delicatevalentine · 11 months
Linus knew he was the adult in this situation -- the teacher, no less! -- but he just couldn't help himself! This girl was the most-- girly of girls to ever girl! There were so many ways he could go about pranking her, but there was a tried and true prank for someone like her.
It hadn't been that hard to muck around for a nice, fat toad. Lovely brown color, not all of it mud, even! Warty. Screamed like a banshee whenever he poked it.
Just right for being plopped unceremoniously atop the girl's pink hair as he walked by.
Like an adult.
She was just sitting there.
Just minding her own business.
Doing absolutely nothing that could be considered provocative. Or inflammatory. Or that would, say, warrant a toad being dropped onto her head.
Of course, she didn't immediately realise it was a toad. When one felt a sudden squishy weight atop their skull, their initial train of thought was unlikely to be along the lines of, "Ah, a toad." It more followed the theme of, "Yuck, whatever that is, I sure don't want it on my head." Instinctively, she tipped her head forward with a noise of disgust. The toad slid into her lap.
She screamed.
The toad screamed back.
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amitieos · 10 months
There's a rather insistent tug at Elincia's dress, followed by the most pathetic little whine you've ever heard in your life. A scruffy head pops up just shy of her knee, chin resting against her leg with clumsy paws framing.
Honk whines again, tail wagging plaintively behind him as his nose twitches to the smell of good food just out of reach.
Her heart melts in an instant. She had found Sigurd charming but this little fellow? Truly the most handsome and charismatic gentleman she has met during her time in Fodlan.
"Hello sir, my name is Elincia. The pleasure truly is all mine," she coos, petting his head very gentle. His big, shining eyes plead at her for a yummy treat. She has neither the heart nor inclination to let him down. "Hungry? Let me see, I'll fill you up a nice plate, okay?"
She rises from her seat and peruses the table of it's wares, a certain dapper young gentleman following close behind. A few slices of fine steak, some sausage and turkey are piled on the plate. Elincia tops it off with a couple of roast potatoes, some gravy and a piece of lamb shoulder.
"Careful now, don't eat it too quickly or you'll get an upset tummy. Yes, that's right! Who's a good boy? Who's the best boy in the whole wide world? You are!"
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lalamines · 1 year
"Hey, lass, ya really kept your head out there. Pretty impressive," Linus whistled, giving her a slight nudge with his elbow. "Much as I ain't a fan of it, was smart to bring along some healin'."
It might not have outright allowed some of them to survive through 'til the end, but if she hadn't brought it along, they might not have barely scrapped by as it was.
"Ya got a good head on your shoulders. 'Tween you and the kid -- I dunno, maybe the quiet guy, too -- ya got the braincells in this group. If ya got a plan, I'll do my best to make sure it happens!"
"I'm not really surprised to hear that," Mercedes laughs as the axe-wielder introduces himself. Or doesn't - he never actually mentions his name. "Please don't take this the wrong way, you just seem like someone who prefers fighting on the frontlines. I admire your courage, you were so brave earlier!"
She's quiet for a moment, guilt weighing heavy as a stone in her stomach. Her goal had been to keep them all safe, a task which she failed miserably. He still seems chipper and grateful though, despite taking such a beating.
It's incredibly kind of him to approach her like this, bright and reassuring as he is. Mercedes decides to do her best to return the favour with a smile on her face.
"Your attitude is infectious! I feel like I'm in safe hands with you around. Don't hesitate to let me know if you need a little support though, I'll do my best to help us all get through this."
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amitieos · 11 months
Linus hadn't had very many interactions with Elincia, though one had certainly been funny and memorable. She seemed nice enough, especially after rolling with that first meeting so well, so it was about time she got a li'l something in return!
As he remembered, he'd gotten a cupcake from her, so it seemed only fair that he gave her something this time!
"Trick or treat, professor!" Linus shouts at top volume, chucking -- as gently as he could, he swears -- a large bar of chocolate her way. "Lucky ya got treat, huh? Don't go gettin' swept up in any of the spirits' games, ya hear?"
Narrowly, Elincia manages to catch the bar of chocolate sent her way before it has the chance to collide with her face. Despite the rather violent delivery method, she can't help but smile in response to the familiar, booming voice. Linus might be a little rough around the edges but he clearly had a heart of gold. She could only hope time and circumstances would conspire to let their budding friendship truly blossom.
"Thank you--" and he's off in an instant, to whatever exciting adventures or mischief await him next. It draws a sharp, light laugh from her as she raises her own voice to call after him. "Have fun! Come back later though, I've something for you too!"
Hopefully he'd heard and would return. She's not sure anyone else would enjoy the spicy salami she'd picked out quite as much as he would.
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amitieos · 1 year
was she offering some kind of sweet? who knows! finger(s?) in mouth now, sorry this dog is not very aware of his bite (i am so sorry)
"Ah, Linus there you are! Want to try one of my cupcakes?" Coffee and caramel, Elincia offers it out in her hand. Expects her colleague to take it with his own hands and try it before giving her an opinion. A completely ordinary interaction between two twenty-something year olds in the staff room.
That is not what she gets.
Honestly, she's impressed he manages to take the entire thing in one bite. But there is an elephant in the room. One she's unsure quite how best to address but as every second passes becomes harder to ignore. Her fingers are in his mouth. Would it be rude or make him uncomfortable to ask for them back?
"Um, Linus?" Elincia begins to speak when he swallows down the cake and pulls away from her hand with a pop. Her cheeks are stained pink but a light, gentle trickle of laughter prevents an awkward silence from settling. A rougher, more bark like chortle joins her.
She isn't sure why they're laughing. Truthfully, she doubts Linus does either but it helps soften the atmosphere and keep things warm and genial.
"Well, did you like it? You sure wolfed it down!" Elincia jokes, stepping closer and placing a swift kiss against his cheek. "If you'd like some more, you only ever need to ask."
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amitieos · 4 months
[ Sweet Bun Trio ]
"Don't think I ever thanked ya proper for that cupcake way back when, so...y'know, ain't homemade or nothin', but figure they'll taste better than anythin' I could scrape together anyhow!" Linus laughed, jabbing the plate in Elincia's direction. "No bitin' this time, promise!"
"Linus! Wow - you're looking incredibly fetching tonight," Elincia grins up at him as he approaches. His outfit might not quite be considered formalwear but it would be a lie to say it didn't suit him to a tee. Besides, a person's comfort and confidence was far more important than tailored jackets and appropriate ties. Her whole face lights up when she spots the plate in his hands, and a dusting of pink covers her cheeks. He really shouldn't have! "You know, you don't need to thank me at all. But..."
"I've never been one to turn down sweets, either. I'd be honoured to accept them. Would you like to share?" She hums thoughtfully, removing a black feather from her brooch and tucking it behind his ear. "If you ever want to make something homemade for a dear friend or special someone, do let me know. I'd be happy to teach you how to bake!"
"You're a very kind person, Linus, and a wonderful friend. Fang's lucky to have such a great role model and caregiver."
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