#s2 is for flirty supercorp
luthordamnvers · 2 years
Hey 👋
Favourite supergirl episodes from any season??
Hey! I haven't done a proper rewatch in years, so these are the "good" episodes from the show.
S1 - Pilot, livewire, red faced (if only for the rage scream scene), human for a day, the girl who has everything, fallout, World finest (still the best supergirl/flash crossover) better angels.
S2 - the adventures of supergirl, the last children of krypton, crossfire, medusa, luthors, exodus, ace reporter, alex, nevertheless she persisted.
S3- Girl of Steel, triggers, damage, midvale(!!!), crisis on earth x(the best all shows crossover imo), reign, fort rozz, for good, of two minds, trinity, (from here on they all kinda blur together tbh)
S4 - American Alien (Nia Nal, my beloved), fallout, (I didn't really need this episode, but it was still a good episode) Man of steel, rather the fallen angel, bunker hill, suspicious minds, blood memory, o brother where art thou?(kelly olsen my beloved), House of L(!!), all about eve, american dreamer, will the real miss tessmacher please stand up?, red dawn, the quest for peace.
S5 - (sigh), event horizon, blurred lines, confidence women, tremors, the wrath of rama khan (if only for fortress scene), the bottle episode(fooled once again), it's a super life (!!!), reality bytes, alex in wonderland, deux lex machina, immortal kombat.
S6 - (sigh) rebirth, prom night, prom again, welcome back Kara, blind spots (i will not accept slander about this episode), the gauntlet, magical thinking, i believe in a thing called love, all the domestic supercorp scenes s6b gave me, and the dansen wedding, and that moment in certain funeral when certain ship was burried 6 feet down... and that's about s6.
If I had to select from those, from the top of my head as favorites: the girl who has everything, fallout, the adventures of supergirl, medusa, luthors, damage, midvale, house of L, it's a super life, immortal kombat, rebirth, welcome back kara, blind spots, the gauntlet, i believe in a thing called love.
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coffeeshib · 3 years
Just going through my supercorp edit folder and I watched one from 2018 and nearly cried. They were so soft in season 2 and early season 3 and it made me even sadder than the show ending
bro YES s2 + early s3 is my absolute fav sc....... it's the way things were a lot more simpler back then, before the character assassinations left & right. they were unabashedly flirty & horny on main at all times, absolutely didn't care for anyones salads, & kept each other close in a way like they were dating & not knowing it
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stennnn06 · 3 years
Rank these phases of Supercorp by how much you enjoy them in canon during these times and then by how much you enjoy the fanon/the wasted potential during these times:
1. Falling in love (Season 2)
2. Tension (Season 3 & 4)
3. The Break Up (Season 5)
4. The Kiss and Make Up (Season 6)
oooo this is a good one!!
ok so in canon, my supercorp preference is actually in season order 2-6. i don't think season 6 is worth watching whatsoever, but the snippets i watch are strictly due to supercorp being more like s2 flirty-nervous than ever before, and that gives me nostalgia. i mean, finally, finally after YEARS hearing lena say 'kara' when kara is dressed in the suit? when you've been here since the beginning.... GOD that gives me CHILLS !!!!! but the rest of the show is unbearable. so... yeah, still last place lmao.
S2 supercorp is just so much, its when i fell in love with them right along with kara and lena falling in love with each other, and i loved loved loved the dynamic. i loved the bits and pieces we got about lena - how dark and mysterious she was between layers of soft fluff, i loved how dorky and nervous kara got around her, and i loved supergirl's quiet, stoic confidence. i loved how lena leaned in and made subtle comments where you were like 'does she know? she has to know' and how kara protected her at all costs, overwhelmingly so. it was A+ chef's kiss. ah, THE SIMPLER TIMES.
in FANON...
i think i'd still go S2 falling in love (thats where we got so many iconic fics, its when i started writing them, etc) so still #1 enjoyment. then i think possibly S5 - i love the break up but only how its been handled in fanfic (more exploration of emotions, less hokey plot devices, more closure). then i'll say s6 kiss and make up (same reasons - i've found a few writers that just CRUSH my feelings with the make up, the conversations i wish we got to see on screen, the full circle of emotions etc etc the way the show simply CANNOT do and its made me cry about supercorp all over again). and then i guess i'd say S3-S4 is ranked last, simply because this is the time in fanon when i personally focused on other characters (handsome sam) and it's where i noticed some of the characterization of kara/lena drifted from my own personal preference so i wasn't as into it.
GREAT question anon :) thanks for sending!!!!
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narraboths · 4 years
when want fun flirty s2 supercorp return from the war
for their wedding day in the S6 finale
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loves-quinns · 5 years
2 flirty supercorp scenes in one episode I haven’t been this hyped since s2 before the supergirl writers became self aware wtf
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lesbianlenas · 5 years
god that flirty s2 supercorp energy in that scene....they’ve still got it folks! i’m gonna go cry now
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 7 years
what do you think about lena and james relationship that the writers are gearing towards?
I think a Lena/James relationship could have serious value. I do. It may not be the queer ship we’re hoping for, but it is an interracial ship featuring a black male lead of a network show. If it’s done right, it could lead to growth for both characters and explore parallels previously ignored. 
For example, we could address the fact that James displays more prejudice than the woman related to a mass murder. They could also use the possible reveal of his identity as Guardian as an interesting precursor to the Supergirl reveal (not to mention that Lena would probably process the reveal by griping to Kara-- which would put Kara in a deliciously awkward position of her own making...).
Furthermore, there are the similarities between them. All last season, James struggled with finding a way to leave his mark on the world, and what kind of identity he wanted to have in it. This quest led him to becoming Guardian. Meanwhile Lena has spent her season crafting an identity of her own, reshaping her company and family name into a force for good.
Ultimately, they are two human characters who only want to do good, and to help people. They have also faced similar losses, and have been massively mistreated in the world of love. James was abruptly dismissed by Kara after S1, while Lena lost Jack, and had her mother and Rhea manipulating her before S2 was over.
That said, it’s not unreasonable to say that what the writers have presented so far this season has been a mixed bag of what to expect. 
James has been largely absent so far this season, but some of the moments he does have with Kara have been so beautiful and poignant. But on the other hand, some of his moments have been used so the writers can tick off some boxes in setting up their intended plots (most notably in “Wake Up”, when discussing Kara’s relationship with Mon-el, and in “Damage” when Lena accuses him of coming to gloat after Edge’s stunt at the hospital). 
In the interest of this ask, let’s focus on the “Damage” example. When Lena snaps at him, he responds with the following: 
“Miss Luthor, despite our differences, I would hope by now that you would recognize that I see you as more than just an extension of your brother.”
Keep in mind that up until this point, James and Lena haven’t exactly been enemies, but they are definitely not friendly. The majority (if not entirety) of their onscreen interactions have had them pitted against each other in how CatCo operates and how Lena fits into that as the new CEO. So we as viewers have no reason to think that James has changed his mind about Lena since last season, and we have to assume that Lena doesn’t either. 
The fact that James has to state this for us, instead of us seeing it happen for ourselves, is just plain lazy. Not to mention, it comes off as very gaslight-y, because with this comment James turns it back on Lena, and makes himself the victim of her unfounded accusations that he has misgivings about her being a Luthor (hint: they’re entirely founded, as clearly demonstrated later in the same episode).
They could have avoided the heavy-handed ‘this is how things are’ approach easily. Instead of the gaslighting, James could have lifted his hands in surrender and said “I’m just here to help.” No denials, no passive-aggression. Just his innate instinct to help people in trouble. Instead of the awkward exchange in James’ office at the end of the episode (was it supposed to be flirty? I can’t tell anymore), they could have added just a few more lines to tie back to their earlier gaslight exchange: “I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier, the news at 11 crack. It was unprofessional, and then you went and took a bullet for me. It made me realize that while you may not know me, I definitely don’t know you. I’d like to change that...” with the implication being that they would continue to explore a tentative friendship off screen. 
The fact they chose the dialogue they did makes me worried that they’re not particularly concerned with nuance or tact. And THAT makes me worried that the James/Lena relationship they present will do more harm than good. 
I hope that they choose to do it right, with the care it deserves. If they do, I will 100% support it because they both deserve to love and be loved. If they don’t, I will continue to write my fix-it fics and dwell in the land of ‘maybe supercorp will still come true one day’.
tl;dr: if they do it right, it could be amazing. if they screw it up and establish yet another unhealthy relationship as the pinnacle of romance, they’re only going to lose more viewers.
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coffeeshib · 5 years
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tag yourself i'm kara rewatching the soft & flirty supercorp scenes s2 & 3
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coffeeshib · 4 years
honestly i read ur fwb fic with just s2 supergirl knowledge but i love it so much!! and im also sad that it's going to end. i am also rly scared of watching s3-s5 of supergirl bc i've seen accs saying that kara became such a hypocrite and they dont like her. im not sure i could handle it bc i love her sm but thank you for ur fic bc it will help me cope when supergirl will inevitably disappoint me
ahhhh wow thanks so much for checking & enjoying my fic!!! 🥺💞
honestly I think s2 is all you need to know if you want to know about the way supercorp move & speak around each other. I've said this before & I'll say it again, I always write my supercorp like s2 supercorp - cautious but daring, soft & flirty & all that stuff. because s3 is where it does start to go downhill 😔 where you have characters acting like not themselves because of reckless & wonky writing
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