#s.t.a.l.k.e.r. mutants
Dino AU+Metro 2033 and Dino AU+S.T.A.L.K.E.R
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marinusart · 7 months
Suddenly, I understood I`m fascinated by tarks... And even came up with some headcanons
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Normal horse: peripheral vision, good friend
Tark: stares into your soul
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They can swim well
Also considering the fact that tarks can behave too aggressively even towards their own kind, foals can be forced to leave the group. In result - high risk of being eaten by other mutants. But if a young tark manages to survive an attack of, for example, the pack of blind dogs, after growing up it starts hunting mostly blind dogs. I think it could be interesting
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kostusha · 8 months
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milesrubeastella · 4 months
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My first swap card in my life! When printing, unfortunately, it came out too dark, but that’s okay, next time I’ll print again lighter.
At least I was able to trade all my cards with my beloved Basya at the festival, and I didn't even have enough of them!
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d-e-s-t-r-o-y-e-r-86 · 10 months
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Смотритель (Мышь) для Мельха (https://www.deviantart.com/melhmon)
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lmiranal · 10 months
×]Так-так-так, когда там был мой последний пост? Больше полугода назад? Я ничего не выложила за лето и уже успела поступить в институт? Отлично, так держать! :D
×]Хех... Думаю, самое время немного оживиться, тем более раз уж под рукой есть такая удобная своей краткостью тема. А тема эта снова сталкерская
×]Ох и накопилось же по ней рисунков... Но в этом посте речь будет идти лишь про один из них, ибо все остальные связаны между собой, а работать над таким количеством информации мне всë ещë лень =v="
×]Как уже было сказано, я наконец переступила порог между 11-ю годами страданий и ещë 4-мя годами страданий :> И эти 4 года помимо всего прочего встретили меня маленьким книжным уголком, в котором на одной из полок лежала неприметная для остальных, но моментально приковавшая к себе моë внимание книга по сталкеру. Это оказался сборник рассказов от разных авторов на 500 страниц, "Чистое Небо". И одна из этих историй подарила мне немного вдохновения
×]Предлагаю прочесть отрывок из рассказа "Вампир" за авторством Ваганова Максима
Когда химера полностью выпрямилась, то Сергей мог чем угодно поклясться, что еë рост значительно превышает два метра. Мощный торс хищника до боли напоминал человеческий. Покрытые узлами мышц передние лапы тоже практически не отличались от человеческих рук, за исключением чёрных блестящих когтей на пальцах. Нижняя часть туловища хищника скорее принадлежала животному, но мощные ноги химеры были хорошо развиты и явно приспособлены к верткальной ходьбе. За спиной животно��о нервно метался длинный хвост. Голова твари напоминала смесь рыси и волка. Невероятная пропорциональность телосложения зверя просто поражала воображение. Плотная тёмно-фиолетовая шерсть переливалась даже в тумане. Но больше всего сталкера шокировали глаза химеры: глубоко посаженные, правильной каплевидной формы, матово-чёрные, фасеточные, словно у насекомого. Сергею показалось, что ещë секунда, и он утонет в этих двух абсолютно неподвижных безднах.
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×]И всë бы ничего, если бы не одно но. Я доделала эту работу ещë днëм, но только вечером, когда дело дошло до еë показа друзьям, меня внезапно осенило: наверняка в действительности под тëмно-фиолетовым имелся ввиду чëрный с фиолетовым отливом. Так я в который раз убедилась в том, что у меня восприятие ребëнка ;v;
×]Кхм, в любом случае, этот фиолетовый котик мне нравится, так что пусть постережëт мой блог, пока я не вернусь ещë через полгода) И да, немного поздновато, но всë же желаю удачного учебного года всем учащимся. До когда-нибудь/
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gsirvitor · 3 months
So, I'm playing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series for the first time, just got Mole out of his tangle with the military, and decided to venture into the sewers.
I then fought through hoards of bandits and soldiers, faced off against a new mutant, a bloodsucker, certainly disturbing but not too difficult to deal with.
Then, I fought more soldiers before finding what I can only assume to be an exit, I begin to walk down the hall, and hear a shriek, I turn around but there's nothing, I turn around again, and there's this thing in front of me, not facing me, a controller.
I can only assume he was meant to spawn behind me, and attack me, unfortunately for him, he spawned in front of me, and got two slugs to the dome.
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rampagemagpie · 7 months
Two of my great S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ocs! 'Kadar', the female is my Larp character. Her main path in the Zone is to protect, and help the mutants. She's highly respects the Zone, and the Zone's creatures, she's working as a half-shaman, with quiet a big knowledge about herbalism inside the Zone! She also helps stalkers but sometimes even Duty members.. She's the member of the Freedom in a way. The male char is 'Kanóc' (Fuse in english) who is just a simple stalker. He and at one point crossed their paths, and Kadar offered him teaching, help to get to A to B safley under 'dangerous paths' and showing him the Zone's side, what usually not many people can see. Time spent, Kanóc and Kadar helped eachother, but usually on different paths they walked.. Ended up, the Duty slowly started to whisper theirself into Kanóc's ears... And he choosed to go against what he learned before from Kadar. The Animatic is their 'reunion' after the moment, Kanóc stepped into a different way. The Zone have eyes everywhere, and ears as well! Good hunting stalkers! <3
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lunarsilkscreen · 6 months
How Half-Life *could* be interconnected with other franchises
Death stranding:
Death stranding explicitly told us that Arpeture facility's were on the map with some bonus DLC. What is not clear is if this is a friendly nod and advertisement, *or* of the death stranding verse and half-life verse are actually connected.
Preliminary observations would suggest: no they are not. Due to some of the jarring features and distinct differences of both games. However, it *is* possible that the death stranding itself was actually a zombie outbreak, and the time fall we see in game was actually a defensive measure to take out the zombified people's.
We see that other, similar cities, like Arpeture's underground city exist, and that individual fallout shelters also exist. We also see dark teleportation (something that combine forces have access to) but what we do not see is any of those enemies left over.
We do see a connection to inner-beaches, inner-hells, and the Dead by Daylight world could in fact be a representation of "Bill's" personal beach. This would be how he was able to escape death by zombie consumption.
This should be self-explanatory; Portal is actually referenced in one of the shelter logs as a "testing facility who does cruel and unusual experiments on its inhabitants.
Several nukes would have been used to stave off combine forces, and zombified people's--and, of course, Black Mesa.
The Fallout peoples, having no access to historical information, would have to invent their own based on third and fourth party recreations, they would also have a lot of lore and conspiracy theory instead of actual fact to go on.
Turns out, the city of rapture could simply be another form of fallout shelter. Virtually Safe from being nuked by world powers, or militaries, we even see similar technologies to those used in rapture during the events of Half-Life: Alyx.
However, during the events of Bioshock, we see a city overrun by zombies and mutants. And, a person with the literal ability to control people's free will simply by asking them to do something politely.
This seems reminiscent of the Nihilanth's seeming complete control over the Vortigaunts that inhabit its domain in Xen.
Simultaneously, unlike The portal simulator; it seems that Rapture exists in at least 4 dimensions. It is unclear how this came to be.
Control over these 'Nihilanth' powers seems to be the core driver of the plot, seeing as how every major character in the game gets access to this power in some facet.
They also seem to be unaware of any actual society left outside of rapture, indicating that they don't believe there are any left.
Resident Evil:
It is possible that the events of Resident Evil are happening pre-combine invasion, and are exacerbated by the events of Half-Life. It's a distinct possibility that a bioweapon initiative was developed with the sole purpose of combatting the combine forces.
Evil Dead:
It's also possible that a Nihilanth eacaped to this plane and controls the dead from evil dead. It would have to have no other affiliations, and be purposefully trying to absorb as many humans as it can into its collective.
Walking Dead
Self-explanatory, these are events occuring simultaneously to L4D
This could be a simulated environment run by Adrian Sheppard. A program run alongside the Counter-Strike simulation. These would be what-if scenarios run in order to determine ways to combat combine forces.
Could be the technology used by G-Man in order to change historical events.
References a Nihilanth-like entity that must be destroyed.
Metro 2033
Could be simultaneous to the events of STALKER
Could be a simulation run alongside the FEAR and CounterStrile simulations based on historical events.
Humanity's attempt to escape the planet from Portal storms and combine forces. They eventually encounter a form Nihilanth mind control and flesh reconfiguration artifact.
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demifiendrsa · 12 days
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl — Bolts & Bullets Trailer
Strider Trailer
Final Release Date Announcement
Not a Paradise Trailer
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl will launch for Xbox Series X|S and PC (Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG) on September 5, 2024. It will also be available via Xbox Game Pass.
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Message from GSC Game World on the delay:
While there is absolutely no way to make another delay sound less dim, we decided to be clear about our reasons to postpone the game for the sake of yet another wave of polishing. During Gamescom 2023, GSC Game World decided to show a small part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 to the players publicly for the first time ever. This one-time initiative then transformed into a journey from one event to another across Poland, France, Brazil, Singapore and other countries. Thousands of players were able to play the game themselves and give the much-needed direct feedback afterwards. Two key points emerged from that. The first one was: it absolutely felt and played like a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game, which basically summed up both the key intention and the main inspiration for the project from the very beginning. The second one was: on the technical side of things, the game apparently needed more time in the oven. Throughout the frankly challenging development process, time was of the team’s main essence. Seeing the scope of polishing and understanding the limits of the players’ patience, GSC was absolutely dedicated to releasing the game in Q1 2024. That, however, doesn’t change the fact that at the beginning of this year, certain technical imperfections still hold S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 below the expected standards for the final experience the fans are waiting for. This extended journey to the release will be supported with much more content from the game to be shared later this year.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is a brand-new entry in the legendary series, enjoyed by millions of players worldwide. The unique combination of first-person shooter, immersive sim, and horror is back. With unprecedented scale, advanced graphics, freedom of choices, and the thickest atmosphere of a deadly adventure, it’s going to be the ultimate S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience. Welcome to The Zone—an area of exclusion around the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Full of radiation, mutants, and anomalies, it keeps drawing adventurers from beyond the perimeter. Bounty hunters dwell deep into the Zone, driven by its treasures and mysteries. These people are known as stalkers. Are you ready to become one of them?
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Dino AU+S.T.A.L.K.E.R. part 2
Yes, that’s the name of the fandom where you can make any characters from which fandom look like dinosaurs
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marinusart · 8 months
Yes. Even more sketches because of life circumstances
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Хай боги допоможуть вам зрозуміти мій почерк
Translation: why are you laughing? Yes, I`m slightly shorter than you, so what?
Typical Scar vs Strelok
I even made a smaller version of this sketch so you can take a better look at this beauty
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Didn`t help much though...
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And weird pseudodog without any context. It just happened
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kostusha · 8 months
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Old S.T.A.L.K.E.R Original Character (2008-2009 year of creation). Former "Dark Stalker" half-mutant, now a powerful psionic and the Guardian of the Zone. "- Да видел я его один раз. В районе Армейских складов. Подобрался со спины, гад, я даже и не заметил. Как призрак какой-то. В мужике метра два роста, а ни одна ветка под ним не хрустнула. Оружия при нем не было, но, за столько лет в Зоне понимаешь, что таким, как он, оно и не нужно, чтобы тебя по дорожной пыл�� размазать. Однако, от человека не отличишь. Ничто в нем поначалу и не выдаёт порождение Зоны, да и мужик то красивый, что греха таить - прямые правильные черты лица, кожа белая, словно мрамор, а глаза...чёрные. Ни белков, ни радужек, одна чернота. Жуткая, холодная, изучающая. Посмотр��л он на меня этой чернотой, что-то в схрон сунул и так же бесшумно свалил, как растворился. Словно морок, какой... И что самое интересное и жуткое, я тогда через несколько километров на бандитов напоролся, а до привала – на стаю слепышей. Ну и почти все патроны на них и извел. Как этот чудик ушел, я в тайник то сунулся, а там – патроны 9х19мм, прямо как по заказу – для меня. Ну, я их сгреб, оставил взамен пачку бинтов, пару банок тушенки, а через 5 километров попал в засаду. Так что, хотите, верьте, хотите – нет, но получается, этот мутант то мне жизнь спас…"
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lansingbunny · 8 months
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25. Dangerous
Danger is everywhere in the Zone. Deadly anomalies, dangerous mutants, anarchists and bandits. None will stop Bun on her way to find priceless artifacts!
It’s been years since I last did a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. piece. I still love the atmosphere of the games, bleak and lonely, but also so very much alive.
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catsnuggler · 11 months
Few things in videogames are funnier to me than the fact that probably the most effective way of dealing with Burers in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat is to fucking banzai charge them with my knife and stab them to death.
So many enemies that are best killed with this or that gun, but Burers are hard as fuck to kill with any gun, but for some reason, it's impossible to drop a knife, making knives the perfect weapon to use for dealing with them
This game takes place in modern Chernobyl, Ukraine, and you use guns like AK-74's, G-36'S, RPG-7's, and even a fucking Gauss Rifle...
...and the best way to deal with one of the most powerful mutants is to charge it like you're a fucking Imperial Japanese Army soldier charging a bunch of ill-equipped and poorly-trained Kuomintang National Republican Army Conscripts with a katana, except you don't even have a katana, you have a fucking Soviet AK-74 bayonet that you can't fit onto any rifles in the game for some reason.
I laugh whenever I fight a Burer because of this. Just stab the fat telekinetic dwarf until he dies. Whatever.
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