#s3e4 join the club
lilolilyr · 4 months
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Hacks HBO episode tag S03E04 Join The Club
6k words, rated M/E, no warnings, h/c & humor
setting: you know the scene where Deborah throws open the bathroom door? This fic is canon compliant right until that moment.
For @edgy-clod & @theevilqueenreadstoo <3 thanks for all the help!
Read on Ao3 • more Avorah by me • mobile
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panda-wearing-pants · 7 months
Best Life Series episode #4
S1E4: Jimmy invites people to play chick chance, and ends up giving Joel, Martyn and BigB access to the cows, Joel and Jimmy die attempting Dare to Flare, Grian sets a trap at Renchanting and kills Jimmy, Ren and Skizz, Joel helps Etho fire a TNT missile at the Crastle, but Bdubs stops it, Scar gives BigB a no-kill pass, Bdubs uses a golden apple and fire-protection pants to beat Dare to Flare, and Martyn uses ender pearls to do it
Solidarity: I DIED TWICE!?
S2E4: Bdubs buys the enchanter back from Scar, Ren tells the Shadow alliance that he is a boogeyman, Martyn, Jimmy, Mumbo and Impulse try to steal Scott's wither skull, Lizzie and BigB talk loudly about a villager at the top of Ren's tower in an attempt for someone to activate Ren's trap, Mumbo builds a sugarcane farms and "conceals" it with dirt, Ren kills Skizz, and BigB kills Cleo while they are at Ren's tower afterwards, causing Cleo to leave the alliance, Mumbo builds a ghast farm, which Grian is shot off of by Joel, Grian and Joel discover Pearl and Scott building the Green Life Club under spawn, Joel's trap blows up Cleo seconds after he finishes hiding it, Grian tries to get Mumbo to join him as a red,
Smallishbeans: MY TRAP WORKED!!
S3E4: Joel, Etho, Grian and Martyn use fishing rods to throw the warden into the air, eventually killing it, Grian, Pearl, Joel, Etho and Impulse try to make a fishing rod chain, but Joel dies from fall damage, Pearl steals some of Joel and Etho's gear, and Joel kills her, Joel and Etho go to the Red Velvet Keep to kill Jimmy and Tango, who are on a platform above with Scar, Grian, and an enchanter, Etho and Joel begin burning Pandas, so Scar jumps down and does a water bucket clutch, Jimmy is shot off by Etho and dies, Bdubs and Impulse throw a pool party, but the pool has a zombie bubblevator, which puts a few zombies into the pool, the zombies don't do much, but Ren kills Bdubs
Ethoslab: Hitmen Revenge
S4E4: Joel is chased by Martyn, Etho and Tango, and Etho eventually kills him, Martyn attempts to kill Etho, who turned green from killing Joel, but is killed by TNT from boogeyman Tango and ender pearl damage, Martyn accidentally kills Scar with a stalactite, Grian blows up Martyn, Scar and Impulse with a TNT minecart, BigB steals Judge Judy and Executioner from Jimmy, the yellows hunt Scott, but Scott lets Martyn kill him, Tango is the last green and allows Skizz to kill him, Jimmy takes BigB prisoner in an obsidian cage, but Pearl frees him, Joel and Grian build a submarine and bread bakery above the mansion
S5E4: Bdubs is forced to reroll, and gets the task to kill the ender dragon, Grian tries to trick people into thinking his task is to sing everything he says, Cleo gets people to read her task, which is how she completes it, Etho makes aha puns, Scar kills all of Lizzie's cows, punches Skizz twice, and crafts a diamond helmet, causing Joel and others to chase him around, telling him to take the helmet off, which he cannot do because he has to do the opposite of what people say, Impulse and Pearl try to get people to donate hearts to Skizz, Gem recruits Bdubs, Impulse and Pearl to fight the dragon, Lizzie sees Jimmy and Skizz in a strange position on love island, Martyn walks off the End platform and dies, Bdubs kills the dragon
Goodtimeswithscar: My Task Made Me a VILLAIN!
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fandomontherocks · 4 years
How's everyone coping? Good? Just okay? Climbing the walls yet? We feel.
This is S3E4, "Pot O' Gold."  The Glee Project "winner" Damian McGinty arrives as exchange student Rory Flanagan, Father of the Decade Burt Hummel decides to run against Sue in the congressional race, and Shelby starts recruiting for the rival all-girl Glee club - The Troubletones.
Kevin McHale Scale: 0.25 - I mean really? We were cheated. Klainedex: 5 - for the Last Friday Night cuteness. Coulda Shoulda Woulda Index: Tina was the most fucked over and should have joined The Troubletones.
Our wonderful sound engineer is Adriana, and this episode is sponsored by you, our Patrons.
Check out our Patreon for perks and rewards!
Stay Home. Stay Healthy. Wash Your Hands.
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catofthebarricades · 5 years
my thoughts on Druck S3E4
by a german viewer
I’m so so late this time but i still really needed to share some of the things i noticed about The Episode, so here we go (it’s long, I’m sorry)
- i loved the first clip. It’s so refreshing to see Matteo actually smile, i could get used to that - “Buongiourno Luigi” thank you, David - Hans being confused af cracks me up every single time
- Matteo trying several times to type out a message like the chaotic gay he is - and being so satisfied with himself afterwards
- personally, I don’t think the conflict between Mia and Alex is that bad? Sure, I’d prefer it for them not to fight but I think it’s valid that Alex thinks of his future plans and wants to go after them. Obviously, there was a huge communication problem here and I get why Mia is upset, but I still prefer this story line to the London one that always felt very out of place for me
- Matteo seeing David and, like in trance, answering “Detroit” to Sara’s question, that’s so beautiful  - at this point it’s really hard to watch Matteo crush Sara’s little dreams, I just want her to find her own happiness
- “You’re half Italian” - “I’m writing Spanish!?” oh Jonas - I think it’s interesting how we see the society’s heteronormativity integrated in Matteo’s brain as well when he’s like, we need to find a girl for Abdi. It felt kind of random for him to say that, especially since he wasn’t aware he’s actually into Sam
- so many people have said this before but the sound design! during the exam! it was stressing me out so much, they did a phenomenal job
- “Na” - “hey” aaaand the na? series continues - of course they meet on the floor and talk, despite writing Abi. It had to happen.  - I wonder what the teacher thought when she heard Matteo ask for another cheese toast hang out during his Abi exam
- to be honest, I wasn’t that worried about Matteo cheating until I came on tumblr to see people freaking out about it. When Matteo said he had a plan, I he wouldn’t be so stupid to look at it in the exam room. So obviously he would hide it in the bathroom. I’ve seen loads of people in my year use that strategy and Matteo probably cheated before, so.... (don’t cheat on your Abi tho, it’s like, a really bad idea)
- I liked how clear it was why Matteo asked Amira that question, because we saw that text of his mom beforehand. The way he asked was kind of general as well in a way (he didn’t actually specify which god or religion), he could’ve asked the same question a faithful Christian like his mom. But Amira is the only religious person near him right now so he adjusts it to her.
- I also didn’t feel like her rant was worse than the other versions we heard, it’s pretty much the same. This scene is never easy to watch in any version, but here it feels so much more intense because of the close ups of both of their faces, and because Matteo looks so so hurt by it.  - That last “okay?” of Amira had this subtle friendly undertone, as in, I clarified this and now we can keep being respectful and friendly with each other
- side note, I loved Matteo’s hair in that clip! We can see his face for once, what an experience
- aaand we reached Freitag 16:06 - I wonder where they are? Because that’s obviously not a flat
- Matteo and David shaking hands as if they hadn’t almost kissed a week before, legendary - David’s hair is so on fleek, it’s amazing
- a bike montage with a nice indie song is the fastest way to my heart, let’s be real - Lock! Your! Bikes! Boys! I am begging you! I can’t stand for stolen bikes in this house
- David can join Eliott in the club of casually carrying an actual flashlight around with you - He picks up that red little thingy? I wonder how many of those kind of trinkets he has laying around in his room
- when i read the title of the episode I was so confused because I just couldn’t see Davenzi be that couple that jumps into a pool like Evak did? But of course Druck is that remake to turn this around by using an empty pool their minds, really
- I could physically feel Matteo’s heart stop when David appeared on the other side of those dividers
- another David’s laugh appreciation because it’s necessary
- I rambled about the phenomenal and clever sound design choices during that clip here so let’s just say I loved it and it’s absolutely incredible
- David parcouring out of the pool while Matteo takes the ladder? Just Sport LK things, i guess
this got long again, but we’ll end here
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feliciasink · 8 years
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things I have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on my blog.
So my week in short.
Monday: I went to the dietician, lost a few pounds and some centimetres again =]. Went to my physical therapist, got some exercises for my knee and leg. Went to my speech therapist, he said he thought I was really doing great with my stutter over the last few weeks. It’s improving again. [stress makes me stutter more…. so that means less stress in my life??]
Tuesday: I had a good conversation about life and a fairly quiet and down day for me… That sucked, I was alone and felt empty… So my day was mostly brainlessly playing games on my phone…
Wednesday: Had a class at night. No model, but learned a great deal on colouring hair. Used my exercise head again to roll a perm. Questioned myself because of some loose rolls I have to put back again every time.. My teachers said not to worry it looks perfect and can’t get any better than that. Woohoo, yay me!!!!
Thursday: Had a job interview in The Hague. In the storm…. Meant that my drive to the Hague was 45 minutes and from was an hour and 45 minutes -_-‘ They want me to join them, but because of the hours I can’t work full-time and that won’t give me enough money right now… So it was a success, but no succes after all…. On with my job hunting!!
At night I visited my Taekwondo club – I miss them – and went for a drink with a few friends from Taekwondo =] It cheered me up a big bit =]
Friday: This was actually a good day. Played some Pokemon Go – don’t judge, or do, I don’t mind… Grew up with Pokemon and still like it… Gives me free exercise and oxygen hahahaha] – with the bf, went for a cappuccino and scored a faux leather jacket for €3 and a pair of amazingly comfy jeans for €20 =] yay me!!
Saturday: was a quiet day for most of the day. The bf had an early shift and went to take a nap after he got home. But I went to see Fifty Shades Darker with his mom!! I really liked it!! More story than the first one… I haven’t read the books yet and now I’m really thinking about reading them after the movies are done, because of the big differences there are….
Sunday: Today was a day of some chores, some TV, some reading, some [okay some more] food and blogging =] I managed to do 3 reviews today!! Woohoo, I’m getting my game back =] =] =] And my Sunday Post is on a Sunday without a week missed =] Still trying to catch up with the Top Ten Tuesdays and such, but got to live too and not feel pressured all the time.. So I will catch up on ALL of them – YES, ALL OF THEM – but without the pressure for me. I don’t want to be pressured anymore than I have to be, so my blogging is becoming my place to have fun and zen. Instead of I HAVE TO WRITE THIS TODAY OR THE EARTH WILL BE GONE kind of attitude…
So you all have a great and zen and fun week and I’ll catch you later!!
This weeks posts:
#75 Non-Heir.
#74 First Year.
#73 Haven. 
Sunday Post #30. February 26
Coming next week:
#76 Apprentice.
#77 Caraval.
#78 Candidate.
Hopefully some TTT catch ups =]
January + February Haul.
January + February Wrap-Up & March TBR.
Maybe a Most Anticipated Releases from February & March?
Sunday Post #31. March 5
So this week was a quiet week in my reading life… =[ I started Candidate by Rachel E. Carter, it’s the third book in The Black Mage series. I hope to finish it tonight and maybe finish Last Stand before the end of the month…
Monday Feb 20, Brooklyn Nine-Nine S2E3: The Jimmy Jab Games
Monday Feb 20, Grimm S5E14: Lycanthropia
Monday Feb 20, Grimm S5E15: Skin Deep
Monday Feb 20, Grimm S5E16: The Believer
Monday Feb 20, Grimm S5E17: Inugami
Monday Feb 20, Grimm S5E18: Good to the Bone
Monday Feb 20, Grimm S5E19: The Taming of the Wu
Tuesday Feb 21, Stranger Things S1E6: The Monster
Tuesday Feb 21, Grimm S5E20: Bad Night
Tuesday Feb 21, Grimm S5E21: The Beginning of the End
Wednesday Feb 22, Stranger Things S1E7: The Bathtub
Wednesday Feb 22, Stranger Things S1E8: The Upside Down
Wednesday Feb 22, Brooklyn Nine-Nine S2E4: Halloween II
Wednesday Feb 22, Brooklyn Nine-Nine S2E5: The Mole
Wednesday Feb 22, NCIS S3E3: Mind Games
Thursday Feb 23, Brooklyn Nine-Nine S2E6: Jake and Sophia
Friday Feb 24, NCIS S3E4: Silver War
Friday Feb 24, NCIS S3E5: Switch
Friday Feb 24, NCIS S3E6: The Voyeur’s Web
Friday Feb 24, NCIS S3E7: Honor Code
Saturday Feb 25, NCIS S3E8: Under Covers
Saturday Feb 25, NCIS S3E9: Frame-Up
Saturday Feb 25, NCIS S3E10: Probie
Saturday Feb 25, NCIS S3E11: Model Behavior
Saturday Feb 25, NCIS S3E12: Boxed In
Sunday Feb 26, NCIS S3E13: Deception
Sunday Feb 26, NCIS S3E14: Light Sleeper
With the bf:
Monday Feb 20, Last Man Standing S1E14: Odd Couple Out
Monday Feb 20, Life in Pieces S1E3: Sleepy Email Brunch Tree
Tuesday Feb 21, Life in Pieces S1E4: Prison Baby Golf Picking
Tuesday Feb 21, Life in Pieces S1E5: Babe Secret Phone Germs
Wednesday Feb 22, Life in Pieces S1E6: Ponzi Sex Paris Bounce
Wednesday Feb 22, Life in Pieces S1E7: Nanny Tent Earrings Cheeto
Thursday Feb 23, Life in Pieces S1E8: Godparent Maze Mexican Farts
Thursday Feb 23, Life in Pieces S1E9: Hospital Boudoir Time-Out Namaste
Friday Feb 24, Life in Pieces S1E10: Burn Vasectomy Milkshake Pong
Friday Feb 24, Life in Pieces S1E11: Lice Stealing College Caroling
Friday Feb 24, Life in Pieces S1E12: Bite Flight Wing-Man Bonnie
Friday Feb 24, Life in Pieces S1E13: Part Lobster Gym Sale
Friday Feb 24, Life in Pieces S1E14: Will Trash Book Spa
Friday Feb 24, Life in Pieces S1E15: Gigi TV Soccer Mikey
Friday Feb 24, Life in Pieces S1E16: Tattoo Valentine Pregnant Guitar
Friday Feb 24, Life in Pieces S1E17: Hair Recital Rainbow Mom
Sunday Feb 26, Life in Pieces S1E18: Sexting Mall Lemonade Heartbreak
With the mom-in-law:
Saturday Feb 25, Fifty Shades Darker
While writing:
Sunday Feb 26, CSI S3E1: Revenge is Best Served Cold
In case you’ve missed these:
#74 First Year.
#73 Haven. 
Sunday Post #27 & #28 & #29. February 5 & 12 & 19
Sunday Post #26. January 29
Sunday Post #25. January 22
Sunday Post #30. February 26 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News.
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