archivezosia · 6 years
TXT MSSG: Min älskling
Zosia: Hej, min älskling. Thank you for the flowers and for thinking of me. It was quite a smile finding the bouquet and note on my doorstep. You're so very sweet and thoughtful. Dinner any night this week, yes. Let me know what night you're free, and I will cook for you this time.
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lucas-peterson · 6 years
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To Be A Friend || Para || May 18th 2018
Lucas sat down on the couch with a sigh, pulling Taney’s legs across his lap as he settled down. He’d spent a good portion of the day pulling out what had happened between Tomlin and Selene and trying his best to give his friends useful advice. Of course he’d been blunt with Tomlin. He’s sat him down and told him he was an idiot, that what he had done was selfish and that he had no right to fuck with someones head like that, especially when his actions would affect a third party. That didn’t mean that he didn’t get where Tomlin was coming from. He knew what it was like to love someone and wonder if they were out of your reach or not. He knew longing and that bitch of a huge what if. 
He also had to check in on Selene. He’d been smart, collecting Marcus’ number sometime after they’d come back from Scotland just in case. He called and made sure Selene was actually sober enough to go talk to and ended up talking to Marcus about what had happened. The poor guy seemed at a loss as to how to deal with the situation given Selene’s emotional response and while she was hung over he wasn’t sure if she was going to start drinking again. Lucas didn’t want to step on any toes knowing he and Selene had gotten into arguments before because he pushed her too far. Luckily he got the green light to go around and see how she was.
He found her hungover but willing to listen. Marcus hovered nearby unable to tell how he could contribute but Luke didn’t let that stop him from telling Selene what he needed to say. By the time he left he felt he had done what he needed to so that both parties knew that he cared and thats what lead him to sitting down with his wife, the weight of the day on his shoulders. Lucas leaned over and kissed Taney’s shoulder, glad that their complications were behind them. Though he wasn’t that old the drama of it all was exhausting. 
“Why is it the people we love are fucking idiots sometimes?”
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zephyr-dresden · 7 years
Tomlin & Zephyr
All the perks forever? Careful, someone may think you’re concussed and/or have a crush on me.
Oh no, I’ve been found out! Woe is me.
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Tomlin & Sophie
I’m working, so not at home like a bum but not doing what everyone else is. Do you not have anyone to eat dinner with tonight, Soph?
You’re never at home being a bum, honestly. I don’t think there’s any person on earth less inclined to be a bum than you. You’re busier than almost anyone I know. I don’t have anyone to eat dinner with. You know I’m a single bird! 
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sadieclemens-blog · 7 years
Sadie and Tomlin
Sticking with the red, I hope. How was the quality time?
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It’s July, so I pretty much do office work and fill in the shift gaps, go ‘home’ by six or six thirty, change, and head to a bar Monday through Sunday. Can’t say I’m ever much use to the world in February, April, or July. … You knew this though and I’ve been waiting for you to turn up to say thank you. I didn’t just want to show up at yours to say thank you and I don’t think a call or text would suffice.
My coworker told me he’d hunt me down and give me hell if I ever lost the red, so I think it’s probably staying. I’ve grown rather attached to it myself, it’s sort of become this thing that’s forcing me to interact with the world now. Such bold hair color can’t be cooped up in the apartment all day, every day, I gotta let it breathe and go on adventures. Wow I totally just personified my hair, I swear I haven’t had a drop of liquor today.
The quality time was about 80% good. Which is pretty good numbers for a solid week. We both cried a couple of times. She wants to go back to New Orleans, and I got really upset when she told me that she wanted to go back without me. She thinks I should stay here in LA. 
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I do know that, yes, and you know that I get it and I don’t judge your bar habits one bit. I drink alone in August, I basically become a hermit and only leave my couch when I’m forcibly dragged. You’re welcome. If any bit of it has given you even the tiniest bit of comfort this month then it was well worth it. How about sometime this week you skip the bar after work and come have a drink at my place. We still have two more episodes of Black Mirror to get through and I’ve missed your face this past week.
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zanderhesper-blog · 7 years
Zander and Tomlin
I’m sure it will be worth it in the long run, both this picture for the poster (I presume) and the edits. What non-writing plans have you made?
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Oh it’s always worth it in the end. It’s just the getting there, ya know, these are the aspects that start to make me disconnect from my work a little. But there’s no career out there where you get to be fully engaged with all aspects of your work at all times. So far I’ve got some beach plans with Adra, and I’m dragging Cody’s butt out for beer as soon as he tells me when he’s free this week. You’re welcome to join us, Tomlin.
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selenemacsuain-blog · 7 years
Selene & Tomlin
I feel like we’ve been on two different planets and that’s my fault. When are you leaving?
We have been, to some extent, on different sides of one planet? It felt even further to me.
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I’ve booked for the first week in August. 
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eirlyspowell-blog · 7 years
Every day is a Monday when you work seven days a week. Did you end up getting out of bed?
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Sheesh that sounds intense. Yes I did, reluctantly and with copious amounts of hot chocolate. I had to go for my internship orientation thing, so that was fun.
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Who are three people you would consider dating from the side and why?
Really? Three people? You make it sound like I have a long list of people and I could some how choose just three...
If I have to make a list, it would probably the following people:
@zephyr-dresden, because we’re essentially dating for all intents and purposes. Might as well make it official.
@selenemacsuain, because I think copper hair would be wondrous to wake up to in the morning... (also because two poets living under the same roof would be the best life)
@tomlinotracey, because he knows almost all my secrets, so at least I’d know they were safe always with him.
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archivezosia · 6 years
Zosia & Tomlin
Please may we have both? I’ve dearly missed your lovely company. I need to know all about where you’ve run off to, why you didn’t take me, what books you’ve been reading through… all of it…
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Absolutely, and I would like to raise you to as soon as possible. I’ve missed you and your gluttonous ears far too much. Mostly you in general. I’ve got plenty to tell whenever you have the time and I’ve gone through so many books I’m even listening to them now, but no worries I have plenty of fresh (or semi-fresh) hard copies to place in your hands. As for not taking you... if only I knew you would want to go...
We have lots to catch up on. How have you been? What have you been up to? This will definitely not be a one sided spill.
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zephyr-dresden · 7 years
Tomlin & Zephyr
It’s not how it works. I’m sure you’ll witness the process eventually. You’re too amazing to be single. This is, though, probably a reason for you to never agree to another date with me. I’m not sure marriage is in the cards for me again- not children…
Welp, I think you’re too amazing to be single so for now I’m gonna definitely agree to another date. Assuming there is prospect for another one. I mean, I’d want to go on another one but it’s okay if you wouldn’t want to.
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Tomlin & Sophie
I’m your favorite. Don’t deny it because no one believes you.
Shhhh, everyone else has to think that they can also be favorite otherwise nobody’s going to want to try and be my friend.
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callielowell-blog · 8 years
Callie and Tomlin
We’d only just swapped names before you vanished. I hope it was a nice business trip. I don��t really know what a picture is supposed to say but you look nice.
I’m doing shit, probably shouldn’t even be poking in on here, but… it had been a while and I can’t sleep. How are you? Settle back in to the city?
Oh, I wasn’t expecting an actual answer to my pictures itself, no worries. It was a very nice business trip. It kind of throws you in the deep end at first, you gotta know all these intricate people and pieces you’re working with, get familiar with the set and the scenes and the makeup blueprints. But I love a challenge.
I’m guilty of popping online when I can’t sleep too. When you’re in that hazy limbo it’s easy to pass the time browsing. I get caught up in youtube all the time. I’m very well, and definitely glad to be back home. San Diego is nice but nothing beats L.A for me.
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sadieclemens-blog · 7 years
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Wed May 10th
Sadie remembered the way to Tomlin’s place without fail or hesitation. In fact, she probably remembered with too much vivid clarity everything that had to do with him. Her subconscious kept trying to call her out, the thoughts invasive and sudden, sometimes stopping her in her tracks. She would fight those moments with a vicious vehemence, at war with her own mind. He was her friend, her very good friend, and she had to repeat the mantra to herself several times a day since she’d colored her hair. God help her, if she’d known a little red would change the chemistry between them, or that it would matter to her so very much when that shift occurred, she would have kept things safe and blonde and untouchable. Feeling confused felt somehow like a betrayal, to both him and herself. Their friendship had been built on a mutual and deeply rooted understanding, that there would be no conflict or confusing things to get in the way of their real chats and their support and respect for one another. Guilt riddled her now, as if she’d broken a sacred oath and could no longer protect Tomlin from the mess she might make if she couldn’t get these damn thoughts out of her head. She wasn’t looking for anything more than friendship, she wasn’t looking to feel such a pervasive pull to another person. It would go away, she would will it away, bottle it up like the half finished ship she was carefully putting into a box and tucking beneath the crook of her arm.
Her thoughts were turned to over-preparation. Ship-building tools they probably weren’t even going to need tonight were tucked into a bag slung over her shoulder. Maybe if she weighted her body down enough she’d forget about how heavy her spirit felt these days. Comfort food was always what she thought of when she thought of Tomlin, perhaps because between the pair of them there was always comfort needed. A small buffet was carefully settled in the back of her car; a plate with fried chicken and brown rice with shrimp, a serving bowl with gumbo, a side of sour cream mashed potatoes. Sadie knew that Tomlin wouldn’t be surprised, anyone that knew her knew that she cooked feasts and she liked to share. 
Normally she liked a quiet drive, but for once Sadie found herself in need of music to steady her thoughts. She hummed along to a barrage of jazz tunes, at her destination before she knew it and possibly before she was ready to be there. For the span of fifteen heartbeats she sat like a statue in the driver’s seat, wondering if she could just walk into that apartment and be normal, as casual as they’d been at that bar the first time. Her plan seemed to work, because trying to figure out how to balance all of her tag-along items took her mind off her nervousness long enough to make it to Tomlin’s front door. Hands full, arms full, heart fuller than it should have been, she used her foot to knock on the door. She wasn’t looking, she wasn’t looking . . . 
The door opened and even though she wasn’t looking, she saw him anyway. He’d probably roar with confused laughter if she ever told him, but when Sadie let her eyes linger on the man for too long, he tended to remind her of the original version of The Little Mermaid tale. Not the sweet soaked Disney version, no, the Hans Christian Anderson heartbreaker. When the mermaid gave up her voice to the sea witch, that wasn’t the only price she paid for being human. Her tail split into two to become legs, and every step she took was excruciatingly painful. No one around her would have guessed it though, because as much as the steps were painful the joy of being around other humans and the prince she loved was worth it. There were layers of pain in Tomlin’s eyes, the kind of strung up pain that could wrap around the world three times if you unraveled it. Sadie imagined that every word he spoke, every socialization he made, jostled his bruised insides and hurt as much as the mermaid’s walking did, but as much as it hurt he also needed it, occasional breaks in the silence, to be near others. As she smiled and scanned his face she wondered who needed the socialization more tonight, her or him?
“I’m afraid if I move first I am going to drop one of the fifty thousand things I decided it would be a good idea to bring,” she stated, a whisper of a laugh released as she held out one of her arms to him. “If you can grab these plates I’m fine with the rest. I hope there’s room in your fridge because I’m leaving this all with you if we don’t eat it all.” She wished her hands were free so that she could fidget with the strap on her green sundress, so she could make sure the red strands of her hair were secured in a bun at the nape of her neck. For some reason she couldn’t put into words, she hadn’t liked the idea of leaving it down, as if it were some dark elephant in the room that she needed to tuck out of sight and out of mind. Once the food had been moved out of the way and she’d released hold of the bag with their ship safely tucked inside, all Sadie knew was a sudden voracious need to hug him. A few lengthy strides and she was wrapping her arms around him, head against his chest, breathing in the scent of him and telling herself that a box of dye couldn’t break something real, something important. Blonde or redhead or brunette or bald they were the same people and she suddenly felt silly for feeling nervous at all. That zipping zap of maybe electricity she’d thought she’d felt was probably a shock induced fluke, over and done with now.
“You look tired,” she murmured, gazing up to take worried stock of his features. “I can make this a quick visit if you need rest.”
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selenemacsuain-blog · 8 years
Selene & Tomlin
First you miss coming out to the march because you’re sick and now you are staying in on a Saturday night. What’s going on?
What is wrong with spending a quiet night in? I am not one for social gatherings or pointless chattering. 
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This cabin will be the vacation destination for Dawson, Tomlin, Zosia, and Zephyr. Lockheart Cabin is a rustic new addition to the island with six bedrooms and five and a half bathrooms. This cabin lies at the base of one of the mountains to the north, right along the water. Activities available at this cabin include just about everything you can think of like hiking, jet skiing, swimming, fishing, and star gazing. Its view of the shore can be misleading, as no part of the island is within swimming distance and the area within view is private property. This cabin is close to the many of the activities available on the island and, therefore, guests of Lockheart Cabin are provided with all-terrain bicycles for transportation, if they wish to join in on the itineraries’ activities.
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