#s: musical.ly
skelethom · 1 month
Skelethom - Welcome!
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About me (๑'ᴗ')ゞ
Hello everyone! I'm Skelethom (Thomas, Thom or even Tom! Or whatever nicknames you come up with! I love nicknames), i go by he/him. I was born on November 19! I'm a scorpio, and my home country (who i never left) is Brazil, my first language is Portuguese, but i learned english all by myself (that's why it's so bad Lol), i also know a tiny lil bit of Spanish, French and Italian (but not as much as english).
My illustrations are made on my Phone (that isn't very good) using my finger to do so, same with the lil animations i make, i joined the eddsworld fandom in 2014/2015, started fully posting on Amino and Musical.ly but moved to Instagram, Twitter (but i deleted my posts) and Musical.ly turned into TikTok and i kinda never left so yay!
I have accounts on multiple websites but my nickname is almost never the same, i try to put "Thom" somewhere in my name but sometimes it doesn't work so it goes to my bio.
And also through my posts i got the chance to meet a lovely girl who i have the pride to announce as my girlfriend (who sometimes i call a wife since she'll have to get used to it) @doktorspiele-be , you guys should check her art, just saying.
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Interests ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)
I simply love miniatures, they're adorable! Any and all kind of tiny stuff, i love dolls specifically porcelain ones!
My favorite character from eddsworld is Tom, i love pringles, my favorite dessert is oreo ice cream sandwich and a breakfast i like to eat once in a while is grilled cheese with chocolate.
I think gastronomy is amazing even though i barely know how to cook.
I love skeleton guys like Sans from undertale, Lewis from mystery skulls, ghost rider, Grim reaper from the Grim adventures of billy and mandy.
Which also reminds me that another one of my favorite things is "Old" animation, basically 2000’s cartoons! Jhonny bravo, KND (Kids Next Door), Cow and Chicken, Invader Zim, Courage, Dexter’s laboratory and ETC.
I like emoticons, Roleplay and RPGʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ!
I also have an interest in Gore, Torture (both physical and mental) and virus/infections!
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DON'T (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
I'll say both what i don't do and what i don't want anyone doing around here.
I don't do Matt related requests! (Unless it's someone's self insert, in that case i can CONSIDER MAYBE doing it).
I don't do criminal weirdo shit neither do i want you guys asking for this kind of Stuff, if you support or like it unfollow me and go to the nearest police department :3 (P3do, Zoo, Necro and ETC).
Don't want ANYONE to fight over shipps on this account, this is a safe place for everyone (except the previously mentioned weirdos) so no shaming over something so silly as who they think would make a cute couple!
DON'T shame headcanons! "Oh but this is so inaccurate cause in the ep [..] He said" i don't care, let people have fun, let me have fun, and you can have fun without fucking everyone elses experience.
I don't like Ellsworld so i don't do Requests (again it depends on Self insert so i MIGHT do it).
I do not like video with sudden loud noises and i do not like jumpscares.
DON'T LIKE AT ALL: the owl house, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, viviziepop, muder drones, ANY minecraft smp’s, eddsworld beyond and maggots.
But by now this is it! Buh bye!
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
Hey could you do general headcannons of Haru, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei as tiktokers, they will be so wild as tiktokers lmao thanks
style five as tiktokers
➳ character/s: nanase haruka, tachibana makoto, ryugazaki rei, hazuki nagisa, matsuoka rin
➳ warnings: mentions of food (rin)
➳ notes: i added rin just so it'd be nice and would be easy if we just added the missing style five member. also, i’m so sorry this is so late :((
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he's a lurker.
he has an account, but doesn't post on it much
mostly just scrolls through and likes or favourites videos
never comments
but when he does post
it's sometimes beach ambience
or honestly
it's him cooking mackerel into different dishes
so he teaches the world the glories of mackerel
though, once he did a swimming tiktok
and everyone started thirsting for him
that was the moment he realised he'd made a mistake
even then
everyone is just thirsting for his hands??
he'll be cooking
all you can see is his hands
and people are still after him-
he's recording cats
no doubt
always posting tiktoks about the white cat in his neighbourhood
otherwise, he's trying to join in on the trends
and sometimes it fails
but sometimes
it works
and it works WELL
the ring light trend
and sometimes he does words of affirmation
if you're having a bad day
'it's ok to feel sad, you're valid and we love you :))'
and it's so wholesome
i imagine he tries to do the dancing trends as well
but for the most part, he's your cat content provider
and we live for that, honestly
troom troom better watch out
rei is coming through with the hacks
that actually work
but he's also an education man like hank green
also updating people on the world as it happens
but mostly teaching them maths hacks
like how to calculate percentage really fast
he's teaching you real life things
like how to pay your bills
because school doesn't do it
so he said
'fine, i'll do it myself'
sometimes he will teach you how to make cool things for projects
he's also on booktok
and he's probably accidentally crossed over to smuttok
he's been scarred for life.
is he even on any side of tiktok??
he's so chaotic that he's on all sides of tiktok
once, he was on furrytok
the next day he was on some dream smp lore
and now he’s on gymtok.
as for his upload schedule
there isn’t one
he probably attempts to do tiktok dances but fails 
especially about damn time
he can’t for the life of him do the helicopter part
if not, he takes random videos of things
probably takes really choppy videos of swim club shit
and for sure makes multiple versions of the same sound so he can reach a wide audience
nagisa has definitely done the virginity corner tiktok
i also imagine he’d be super active for a day and then dip for the next 3 months
he was there when it was musical.ly-
thirst traps incoming
he’s done fitness things as well
educational diet thingss
also many versions of the ‘6 feet tall and super strong’ trend
he probably does some spicy content every now and then as well
other than that, it’ll probably be australian travel stuff
has made multiple posts dedicated to the meat pie
and the mcdonald’s hash browns
also has reacted to others eating vegemite with absolute disgust because they put too much on
other than that, he’s probably got some feminist stuff on there
100% stitched the clip of the guy saying a girl having an instagram counts as cheating
it was just him staring at the screen like ._. and then >:((
also also
body positivity man
will always be there to tell people they’re beautiful etc
and if you say otherwise
he’s gonna hunt you down
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tooth-fucker · 1 year
hey! first post but i have been obsessed with the internet and internet culture for around 10 years now. i have been mulling over this topic for MONTHS, but today i started seeing a HUGE influx of “musical.ly”s on tiktok, something that just started today. i wanted to share my opinions on a platform that will actually understand what i mean. all the friends i’ve messaged and even my own parents think i’m crazy.
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and cont. from the notes app:
“and personally, i think the only thing that’s going to keep this going is if we continue to bring back more musical.ly audios. this won’t be just a one-off thing, this “musical.ly” trend will continue and evolve into early tiktok audios, once again leaving us standing at the doorstep of the 2020s. when we open that we’re going to realize we have hit a dead end. you can’t make nostalgia nostalgic. and that’s all we have been doing these past three years. i know i’m talking in loops and skipping around a lot but my god i’ll scream this from the rooftops if i must. as someone who spent their entire childhood on this internet seeping in memes and irony and curated content, i personally feel like i have a lot of knowledge on the topic. i see memes constantly being upcycled, “created” to fit the new climate of the world, but dude it’s the same damn joke i saw at ten years old sitting on the floor of my bedroom with my sister, scrolling through tumblr, wattpad and youtube on my ipad
“and can we talk about MM3? melanie coming back is a HUGE part of this, and depending on when her album releases it can completely alter the trajectory and impact of these trends. the idol and ICON of the 2010s tumblr music genre. talking about issues that were very prevalent in that time (plastic surgeries, being “fake” to look perfect online,) and near none of these things apply to media today (“clean girl” aesthetic, kim removing her implants, the reverting back to “natural”, imperfection creating a sense of “realness” in online media today). but she’s coming back, and with that she’s either going to bring light to issues with society today (something that will make this 2010s aesthetic hit mainstream media, since radio stations love pretending like “woke music” is something new or exciting (ex. see the victoria secret song, which i hate with a burning passion)), or hit some chord with gen z that will further solidify us falling into a millenialization, pretending like we’re still relevant and our opinions matter when they don’t (sorry millennials i love y’all 😭) either way this is going to skyrocket her popularity (like K-12). she couldn’t have come back at a more perfect time. and to top it all off, it’s almost even better she changed her aesthetic, just to really drive home the whole “we’re doing the same exact shit we’ve gone through but BETTER”.
“internet culture has changed too much. 2010s were a time of seeping in hatred, eating disorders, inside jokes, pretending to be “different”, not like other girls. today’s culture is all about being on the same level playing field as each other. we’re not going to become “problematic” again guys. the 2010s is either going to transform modern culture again or dissipate into obscurity.””
i’m done. thanks y’all. sorry i’m a mess.
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spaceytoxinz · 2 years
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i missed these dookie asses (endearing)
anyways, theyre both in their mid to late 30's.
also fun fact, tony was my gender awakening in the 5th grade and in my musical.ly days i used to call myself tony cause im cringe like that. My name isnt tony anymore lmao.
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hieuthong · 3 months
BYOD (Bring Your Own Best Friend)
Last week one of my close friends asked me to join her for a Pilates class. I originally was going to turn her down because I was rushing to finish up my assignments, but I figured since I hadn’t seen her in a while (literally just 2 weeks) I’d just go for it. We’ve decided to first attend the Pilates class, eat lunch then finish up our assignments together. Pilates was lowkey kind of fun, but I found it a little bit difficult. Both of us were trying to hold in our laugh because our legs were shaking so badly when we had to stretch it out. This also made me realize that I should definitely exercise more because tell me why I felt so weak after that session… We weren’t that hungry, so we decided to ditch lunch and went to a café nearby to start working on our assignments. We procrastinated for quite some time before beginning, which prompted me on why I chose to write on this topic. No, this is not about my procrastination issue. It’s about my close friend that I’ve known for more than a decade.  
We saw a TikTok on how this group of friends grew up together and suggested that we look up our old YouTube channel to recreate it. So, I did, not only did we find our old YouTube channel but we also found our old Musical.ly account where we used to post videos together. We came across this post, and although the caption sounded cringy, but it made us realize how far we’ve come. We always talked about how long we’ve been friends, but it never really hit us until now. I would say back then we were friends because of forced proximity and also cause you know, as kids befriending someone is very easy since all we do is play but now we are friends because we genuinely enjoy each other’s company.
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Me and Yong Qi alongside two of my other close friends have known each other since we were in kindergarten, so like when we were 4? We’ve known each other for almost 16 years, I have practically known them longer than my own sister. Putting them aside, today’s journal entry is about me and Yong Qi. Ever since I was young, I always felt that I was closer to Yong Qi compared to the others, not to say I’m not close to others but we just hung out more. I remember during primary 3’s year-end holiday, I went to her house every day to play. I don’t even know what is there to play, but we hung out every day. It was probably then that we created our YouTube channel. Looking back, we posted so many embarrassing things, but I guess it’s worth keeping the memories.
As we were talking about this topic, she told me that at some point during primary school she was convinced I didn’t want to be her friend anymore because I had new friends from my class, and to be honest I’m pretty sure I felt the same way. After primary school, we had to part ways with each other because we were enrolled in different secondary schools. During those few years, we sort of lost contact with each other. The only time we saw each other was when our family had our annual Chinese New Year dinner or when our moms went out with each other, and we tagged along. But even so, when we met up it was never awkward, we always had something to say.
Fast forward to after MCO, we started talking again and our bond has never been stronger. It was after my SPM and IGs that we started hanging out again. I would also say college played a big part in bringing us closer again because I had to take maths for foundation, and I absolutely suck at it so I asked her for help. We met up every few days to study and eat lunch together. But to be honest, I think even without that we would’ve been quite close. Ever since then, we occasionally go out together to the point where if we don’t see each other for a few days we’d complain about not seeing each other enough (do you see the attachment issue there). We always joke that we will never survive in a long-distance relationship because we can’t even stand being away from each other for a few days let alone years. As much as I don’t want to face reality, she has plans to study abroad so I’ll have to accept that and be happy for her. Of course, I’m happy for her but it’s just a bit hard to let go, seeing one of your closest friends leave your side but that time has yet to come so for now I’ll spend as much time as I can with her before she leaves me for another country </3</3</3 It’s crazy to think that we’ve been friends for so long, not a lot of friendships can last this long I’d say. Watching us grow side by side since we were toddlers, going through many weird phases, getting heartbroken by the smallest things, crying to each other about stupid things, and many other stuff, we’ve seen it all. The next stage is watching each other succeed in our desired profession, getting married, having kids, and many more to come. (I lowkey got emotional writing this) I’m so grateful that I was able to meet her, and I hope we can carry this friendship till we’re in our 80s or even death. One of my favorite Mandarin idioms ‘白头偕老’ which basically means to live together until the white hairs of old age or to live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss until death do us part. Usually, this phrase would be used on married couples, but I think I’d like to think of our friendship in this way too.
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Minecrafter2022 Wiki Bio, Age, Height and Net Worth, Girlfriend
Minecrafter 2011 is a social media celebrity from the United States. His Boomer Bradshaw account's short version of dancing and lip-sync videos are the reason why Minecrafter 2011 is so well-known.
Early Childhood Education Professional Life Net wealth and achievement Relationship Status Social Media and Body Measurement Quick Facts Early Childhood Education
Minecrafter 2011 is a 17-year-old Minecrafter who was born on September 5, 2003. Boomer Bradshaw is his given name and Virgo is his zodiac sign. He was born in the United States of America, and is a citizen of the nation. His racial heritage is of Caucasian origin and he's a Christian. Minecrafter 2011 is extremely secretive about his family's history. Similar to that he's kept his private life a secret. In the same way, there is no information in the public regarding his parents or siblings.
Minecrafter 2011 is a Minecraft fanatic who has set up a social media account to the game. Minecrafter 2011 is also a high school student, according to his educational background. There ishowever no information about the educational institution in which Minecraft will be studying at.
Boomer Bradshaw is an internet popular figure known as "Minecrafter 2011" because he is a huge fan of the game online Minecraft. Similar to Minecrafter 2011, the game launched his social media career by using the video-making tool musical.ly (now Tiktok). His Tiktok account is also called @minecrafter2011. It has over 2.3 million followers.
Minecrafter 2011, is a well-known Tiktok user, is also well-known for his lip-sync routines and comedic routines. Similarly, he grew to notoriety and fame through his Tiktok account where he streams dancing videos, lip-syncs with popular songs, and voice-overs. Minecrafter also began posting funny lip-syncs of his own on his Tiktok profile, which led to him gaining a significant number of followers.
In the same way, his jovial style and modest demeanor have garnered him a large number of admirers in a relatively short period of time, which has made him a well-known Tiktok user. Minecrafter 2011's Tiktok videos have been viewed by 46.6 million people. His charisma and talent have also led to him becoming a popular social media celebrity and Tiktok king. He frequently collaborates with other social media stars for his Tiktok films.
Net wealth and success
Minecrafter 2011 is yet to be acknowledged or nominated for any awards or nominations. https://xszxedu.com/ He has also gained many fans and admirers, and followers due to his dedication. Similar to that his Tiktok account has a large following. He will also be praised for his dedication and passion to his work.
Minecrafter 2011 has a net worth of $1 million. He is a Tiktoker and social media celebrity. Similar to that his Tiktok account is his primary source of revenue. He has not, however, revealed his true net worth or income to the media.
Minecrafter 2011 is a male who is heterosexual who is currently single and likely not dating anyone. There is no information about his previous relationships or personal life engagements. He also wants to keep his personal life a secret.
Social Media and Body Measurement
The measurements of his body are not publicized in the media. Based on his physical appearance, Minecrafter2011 is pale in complexion and a slim body type. He also has bright blue eyes and blonde hair.
In terms of her social media presence, Minecrafter 2011 is active on Instagram. His Instagram account is called @boomerb5423. it has 39.5k fans.
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ohioprelawland · 1 year
The Ban Of TikTok
By Fatah Abdi, Ohio State University class of 2023
April 9, 2023
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TikTok is a popular social media app that allows people to create, watch, and share videos. It was first introduced as Musical.ly, which was a similar type of app released in April 2014. That's when TikTok was created in 2018 by Zhang Yiming. Recently, there has been news flying around that Congress wanted to pass a bill that banned TikTok. Congress also wanted to enforce laws that punished people who would use web sites that allowed access to TikTok. The Trump administration first talked about ending TikTok, and now it's being continued by the Biden administration. Congress has given the Chinese owner the option to either sell it to America or have it banned. Congress and the Biden administration are scared of a national security threat. This app has over 100 million U.S. users, and it grows by a lot every day. The federal officials are scared of this growing number and how the Chinese Communist Party could have unlimited access to sensitive data the company collects on America. They believe that ByteDance, which is the company that created TikTok, is required to turn over data to Chinese authorities on request. The push to ban TikTok in the U.S. is led by Republican lawmakers in Congress who are concerned that Chinese owners are tracking browser history and location. In recent news, TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew was called to testify in front of Congress. There are many countries that banned TikTok due to national security threat such as, Tawin, Canada, European Union governing bodies, Belgium, Denmark, New Zealand, U.K., and Australia.
To effectively ban TikTok, U.S. President Biden will need lawmakers to rewrite the legal framework. When Trump attempted to ban TikTok in late 2020, he was stopped by federal judges because they stated he illegally exercised his legal power. To avoid legal challenges by the federal court, the U.S. House and Senate will need to pass the Restrict Act and the Data Act. The bipartisan group of senators introduced a sweeping bill that would allow the federal government to ban foreign-produced technology. The bill, Restriction of the Emergence of Security Threats, The White House endorsed the Restrict Act, calling it "a systematic framework for addressing technology-based threats to the security and safety of Americans." This new law and bill will allow the federal government to pre-empt situations in which the technology is produced in any of the six authoritarian countries. A group of 12 bipartisan lawmakers have gone after the CEO of TikTok, trying to figure out if they should ban this app. Some people who viewed or attended the meeting felt as if the speaker had already made up their mind regarding banning this app. They didn't believe the CEO of TikTok could keep their information hidden from other foreign countries. The Restricted Act isn't just for TikTok ; this new law is for Chinese-owned video apps. Also in recent news, there was a spy balloon, or what seemed to be a spy balloon, from the Chinese Communist Party, and Americans fear they are using TikTok as another way to spy on people.
Jones, J. (2023, April 4). TikTok bans explained: Everything you need to know. ZDNET. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from https://www.zdnet.com/article/tiktok-bans-explained-everything-you-need-to-know/
Espada, M., & Popli, N. (2023, March 16). Why the U.S. wants to Ban Tiktok. Time. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from https://time.com/6263851/why-us-wants-to-ban-tiktok/
Collier, K., & Wong, S. (2023, March 7). White House backs bipartisan bill that could be used to ban TikTok. NBCNews.com. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/restrict-act-bill-tiktok-rcna73682
BORDELON, B. R. E. N. D. A. N., & BADE, G. A. V. I. N. (2023, March 7). Senate, White House push new bipartisan Bill that could ban tiktok. POLITICO. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/07/senate-white-house-tiktok-ban-00085998
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tikvideoly · 1 year
Top 5 Tips On How To Market Your Brand on TikTok
Since its launch, the TikTok software's popularity has found out widespread boom. Back in October 2018, it had been the maximum-downloaded photo and Video program in the Apple shop, the world over. The program's stats will in all likelihood blow your brain. It allegedly has accumulated extra than 800 million active clients, the US being the most up to date u . S . A . In which it's been downloaded nearly 100 000 million times. With a good sized range of teenagers utilising this stage, it is the capability to force music tunes which include Taylor's, merchandise, and marketing campaigns. However, being a long way from traditional advertising and marketing as maybe, also, it has perplexed many producers which are unsure how to make use of the machine to force income and new publicity. Some have termed it yet every other' fad application,' which may crash and vanish as speedy because it climbed to victory, others which includes Nike, ABC, and Google have followed this system and execute advertising and marketing campaigns on TikTok. Even Khloé Kardashian remains filing backed articles at the level.
Like what on TikTok, marketers want to think past the box as soon as strategizing. While sure states remain uncertain for TikTok, its predecessor Musical.Ly's purchasers, was about 70 percent woman.
Below are top five guidelines on a way to market your brand on TikTok
1) Native film
Another way to utilize commercials in TikTok is via using in-feed local film advertisements that TikTok turned into currently captured trying out subtly at the program. The assessment become seen within the USA version of this application, in which a film categorised"Sponsored" inside the bicycle service provider Specialized confirmed up from the primary feed, collectively with a gloomy"Learn More" button which sends consumers to tap to acquire extra info.
Presumably, this button can be customized to manual customers to the advertiser Website or some different net deal with. Still, also, for now, it opened up the Specialized Bikes (@specializedbikes) profile website online within the TikTok program. The music which accompanied the clip has been tagged"Promoted Music."
These local movie advertisements are the Exact Same length as everyday TikTok films (nine-15 moments, even though the check commercial become simply 5 mins ), are full-display (like Instagram Stories commercials ), and maybe jumped with the aid of users. It supports name-to-actions for program downloads and internet site visits and can be stepped via whole movie reviews, common video drama periods, movie participation, and click-via fee. Influencers
2) Influencer Marketing
Influencer advertising and marketing is absolutely up TikTok's street, and plenty of powerful And progressive TikTok consumers have emerged inside the software seeing that its launch. Several big manufacturers have began experimenting with influencer tries around the program.
The Ideal influencers can regulate effectively backed content material within an Authentic message which speaks to customers. However, considering that a brand new, do not attempt to regulate the influencer's voice and also order loads of the manner they present your articles. They're influencers for a reason, and their fans respect the price in their fabric due to the fact that it's actual. When this goes for plenty social media structures, then it is very correct on TikTok, in which Generation Z purchasers will probably take hold of the triumph of any content this is rigged.
One brand that made it spot on with its influencer Advertising attempt on tiktok to mp4 download is presently Calvin Klein that in 2018 withdrew from runway style to rebrand and enlarge its patron base amongst young oldsters. It right away have become the maximum wealthy advertising and marketing marketing campaign on TikTok.
Influencer advertising remains exceptionally clean on TikTok or even extra reasonable to Pull than different programs. Since the space isn't yet pretty crowded, the ideal enlargement hacker can engineer a style that'll convey you sizable ROI.
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How Tiktok video download mp4 from tikmate.cc?
Tiktok is a mobile app for making and sharing videos, GIFs and stickers. It's a great free app to use if you want to make short videos or just share your thoughts with friends. You can upload pictures or video clips from your phone’s camera roll and add text captions over them so they become interactive stories that are shared with other users in real time.
Tikmate.cc is a TikTok Video Downloader.
TikTok Video Downloader is a tool that allows you to download videos from TikTok. You can use it to download the latest memes, funny clips and more with high quality.
It's very easy to use because all you have to do is drag and drop your video into its interface in order to start the download process immediately!
Where you can download TikTok/ videos and photos in High Quality.
Tiktok is a social media platform that allows users to create and share videos.
Musically is a music streaming service that lets you share your favorite songs with friends and family, or listen along as they play them on their computer or phone?
Tiktok and musically are both owned by the same company: LYFT INC., which was founded in 2012 by CEO Bart Swanson. The company has offices in San Francisco, New York City and London (UK).
Download TikTok videos without watermark online for free!
Download TikTok videos without watermark online for free!
Tiktok is a video sharing app that allows users to create and share short videos. It was created by the Chinese company ByteDance, who also owns Musical.ly and TikTok Stories. The app has over 300 million active monthly users worldwide and it's available in both iOS and Android versions (this article is written from an iPhone). In this guide we'll show you how to download any type of TikTok video from your phone or tablet so that you can watch them offline whenever you want - no wifi required!
Download tiktok videos to mp4
Tiktok Video Downloader is a free video downloader and converter. It can download videos from Tiktok, YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo and others in HD quality with no watermark.
How to use?                                                          
Click on the "Download Now" button at the top     of this page to start downloading your favorite Tiktok video as an MP4     file. You will see a pop-up window asking for permission to allow Windows     Media Player or Real Player (for Mac users) to open your downloaded file;     click Yes if you want Microsoft's media player program on your computer to     open up the file instead of some other software like VLC Media Player     which may cause problems later on down the line when trying again later     down this road!
Once finished downloading all those precious jewels from Tiktok/YouTube/Dailymotion/Vimeo etc...then go ahead--open up whatever program(s) mentioned above so they can begin re-encoding them into something more compatible with other devices out there today like smartphones or tablets - such as iPhone 6 Plus running iOS 8 & Samsung Galaxy S5 running Android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich OS version 2 KitKat preinstalled inside both models respectively
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boisenmcbride49 · 1 year
Minecrafter2022 Wiki, Bio, Age, Height and Net Worth, Girlfriend
Minecrafter 2011 is a social media celebrity from the United States. Minecrafter 2011 is famous for his Boomer Bradshaw account's short-form dance and lip-sync videos.
Early Childhood Education Professional Life Net wealth and achievement Status of Relationship Social Media and Body Measurement Quick Facts Early Childhood Education
Minecrafter 2011 is a 17-year old Minecrafter born on the 5th of September 2003. Boomer Bradshaw is his real name and Virgo his zodiac sign. He, too, was born in the United States of America and is an American citizen. His racial heritage includes a Caucasian descent , and he is an orthodox Christian. Minecrafter 2011 is extremely private about his personal life when it comes to his family heritage. He has also kept his private life secret. Also, there isn't any information on the internet about his parents or siblings.
Minecrafter 2011 is a Minecraft enthusiast who has dedicated his social media accounts to the game. Minecrafter 2011 is also a high school student according to his education background. However, there is no information on the educational institution where Minecraft will be in.
Boomer Bradshaw is online under the moniker "Minecrafter 2011" because he's a big lover of the online game Minecraft. Similar to Minecrafter 2011, the game launched his social media career by using the video-making tool musical.ly (now Tiktok). His Tiktok account is also referred to as @minecrafter2011, and it has over 2.3 million followers.
Similarly, Minecrafter 2011 is a well-known Tiktok user who is famous for his lip-sync and comedy routines that he uploads to his account. In the same way, he gained prominence and renown via his Tiktok account which broadcasts dance videos, lip-syncs of popular songs, and voice-overs. Minecrafter also began posting funny lip-syncs on his Tiktok profile, which helped him gain a large number of followers.
Similarly, his joyful style and modest demeanor has earned him a significant number of admirers in a relatively short amount of time, making him a famous Tiktok user. Furthermore, Minecrafter 2011's Tiktok movies have already been viewed by 46.6 million likes. Additionally his charisma and expertise have attracted the attention of viewers, which has led to him becoming a trending sensation and Tiktok king. He often collaborates with other social media stars to create his Tiktok films.
Net wealth and success
The Minecrafter of 2011 has not been nominated or recognized for any awards. He has also gained a lot of popularity, admirers, as well as followers, because of his hard work. His Tiktok account also has a huge following. He is also praised for his passion and dedication to his profession.
Minecrafter 2011 has a net worth of $1 million. He is a Tiktoker and a social media celebrity. His Tiktok account is also his main source of income. However, he hasn't revealed his net worth or earnings to the media.
Minecrafter 2011 is a heterosexual male who is currently single and probably not in a relationship with anyone. It is not known anything about his past relationships or personal life or engagements. Dk571 He also wants to keep his personal life a secret.
Social Media and Body Measurement
In the media, there's no information on his body measurements, like height or weight, or chest-waist hips measurements. Based on his physical appearance, Minecrafter2011 has a pale skin tone and a slim body type. He too has blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
In terms of her social media presence Minecrafter 2011 is active on Instagram. His Instagram account is called @boomerb5423. it has 39.5k fans.
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fosshanna · 2 years
Minecrafter2022 Wiki Bio, Age, Height Net Worth, Career Girlfriend
Minecrafter 2011 is a social media star from the United States. His Boomer Bradshaw account's short form lip-sync videos and dancing are what make Minecrafter 2011 so well-known.
Early Childhood Education Professionals Net wealth and success Status of Relationship Social Media and Body Measurement Quick Facts Early Childhood Education
Minecrafter 2011 is a 17-year old Minecrafter born on September 5, 2003. Boomer Bradshaw is his real name, and Virgo his zodiac sign. He, too, was born in the United States of America and is a citizen of the United States. His racial heritage is of Caucasian descent , and he is an orthodox Christian. Minecrafter 2011 is extremely private about his life when it comes to his heritage as a family member. Similar to that he has kept his personal life secret. Like his siblings and parents the information is not accessible to the public.
Minecrafter 2011 is a Minecraft enthusiast who has dedicated his social media accounts to the game. Minecrafter 2011 is also a high school student, according to his education background. However, there is no information about the educational institution where Minecraft will be enrolled.
Boomer Bradshaw is a popular online celebrity under the moniker "Minecrafter 2011" because he's an avid player of the online game Minecraft. In the same way, Minecrafter 2011 started his social media career by making videos using the tool musical.ly (now Tiktok). His Tiktok account is also called @minecrafter2011, and it has more than 2.3 million followers. 83hh.Com
Minecrafter 2011, a well-known Tiktok user, is also well-known for his lip-sync routines and comedy routines. He also gained popularity and well-known via his Tiktok account. There, he streams dancing videos and lip-syncs to popular songs. In addition, Minecrafter began sharing amusing slow-motion videos and lip-syncs on his Tiktok account, which helped him earn an impressive number of followers.
In the same way, his jovial style and modest manner have garnered him a large number of admirers in a short amount of time, making him a renowned Tiktok user. Minecrafter 2011's Tiktok videos have been liked by 46.6 million people. His charisma and skills have made him a popular trending celebrity and Tiktok King. He often collaborates with other social media stars for his Tiktok films.
Net wealth and achievement
The Minecrafter of 2011 has not been recognized or nominated for any awards. In addition, he is getting a lot of fame and admirers as well as followers as a result of his hard work. His Tiktok account also has a large following. In addition, with this level of dedication and enthusiasm for his profession, he is bound to receive the recognition that he deserves.
Minecrafter 2011 has a value of $1 million. He is a Tiktoker and a social media celebrity. Similar to that his Tiktok account is his primary source of income. However, he has not disclosed his net worth or income to the media.
Minecrafter 2011 is a man of heterosexuality who is presently alone and probably not with anybody. There is no information about his previous relationships, personal life, or engagements. He also would like to keep his private life a secret.
Social Media and Body Measurement
The measurements of his body are not disclosed in the media. Minecrafter2011 is pale-colored and has slim body type, according to his physical appearance. He also has bright blue eyes and blonde hair.
Minecrafter 2011 is active on Instagram as well as his Twitch and Tiktok accounts, when it comes to her social media presence. His Instagram account is @boomerb5423, and the account has 39.5k followers on the platform.
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marylandvewor · 2 years
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If you know another useful way to download videos from YouTube, please share it in comments.
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Personally, I am happy with the web service and do not install any extension. It is not limited to YouTube - you can grab files from a huge list of supported services, including, or even Facebook.Īdditionally, offers a free browser extension which can be used to download videos from supported services with one click. is an impressive free service which allows you download videos directly from YouTube. Press Enter, and the "" web service will be opened which will allow you to download the video immediately! Now, in the address bar, add two "s" letters before the "YouTube" part, to get the following url: For example, let it be my Lock Screen Customizer demo video. Here is how.įirst, we need to open the video which we want to download. However, there is a simple way to bypass that limitation and download any video you want. MiniTool YouTube downloader is a free, simple and no ads YouTube downloader app which doesn’t include any. Google has not implemented any official download option to protect copyrighted videos. MiniTool uTube Downloader - Your NO.1 YouTube Downloader.
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Many people are asking me constantly via email how to download a video from YouTube. What's more, you can export your work directly from the computer to YouTube with Filmora.RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows issues and optimize system performance Filmora allows you to create 9:16, 1:1 videos for your phone. Wanted to make YouTube videos by yourself and share them with your audiences? Check this easy-to-use and powerful video editor for YouTube - Wondershare Filmora, and ignite your video with clicks. Do not hesitate to download Filmora and edit with some cool visual effects to your video today. Here are some cool video effects that you may be interested in. Besides the creative ideas, powerful video editing software for YouTubers will help you to step to the next level. Whenever you want to get more subscribers and make money with videos, you really need to pay attention to the video content as content is the king in video marketing. So, if you are eager to create and watch short social media videos, you can try these two apps as well. In recent years, short videos and instant music videos are getting popular, Instagram even launched an app Called IGTV for people to share videos, let alone the hot lip-sync music video sharing app Musical.ly (now Tik Tok) which has 500+ million active users globally.
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The NewPipe app is a great choice for YouTubers who don't have powerful Android phones but still want to enjoy the benefits of browsing the world's largest video-sharing platform. The app offers support for videos in 1080p, 2K, or 4K resolution, which means that you watch high-quality videos from your phone. The app's users can search videos, view the video's info, or choose which streaming player they are going to use to watch the video. NewPipe collects the URL source from YouTube and displays the information it gathers in the app that is completely independent of this platform. This Freeware, open-source app is basically a lighter version of the YouTube app that doesn't require any Google Play services to run smoothly. For the best YouTube App for their gadgets, here are our top picks for this year. We will not be leaving our Android phone readers behind. While many popular apps like youtube-dl are available for downloading YouTube videos on Linux, this article will mainly focus on those apps that allows you.
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bangtanloverboys · 2 years
have you ever had that one friend who has constant “phase” changes? Like one second they love this movie and the next they love this book. And then they’re start to hate their past phases? And suddenly they start loving the movie s/he gave up on like a year ago? - 🍂
not exactly that but i had this one friend that wouldn’t like what i was into at the time, a few months would pass and they would like it?? and kinda force me to like it again too?? they did that to me with undertale, daredevil (not really force bc i will always love matt murdock), miraculous ladybug, and bnha. and like they were adamant about like not caring about those things i watched, and suddenly BOOM they like it
biggest one that bugged me was musical.ly/tiktok. like i loved cosplaying on that app in high school and gained a following on it. they constantly put me down and said they thought the app was stupid and didn’t care about my accomplishments on it. fast forward to 2018, musical.ly became tiktok and suddenly they find the app amazing. that one hurt the most tbh
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oldmusicallyoutfits · 2 years
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emiliana || musical.ly originally posted on november 14th, 2014
1) “ray-ban” kids’ RY1531 glasses ($77)
2) “PSNY” girls’ l/s uniform polo - white (n/a)
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jasonreynoso · 5 years
Ichimatsu: If I was driving the bus and Karamatsu was in front of it, am I gonna stop the bus?
*Ichimatsu snickers and laughs humanically intensifies*
Ichimatsu: NO!!!!!!
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Keith *watching Lance walk around camp with a hoodie covering his eyes*: I mean he’s just fumbling around, blind.
Keith*still watching Lance*: It’s almost metaphoric in a way, how he’s… just-…
Keith: Well now he’s just twerking on the wall - that’s not a metaphor.
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