#s rereads cdth
karouvas · 6 months
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she really does have a way of writing about straight people being subtly insane (complimentary)
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crimeronan · 4 years
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acesgroupchat · 3 years
For the ship meme: I'm rereading Call Down the Hawk right now, so I wanna say the raven cycle but, if you don't have as many ship feelings about them there is always Nirvana in Fire :D Oh, or Critical Role, in case someone already asked NiF
:D oh man oh man
I absolutely DO have ship feels about TRC, but since you mentioned Call Down the Hawk I'm going to do a CDTH-centric answer to this lol:
the ship i like bc i think it’s interesting: Gansey/Ronan. This is probably a product of coming into this fandom very late, but this to me feels like SUCH a fascinating road not taken, in that it brings out really different aspects of both of these characters and that's very fun to me
the ship i like bc i think it’s hot: Declan/Jordan. It wrecked my WHOLE SHOP when CDTH came out and it was revealed that Declan Lynch was secretly the poster boy for my very favorite flavor of fictional het dude this WHOLE TIME!!!, Service sub AND competence porn?? I was SO MAD! How DARE maggie make me love this cream-faced business boy??? RUDE!!!
the ship i like bc i think it’s fucked up: Ronan/Bryde. Is this a ship? I have no idea if this is even a ship but I'm sure someone could write some real fucked up stuff about it lol
the ship i like bc i think it’s hilarious: Declan/Adam. This one is absolutely @toast-the-unknowing's fault but I am here on this party boat, drink in hand, ready for chaos
Honorable Mention: Ronan/Adam. I like this one the same way I like vanilla ice cream. It's just GOOD. Just a straightforward good time with some fun interesting boys.
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misterywaren · 3 years
My Chaotic Reread Of Cdth
I’m rereading Cdth and the emotional roller coaster I’m on has me going on Tumblr and ranting as a read, hopefully someone can relate.
SPOILERS!!!  MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS!!  (Disclaimer: It’s long)
All quotes belong to Call Down The Hawk By Maggie Stiefvater!
Welcome to today’s session of “I’m a train wreck of a reading person”!
“Lock tapped the time of Nathan Farooq-Lane’s death into his phone.”   Pg 10
Dangerous dreamers, fun.  Killing your own sibling with an obsession with blades, so much fun.
“Ronan Lynch was about to end the world.”   Pg 11
Rereading this makes me laugh, it’s so funny that one POV is like “Oh no we have to find the Zed who wants to end the world asap” and meanwhile insert Ronan Lynch: I’m about to end the world.  Slow down Lynch, we’re only on chapter 2 and I haven’t had my sip of coffee yet.
“Ronan missed him like a lung” Pg 17
Idk man, this is what I call quality romance, if you don’t miss your lover like a lung you’re doing something wrong.
“Please.” Pg 32
If you know, you know.
“You smell like home.” Pg 35
My heart, awe
Okay, when RONAN DOESN’T MENTION NOAH, I HURT.  For real, I read those theories dhuiehuefhefuheui
““Don’t kill anyone.”  The words were only an excuse to breathe in Ronan’s ear; it made a marvel of his nerve endings.” Pg 39
*reads the fight-not a fight part* *closes book* *walks out the front door* we’re gonna buy Adam Parrish a cup of self-worth. (Pg 44)
“I want it too much.” Pg 46
....and murder crabs 
“Now who’s the little bitch?” Pg 73
Ah, yes, the moment I fell in love with Hennessy.
“Nightwash” Pg 76
Okay, ngl when I first read this my mind was like: mouthwash Now I’m like: The name is perfect 
“Is there any version of you that could come with me to Cambridge? No” Pg 76
“You are made of dreams and this world is not for you.” Pg 77
Oh you- ~ The text messages between Ronan and Gansey are wholesome
Chapter 12 really changed my perspective of Declan and let me tell you, I came out of this book wanting to hug the hell out of Declan- 
“Jordan imagined flinging herself from a roof and flying” Pg 101 
The moment I fell in love with Jordan ~ Parsifal- I- <3
“Bryde, they said” Pg 128
Meanwhile, my brain: Here comes the Bryde 
“The orphans Lynch.” Pg 135
*tears* ~ Declan and Jordan = Yes  (Pg. the whole book) ~ Tbh when Gasey asked if “Badass” was two words or one, I spent 15 minutes thinking about that- but that’s just Gansey, he says something, sends me to question mark nation and then monologues, love him. (Pg. 161) ~ OH MATTHEW YOU INNOCENT I’M SO SORRY FOR WHAT’S COMING FOR YOU- (Pg 160) ~ PARSIFAL T-T (Pg 166) Carmen...ah  (Pg 179) ~ Chapter 28: HOLD ON, HOLD ON ~ PARSIFAL T-T (Pg 195)
““I saved your life because I love you and I was scared [...]”  “I know you.”“ (Pg 204-206)
Yes, that’s all, yes ~ Tyrian purple (Pg 214) ~ YES DECLAN HAPPINESS, H A P P I N E S S (Pg 231) ~ *Insert Adam* *Insert Ronan* *Insert kisses* *Insert my happy tears* I’ll never tire of this scene, never, it’s so, you know? (Pg. 235-237) ~ *insert scrying* *insert scream* there has been a disturbance in the force *insert Ronan holding Adam* disturbance has been demolished (Chapter 39) ~ *insert Adam leaving* :( *insert Adam stalling* :D *insert Ronan feeling alone* :( *Insert kisses goodbye* :D  (Chapter 41)
“You are the most expensive thing I have ever saved” Pg 267
And this is the moment where I stared at the page for 5 minutes just loving this line ~ *Insert Ronan saving Hennessy* "THAT’S MY SON!” I yelled into the abyss/at my bedroom wall. (chapter 44) ~ *the matthew scene* You know the first time I read this I was in class and I was sobbing.  No matter how many times I read it, I die, can someone stop me from throwing myself out a window?  Please, it hurts. (Pg. 312) ~ *the matthew to ronan scene* Hahahaha haha ha *channels inner Neil Josten* I’m fine, totally fine, didn’t have my heart ripped out of my chest, NOPE (Pg. 316) ~ Chapter 56, I bow down to you, you’re amazing. ~ When Ronan said “my boyfriend” I screeched.  (Pg. 357) Ha..WERE GOING ON A TRIP TO OUR FAVOURITE MAGICAL FOREST, SOARING THROUGH DREAMS, IT’S GONNA BE FINE. (What am I doing?) ~ P A R S I F A L (pg. 364) ~ Declan “in case you don’t have internal organs” Lynch. (Pg. 371) Ouuu plot twist (Pg. 373) ~ Living for awkward Declan, you know? ~ Chainsaw and Opal, thank you for gracing me with your presence (Pg. 393) Give the girl some time Lynch, she’s scared (Chapter. 67) ~ (chapter 69) Sing it with me guys “Something good is happening, that can only mean we’re about to get our hearts broken! ay!”  THE PAINTINGS- Oh Declan, hun, you *hugs book* it’s okay, I’m sorry, I love you. ~ The dogs, yes Ronan, yess (pg. 428) ~
“Tamquam. It was marked unread.” -Pg. 458 
Ahahah, didn’t need my heart anyways ~ I reached the end and here I am again yelling at the book to give me answers and crying, it’s great to be alive. ~
Wow you’ve made it to the end (or you scrolled and scrolled and here you are, hello). Hope you enjoyed my rant and reread of this book, I’m a mess, I love this book so much. I loved The Raven Cycle as well and I can’t wait for the next book in this trilogy. Have a wonderful day and stay safe guys! *whisper hisses* MAY COME FASTER 
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Because I'm a good for nothing who has read nothing but fanfiction abt trc all of quarantine if I wasn't just rereading the series, I only finished cdth last night:
s h a m b l e s.
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bluelilylilyblue · 5 years
Jules reads cdth chapters 1-10
here is my mostly unfiltered, bordering on the slightly incomprehensible, notes/thoughts/questions/theories from my read of the first 10 chapters of call down the hawk. putting everything below that cut just in case you haven’t filtered out spoilers or you’re on mobile. anyway here is the nonsense I was spewing into my phone notes last night...
Matthew walking the ley lines/towards Cabeswater?
“The Lynch boy?” “I want the key” Old associate of niall? cause of Declan talking over that stuff in trc
that valley where the Irish cottage is sounds like Cabeswater, like the way it seems to hum and feel alive - wonder how many places like it there are in the world and if we’ll see more
so a dreamer is basically the antichrist lol
I’m gonna assume this “zed” killing org is one of the things Declan was trying to protect Ronan from in trc - they were in Ireland and Niall was from Ireland right like I’m not making that up in my head like a crazy person grasping at straws? idk y’all I didn’t do a reread- ANYWAY connection?
Matthew not driving? me too bud!
Matthew not driving because he’s failed three times? welp he is a Lynch, this is deeply unsurprising to me like Ronan is his brother (creator? dreamer dad?)
fighting about how fast/slow your sibling drives is peak relatable thank you maggie I feel seen
nightwash - black ooze (sideline I can’t decide if this is metal as hell or just gross)...related to the demon who was killing cabeswater in trk?
Ronan’s creepy dream voice reminds me of Blue and the way she feels about the stars
sidenote: I miss Blue and Gansey like a lung and every mention of them equal parts hurts me and resurrects me (lol resurrect) 
the lack of silence and magic in the world is killing Ronan? causing the nightwash? oof me too bud
the voice (Bryde) warning about the “zed” killing group
Bryde another dreamer? - like Kavinsky visiting? why is he talking to Ronan? how does he know about him?
hot art forger thief lady is my new wife
Ronan seeing Adam for the first time from far away and STILL being like  H A N D S 
Ronan praying to god for Adam has my gay former catholic ass shook..like the power that has the IMPLICATIONS
Adam having imposter syndrome is so incredibly in character but like...it hurts me
Ronan daydreaming about his and Adam’s reunion is peak hopeless romantic
do Adam’s friends suck? I can’t tell yet guess i’ll wait and see
sidenote: I feel like Adam’s friends suck because I was in a similar position to Adam in high school, I grew up in an extremely wealthy area but my family didn’t have a lot of money and everyone I went to school with, even my friends, were super shitty about that and poverty in general, so poverty jokes and having to hide parts of you to fit in fucking grinds my gears cause I heard that shit DAILY
Ronan is smart, he be SMORT
Adam lying for a fresh start hurts me MORE - but like I get it...and hate it
back to thinking he is unknowable I see
“he longed for him even while holding him” fellas is that gay?
god I fuckin hope it works
moderators being a government agency cause like of course it’s a secret government agency
visionaries...wtf they just like die??? wtf
“reality is a decision” that seems like a theme that’s gonna pop up a bunch - can Ronan control how his dream things appear in the world after he’s brought them back?
so the fairy market is where Niall would sell his dreams and Declan was selling Niall’s dreams right? gotta be. is he still? is the market connected to the key?
honestly what is Fletcher thinking walking into that disaster zone? that Adam and Ronan have a very active and kinky sex life? like what other explanation can you conjure
“She had a face that looked like it was smiling even if she wasn’t smiling.” literally why is that hot and why am I already in love with her
like fishnets??? ma’am please
okay so I love them BOTH?? twins?? with even more look a-likes?? color my scared and horny
so...we thinkin dreams/dreamers/none of the above
“The bright friendliness of her voice as she snapped a cell photos of his ID was one of the more threatening things he’d ever heard.” so Jordan and Ronan are gonna get along just fineeeeee
“You are made of dreams and this world is not for you.” literally stop. I will cry.
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karouvas · 7 months
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my dude… I have some guesses 😐
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karouvas · 7 months
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And this is the meet cute of the two chars who get married as the conclusion of the series…
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karouvas · 7 months
one type of rep trcverse does excel at is insomniacs
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karouvas · 7 months
I do love the magical blackmarket where there’s human forgery / art theft going on, my kind of concept
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karouvas · 7 months
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just deliciousss
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karouvas · 7 months
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oh I do unfortunately relate to this :/
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karouvas · 6 months
finished one of the many parts of this book I did not remember was them getting on a hovercraft at the end?
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karouvas · 6 months
Declan and Mathew’s car conversation is so Elena and Jeremy core
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karouvas · 7 months
nightwash making black liquid ooze out the nose after the magical fuckery is over hello Josie Saltzman core
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karouvas · 7 months
I think I don’t actually remember like anything about this book teehee
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