Send me ✍ and I’ll hand-write your URL.
Considering there are two muns, you get your URL written by the both of us. Don’t you feel special now? ;)
— S.
— H.
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salvatorexdamon-blog · 11 years
also rest of the memes tomorrow :) 
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∞, #, ♦, x, ♥, *
∞ - For an altered state of mind text. (Drunk, drugged.)
{text} Youuuuu knoww, even thoughg it suckeed. {text} im kinda happy you made me a vampir im better this wayy 
# - For an angry text.
{text} Why the hell are you back in MF?{text} Take a hint Katherine and just stay away.{text} Nobody wants you here. 
♦ - For a rushed text.
{text} i know we dont play for the same side but i think we can all agree we dont want silas around. so if you like the world the way it is youll warn damon and stefan to
x - For a secret text.
{text} Katherine, met me at the diner in the next town over.{text} We need to talk. Don’t worry, I’ll make it worth you while.
♥ - For a regular text.
{text} How in the hell did I get your number?{text} Seriously, what use do I have for this thing? 
* - For an early morning text.
{text} Seriously, Klaus stop turning up at my house at all hours.{text} 4am is not an acceptable time to climb through somebody’s window.{text} Wait, shit, Katherine?… Wrong number. Shit.
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Main Verse:
Runaway, Cruel, Heartbreaker.
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insanitybounds · 11 years
safestpsychotickittykat replied to your post: 
So.. Can I be there to watch when you make her suffer or
will it turns you on or
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