#s: in truth tempest can never be tamed
pricemarshfield · 1 month
HI……flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand for the first ship that comes to mind for you 😔
it's raphtav, who's surprised (no one). also this kind of got away from me and is 90% a totally different thing but there is a hand kiss...eventually. prompt list here!
Tav isn't supposed to be here. Not really. She's a cleric and this is a temple, sure, but it's the kind of detached, formal devotion as unlike her faith as one can get.
But still: something in her bristles at seeing him walking around the place. It's an insult, though whether to her or to divinity in general, she's not sure.
"Fancy seeing you here," Tav says, keeping her voice bored and quiet, her eyes on the statues ahead of her even as he settles next to her on the pew. "I'd imagine the place would be warded against a devil. Does it hurt every step you take, or something?"
"Not quite," Raphael says, and his voice is low and right in her ear (so as not to carry, that's all, as she reminds herself to little success). "I'll admit to a certain discomfort, but that's far outweighed by the pleasure of your company, my dear."
Tav scoffs. "Please. The pleasure of irritating me, if anything."
"I hardly see the difference," Raphael says, amused, teasing, and fair enough, because Tav doesn't either.
"Why is it that you're following me, then?"
She hasn't signed the contract, and doesn't intend to. Might have, if he hadn't been stupid enough to name where he was keeping it, but if he's going to give her an inch, then she'll take a mile, and every valuable in his house besides.
(It's very nearly a shame. She really does like him.)
He hums, as though he's unsure whether to answer her question at all, let alone truthfully. But he's playing at offering a just deal these days -- at least with her, correctly guessing she'd see through whatever bullshit he spins for the less insightful -- so he eventually adds, "This tabernacle hasn't a place for your Lord, does it?"
Tav snorts. "The Destroyer himself? No."
"Perhaps I'm curious as to what threat you'd risk his wrath for," Raphael says, careful, covetous.
She turns more fully to him at that, despite the fact it'll draw eyes she really doesn't need her way, because she would love to pull the thread to see what he wants here. Understanding her, to better convince her to give him the Crown? The worship, mortal devotion and adoration and supplication that only a god or archdevil could manage? Her attention, specifically?
Some mix of all three, most likely, because there's a simmering heat in his gaze that she's not expecting. It's enough to startle her into honesty. "I doubt he'd be all that furious at me filching holy water, actually."
Raphael blinks, the only sign of his not having anticipated that answer. He smiles after a beat of weighing it, pleased. "You intend to disrupt the Rite today, then? Are there not more pressing concerns?"
Yes, to both questions, but someone had decided to threaten his siblings in the first building past the gate they'd come across, and Tav would rather just deal with that now than be ambushed at camp later. (Also, she imagines that may come in handy for more than the undead, though she's certainly not going to say that to him.)
Without waiting for her answer, he stands. Walking in to gossip under his breath isn't too unlike the various Baldurians here today, but leaving without even a pretense at prayer once he's done has a murmur of irritated chatter building behind them.
Oh, wonderful, and one of Helm's priests is walking up to them now, too, as though Tav wasn't already ill at ease from being the thief in this endeavor, just for her Lord's protection, Shadowheart unwilling to rob a temple honoring her new goddess, barely a week after accepting her.
"I must ask that you either sit or leave," the priest says, his voice not all that quiet, attracting further attention. "This is a sacred place, and you are disturbing the peace."
"Forgive me, ser," Tav murmurs, face flushed with embarrassment and irritation.
"No, forgive me, my dear," Raphael says, amused in a way that only annoys her more. "I hardly meant to disturb a holy woman such as yourself, so devoted as you are to ridding the world of such monsters as plague it." He extends a hand to her, inviting her to leave with him.
She takes it, grip light and cautious like the type of holy woman she's pretending at might favor, now that he's thrown that excuse out for her.
But instead of helping her up like she expects, he turns her hand and presses a quick, light kiss on the back of her hand before she can realize what he's doing and stop him. (He's warm. Fucking obvious, that, but it's all she can focus on, and then he's dropping her hand and it feels oddly cold as she lets it fall back to her side.)
"You know where to find me, should you require my aid in further sparing this fair city from those that would see it twisted into something other," he says, and then, quieter, enough that the priest might not be able to make out a word or two, "We both know I'm your best option, mouse."
Tav smiles, hoping he can see through the sweetness to the fuck off, will you she's playing at. "With my Lord protecting me, I need no further aid, but I thank you, regardless."
Raphael's eyes flare with something properly dangerous. Tav's heart ticks a little faster at the threat in a way that she knows isn't terror.
The priest nods approvingly at her as the devil leaves. She assumes, anyway; she's mostly staring after Raphael. (Still better to rob him, probably. Certainly better not to follow down any stray thoughts that linger, about his mouth and the far-better ways he might use it.)
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pricemarshfield · 2 months
in truth tempest can never be tamed
a mostly canon compliant raphtav fic, in which raphael is obsessed and tav is a mystery he can't quite figure out. it doesn't end well for him. INCREDIBLY self-indulgent content of my oc. warning for (canon compliant) major character death and graphic depictions of violence.
technically the first raphtav AND the first bg3 fic i ever started writing, back in october before i'd even finished the game! i hadn't even admitted to liking raphael yet <3 "just an interesting perspective for my oc" okay past sarah, whatever you say
Raphael's lying when he tells them he's surprised they’ve made it as far as they have, though he's honest about being impressed. The merry band of adventurers were always going to reach Baldur’s Gate with Tav at the lead, so singularly focused. It’s not some blind faith (as if a devil is capable of such a thing). But even Korrilla’s first notes had given him…conviction, in her abilities. Clear leader of the group. Skilled liar. More interested in the accolades of heroism than the good deeds itself. Seemingly unbothered by Zariel’s old blade or Mizora’s pet. Shall I keep watching? [See the tags and read the full fic on AO3 here.]
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pricemarshfield · 3 months
eat your young
a canon divergent raphtav fic, in which an at-least-slightly-evil-aligned cleric allies with raphael, and both of them get weird about it.
this is a fic i am SO excited to get started. only the first of a planned 27 chapters is done, but almost all of them are at least partially written, and most more than that, so i'm anticipating regular updates (work allowing).
The Rite of Profane Ascension completes at last to little fanfare in Cania. Seven thousand souls are, all things considered, a mere pittance to its Archdevil, especially given how long it took from the contract's offer to its fulfillment. Of minor interest is the soul that completed it not being the Szarr patriach that had originally negotiated the deal rather than one of his spawn, but it hardly matters. One soulless, sun-walking vampire will do much the same damage as another. A pity. Seven thousand souls in Mephistopheles' pocket may be nothing to him, but Raphael would have loved to know he'd been denied them through his influence. [See the tags and read the full first chapter on AO3 here.]
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pricemarshfield · 7 days
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he is in my house forever. WITH the quote that made me insane about him !!!
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pricemarshfield · 3 months
wip wednesday babyyyy
on time and everything! i don’t Think i’ve posted this snippet before but i have been thinking of it constantly so. tagged by @a-treides , tagging @wretcheddthing @elliewilliams @pouralaura @atrueneutral aaaand anyone else who’d like to share :)
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pricemarshfield · 14 days
last six sentences
tagged by @wetcatspellcaster, and ty for the tag!!
okay so TECHNICALLYYY the last several sentences i've written are on one of my queen b fics but bg3 my beloved is still the main thing Haunting me. soooo a bit of the next "all things end" chapter (which will, god willing, be out tonight or tomorrow) AND some of an as-yet-unnamed raphtav fic which will be out, presumably. at some point
tagging @reallyhatethiswebsite @pouralaura @atrueneutral @a-treides aaand @bravestworriers, as well as anyone else that'd like to :))
all things end
Ina's not an idiot; Bea watches the realization of what that means wash over her in real time. Surprise and upset and relief, most of all. Bea could throttle her for it. She lets the mutual acknowledgment of what they're here to talk about linger in the air for a moment before leaning forward. "...I see." Bea can't help from roll her eyes at that. "Oh, you do, do you?" Ina frowns. "Bea." Bea smiles, a sharp-edged snarl of a thing. (She's seen pictures; it looks like a baring of teeth when she's not actively trying to make it sweet.) "Ina." Ina sighs, exactly like a professor disappointed in their student would. No--like a disappointed school teacher, like Bea's not even an adult yet, let alone a full person worthy of having an actual relationship with. Bea half-expects Ina to chide her, call her childish, but she just says, "Don't make this conversation any harder, Bea." "Fine, then," Bea says, placidly calm in the way that Zoey would recognize as alarming, and that Ina just looks further relieved by. "Then let's not drag this out any longer than it needs to be. It's over. That good enough for you?"
raphtav but they're both still the worst people in the world <3
Loath as Raphael is to admit it, the idea isn’t without merit. No longer is his arena one governed by reason, logic, order; no, instead it’s a contest determined by the shallowest of appearances, rather than true charisma and vision. Certainly he beats out the would-be tyrant in spades, in all matters, and yet: the polls show the brat leading. No matter that Gortash’s top priority “of utmost importance” flits between whatever fad strikes the populace, no matter that all his so-called allies loathe him, no matter that his hair is the only thing in the world greasier than the diner Raphael’s been summoned to. It’s a test, because it must be. No one would enjoy the Blushing Mermaid, unless Ms. March herself is suffering from a far worse bout of smoke inhalation than he thought. Can such a thing cause brain damage? But then, the glee on her face as she slides across from him suggests an active malice on her part. He’s relieved by it; that’s certainly easier to keep in check. “Raphael,” Tav greets, smiling politely at the waitress as she passes. “A pleasure to meet you again.” “Likewise,” he says, because she certainly looks far better out of the soot-stained, bulky gear she’d had on last they met.
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pricemarshfield · 4 months
ship traits and picrew!
tagged by @a-treides and guys i know i always say these are long and under the cut for that reason but i really couldn't shut the fuck up on this one so. you have been warned <3 i talked about 11 ocs and a couple of them have multiple partners
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tav khoury & raphael (baldur's gate 3); so this is kind of a mix of "canon" end where she kills him and "bad end" where they actually get "together" (read: are insane).
height difference (i am So normal about how much taller his cambion form is than her (lie)) / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (diveristy win! the worst two people in the world are bisexual) / family disapproves (i feel like their whole thing gives mephistopheles heartburn and that's before we get into the crown of karsus bit) / would die for each other / would kill for each other (and have <3) / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly (exhibitionist weirdos <3) / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed (they don't talk about it) / relationship doubts / they have a song (they probably each write one bc they're bards and refuse to acknowledge the other's as anything other than copying, regardless of who wrote it first. raphael's is better but tav performs hers better, probably) / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests (do not let me get started on this one i'll explode.) / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala (the things these two have gotten up to in dark corners at fancy galas in my wips. good lird) / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together (if gale being cured of the orb didn't necessitate the crown tav would have been Crazy even in her canon end. her morals aren't That good. but unforch. she befriended gale first.) / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers (but only Barely. he kidnaps her when they first meet, she threatens to kill him, but both of them leave that initial conversation feeling largely positive about each other because they're weird.) / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets (her, not him. he's weirdly honest and that drives miss "never failed a deception check" insane) / love after loss (but worse!) / exes / declaration of love (only in bad end but my God does tav fucking go for it there) / flirting / love triangle (only barely. it's entirely dependent on One thing and there's not like an Ongoing Competition. tav's poly she just can't have both because it requires her to reject or lean into Bonkers worldviews) / destructive romance (it ain't called bad end because tav has a positive impact, i'll say that much) / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values (truly insane the degree to which this happened by accident. by the way) / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters (they're both bards. they get Poetic with it)
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tav khoury & astarion (baldur's gate 3); just like above, a mix of "canon" end where they're freaks having their happily-ever-after and "bad end" where he ascends and uhh she doesn't like that to put it mildly. but not on moral reasons she dgaf about the seven thousand souls.
height difference (not as much. but still) / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other (and have!) / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly (to the dismay of their party) / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet (idgaf what the epilogue said. scratch and the owlbear are staying with tav) / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts (only insomuch as is canonical in act 2/early act 3) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry (something horribly intimate about washing the blood out of your clothes after a battle with a fresh bitemark on your neck...) / same hobbies / cooking for each other (tav can't cook but she lets him bite her every night so it Counts) / big fancy gala (leveraging their reputation as heroes to get invites to things that they act wildly inappropriate at) / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies (only in bad end) / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes (only in bad end) / declaration of love (graveyard scene killed me dead i must say) / flirting / love triangle (raphael psychically attacked me into it but alas. it remains) / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well (bad end) / happily ever after (canon end) / love letters
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mari marino & karl bishop (undercover agent)
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves (don't let the fact that you were hired to spy on their dad and watched him get murdered keep you from finding your true love!) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts (for at Least a couple years post-game. did you only date me to get better access to my father, are you in this for the money, are you only with me for revenge and there's a con i'm missing, etc etc. but eventually they're like oh dip this is real, nice) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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lyna mahariel & alistair theirin (dragon age: origins)
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (idc what the game says that man is bisexual.) / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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neria surana & leliana (dragon age: origins)
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other (and neria did!) / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews (interestingly enough, leliana in dai is much more in line with neria's worldview in dao than they're aligned when they're both alive. neria's just very much a pragmatist in a way dao leliana Isn't) / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets (neria does Not tell leliana a warden has to die, and she Definitely doesn't tell her about the dark ritual she turned down) / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters (and if i say the locked box in dai is full of the letters leliana writes and can never send...)
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kallian tabris & zevran arainai (dragon age: origins)
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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marian hawke & anders (dragon age 2) AND marian hawke & justice (dragon age 2)
anders; height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets (she is Still annoyed that he didn't tell her about the chantry, because she would still have been down if she knew) / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well (unfortunately. evelyn the incredibly pro-chantry pro-circle mage is Not letting proud kickstarter of the mage rebellion out of the fade given the choice between her and alistair. so) / happily ever after / love letters
justice; height difference (technically. bc he's in anders' body) / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves (at least a Little bit) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship (hawke's friends will put up with a Lot but she's fairly certain this is pushing the envelope a tad too much, so) / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers (they Wildly misunderstood each other throughout acts 1 and act 2. it's between act 2 and 3 that they come to an Understanding and then More) / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy (a spirit doesn't covet, But--) / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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garrett hawke & anders (dragon age 2)
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other (garrett for anders, mostly) / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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rose hawke & merrill (dragon age 2)
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves (merrill's clan is um less than pleased that rose is a) a shem and b) enthusiastically supportive of merrill's blood magic) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts (on merrill's end, from what i read of her Canonical lack of faith in human/elf relationships) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies (rose is a deeply curious person who learns about magic as much as a non-mage in kirkwall can) / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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rine hawke & isabela (dragon age 2)
height difference (rine is a short king butch <3 she is standing on a chair or something here) / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts (i would not describe isabela in act 2 as Very Secure in her relationship with Any hawke) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests (rine liked pirates Well before the game) / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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evelyn trevelyan & josephine montilyet (dragon age: inquisition)
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle (only Technically. shoutout to josephine's fiance whose name i forget for dropping that pretty damn quick) / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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mahanon lavellan & cassandra pentaghast (dragon age: inquisition)
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (she is bisexual To Me and he is bi and not cis) / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews (similar Values, but VERY different ideas about how to go about that; he's far more radical than she is in terms of mage rights and chantry "reform") / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts (i think whenever they butt heads about a Major ideological difference they have doubts, honestly) / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters (she's a romantic, and he is happy to indulge)
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