#s;dklfjsada please you were re-reading???
luckycharms1701 · 7 months
Rereading ur writing and something caught my attention in one of my asks- u clarified a difference between what they'd *need* and what they'd *want*, so now I'm really curious, what would they *need* in a partner?
haha i was kinda hoping someone would notice that! 😜 this is a reference to this ask.
honestly i don’t think what they need is particularly different to what they’re looking for. The same person could definitely be both what they are looking for and what (I think) they need. but there are some key differences.
Leo: I think that what Leo needs is understanding. Not the kind you’re thinking though. Well maybe a bit but mostly he needs someone who understands that they can’t always be at the top of his priority list. He’s the leader, he’s responsible for so much, and as much as he would love to be there for them always, he can’t. He needs someone who not only understands that, but wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s part of what makes Leo who he is, if they can’t handle it they’re not the one for him.
Raph: Raph needs someone he can open up to. (This fucking turtle…… okay I’m normal now. Anyway.) He needs someone he can talk to about his feelings. Someone he can be soft with. He needs a safe haven in the storm. His lighthouse guiding him to safety. You understand. He doesn’t have a proper outlet for all his feelings, and he can’t go to his brothers because he needs to be the edge to hone them. A partner could do that for him, be what he needs when he has to let go.
Donnie: I think that what Donnie is looking for is what he needs. Curiosity. The question becomes then is he looking for it for the right reasons. I think what Donnie’s looking for is someone he can bounce ideas off of and who is willing to listen to him talk about what he’s doing. I think what he needs is someone who can expand his horizons. I feel like Donnie can get into a rut where he creates for a purpose rather than because he loves it. He gets bogged down in the day-to-day, and while it’s rewarding and helps his brothers, it doesn’t necessarily bring him joy. He needs someone who can remind him of the joy of creation, who reminds him that he’s allowed to create for fun.
Mikey: Mikey? He just needs someone who loves him openly and unconditionally. He needs a hype man. It is clear that his brothers love him, but they’re not affectionate with him generally. To them he is someone to protect, the precious little brother. He is also their annoying little brother whom they love to rag on. With the right love and support, I think he could really blossom. With someone who is unabashedly and without reservation in his corner? Someone who doesn’t hide their love behind jokes? Someone who can match his energy, who he doesn’t need to impress because they’re already impressed with him? Well, he could reach his potential.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic @writinandcrying @xnorthstar3x @morenovix218
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