#sadie says shit
lieu-rey · 4 months
Inéz Valenzuela, born circa 1882
A teen girl with a propensity to be stubborn, she has a talent for stealing and lacks fear for most things. Her mother, a nun, gave her up to a Catholic orphanage in Nuevo Paraiso, Mexico. The strict rules of the church clashed with Inéz's rebellious nature, and eventually she was forced out of the orphanage to find her own way. Observant and a quick learner with a desire to help people, she aspires to attend school one day and become a doctor despite the hurdles.
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fun facts!:
joined the van der linde gang when she was around 10-11 years old has been with them for 7 years now
has a crush on tilly and is useless about it. tilly has no clue.
close friends with javier. she helped him out alot when he first joined and couldn't speak english yet since inez was already bilingual
her favorite flowers are sunflowers
has some religious trauma(tm). her experiences growing up in a catholic church were,,, bad, to say the least. as a result, she has a complicated relationship with religion.
hotheaded, reckless, and puts on a tough exterior. she's always trying to prove herself since not many people take her seriously.
loves birds and likes to watch them wherever the gang goes
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alphaclxwn · 11 months
w w w what if i wrote an alenoah wt fic, right? but neither of them win?? like, i’d get one of my silly baby blorbos and make them win instead and everyone goes ‘how the fuck did that happen’ ya know? and i don’t want that blorbo being carried either. that blorbo is the carrier while also being unassuming enough for the audience to hopefully never figure out who it is until we get to the final three??
would people read that orrrr???
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cabin10diaries · 2 years
sadie, drew, and lacy are what i like to call the "goes to the same school" trio
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confused-catastrophe · 5 months
Dont you find it weird how rick riodon shipped a 13 y/o Hazel with a 16 y/o Frank?
Im well aware that hazel was born in the early 1900s and is breifly described as "mature for her age", but is that really a justifiable excuse? Most of her "life" was spent in the fields of Asphodel untill nico helped her pass through the doors of death, and seeing how Asphodel is described in the books, she most likely didnt get to develop and grow in the way most people do. Meaning, she is probably the same as she was before her death. Hazel is just a 13 year old girl trying to adjust to a new world after spending her childhood in a old and less advanced world, and even though frank is a nice and fluffy guy and would not date someone 3 years younger than him to manipulate them, that doesn't make it anymore ok.. It feels like hes using the fact the younger one is more mature and the older being less mature as an excuse to pair a middle schooler with a freshman in highschool, and that is just weird. This same thing applies with sadie and walter/anubis.
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fiishes · 2 years
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It’s a hard life.
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eddieydewr · 3 months
"September 2023 was the last time we all truly smiled as a fandom" I AM CACKLING. This fandom has been a shit show for years. What happened to Noah wasn't a new thing it was just on a more extreme public level. People have been harassing everyone the way the did to him for YEARS. The only people in total denial of this are the ones who are the problem. Noah didn't ruin this fandom. The fans did. They made it impossible for anyone to be comfortable here and none of them have any awareness of how many Jewish fans left because of the way they talked about Noah. Who the fuck could smile in a fandom with so much hatred and no human decency. A large part of this fandom simply isn't mature enough to understand any part of this and they think if they replace knowledge with passion it sounds impressive. Everyone knows they are full of shit. People need to get it out of their heads that celebrities are supposed to save them. They need to stop clinging to lies because they think it justifies their anger. They sound psychotic. Everyone is so tired of this and they have no idea how annoying they are. A trailer could drop tomorrow and the same whiney assholes who won't shut up will make a scene AGAIN because they have nothing better to do. Most people won't give a fuck. They aren't special or saying anything people want to listen to. They also just need a reality check - the way they are talking makes it impossible to take them seriously. They won't spell Noah's name because it's "triggering". They won't mention it sometimes and just say "Will's actor". And they are calling a 19 year old child actor a "genocidal maniac" as if he is responsible for saving anyone. He's not a dictator or a politician. They sound so stupid and anyone who sees those comments knows it. It's why no one is giving them what they want. They aren't changing the world acting like this. They are annoying the fuck out of everyone. People are embarrassed by them. It's just amazing how they don't see this. It's them. It's always been them. This fandom is full of bullies and always has been.
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sevenines · 6 months
raven molisee (steven universe storyboarder for part of its run) is selling some drawings from the time of the show’s production and some i found interesting are nsfw larsadie, specifically drawn during the writing of joking victim
look under readmore at your own discretion
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loafofryebread · 7 months
a pretty girl is nice to me one time and I'm already planning our wedding 😔
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royalarmyofoz · 10 months
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this is really what katherine didn't want to get out (stupid dms to sadie when she's drunk)
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infinitelysordinary · 3 months
beating my anxiety by exposure therapy (texting people i barely know to hang out)
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spoolesofthread · 9 months
so much of the bg3 fandom hates polyamorous people with such vitriol it’s unreal
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cabin10diaries · 2 years
*pats my favorite character* this baby can fit so much projection in them.
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 10 months
okay but what if my Cleric Quint just romances Astarion AND Gale. and maybe Wyll. Let that boy be a slut he deserves it after I trapped him in a labyrinthine dream realm in my youth.
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unized-3 · 1 year
i have so many things i want to say about this song, and i swear i tried for about 15 minutes to do it. since i couldn't, i'm just gonna post it here. listen to it.
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quinnick · 2 years
I look at the ST actors like they are still little babies despite Finn and Sadie being 2 yrs older than me
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gamerwoo · 2 years
i think at this point i need a masterlist for the szk x pokemon stuff because i’m already working on yet another oneshot lmao
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