#safe to say that nefario is really good at hiding from the law
ranminfan · 2 years
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The purple serum
Theory that Nefario’s favorite color is purple,
- and that he was actually the one who invented the px-41 serum used in DM 2, maybe when he was younger. Until a top secret laboratory got their hands on it and developed it to its true potential. This would explain how he managed to make an antidote in a short amount of time.
I always had that theory because in the other sequels, Nefario's lab is full of these purple liquids, even in rise of gru during the shop scene. Made me think that he’s probably trying to recreate it?
Another theory that this was the reason why Nefario became a target for the AVL, pushing him to lie low, maybe work for other villains instead, Knowing this stuff is crazy dangerous what would you think they’d do if they finally caught the person who created it? not to congratulate him that’s for sure. Also, I don't think the AVL knew that Nefario was working under Gru when they recruited him in DM 2/3. 
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