#sab [prof geto elections]
gojonanami · 4 months
somehow, i feel like my 4.0 gpa won't be enough to get me to the prof. geto committee...
hey babe that’s so impressive and I’m sure we can find you a position that suits you 🥹💕 you’re valuable regardless of your gpa — just by being you!! 🥰
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gojonanami · 3 months
hahahah you have such spirit so I will allow your application!
also I haven’t had time to review the applications anyway so I have to do that…
pls send in your application — no resume necessary, just tell me your skills and passion for prof geto 💕🫶
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gojonanami · 3 months
omg hopefully i’ve made the deadline for the professor geto elections!!
here’s my application!!
- i’m very organised, i always stay on track with what i need to do, i do this by making notes of what i need to complete and when i need it completed by - i’ve never missed a deadline for work or my assignments.
- i looove writing and analysing; i’d say that’s my strong suit as i love researching into different aspects of a topic. i’m also very good at writing lengthy essays as i like to be thorough with my work, it comes really naturally to me.
- i’m a university student, studying literature based subjects, i believe my academic skills would make me perfect in a role suited around professor geto.
- i’m a geto girl through and through, ever since i first watched jjk to now (with professor geto being my new favourite au) he’s such a complex and interesting character, plus i’m a sucker for a man with long hair / a man-bun.
i know it’s a little bit short, but i’m just happy to take part!! i can’t wait for part three tonight, and i hope you’re doing well <3
hi babe - you have a long list of wonderful credentials :) - with you time management and organization skills, and academic background, along with your love of geto - you are a very wonderful candidate :). i'm sure we can find a position for you :)
thank you - i will get back to you on your application. i hope you enjoyed part three and you're doing well as well! <3
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gojonanami · 4 months
Hello Sabina!! Greetings to you!! I heard there's an election for Professor Geto"s admirer"s community? I hope it's still open! I'm sorry for the delayed application, you know how much I respect him, it's just that I had exams past few weeks!! If they are open, I'd like to apply to be the representative! I hope the following skills and traits suffice (if there is any other particular need, please let me know! I've only included things about myself which I suppose would fulfill the criteria!) --
•I'm the "🤩 kid" of any group. I can create the hype. That is my personality. My energy is contagious, I can help in making sure the mood of our community is never too gloomy. 😌 My only weakness being going without prof. geto for too long.
•I've won several debate competitions throughout my academic career, scored a whooping out of out on every English project assigned to me and not only that - I manage to impress the teacher genuinely (you know what that amused eyes and pleasant smile looks like, don't you? 😌). Which means I know how to use words to sell a idea and convince people to be on my side - something that's expected of the representative. We gotta grow out our smol little cult afterall too <3
•My friends trust me with impromptu speeches (after, let's say, any seminar), I'm their go to. I'm a confident public speaker, and a natural at it. I can represent our propaganda opinions. And shut down anyone who shames us for being simps, even though we are :D
•I'm a Math + computer sciences major, which means I can bring kids from other majors and make this as big help them realise the beauty of his gorgeous face this amazing subject called ethics. :D
•I have helped kids carry out shenanigans in past, I'm good at being partner in crime and keeping a secret. The club can stay a secret from Prof. Geto himself if that's the need. I can bring that assurance if I'm given a position of power.
•I can bake top class chocolate cake, which shall do to keep people entertained and their taste buds fulfilled. Besides that, I can sing, dance and be the group clown. :D
•I'm confronting, don't avoid conflict. Can play devil's advocate, which means I'm also skilled at hurting people with sharp words if it comes to that. (Prof. Gojo being my personal inspiration and daily mentor at it, yes physics is one of my subjects too) and is really needed. As I said, I'm good at debates, I as a representative I will stand in front as a shielding barrier, talk on behalf of us and protect our community if anyone dares threaten it. Hmph.
•I'll keep reminding everyone to stay hydrated.
•I'm good at planning (given I've been studying maths and computer sciences majority of my life ; my brain is just wired to build algorithms to get desired output) so I can also help the president plan our meetings in a way it best accommodates everyone's schedules.
•I'm also a social butterfly and am more inclined on the "likes and enjoys social interactions" side, so I can update the members with essential information if they miss out on any club meetings.
•I'm a diplomatic person in nature, I can also help resolve and minor (or major for that case) issues among club members.
>>> Honestly, I'd take pride in calling myself the representative - that tag is a flattering one for me to hold and have. But if you and the other members decide I'm better suited for any other position I'm more than willing to take it up!!
Thank you for your time and consideration!! Looking forward to the election results!! If I'm given the power and position of a representative I promise to work hard and fulfill my duties for the same. 😌🤝🏻
🤩 anon
Dearest 🤩 anon,
no need for apologies — your studies come first, as we as a community and prof geto believe. you have several incredibly useful skills and I believe you would make a wonderful representative! I would love to appoint you as such.
speaking of which, I’ll set the deadline for these elections for when part 3 comes out (2/23 at 8 PM EST)! so if anyone wishes to apply, this is the time :)
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gojonanami · 4 months
hiya lovely sab!!
may i perchance participate in these elections, too?
my incredible skills are the following:
✅ finger knitting (i'm very bad at this. i tried this once, when i was, like, ten?)
✅ cooking (my diet is 90% omelette and sandwiches and 10% everything else)
✅ singing (when i have my earphones on... otherwise... otherwise this skill can be discredited)
✅ i can write with my toes (sort of...)
✅ i can play the violin (haven't played since i was seventeen, so... uh... and it's been years since...)
✅ i am very good at sleeping in late (my record is waking up at four pm <3)
maybe... maybe i could participate in clownery and tomfoolery?? <3
hiya dear anon!! Your skills are certainly appreciated and very useful! Perhaps you could be a part of providing snacks and refreshments 🥹💕 of course you can be a part of it love 💖
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gojonanami · 4 months
i love how the prof. geto election application stuff sounds so official lmaooooo
hahahah i know right? i love you guys - you made a joke i made into a real thing and i love it hahah <333
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gojonanami · 4 months
hi sab,
i was wondering whether perchance i could apply for a position at the prof. geto suguru fan club?
i'm afraid i don't really have that many 'useful' talents and my talents are, uh, rather obscure, but i'd love to help out the team :)
i'm not picky about positions because i'm rather desperate and keen to join, you see?
so, uh, in terms of my talents:
i can make latte macchiato that has the correct balance of milk and coffee
i, uh, can remember some people's birthdays without needing to consult a calendar
i am always on time (i.e. i am always five minutes late every single time no matter how early or late i wake up)
i have a tendency to hyper-fixate so, uh, i think that speaks for itself.
i squeal in such an inhuman way that many very different people have confused me for a dog. i think this will be useful in attracting people's attention, no?
i am really into colour coding and i have a very oddly specific system when it comes to note-taking which makes my notes very bright and colourful, and my uni notes look so good i could sell them online (i don't).
i'm good at remembering random songs and singing them out of pitch. so... i could function as a siren?? or just.. entertainment??
i have a special connection with dogs (i'd like to believe) and my neighbour's dog back at home regularly wants to become my dog. if i can lure in dogs, can't i lure in new members? no?
i can stare at artworks for five minutes straight and dissociate. these skills are easily applicable, you know? i can either intimidate new members via eye staring contest (you lose, you join) or i can just stare at your writing for so long i memorise it and can spurt out random quotes at random.
also there's a teeny weeny chance that i maybe mayhaps perchance perhaps study philosophy at uni so... that makes me a good candidate, no? i kinda get the conversations and stuff... (altho studying it didn't really help me out... more like... more like made me realise how inadequate i am but oh well, it's a vibe!)
also, like, in year six, i made like tons of decorations for our school play so maybe, just maybe, i retained some of those memories and i could, like, attempt to draw prof. geto suguru or something (or... maybe not. maybe just go will simple drawings instead of... well... what could be).
if you... well, if you like or are entertained by my application, please consider me.
i'd be very happy and i'd be happy to give you a present in return for considering my application (no, no bribing. this is a fair election. just, like, a thank you for sorts. for considering me. yeah...)
looking forward to hearing from you :)
hi bb! your talents are very much valued here -- from your background in philosophy to your ability to hyperfixate, timeliness, and organization skills - i think you would be a wonderful fit as the club's historian :).
i would be happy to consider your application with the approval of the community. i look forward to getting back to you soon! :)
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gojonanami · 4 months
dear lovely anon, i am well -- how are you? i apologize for my delayed response. the post is still currently vacant but other applicants are vying for this position. there are other positions available that you are more than welcome to apply to! i am happy to also review your application for the president position as well. no need for a cv or any extensive history -- only please explain to me in an ask your relevant experience and credentials as it pertains to the position/s and the prof geto community as a whole. thank you so much for your valued interest -- i look forward to reviewing your application and sharing it with our community! best of luck!
Dear Sab,
Thank you so very much for your very prompt response! I am very grateful.
I am writing to let you know that, as well as applying for the position of president of the Professor Geto Suguru Fan Club, I would also like to apply for the positions of vice president and secretary.
Hereby, as requested, I provide you with my credentials:
I admire Professor Geto Suguru greatly. I admire him as both an academic and as an individual. I believe he has qualities that one should emulate, and I believe that I have a lot to learn from him.
I first met Professor Geto Suguru via your wonderful 'Three's a Crowd', and I have watched the beautiful commencement of 'The Ethics of Relationships' series. I have reread both 'Three's a Crowd' and 'The Ethics of Relationships' multiple times each. In fact, I have reread those fics so many times that I can recount each scene off the top of my head. If you require me to do so for the sake of this application, please let me know.
I am experienced in leading societies. At my university, I am currently heading a society, and I am also an active member of several other societies. I have experience organising events, vying for sponsorships, managing and coordinating with a wide range of individuals, and acting as the main point of contact between various different groups of people. I would be more than happy to take on these responsibilities and more. I am also more than prepared to organise and prepare events, talks, pamphlets, celebrations, and fanfares in the name of Professor Geto Suguru.
I am extremely fond of our community. I genuinely adore your fics, and I have read nearly all of your works! I think you are a gifted writer. I am also very partial to our fan club members. Reading the asks that are sent to you really does bring a smile to my face. I would be honoured to represent such a vibrant group of individuals.
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read through my application letter.
I appreciate your consideration in interviewing me for this position.
dear anon,
this is another example of the excellence this community has to offer. your passion and dedication to the roles you applied for are very prevalent throughout this -- including your many readings of not only the prof geto series, but three's a crowd as well. But also you also have the leadership skills needed for this role. I appreciate you also calling attention to this wonderful community and i very much appreciate your application.
I am excited to get back to you with the results, once the community has reviewed your application as well!
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gojonanami · 4 months
You know what?
Now I'm weirdly invested in Prof. Geto elections.
I'm wholly entertained.
(Can I, like, maybe have some low-level job? Like entertainments officer or something?)
hahaha i'm also very entertained so i'm glad i'm not the only one!! :)
yes definitely! entertainments officer it is :)
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gojonanami · 4 months
hahah i would hope i would elected without much trouble, but hey if someone wants the position, i invite them to advocate for themselves
Dear Sab,
I hope you are well.
I am writing to express my interest in the position of president of the Professor Geto Suguru Fan Club. I have been an active member of the club since December 2023, and I believe that I have the enthusiasm and passion to continue spreading the Professor Geto Suguru agenda.
As someone who has read both part one and part two of the Professor Geto Suguru series at least thirty times each, I feel as though my appreciation of Professor Geto Suguru and his qualities makes me a worthy candidate for this role.
However, not only am I an ardent Professor Geto Suguru aficionado, but I am also an accomplished student, and I believe that my academic credentials will serve me well in this role. In both my first and second years, I achieved a first, and, as such, I am on track to graduate with a first-class degree.
I am also a keen participant in multiple societies at my university, being president of several of them. I am familiar with the task of organising, communicating with, and dedicating time to various societies. I am extremely motivated to use my knowledge and experience to help the club grow and thrive in the years to come.
I am very eager to take on this challenge and look forward to working with you and the rest of the club's members to make the club the best it can be.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
dear anon,
this is a truly impressive application - thirty times is no small feat. your academic credentials and leadership roles in several clubs are outstanding! congratulations on your degree!
i can sense your eagerness and dedication to professor geto and this community. I will review your application along with the others, and i seek the guidance of this community for these applications.
thank you for your application and i am excited to get back to you soon!
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gojonanami · 4 months
Dear Sab,
I hope you are well.
I am writing to inquire about the status of the president position for the Professor Geto Suguru Club.
I was wondering whether this position is still vacant and whether I can submit my application for it.
I would also like to double-check with you whether it is only my CV that you require or whether you would like me to provide you with more extensive information regarding my academic and employment history.
Thank you very much in advance.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
dear lovely anon,
i am well -- how are you? i apologize for my delayed response.
the post is still currently vacant but other applicants are vying for this position. there are other positions available that you are more than welcome to apply to! i am happy to also review your application for the president position as well.
no need for a cv or any extensive history -- only please explain to me in an ask your relevant experience and credentials as it pertains to the position/s and the prof geto community as a whole.
thank you so much for your valued interest -- i look forward to reviewing your application and sharing it with our community!
best of luck!
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gojonanami · 4 months
hahah i would hope i would elected without much trouble, but hey if someone wants the position, i invite them to advocate for themselves
hahahah no cv necessary babe, just outline and give your best argument for why you think you would be best! again there are many positions available hahah
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gojonanami · 4 months
hahah i would hope i would elected without much trouble, but hey if someone wants the position, i invite them to advocate for themselves
lmaoooo love the enthusiasm - a resume is not necessary! please just list your credentials like the other applicants and feel free to apply to other positions, such as secretary, vice president, senators, representatives
idk i'm making this up as i go along haha
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gojonanami · 4 months
hahah i would hope i would elected without much trouble, but hey if someone wants the position, i invite them to advocate for themselves
OKAY, so...
I'll give it a shot:
🔴 I've been there since the beginning.
🔴 I am COMPLETELY OBSESSED with that man and think of him 24/7
🔴 I am willing to delegate the time & the effort for the sake of our club
🔴 I love our community xx
🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ tbh idk which credentials are best needed for this sort of job application lmfaoooo
truly this is a strong application as well - like been here since the beginning?? this is a strong competitor in the ring now -- they are truly dedicated to their role and loving towards our little cult community
you have a very excellent application babe
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gojonanami · 4 months
hahah i would hope i would elected without much trouble, but hey if someone wants the position, i invite them to advocate for themselves
Oh, Sab, dear, dear Sab,
I don't think you realise what you just did.
(P.S. Can I be Treasurer? I used to be Treasurer for a couple of societies at uni so I think I could be useful still.)
yes :) you are elected treasurer because no one else asked for that and you are deemed fit for the position! :)
...also yes i definitely did not realize i opened pandora's box hahaha
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gojonanami · 4 months
hahah i would hope i would elected without much trouble, but hey if someone wants the position, i invite them to advocate for themselves
I think I should be elected president.
I would like to make a case for myself.
Not only am I completely obsessed with Professor Geto Suguru, but I am more than prepared to advocate for him and to be utterly and completely devoted to that man.
Not to mention that I am obsessed with academic validation, so I will work like a dog for validation that comes from him.
I will work hard to propagate the Professor Geto Suguru agenda without breaking a sweat.
I am willing to work all day and all night, just spreading awareness, converting people to our club, and proselytising with effectiveness. (But then again, the man speaks for himself, so I won't need to do much proselytising...)
Do not doubt my diligence—I will put my whole soul and body into this project.
And so, for all these reasons and more, I believe that I am suitable for the position of president.
(If you would like me to attach my CV, please let me know.)
how do we hold elections guys haha - how about this -- the ask with the highest likes vying for a certain role will be elected president
and then will trickle down into other roles :)
you are truly more qualified than i am - i do not possess your motivation nor effort hahaha - you are truly one very qualified candidate and i approve of your candidacy wholeheartedly <3
no cv necessary -- your advocacy is enough <3
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