#sadladybug answers a thing
sadladybug · 6 months
Hey, I've come here from having just finished Lilacs and Lilypads and it's honestly one of the best pieces of writing I have ever read in my entire life. Your characterisation is incredible and you have such a deep understanding of what I think the original characters were meant to be. I know it's probably unlikely so many years later, but I was wondering if you would ever finish the story?
Thank you so much! It's funny you should ask, I was just thinking about that story the other day. I actually have about 8k words done for that final chapter, I just need to finish it! During the writing of that story I got really derailed by real life: I was sick for like a year and a half which drained my energy and killed my muse, then I started dating this amazing person which was a whirlwind and got married last year. I know it's been forever since I updated, but I still want to finish it! Maybe I'll go grab my laptop and see where I left off... Either way, thank you for reminding me that people are still interested in the ending, I hope to give you closure at some point!
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sadladybug · 5 years
hey! i hope you've been well! i just wanted to ask – when's the next lilacs and lily pads update! no pressure at all, i just found myself rereading the fic and really looking forward to the last chapter :)
Hi there! I'm so sorry I've left people hanging without that epilogue for long! The truth is, it's more than halfway done - I've got about 7000 words down on the page - but life has been extra crazy in the past two years since I posted. My health has been funky (I've had two surgeries), taken on major responsibilities at work, started a new relationship... it's been a wild ride! But I haven't forgotten about this story, and it makes me feel restless that it has sat unfinished for so long. Needless to say, my heart smiles every time someone leaves a review, or kudos, or inquires about it. So thank you, nonnie, for the gentle reminder that people are still reading and want a conclusion! I promise that it will be finished!! I hope you'll let me know what you think when it's finally complete. :)
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sadladybug · 6 years
I've just finished reading "clothe me in seasons, dress me in snow" for the fourth time and I love it even more now Words can't express how beautifully written the story is It's 2:02 a.m, I need to get up at 6:00 a.m and I'm probably dehydrated right now since I've been crying for the past 10 hours but I just wanted to say THANK YOU
Thank you so much for your message! I apologize for your sleep deprivation and dehydration on account of my fic, but I'm glad that you enjoyed it. And four times! As an author I'm always so flattered when people read my work, let alone connect with it in a way that makes them want to come back to it. I hope that wherever you are you got to catch up on some sleep, and that you had lovely Zutara dreams. :)
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sadladybug · 6 years
Did you write the Clothe Me in Seasons, Dress Me in Snow? Because if so what the fuck. It’s one in the morning. I am crying. But in all seriousness that was such a moving piece. I absolutely adore it
I did! It's my fault, I take responsibly. I'm sorry to have made you sad, but I'm humbled that you enjoyed it and let me know what you thought! Thank you for bringing some joy to my day with your comment, now I will go back into the corner and cry about Zutara...
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