garleans who wished to repay her, set upon the place, modernizing it and expanding it. At Ryune's insistence, they did add amenities to the other homes carved into the cliff as well, but hers still ended up having the most bells and whistles. She had also used the tools they brought to make a large tub big enough to float in. It was as if someone had encased a Garlean home in carved rock, complete with electrical power and clean water that could be heated as they wished.
This era is one of relative stability, with M'naago running her reconciliation and rebuilding efforts in Rhalgr's Reach while Ryune set about rebuilding the Fists in the Temple above (this is where the bulk of stories my brain has are in the timeline). Their bond here is an established one of trust, understanding, and a desire to see each other succeed, their efforts often overlapping since their end goal is to rebuild the area and bring refugees back home. They want to see the area thrive once more, and know just how much work it will take, but believe fully that it's a worthwhile goal. Ryune's time helping in the Thirteenth weren't so far flung as to keep her away from M'naago any longer than a day or two at a time, but with Wuk Lamat asking for assistance, it's led to a crisis within Ryune. As she knew all too well to do, she spoke plainly with her partner, explaining how she felt guilty about leaving M'naago behind and the Monks as well, but M'naago set her straight, explaining that her love of adventuring and desire to help others was core to who she was, and one of the many reasons she loved her so much. M'naago told her to go, and that it wasn't like before, with a request like this likely leaving her with more time to stay here since they weren't racing the end of the world anymore. This reaffirmed Ryune's own love for M'naago, so understanding and caring with such an incredible knack for striking the core of the problems she faced: No one would be angry she would be gone, and she would still have her loving partner and home whenever she returned.
That's how things stand for now, with Ryune awaiting word while they both continue to live happy domestic lives with the occasional local adventure while time allows.
Ryune's love for M'naago stems from her compassion and ability forgive others, like with her reconciliation efforts with the Skulls, her bravery, leadership ability, and her really bad puns/jokes (that I made up as a trait) that Ryune can't help but enjoy. When one is said, the urge to smooch her face goes through the roof. Ryune saw her as a strong comrade-in-arms, dependable ally, and now, as someone she couldn't imagine her life without.
M'naago's love for Ryune comes from how she is so passionate about the things she cares about, whether it's the Monks or Gyr Abania or M'naago herself, her desire to help everyone she comes across, and her adventurous spirit which has often lead to her trying all kinds of new things and seeing new places. She is also quite happy that Ryune is so open with her, speaking her mind openly and plainly about what troubles her ever since Ryune began her recovery.
They know the other means what they say and, after the few early misteps, know the best way is to always speak your heart. This is also why M'naago is unbothered by Ryune's past and present proclivity for more physical affection/interactions with people she trusts. For example, if Ryune gave G'raha a big kiss after not seeing him for a while, she wouldn't see it as something that worries her at all, though she would be quite entertained to see what his reaction would be!
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halikyon · 3 months
If your character had to eat a 'last meal' and were able to pick anything they wanted, no matter how obscure or hard to get it was, disregarding limits on quantity, what would they order and why?
Ryune would likely hearken back to her youth and eat something that reminded her of home before the invasion. A big, heavily spiced steak of some kind, grilled over an open flame. I could imagine her as a little girl getting all excited as her older sisters came home with a catch, and her wanting to feel like she was with them one last time.
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halikyon · 4 months
MiqoMarch Day 5: Hobby
Any time spent by or in the water is a good time for Ryune. Fishing, swimming or just floating along. Always made better when shared with someone you love!
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halikyon · 3 months
MiqoMarch Day 29: Adventure
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There was something more to adventuring now, as Ryune had grown as a person. No longer was it simply a desire to go forth into the unknown, rather it was the will to see and to know, to understand the myriad peoples of the star, and to lend her help wherever she could. From what she knew of Azem, perhaps they weren't so different after all. The desire to wander the land and her desire to make her home with M'naago were at odds, it was true, but there was this feeling inside that if she didn't go, if she wasn't out there, then perhaps that home she wanted wouldn't be permitted to last. What threats loomed on the horizon across the sea? What manner of machinations had the Ascians set in motion before their demise? She had to know. She had to go and see for herself. Ryune would know the world in order to protect it, and for that one must travel it, even if it meant saying goodbye for a time. Naago would understand, she had said so already, that she would be waiting for her return whenever Ryune could. To think she had pushed everyone away for so long in a misguided attempt to keep from being hurt by loss again. Now it was love that drove her on to adventure once more. As she sat, gazing upon the horizon, Ryune couldn't help but wonder if she would be enough this time, her old wounds aching as a grim reminder of how close it had been the last time.
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halikyon · 4 months
Ryune: You, know, when you said we should see if we could get a better look, I wasn't expecting us to climb up a tree, though it is nice to get away from the others for a little. We've barely had time to talk today.
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M'naago: Well, that's not exactly what I said, but it certainly served the intended purpose.
Ryune: Oh? What exactly did you -
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M'naago: C'mon, am I not being obvious enough for you? Maybe this will help you understand.
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Ryune: Here? Now?
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M'naago: Here. Now.
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Ryune: In a tree?
M'naago: I've gotta make sure every tree and bush is safe when on patrol, after all. Call it multitasking.
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halikyon · 5 months
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A lovely relaxing evening full of kisses
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halikyon · 2 months
There she go!
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