#s13 drinking game
spn-traxx · 7 years
gggaawwwwd s13 cant get here soon enough. here how i think the first ep gon happen below VVV
im going to make a drinking game out of this so if i got it right then i drink lol
- dean crying over cas body while sam talking to jack slowly. jack is wary
- dean gets mad and runs up the stairs to sam n jack
- dean pulls out a gun but sam stops him from shooting. dean yells at him still tryna fire. maybe sam tackles the gun from him.
- they burn kellys body on a pyre and maybe bury cas??
- jack finds the usb that kelly made him about ‘an angel watching over him’
- go back to the bunker with jack. they on a windy road and dean n sam have a Broment about what to do
- dean maybe gets some pictures out of him n cas / mary like he did in s12? while drinkin ofc. he works with jack n everything but he obvs not ok at all
- dean has a big break down over all the deaths and does smth dramatic. he reconsidering bout why he even in the hunting life if everyone he love die like that
- cas’ mixtape is mentioned? at some point? PLEASE?
- jack asks sam if he can use the laptop to look at the thing kelly made for him on the usb. he gets emotional bout it and asks dean who ‘the angel’ was which makes DEAN emotional
- mary / lucifer shots in Rift World. mary gets away and find bobby or someone like that. idk what happens to lucifer maybe he trips over a body lol
- maybe some shots of Cas in The Empty / The Veil / whatever place they decide to put him.
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