#s5b for the win with all the potential torture
priscilla9993 · 11 months
how would you torture killian psychology in the underworld?
Psychologically... Hades would make him think that he's talking to his actual family members or support system when in actuality, they're all illusions. The magic would read Killian's regrets or nightmares and filter them into illusions. Liam would be telling him how hurt he is that Killian became a pirate and never stopped becoming an alcoholic, how he disowns him as a brother bc he can't believe he failed as an older brother to guide Killian to the good side. Maybe to rub it in, illusion Liam might rub in that he's in the underworld bc he had regrets over leaving Killian alone after a stupid death by dreamshade, but after seeing the pathetic mess that Killian had become, he feels ashamed to have wasted his life trying and sacrificing so much for Killian when his little brother never amounted to much. Brennan wouldn't be winning dad of the year, but I expect his illusion to make Killian regret killing him by leaving Liam 2 behind as a fatherless orphan. I also want him to say that he "honestly, bc being dead gives him nothing left to lose" was so glad that that he left Killian behind bc his kid self was so needy for love and attention, another mouth to feed with the wars and taxes going on, but regrets not taking Liam with him.
If going onto David, it would be how he'd never accept Killian, no matter what he says, but only tolerates him bc he doesn't want to ruin his relationship with Emma.
Emma, well, she would go on about how upset she would be over Killian being weak to the darkness to how Killian never shares with her his past, despite them living together and prepared to be with one another for life. She'd say about how she'd let down her walls but he can't give her one small bit about his past, even though she's supposed to be the one he can share stuff with. Maybe there'd even be a hint of how Killian is too stubborn for her liking and has the loudest snoring, a turn off for her.
For the whumpy bits, maybe the illusions could be tortured versions of characters, whether physically shown or just audio of screams, whimpers, and cries of help being echoed throughout the chambers. Hades taunting that he could make it stop if Killian decides what to do next, aka get tortured instead of the loved one, giving Emma or someone else relief from the suffering for an hour or so. No one is truly getting hurt but Killian, yet Hades loves to see his defiant and strong acting side drop as he grits his teeth and agrees to the torture, Hades not giving in until Killian begs for the pain to begin.
Keeping Killian always walking on eggshells, unable to anticipate his next move. Despite being dead, Killian can feel every physical thing as if he were alive, being kept on the brink of exhaustion, sleep deprivation, hunger pangs galore, and being messed around with mind games and rounds of torture. His punishments for being boring or mini breaks from everything are always solitary in that open cell area. I want to say that his cell is always filled with audio playing of his worst moments that he regrets or Captain Silver shouting commands at him, taking him back to his fearful days as a kid, but knowing he can't do anything fulfilling the orders.
I don't have any more atm but what a great ask! Thanks for asking, Abby! XD
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