#sad i couldnt do yesterday's prompt but oh well!
zyphnn · 1 year
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@codywanweek day 7: armour
wanted to have one last drawing to finish off the week with! another successful codywan week in the books <3
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corpsehusband-simp · 4 years
Weight of the World
WARNING: This is a sensitive Fic that deals with depression, mentions of dark thoughts, punching a wall, and anxiety. It has a fluffy ending. 
A/N: Please put yourself first and don't read this fic if it will put you in any kind of dark place because of what is metions and please know that my DM’s are always open. Feel free to message me all hours of the day or night, I am always here to talk.
 Request: this is a touchy request so i understand if you are uncomfortable with writing it. it’s kinda a comfort/coping prompt but can you write corpse x reader where reader has been going through manic depression and just pushes everyone away and performs self destructive behavior, and corpse has to talk y/n out of su*icide? recently i’ve just.. been really going through it is all i can say. if you don’t wanna write it, totally understandable ❤️
Paring: Corpsex reader, Sykkuno x reader (best friends)
You rolled over in your bed as your phone rang, hiding yourself further into your covers. You woken up yesterday morning and your depression had hit you full force. You couldnt really put a finger on wheat caused your manic depressive episode but it was kicking your ass. It had been a while since you felt like this and you couldnt find the strength at the moment to pull yourself out of it and in doing so you were pushing away the person you loved the most. Corpse. The love of your life but you couldnt even answer his phone calls or texts. Instead you physically turned away from his caller ID, the last time you had talked to him was through a text yesterday telling him that you needed space and that was all.
The more you thought about it the angrier it made you, the angrier you became with yourself. As your mind slipped into darker, angrier thoughts your phone rang again but think time it was your best friend Sykkunos ring tone, Big booty bitches. 
Corpse must have called him. You thoguht before reluctantly picking up the phone, wiping tears from your face. “What Sykkuno”
“Oh uh h-hi y/n. I just wanted to uh call you and check up on you, you didnt come to the Among Us lobby yesterday.” You sighed.
“Im fine Sy.” Your tone was short and rough, you hated acting this way but you didnt want to pull anyone else down intot the slump that you were in.
“O-okay, well im here okay. Love you y/n/n”
“Yeah love you too sy. Never forget that.” and with that you hung up on him, tears running down your face again as your thoughts continued down a dark route.
Corpse was going out of his mind trying to figure out what was going on with you. After your text yesterday he had been battling his anxiety on wether or not he should oush the situation, corpse knew you depression could get back sometimes but he also understood sometimes people just needed space. So he turned to the only other person he could trust right now, Sykkuno.
“Hey buddy.”
“Oh hey corpse, whats goin on?” It made corpse smile to hear that at least sykkuno was still his normal cheerie self.
“I need a favor, I think y/n is having another episode butbut she wont answer my calls so I was wondering if you could try and call her for me. See if she answers.”
“Yeah of course man, but why dont you just go over there?” Corpse sighs.
“Im going to but I dont want to push ya know. Its- this is a touchy thing.” Sykkuno hums in agreement before hanging up. Corpse paces back and forth in his livingroom till Sykkuno calls back.
“Hey Corpse”
“Did she answer?” Sykkuno sighs.
“Yeah and she doesnt sound like shes doing very well.Im actually really really worried Corpse.” Before Sykkuno could even finish his sentence Corspe was grabbing his car keys and hoodie.
“Im heading over there now, Ill text you later with and update. Thank you for calling her.”
“Of course, just keep me updated.” Corpse faster than he ever had , it was a mirical he didnt get pulled over.
Please be okay, please be okay. He repeated in his mind over and over as he run up to your apartment door. He entered quietly and quickly, not even bothering to take his shoes off. You entire apartment was dark and eerily quiet but as he neared your bedroom he could hear your quiet cries coming from the bathroom. He knocks on the door and tires to open it but it was locked.
“Go away.” You cried with broke Corpses heart.
“Baby girl, please open the door.”
“NO please just go away!”
Your POV
You felt out of control as you cried so you puched and yelp in pain. Corpse wastes no time kicking in the door.
“Im sorry baby Ill fix that I promise.” He says quickly as he kneels down beside you. You didnt know if it was the suddenness of the door kicking in or him beig here or both but you broken down into even more of a crying mess on your bathroom floor. Corpse pulls you into his chest and you try to fight him off. 
“No leave me alone, go away!” He only held you tighter and closer.
“Y/N I’m not going anywhere. We made a promise to eachother remember? We promised to never leave eachother remember? Me and you together. Im promise to fight next to you. So please just breath and let me help baby please.” Eventually you stopped fighting against him and clung to him like your life depended on it, and in this moment you were positive it did. You didnt know how much time passed between that moment and when Corpse finally stood, holding you bridalstyle as he carried you to the room. You laid both you you down, never letting you leave his hold. As you laid there Corpse left sof kisses around your face and whispered sweet loving things to you.
“You are so strong Y/n” He ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your forehead. “You are beautiful and smart” Corpse kisses your temple. “You are worth every single breath you take, every single atom and molecule in this universe that you take up you are worthy of.” He gently lifts you chin so you were looking up at him with your red, puffy eyes. “A wise girl once told me, that I know it gets hard and feels like the weight of the world is one your shoulders but theres two of us now and you dont have to take the weight on alone.” You sniffle and look up at him.
“Hey I said that.” Your voice was weak and horse from crying.
“Yes baby girl, you did, and I hope you knoe its true. I am right here.”
“I dont want to burden you, I know you have some much on your plate already I dont want to throw my shit on there too.” He shakes his head and lays his forehead on yours. 
“You arent burdening me, the only thing that ever puts more stress on my plate is when you push me away because I cant help you when you do that.” You sniffle reaching up and brush your finger tips across his cheek. 
“Im so sorry I put you through this.” Tears started to well up in your eyes but Corpse qucikly wipes under them and peppers your forehead in kisses.
“Hey hey hey none of that baby. Alls well now. Im here now.”
“Thank you my love. You are my rock.’
“And you are mine”
✨Tumblr Taglist✨
@fuji175 @corbins-kinda-smart @locallolli @namjoons-crabssss @sadness-babee @reddeserths @eccedxntesi @mayempress  @shinyyoonie @amirahhiddleston @gamerjisoo @trying-to-be-nice-here @jinexedanxrchist @rensaor @yoongis-cumsock @devilishducky97 @mintchip17 @redperson58 @kutiesammyboo @caswinchester2000 @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @thoughtfullydopedragon @neville-longbottomsimp @danny-devitowo @chocolatecloudwinnerhoagie @notmewrongb1tch @moneybagmara @alxcru158 @whatinthyworld @ihavecommitmentissues @mayempress @tanya-sonigra @themeaningofstupid @heavenly3308 @nicetomeetyouamamber  @chileansoul-englishheart
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
water wars bucky barnes x reader
i havent read this since i wrote it so if it sucks im sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10. If you use up all the hot water again i swear to god! You're on the couch for a month
2. How long have you been standing there
51. I'm your husband it's my job
tag list: @cynic-spirit
I woke up in a slight daze before rolling over and realizing two things. 1) bucky was no longer in bed with me, which meant he's either left already or he's downstairs making breakfast still and 2) the time on the clock stated it was almost 9 am. I sat up abruptly with wide eyes and threw the blankets off of myself. It was already 9 am?! That meant i had t minus 5 minutes to shower and get dressed and get to work. I was supposed to be at the compound at 9:30 and as often as tony asked me to move in with the rest of the crew i just could find myself to do it. Which wasn't that big of a deal because buck liked the seclusion of having our own house as well as the freedom to have whatever pets we wanted, like the spunky golden retriever we adopted shortly after we started seeing each other and the laid back overly lazy pitbull we adopted less than a year ago. I struggled to find clothes to wear as lili kept nudging me for pats, i gave in though because i couldn't take the sad face she was giving me. I stared up at my hanging clothes while sitting on the floor with her and soon she was laid with her head on my knee and i was stuck with no outfit to wear.
I looked down at her for a second before hearing loud footsteps running up the stairs and immediately wanting to stand up for my faces sake. Suddenly our golden, reign, came in, followed by a laughing bucky, and began attacking me with kisses stirring up lili in the process. It in turn left me to my own devices huddled on the ground to avoid the excited puppy paws prancing around me. Bucky just stood and laughed at the situation before helping me up and kissing me lightly through his smile.
"Youre late."
I smacked his chest lightly and stepped to the side to get away from the ruckus.
"You are too."
He grabbed my waist and brought me to him and kissed me again.
"We could just call in today?"
I gave him a look.
"You know exactly why we cant do that. Besides if we play hookie another day im sure tony will have a fit."
I laughed at his stern expression before watching it turn to amusement.
"Eh, let him, i think i deserve a few off days with my girl."
"You know what you could do?"
I grabbed a random shirt off the hanger and a matching pair of pants.
"You can call someone at the compound and tell them we are going to be a little late"
"And what excuse are we using this time?"
We smiled at each other as i backed my way to the bathroom door.
"Dogs were being hard to handle?"
I shrugged and walked back further before going to close the door.
"Im sure youll think of something."
I turned the water on the hottest setting i could and waited for it to warm up. As i waited i turned on some music and checked the temperature. I waited and waited but it never once got hot. I quickly shut it off and wrapped my robe around myself, opening the bathroom door, and stomping down the stairs. When i got down there buck was sitting at the breakfast bar feeding the dogs pieces of pancake. I stood in the doorway with my hands on my hips. None of them noticed me though until i cleared my throat. I pointed at bucky with a stern expression on my face.
"You could have told me before i went in the bathroom that i would be showering in the waters of the arctic. If you use up all the hot water again i swear to god! You're on the couch for a month!"
He looked at me sheepishly but quickly looked back at the whining wonder twins begging for more pancake. He got up, then, and walked to me with open arms.
"I did think i used that much, honest."
He tried to give me a hug but i kept him an arms length away.
"No no, its a dry shampoo day now because of you."
I gave him a smirk and turned to go back upstairs and get dressed, reign following closely behind me because he was no longer being fed.
The next day i woke up around 8. It was good to know i was up early enough to shower and be to work on time. I grabbed my clothes, assuming bucky was gone already, or downstairs letting the dogs out, and quickly went to the bathroom to shower. When i turned the water on again i did the same as yesterday, turning it to the hottest setting and waiting for it to warm up; but it never did. I stomped down the stairs again and was met with the dogs at the back door whining to be let in. i gladly opened the door and watched them run to the laundry room down the hall under the stairs. I was met with bucky leaning against the dryer, hair still wet, reading the back of the dog food back that he'd presumably just emptied into the big plastic container. I raised an eyebrow at him and stood with my hands on my hips again. When he looked up at me he noticed the stance and tried to offer me a small smile.
"Have any guesses on why im angry and still in my robe?"
He bent down to pet the dogs as they ate only looking up at me with quick glances.
"I.... dont.... Know...?"
"I was serious yesterday, ya know."
"Bout what?"
I dropped my shoulders in defeat.
"You get to sleep on the couch my friend. You gotta stop stealing all the hot water before i get up in the morning, now im gonna have to back to showering at night."
"Oh come on, you cant banish me to the couch tonight!"
"Watch me."
I turned to leave and heard him call after me as i walked back upstairs.
"Come on babe, its not like its entirely my fault!"
I saw him drop his arms to his sides, looking up the stairs at me as i walked back into our room.
I tossed and turned quite a few times, looking at the clock every time i did. And soon it was midnight and i still couldn't fall asleep. I sat up slowly and noticed only lili had made it upstairs to sleep in the corner of the room where she normally resided. I yawned and rubbed my eyes before rolling out of bed and making my way to the stairs. I wanted to find bucky but i didnt know what i would do when i reached him, its not like i was gonna wake him up. He normally had a hard time falling asleep as it was and i would just feel guilty waking him up over something so stupid. I hit the bottom of the stairs and decided to sit there for a second, cuddling up to reign who gladly found me shortly after i sat down on the last stair. I whispered to him for a short minute.
"I never really realized how lonely it gets in bed without him ya know."
He just stared at me and panted, almost smiling through the thick darkness. I smiled back and scratched behind his ears.
"Dont know what im gonna do with myself if hes already asleep reign. Guess ill just have to sit alone in bed till its time to get up. Then ill be groggy all day cause i didnt get to cuddle up to bucky bear."
I sighed heavily and watched reign make the short walk to the laundry room for a drink. I sighed heavily and pushed myself off the stair and tiptoed through the kitchen. When i found myself in the doorway of the living room i couldn't find it in myself to go further, i just watched for a second before closing my eyes and rubbing my hands over my face. When i opened my eyes again i could see bucky standing by the couch, stretching his arms. When he dropped them he brought his metal arm to scratch the back of his head. Suddenly reign ran beside me, panting, dripping water down the side of my leg as he did. I made an audible gasp, followed by a soft
"ew, reign, thats nasty."
I looked up and immediately slapped my hand over my mouth, bucky now looking at me through the darkness. I let out a nervous laugh before bucky reached over and turned on the lamp beside the couch. He gave me a soft smile.
"How long have you been standing there?"
I shrugged.
"Not long, couldnt sleep."
I crossed my arms tightly over my chest and looked at the ground.
"Guess i haven't spent enough time away from you. I still feel uncomfortable when your not in bed with me."
I looked up to see him smiling, and holding his arms out to me. I gladly obliged, walking over and giving him a big hug.
"You know i think thats why we work so well together. I mean i wouldn't have asked you to marry me if i didnt think so."
I looked up at him and smiled, fidgeting with my engagement ring behind his back as we held each other.
"And im so glad you did, you make me angry from time to time, like using all the hot water, but i dont know what i would do without you."
He let out a small laugh and let go of me, pulling me down onto the couch with him. We sat in silence for a couple minutes just examining each other. Pretty soon both the dogs were cuddled up beside us. I let out a long sigh and laughed a little to myself.
I shook my head.
"How come your such a pain all the time?"
He smiled back at me.
"Im your husband, its my job."
I poked him a little.
"Not yet you arent."
we both just laughed a little.
"Soon, very very soon."
He kissed the top of my head and cuddled close to me. Not before long and he turned the light out, noticing the heaviness of my eyes. Soon we were both asleep against each other, cuddled up on the couch with the rest of our little family.
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asks (21)
Anonymous said: Hi! Do you still like Tim Drake?
More than I can describe!
Anonymous said: Please tell me those law school quotes are all from one professor
They are not, but MOST of them are from the civ pro professor. His name is Counseller, and he’s great. He got a standing ovation after his speech at my friend’s graduation yesterday. I once went to dinner at his house and a movie afterwards. He had us all hide his candy in our bags so he didn’t have to pay concession stand prices. 
@whambamthanksbatfam​ said: Do you know canonical nicknames for the Batboys?
Hold up lemme see what I have on file
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Off the top of my head I can also think of times that Tim referred to himself as “Timmy” (usually while pretty young), and of course Dick has “boy wonder”
Anonymous said: What do you think will happen to nightwing comics? Writer changes in April, will they be able to reverse the amnesia arc? Do you think maybe the damage to the character is irreversible? I don't understand why they'd allow it especially after what happened when they tried to kill him off. It's also 35th anniversary of his first appearance in a few months. Looking at teen titans, jon kent's age, young justice "coming back" I feel concerned for dc comics' future ):
I’m basically taking my usual approach, which is (as far as comics are concerned)... everything will return to its most profitable form. Comics have a set form. With a few key exceptions-- changes in superhero persona, for example-- things generally make their way back to the “classic” form. Therefore I expect Dick to go back to being Nightwing, in a form we would recognize as typically Nightwing. 
Anonymous said: wait..... waitwaitwaitwait..... wait. did u just swear in that hashtag? i have followed you for like 2 years and the closest i've seen to swearing is "sweet texas on high" which ended up becoming a bad habit of mine to say irl and then have to explain where the hell i heard that, and then i said it enough that one friend started saying it as well, then it just spread like a virus in my friend group (this isn't a complaint this is just surprise and amusement. love ur blog!)
Glad to see my nonsense swears are spreading! To be honest, I (really) swear a lot. Don’t tell my mom
Anonymous said: Hey! I have to choose a quote for my yearbook and i want to do a batman/superhero quote but i cant think of one and was wondering if you could help me out? Im looking to go for kinda funny but also has a bit of meaning, ya know? Anyway thank you!
Oooooh boy lemme see
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I like Alfred’s quote in these panels. I would also maybe suggest:
"Whenever someone's asked what power they wish they had, flying is always at the top of the list. But I have to admit. I've learned to love falling too." (Nightwing #142, 2008)
I don’t know how helpful I can be on this one, honestly, but there’s my two cents.
night-mom said: Hi, I have a bat-centric side blog called Bat-Losers-Inc. I just discovered some of your writing on tumblr and have been slowly going through it when I have the time. I really love how you write each character of the Batfam and how each of them feels very distinct from each other but also different from their common representations in the Batman fandom. So anyway, I was wondering if you had a favorite Bat family member to write from in terms of point of view/personality?
Hmmmm a couple of years ago, I would have said Jason. For whatever reason, I’ve always given him a talking/fighting style that’s the most similar to my own, but lately I find myself drawn to Tim and Damian. My guess? Their points of view allow me to explore some things I’ve been going through-- specifically a nasty bout of depression, anxiety, and a psychotic breakdown. I would also say that Dick is the hardest for me to write, followed by Bruce, Duke, and Cass. Stephanie is pretty easy. 
Anonymous said: For some reason, I have this huge need of some angst... Could u please do a prompt of suicide Tim? But he manages to success?? Please???
Listen. I’m definitely not going to do that, and I don’t think I need to explain why. 
Anonymous said: I reread some old B&R comics. Bruce came back from his weird time adventures and one of the first things he said to Damian was, that it was his job as Robin to make sure that Batman gets home safe. Like yeah, I guess it is? But also you're talking to your 10 year old son, I'm waiting for that mentality to bite you in the ass at some point. I mean it kind of did when Damian died to save Dick in Batman Inc. Bruce's parenting is really dangerous sometimes o_o
I agree. I’ve always had a problem anytime the Batman/Robin relationship is framed around what Bruce needs. For the benefit of the child? Sure, I’ll suspend belief for that one. Because an adult needs it? No thanks. That’s why Tim’s origin story bothers me a whooooole lot.
@therusticate said: I just read the fanfic you put out around Christmas with the files on Dick and Damien and I MELTED. There were TEARS! I’m hoping to find some more of your work on your blog; I love your writing style and how everything flows. Thank you so much for creating content! You did a fantastic job and I love it.
Oh, thank you so much! I’m particularly fond of that fic
Anonymous said: how's outlining going?
Anonymous said: what is it that you are outlining??
Anonymous said: I hope your outline turns out good and you do well ❤ you can do it!!
@couldnt-pick-a-name said: Have you finished your outlining yet?
Anonymous said: Good luck on your exams!! I hope they go well and you take care of yourself and don't get too stressed
I appreciate you all for keeping me on topic <3
Exams went... probably pretty well? We’ll find out when grades come back. I was outlining for immigration law, federal administrative law, and constitutional law-- and I did get all of them done. Hallelujah. 
Anonymous said: Young Justice 2019 just got published and I realized I haven't consumed enough YJ material!! Do you have any comic recommends??
Oooooh I guess that depends on which Young Justice you’re talking about? Original v. based on TV show? Either way, my recommendation is to look up the associated series. Original YJ (Tim, Bart, Cassie, Conner, etc.) is the 2000 version by Peter David. That team just got a reboot, and I’m reasonably sure that’s what you’re asking about. Then there’s the YJ comic based on the tv show (2011, I believe).
Either way, I like pretty much the entire series. Sounds simple, but that’s my rec. 
@dontstopkiwibea said: I've been thinking about your fic with Damien and Tim having a conversation about Tim's depression and the time when Bruce was missing. I think about all that missing time a lot and how so much /could/ have happened to Tim but didn't. And then I think about Damien being sad when Tim was dead. And then I think about Dick hearing about Tim's mental state during that time, how bad it really got, and maybe Bruce learns too. Ahhhh I don't know about you but I want more fics about Tim and getting help
Honestly? Same. I feel like there’s a lot of emotion that’s never officially explored, and that’s a problem I personally enjoy fixing. 
Anonymous said: You asked for headcanons, so: Damian likes to give Tim a hard time, and one day Damian scoffs at the idea of Tim getting a pet, saying he’d probably kill it through neglect. Tim doesn’t appreciate that and ends up with a goldfish out of spite. He learns everything there is to know, and his fish is gonna thrive, dammit. And it does. Tim comes to genuinely care for this little creature (and secretly Damian is really pleased Tim is showing such interest in something that isn’t casework or WE).
Love it! Give Tim A Fish 2019
Anonymous said: What are you most looking forward to this year?
Hmmmmm... this is maybe a lil over optimistic, but I’m really looking forward to getting better this year. I’m trying harder and I have better resources than I ever had before. 
@xylophonicsynapse said: Which of the bat-kids makes music playlists?
I’d say that all of them DO it sometimes, but the one who really gets into it is Damian. He likes his music organized, thank you very much.
Anonymous said: Hey Amy! Saw the ask about the line "The sun is UP and so is JESUS we are partying today." and I thought it was hilarious I MUST know where its from! Plz and thank you <3
Lmaoooo that was from a post on Easter
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neilsdimples · 6 years
Ohmygosh!! You actually wrote that?! To cheer me up! Oh my heart.
of course!! listen i can’t just watch friends be sad without trying to do something about even if it’s something silly like write a drabble for them,, so im glad you liked it!! it was also fun to force myself to just write something without overthinking it or staring at it too much and just do it, get it done, and im pleasantly surprised it worked tbh
(also i was worried about turning it into wolfstar when the prompt was lily but I JUST COULDNT HELP MYSELF)
i’m really glad it helped ^-^ and you’re definitely great too!
Jamie sends her love (and some beans) to you! Went down the stairs?! Oh my, that's a big step (hehe) for them! They grow up so fast. :') I did actually stalk your other blog, and I'll come over there soon and pester you with all things k-pop! I am just starting to get into it, and there's sooooo much, I get a little flustered some time. Thank you, for being so understanding. Believe me, I love talking to you too!! Oh and how did dance class go yesterday?! 🌼
thank you jamie! i shall treasure these beans always
feel free to talk to me on there any time! honestly i have a lot of opinions, a lot of information and a lot of groups i’m into, so you won’t get me to shut up if you’re not careful ^-^
and dance was cool! i was really glad i knew the song already bc it meant i understood the moves quicker and which rhythm and speed they had, however it’s been 3 days and im still sore :^( and tonight i have my second class so we’ll see how that goes! it’s usually with younger people so i hope i don’t feel out of place between all the 15 yo stick figures that don’t take it seriously but yea ^^
i hope you have a great night/day/whenever you see this! talk to me whenever you feel like it, no pressure, okay?
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