clouded-vxle · 5 years
A quiet kiss.
There were no words. No, there needn’t be any, after all. Eyes told everything that had needed to be said in that brief moment. Was it lust? No, it was.. more intimate than that. A love perhaps. Neither of the two had actually said it in words, rather let their actions say it for them.. Such a thing had always amused her, in truth -- That neither of them had decided to speak those three precious words. She shook herself, bringing herself back to reality, rather than let her mind wander even more.. Eyes glimmered with their typical fierceness as she stared to Tola. Boring a hole deep into her, perhaps even touching her very soul with such a gaze. One of deep longing. 
Vale stepped forward, pressing herself against her partner; skin to skin.. and letting out a sultry snicker before she opted to press tantalizing lips against a cheek, then moving to claim her lover’s lips. -- Again. 
And again. 
And again..
There were not words. She let her actions say everything she needed to.
@sagolii-snowflake ♥♥ 
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ishgard · 5 years
sagolii-snowflake replied to your photoset: Getting some thoughts organized on basic timeline...
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cinnamon-suncat · 5 years
whispers its okay friend we can both be Sin Fuckers its fine
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twelveswood · 5 years
6. Favorite Scion out of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn?
THANCRED….. I have such a warm spot in my heart for him. I remember meeting him as a Handsome Stranger, and thinking to myself “hilariously that’s exactly what I would’ve called him”. 
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keelime-xiv · 5 years
((WAIT I HIT THE WRONG BUTTON)) ⚠️ "Will steal your cookies and your heart"
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Thank you for the prompt, @sagolii-snowflake ♥[Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my character]
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candies-n-collars · 5 years
whispers zurri is a qtpie
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ayyymeric · 5 years
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[Send “👋” if you want to RP with me but have been too shy to approach.]
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vestaloflight · 5 years
sagolii-snowflake replied to your post: lets my head lull back against my headboard guess...
metaphysically drives to ur house to give u a smooch on the head and a big hug im lov u kwisty kweme
im lov u too tola ♥ thank u sweets, this made me smile.
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ahriana · 6 years
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A long awaited YCH Commission for @sagolii-snowflake ; ; thanks for putting up with me, sweetheart!! Thinking about starting with Commissions soon again.
---------- ✩ ☾ Support me? Art Tag, Tip Jar, Commission Info! ☽ ✩
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feysteps · 6 years
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this is still one of my favourite commissions i’ve done ;__; @sagolii-snowflake 
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bhryn-art · 6 years
 “Sunday Morning Introspective (and I still don’t have my coffee GFDI)”
@sagolii-snowflake PLEASE HELP LOST IDIOT BROTHER NOT BE TOTALLY LOST - but you know, also save him from Vaega’s drunken Ul’dah parties XD
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ishgard · 5 years
❃ Dancing with a partner
Again, Arsh is exempt by default but it’s definitely him.
Not true actually! But he did learn from Persephone, who is absolutely, hands down, my top spot for this answer. (In some headcanons she p much invented entire dances with a certain partner.) Kore inherits this from her, though she starts out a bit Squall-like tripping over two left feet until some strange instinct kicks in and she finds her rhythm.
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twelveswood · 5 years
"I got you a present" (DREYLL / THANCRED GOGOGOGOGO)
“I got you a present.”He had expected her response, or at least… part of it. She blinked at the half dilapidated allagan node, though it seemed to still have some juice left as it gave off a slight glow. She tilted her head, blinked some more, and looked at him.They had been rooting around in this recently uncovered ruin for the past few days, finding odds and ends but nothing of particular use, as was often the case. Especially for Dreyll as she had no idea what she was looking for… But this was… uh…“Thank… you.”Truth be told, he’d just had his hands full and wanted an excuse to see her absolutely bewildered expression. It was nonsense, but it was well worth it.He couldn’t hold back the laughter that escaped him as he shook his head, “A joke, my dear. A joke.” It was both a gift and a curse she so readily took people at their word. A gift for him. A curse for her, as she often got herself into trouble that way. The spherical node made a soft beep sound, it’s glow flaring softly before dulling again. She stared down at it, seeming to have not caught what Thancred had said. “It’s… sort of cute… isn’t it? Hmm…”Now it was Thancred’s turn to look befuddled - it was scrap metal, barely more than that, he doubted there would be any use for it. But there she was… befriending this hardly animate object. “It’s… it’s a vaguely glowing orb, Dreyll. Not what I’d usually call cute.” Again it seemed she was not even remotely listening, instead completely engrossed in the object. “I bet Cid could fix it… Maybe it even has something useful to be uncovered….”He balked slightly - leave it to her to absolutely turn the tables on him. Now his teasing joke was… somehow real and the smile the crept across her face made him feel uncomfortably warm. That wasn’t how it was supposed to work.”Thank you Thancred,” she said with such sincerity it made his heart ache, “I’ll take good care of it.”
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keelime-xiv · 5 years
7. What is their fondest memory? Their worst?
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“When we were very little my brother and I decided we would become adventurers, that we’d hunt big game for gil and glory. We picked a small Tuco-Tuco as our first target and charged at it with sticks, we were idiots. The beast, annoyed by our pathetic plan of attack, launched a barrage of spines in my direction and my brother stepped in to take the blow... It was all very dramatic~! Afterwards, as I was tending to his wounds, my brother let it slip that he had plans to marry me once we hit adulthood.. I still remember the determined look in his eye and how fast my heart began to beat”.
[Original post with more detail!]
“There have been so many bad memories from my childhood, but I suppose the day I was truly alone stings the most. We had lost Jack and only a year or so later I lost my mother.. I had no one. I wandered the desert starved half to death and severely dehydrated, how I survived is beyond my recollection. I had never felt so helpless and alone”.
Thank you for the prompt, @sagolii-snowflake ♥[My Character’s Backstory]
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elu-delouche-wow · 6 years
aaaaaa it's so nice to see one of my favorite Keeper's again!! Hope you've been doing well dear ♥
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-grins brightly- -waves excitedly- Good to see you as well!! life has been a bit of a wild ride with my mental health, but I seem to finally be getting back on track. And yep decided a few months ago to start rping with Elu again. It is great to hear from you. I hope you have been doing well, as well!
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ayyymeric · 5 years
sagolii-snowflake replied to your post: anyway i have new ideas with agni that are...
Flamethrower is Fire Magic (probably)
iirc they use aetherial bullets?? i think? and the amount of aether agni has it all fits stupidly well
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