#s3e02 primavera
teacups-and-saucers · 4 months
reading the script after rewatching Primavera and realizing that the tableau in the Norman Chapel references the 3 of swords tarot card which literally means grief, pain, and heartbreak
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and i didn't really pick up on that while watching since i thought 'well, maybe the tableau stands on three swords like the easel of a canvas'. until i read the script.
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the script SPECIFIES a trio of swords. and it feels less like a coincidence and more of a purposeful image considering what the three of swords means in tarot—and the fact that it was a message hannibal left for will.
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his broken heart, indeed.
this show truly is something special.
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hughdancybabyface · 7 months
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Hannibal s3e02 "Primavera"
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keysuspect · 4 years
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  ⤷      “You are already dead, aren’t you?”
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talaiah · 4 years
So S3E02 Primavera messes me up even more - I had been spoiled that Abigail died but I apparently really wanted to emotionally eviscerate myself a little more, because I really, really bought into Hannibal having sliced both of them open to let them live, even though I could see all of the points that were showing that something was off about her being alive (the sequence of her being reversed back into life like the teacup, Will’s “you really want to go back to him” and her saying yes - Abigail was crying in Mizumono - she seemed more resigned than entirely happy) I still!! Desperately wanted to believe it!!
So basically what I’m trying to say is that I cried. The apex of the ugly-sobbing was definitely at the bit where Hannibal can watch through the gaps to see Will sitting on the steps surrounded by the caution tape alone, but the juxtaposition of him getting put back together while she’s taken apart to be examined got me a bit too.
I wrote in the tags on a really nice gif set that Abigail spent a lot of time taken apart to let a piece of her be known as equivalent to a whole. I think I said something about synecdoche, but the idea I’m trying to describe is that Abigail spends a lot of time being looked at but not always seen, which is interesting considering Will and Hannibal’s driving motivation in their relationship is to be perceived and Seen. Abigail basically gets the inverse of whatever they manage to find with each other and I think that’s consistent in a lot of aspects of her relationships with them.
The thing that I shouldn’t be happy about but unfortunately have to be is that even while I’m talking about Abigail’s flesh being taken apart - her body isn’t commodified but it is often removed from the subject of her-as-a-person - she is never, ever sexualized, though I may say she is objectified, specifically in the definition of having something abstract be expressed in a concrete/material form. The specific thing that catches me is her ear - she’s dead because her ear is found.
I’d like to talk about Abigail vs Miriam at some point but I’m not sure where to begin. I do find it awkward how many women get killed by Hannibal (often by getting too close) which on one hand I guess? Shows that the show has a large number of intelligent female characters who are good at their jobs, but on the other hand I feel like after they die there aren’t enough women on the show for me to be completely happy. Also I absolutely loved Beverly and I was So Angry, even though I really loved the way she was displayed after her death. I actually appreciated that scene a lot, especially the part where they put her back together and then slice her apart.
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artistlin8 · 6 years
🍽 Primavera/ S3E02
“Hannibal... I forgive you.”
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Full process
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- “Do you believe you could change me, the way I’ve changed you?”
- “I already did”, S2E13 MIZUMONO versus S3E02 PRIMAVERA
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S3E02 "Primavera" Notes
This one’s longer.  Is this too long?  What do you all think-- should I try to edit some of it out next time?  How in-depth do you want this to be?  I’m still unclear on whether my ‘keep reading’ links work for anyone on the mobile app, so if anyone has insight for me about that, I’d be glad to have it.  If they do work, I’ll come back and put a link in.  In the meantime, I’m just going to post this long version and apologise for clogging up your dashes.
WILL!!!!!!!!  I am appeased.
Oh no, Mizumono.
O.o face… teacup??
Well, that’s a nicely-wallpapered and atmospheric hospital room.  Why aren’t those everywhere?
OKAY WHAT IN THE HELL KIND OF DOCTOR WOULD JUST SPRING ABIGAIL ON HIM LIKE THAT???  The guy just woke up!  Look at his breathing! …okay, stop looking at his breathing now. … ANYWAY.  How about giving the man a little time to orient himself?  How about asking first!  Fuck!
:D Abigail ships the Murder Family??  (Is family-shipping a thing?) She’s like “dammit Will, he had a nice house picked out and everything!  I wanted to go to southern France!"  (By the way, in my head Hannibal is a southern France person, at least as far as France goes.  Paris would drive him nuts.)  She was SMILING when she said "he made a place for us."  And I know, Stockholm Syndrome, but this whole thing is irreversibly fucked up, so I don’t really see my way to taking exception to it.
Okay, I’m going to have to back this up again– I know Will’s talking, but his FACE and his CHEST and his BREATHING– I keep getting distracted, okay?
:D OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT I’D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!! Is it weird to feel like there’s something a bit sexual about this hallucination?
Time jump??  And scrolling ‘typed’ location exposition??  We’re starting with this now?  Well... okay.
Wait, who’s dogsitting?
How have Will and Abigail not pissed off five little old Italian grannies by now??  Little old Italian grannies are dangerous.  They can, and will, kick your ass with a wooden spoon if they feel like it.
Ohhhh, that skeleton mosaic’s pose brings to mind all kinds of silly Edwardian-ladies-in-illustrations jokes.
Wait, the giant heart/flayed torso on the swords wasn’t just a symbolic/hallucinated thing??  Hannibal… nice.
Is Abigail’s ombre jacket meant to look like it’s bloodstained?
Pazzi… I want to like you, but you’re just not making it easy for some reason.
I’m… not sure how to feel about Hannibal’s 20-years-ago photograph, but it feels like I ought to be feeling something.
This is some pretty heavy-duty exposition here.
‘Twist you into uncomfortable positions’… so, Hannibal made the false Will Graham figure into a gift/message for the real Will Graham?
Wrath of the Roast Chicken… I mean, Ravenstag.
DAMN, Abigail ships it so hard.
The mind-fuckery is strong with this one.  Man, I missed In-Will’s-Head Time.  I genuinely didn’t know for a moment if Hannibal was really there.
And Hannibal WAS there!  My heart sings in glee for the poetic perfection of the moment.
… oh.  Oh, no.
Pazzi, leave me alone or I swear I will rip out your corneas.
How on earth could anyone not see this and get ‘Hannigram’?  Even without the ‘He gave you his heart’ bit.  Even just the way Will LOOKS when he’s talking about Hannibal… fuck, this show is so intense.
Catacombs: Now, normally this would feel dangerous and claustrophobic.  This is perfect jump-scare territory.  But it doesn’t feel like that at all, because I’m thinking "Please let him meet Hannibal, please let him meet Hannibal, etc."  It feels like one of those labyrinthine palatial hedge-gardens perfect for lovers’ trysts. … I LOVE that.
"I’m not alone.  I’m with you.”  Pazzi’s mannerisms here, like he’s talking to a bullheaded eight-year-old, amuse me greatly.
“Your Il Monstro”… I die.
:D Will’s perfect drama-queen supervillain back-away melt-into-shadow departure does good things for my soul.
Will twisting about and looking all around him through the catacombs: For one singular moment, it just slammed into me what he's feeling/thinking:  'He’s everywhere… and nowhere.'  (Did that sound pretentious?  I can’t tell.)  
!!! You can see the 'Please’ on his face before the ‘I forgive you.’  You can see just the barest suggestion of a smile on Hannibal’s face after!
THIS IS THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD I’m running out of words.  Thank goodness it’s the end of the episode…
...I don’t want to wait half a week to watch the next one...
Feedback would be very, very nice, thanks!
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spockvarietyhour · 9 years
I can make it all go away. Put your head back, close your eyes, wade into the quiet of the stream
Hannibal Lecter.
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hughdancybabyface · 10 months
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Hannibal S3E02 "Primavera"
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“When we have gone from this life...”
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